

  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,386 Member
    bitewing22 wrote: »
    SW 234.8
    GW 229.0
    Age 44
    Height 5’6”
    03/14 234.8 Happy to have found this challenge. Finishing a vacation and feeling that I could have enjoyed it more and been more active if I were healthier and lighter. Was not able to be as physically active with my kids as I would've liked. It is no fun being the least fit person in a group.
    03/15 234.6 Overnight drive last night. Energy level was really up and down today. Not caught up on sleep yet. Not well hydrated.
    03/16 234.6 . Listened to a guided meditation for weight loss on Insight Timer before going to sleep last night.
    03/17 240.1 Decided to start weighing and posting at night. Figured weights may fluctuate more, but it is more convenient for me. Depressed about vacation being over. Should be much easier for me to eat less this week though, due to return to normal life.
    03/18 236.8. Back to work, boohoo. Very busy and stressful day. Didn't sleep well last night and had a terrible neck/headache all night and today. Finally took some Aleve and it helped tremendously.
    Don't know why it takes me so long to think of taking a pain reliever.
    Did a yoga DVD and the whole family participated (6 year old took a break to eat some Rice Krispies). Back felt a lot better after.
    Still feeling dehydrated all day.
    This was the most “normal” day since the start of the challenge.
    03/19 235.2 . Did not have a big enough dinner last night. Got a headache again today. Definitely still overdoing it on sugar.
    03/20 236.2 My aunt had a stroke 10 days ago. My mom put her on the phone tonight for a few seconds. It was wonderful! Family history of stroke and heart attack are something to start taking seriously. I want to live my best life possible.
    03/21 236.8 . Today is my Friday. Hoping to get outside a lotthis weekend.
    This app has become unusable for me most of the time. It just won't load anything in the Community tab. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it.

    I never use the App, always log in using the internet and web page - it's stable x