An intellect rivaled only by garden tools

Sometimes, I realize I'm stupider than I've been giving myself credit for. Today was one of those days. I looked at my pace on Map My Fitness and saw I was going at 16.5 minutes per mile. And I thought to myself, "That's too slow. How am I going to walk 3 miles in an hour (my goal for today's walk) if I'm going this slow?" (Please note: At that pace, I'd have logged three miles in about 50 minutes. So, I was actually right on pace.)

I started walking a bit faster, and, to my dismay, the number went down to 16.3 minutes per mile. And I was walking alone, so there was no one to point out to me what an idiot I am. I finally slowed myself way down when I realized I'd already covered 2 miles but still had 25 minutes left to walk, but, yeah. I don't math too well. :D


  • Clarisse_McClellan
    Clarisse_McClellan Posts: 44 Member
    I thought it was just hilarious, wanted to share my stupidity with the world! :p
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Just a few weeks ago I had a dirty towel in one hand and an eggshell in the other, and in the same motion I dropped the towel into the trash and tossed the eggshell down the hall towards the laundry - it happens to all of us!

    I did this exact thing today, tossed a dirty towel into the trash. :D
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Cardio increased blood flow to the brain and (eventually) led to clarity of thought. That's a good outcome.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Oh, another one I have weird issues with -- I have lots of calls with people in Eastern time, but I'm in Central. For some reason I'll find myself thinking 9 Eastern, so 10 Central, when it's the opposite. For some reason my mind wants to translate "we are an hour behind" to "it will be an hour later here." I usually catch myself, but have gotten confused about the timing of planned things on occasion.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    I've told this one before, but I was watching the summer olympics once (I was up super early in the morning because I was having trouble sleeping, which is perhaps an excuse) and especially interested in the longer running events since I'd been training for my first olympic distance tri and also doing a bunch of running races. I turned on one that seemed interesting, noted that it was 5000 meters, and then started going about my American way of figuring out what that translated to in distances I was used to. I happened to know (not sure why) that there are 5280 feet per mile, and that a meter is close to a yard (from swimming pool distances), and of course that there are three feet in a yard, so I determined that it was roughly 3 miles before it hit me -- 5000 meters is the same as 5 kilometers. It's a 5K! D'oh!

    I’ve done that. A friend from college is a serious hardcore runner, and she was walking about a meet where she’d done 5000. I was wondering what the distance was, but didn’t want to sound stupid, so was just head tilting. It took me way longer than it should to realize that she’s done a 5K.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    I've told this one before, but I was watching the summer olympics once (I was up super early in the morning because I was having trouble sleeping, which is perhaps an excuse) and especially interested in the longer running events since I'd been training for my first olympic distance tri and also doing a bunch of running races. I turned on one that seemed interesting, noted that it was 5000 meters, and then started going about my American way of figuring out what that translated to in distances I was used to. I happened to know (not sure why) that there are 5280 feet per mile, and that a meter is close to a yard (from swimming pool distances), and of course that there are three feet in a yard, so I determined that it was roughly 3 miles before it hit me -- 5000 meters is the same as 5 kilometers. It's a 5K! D'oh!

    I JUST had a stupid moment reading this post. I was distracted, reading and opening a food package at the same time, and thought, hmm, a 50k. No excuse because I think in meters so I'm supposed to get it.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Steff46 wrote: »
    At work I got on the elevator on the 6 th floor needing to go down to the 1st floor. I punched #6 and the doors opened again.......after doing this twice I realized what I was doing...duh. I played it off as being a long day to the audience that had gathered.

    During my first trip to France, I wandered around the wrong floor for several minutes thinking I was lost before I realized "1" isn't the ground floor as those of us in the US are used to, but rather the 1st floor.. above Ground Floor, Level Zero. I blame it on an overnight flight and zero sleep.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    I have totally done the thing where you think a garlic "clove" is the whole garlic in a pasta recipe and all you can taste is garlic for a few days. It was still good, though.

    The first recipe I ever made in my parents new bread machine about 25 years ago was a jalapeno cheddar bread with two cloves of garlic. Imagine how bad, bad, horrible this bread turned out when I used two whole bulbs!

    A new meaning to garlic bread.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    These threads are fun - we all do these things. It's good to remind ourselves not to take it all so seriously.
  • suzannesimmons1
    suzannesimmons1 Posts: 58 Member
    I get visual migraines sometimes. As much as I enjoy them, I don't enjoy how stupid I get afterward. Last week I had one, and one symptom I get occasionally is that I feel taller. After the migraine went away and I could see properly again, I hopped on the internet browsing tall pants annoyed that I have to change my whole wardrobe. Mind you I was back to my "normal height" when I did this and I was fully aware that I was having perception distortions when they were happening.

    Gotta love the Alice in wonderland side effect...