
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    edited April 2019
    March intention was play more with Tumble while bringing percentages back up. Played more with Tumble, butall but step percentages plummeted.
    April intention is to: 1. try something new this month (either keyboard or sewing machine); 2. bring all the percentages up. Strategy is to invest 5 minutes in one of the goals after each spider/free cell game. Linking to something I know I'll do every day might help.

    Daily: walk one more step, 60 g protein, meditate, knee exercises, 10 minutes play training Tumble.
    Twice weekly: core, SWSY upper, SWSY lower
    Weekly: hang or purge 1 piece of art
    Monthly: try one new thing.
    Bonus: AF days

    Mar: walk one more step 100%, 60 g protein=90% rx/vits=92% meditate 39%, knee exercises=39% SWSY up 13% SWSY low 13% core= 13% Tumble=61% hang up or purge art 0, AF 61%
    Feb: walk one more step 75%, 60 g protein=100% rx/vits=96% meditate 86%, knee exercises=86% SWSY up 63% SWSY low 63% core= 63% Tumble=43% hang up or purge art 0, AF 71%
    Jan: walk one more step 94%, 60 g protein=94% rx/vits=90% meditate 97%, knee exercises=97% SWSY up 100% SWSY low 100% core= 100% Tumble=39% hang up or purge art 0, AF 77%
    Dec: walk one more step 71%, 60 g protein=71% rx/vits=76% meditate 81%, knee exercises=81% SWSY up 0% SWSY low 0% core= 0% Tumble=44% hang up or purge art 0, AF 77%
    Nov: walk one more step 63%, 60 g protein=77% rx/vits=77% meditate 80%, knee exercises=83% SWSY up 13% SWSY low 10% core=13% Tumble=37% hang up or purge art 1, AF 77%
    Oct: walk one more step 74%, 60 g protein=71% rx/vits=58% meditate 42%, knee exercises=42% SWSY 0% core=13% Tumble=19% hang up or purge art 0, AF 77%

    Katla "...this group has been a blessing in my life, and I am grateful that you provide us with a new thread each month. It is a gift I value. :heart:" Amen sister, AMEN! Sorry the cyst is causing pain. Totally agree it should be removed now and no waiting for it to get bigger. Ridiculous! Time to call the Medicare ombudsman (if there is such) and raise Cain.
    congrats on the 4 lbs gone and being happy wtih that.
    Lisa I likewise feel like a miserable failure. Since my wii died, I've put 9lbs back on where I didn't want them. Let's blame our malaises on the time change and take heart knowing that we'll adapt soon. Thankful for happy marriages, yours, mine, everyone's.
    Lanette are you using Windows Explorer or Firefox or Chrome as your browser? I too have Windows 7, use Firefox and don't have the javascript trouble. Try logging out from MFP, clear browsing history, close brower, shut down pc and count to 10 in Mandarin, Urdu or some other difficult language. Then try a different browser before heaving the pc out the window ;)
    Penny so very very happy to hear from you, and relieved it was "only" overwork that kept you from us.
    Rebecca, I resemble that "unsaid" remark!
    Beth 8 pounds? What a great reward for your month of 19/5 commitment! Does this look like your cumin lime dressing recipe? http://www.simplyscratch.com/2016/02/mexican-slaw-cumin-lime-dressing.html

    Welcome foodmom!
    Welcome Laura from LA. While 12 lbs over a year may not meet your desire for quick results, it's the pound a month my Dr. recommends for lasting improved health habits. It is also quite an accomplishment for you during this stressful time with your mother.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    walk one more step 0/30, 60 g protein 0/30, rx/vits 0/30, meditate 1/30, knee exercises 1/30, SWSY 0/30, play with Tumble 0/30, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 0/30.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: I love Sleepy Time Tea! I am glad that you’re enjoying it, too. :flowerforyou:

    Beth: Great job with your March goals. WTG!!!

    Barbara: Thanks for your sympathy about the cyst. I want it gone. DH says it is unchanged, but I feel it deeper in the skin. I’m juggling many appointments and obligations so that I can be with DH during the time of his colonoscopy. After that is done I’ll get back to cyst removal challenges. :flowerforyou:

    No yoga for the week. :sad: I have an appointment with the dentist that has been moved to tomorrow thanks to a cancellation. I need some crowns replaced and I’m not looking forward to it. :noway: I am looking forward to getting it over with. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Barbara AHMOD - I'm using Windows 7, Internet Explorer 11. Really don't want to switch from IE because of the Security Essentials Anti-Virus and am afraid it would "fight" with Firefox.

    Ran CCleaner and all that, did reboot, etc.

    Since our Kate was having the same problem, I've turned it over to the Geeks at MFP so let's see if they have a solution. Interesting that only a few features specific to MFP seem to be dicey.

    I've encountered bugs before with MFP (this is a new one) and their techs have been very good. Crossing fingers.

    SW WA State
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Belated Happy Birthday, Viv!

    Thank you Barbie for keeping us going.

    Rebecca I, too, am disappointed in steamed Brussels sprouts. Far prefer them roasted with balsamic vinaigrette. Yum! Beautiful views!

    Oh, yes. Definitely. I have taken to roasting almost all veggies lately. Yesterday, for example, I roasted strips of parsnips, carrots, and yellow beats -- coated them all in olive oil, thyme, and some seasoned salt. So very good. I do the same with asparagus, brussels sprouts, peppers, yellow squash and zucchini, kale. Sometimes the spices are changed up a bit, but the general process stays the same. I should try balsamic vinaigrette sometime.

    Felicia, getting hungry for some roasted veggies
    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Fly by post, but had to say "I logged breakfast and have logged my exercise for this morning!" Now must go tidy my kitchen and think about lunch!
    Heather, thanks for the explanation, I too wondered about "kittens" and sausages! lol
    Viv, yes, lets make a pact! We will log!
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Welcome to April! Thank you for the new thread, Barbie. Even though I tend to let life interfere with my posting, I am here, reading, and cheering you on. One more month until faculty/students are gone for the summer, and I am counting down the days. In the meantime, however, I have more work than I think can be accomplished in that month, but I will take a deep breath and dive in -- hoping for the best.

    Much love to all.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,872 Member
    Nancy--Welcome you have come to the right group for support and freindship. Just jump right in and let us know where you are from and keep coming back.

    Laura--Welcome. This is a great group.

    Viv--Happy b-lated birthday. Hope your visit with your DSIL was good for both of you.
    I had a very nice weekend and now work everyday this week. Working to get more steps in and eating better.
    Hoping Spring is finally here, with warmer temps this week, sounds like some rain, but please no snow.
    Blessings, Vicki IG NE <3
  • stltrimom1015
    stltrimom1015 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey ladies –
    Sounds like most of you had a good month. Mine was OK. I didn’t lose as much weight as I had hoped but at the end of the month I was a little lighter than I started, so I’ll count that as a win. I also started on my list of things I’d like to do or try during 2019. Front flower bed is weeded and ready for new plantings, back vegetable garden is ready to be tilled/planted this weekend, and I went to my first trail building day over the weekend. It was really a lot of fun despite the fact that it rained the whole time. I’m thinking about doing another one next weekend.

    So glad spring seems to have arrived. We had a bit of a chilly weekend but at least no snow. DS lives in Kansas City and said they had snow flurries on Saturday morning. This week temps are supposed to go up all week – hoping the weathermen are right for once! Today’s not too bad, lower 50’s and the sun is shining. Looking forward to a nice run after work.

    April goals:
    1. Lose another 2-3 pounds
    2. Get back to watching my eating – I’ve drifted a bit over the last couple of weeks
    3. Put in the gardens (front & back) and get outside as much as possible!

    JanetO in eastern MO

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    LANETTE I use ipad and iphone with Safari. Javascript was enabled on ipad my iphone operating system is more up to date than ipad so I logged in on the phone and I was able to bookmark thread. When I returned to ipad it was ok. Be interesting to see what MFP techies say.

    PENNY nice to hear from you again

    Welcome all newbies

    Kate UK <3
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited April 2019
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rebecca: I love Sleepy Time Tea! I am glad that you’re enjoying it, too. :flowerforyou:

    Beth: Great job with your March goals. WTG!!!

    Barbara: Thanks for your sympathy about the cyst. I want it gone. DH says it is unchanged, but I feel it deeper in the skin. I’m juggling many appointments and obligations so that I can be with DH during the time of his colonoscopy. After that is done I’ll get back to cyst removal challenges. :flowerforyou:

    No yoga for the week. :sad: I have an appointment with the dentist that has been moved to tomorrow thanks to a cancellation. I need some crowns replaced and I’m not looking forward to it. :noway: I am looking forward to getting it over with. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Katla, I bought the extra sleepytime, and wowsa there is something blissful when you get comfortable and you feel that warm sweet feeling come over you. I normally was going to bed at 9 pm, thinking and just lying there until midnight. Then sleep into 2 am, up to pee. Then sleep until 3 up again. Then sleep until 5:00 am and up again. Last night however I was in bed by 9:30pm, and asleep quickly, up at 1:56 am. Asleep then to 7:30am. Very happy! Between that great new thing, and my steroid ointment for my LS working marvelously lately, I am happy! Just call me proactive momma! Nice when meds are working like the doctors say they would.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    LANETTE I use ipad and iphone with Safari. Javascript was enabled on ipad my iphone operating system is more up to date than ipad so I logged in on the phone and I was able to bookmark thread. When I returned to ipad it was ok. Be interesting to see what MFP techies say.

    PENNY nice to hear from you again

    Welcome all newbies

    Kate UK <3

    Kate - I was able to bookmark it on my Fire tablet, and I see the bookmark is updated to my PC. Still can't "Like" or "Hug", lol. But at least I can find the April thread with minimal clicks.

    Thank you for your information by the way. No news back from the Techies yet.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Wonderful April has arrived. I am so looking forward to Spring. My roses have tiny buds on them already.
    A few years ago I had horrible headaches and went to several doctors to get relief and find the cause. Most drs prescribed pills or injections in my neck. Nothing seemed to help until I found a neurologist in Dallas who figured it out. It was called hemi-cranial (three other words I couldn’t pronounce.) I asked what it meant and he said a really bad headache that doesn't
    go away. He prescribed a med that made it go away. Unfortunately, it was harmful to kidneys and I only have one kidney. So after counseling with my internist, it was determined I should take the pills. Anyway, the headaches came back this weekend and I had to start the pills again. Thankfully, it is better today.
    Lisa and Penny - so glad to hear from you both. Deep breaths....
    Thanks my friends for your well wishes. I always know you are close by and it makes my heart happy.
    Congrats to all the losers in March and best wishes for those of us who are still trying.
    SueBDew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.34min, 12.6amph, 136mhr, 1.59mi= 79c
    manual treadmill, walk/slow jog- 23min, 115ahr, 136mhr, 1.35mi= 164c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.45min, 141mhr, 15.5amph, 1.48mi= 67c
    ride puy 2 sumn station- 14.37min, 12.4amph, 150mhr,3.03mi= 159c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.03min, 9.46min mi, 151mhr, .51mi= 62c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.32min, 9.51min mi, 149mhr, .46mi= 70c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.52min, 8.3amph, 147mhr , 2.59mi= 185c

    total cal 786