(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    I found a Christmas Ticker!! :happy:
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Or maybe I like this one better, not sure lol
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Getting a late(r than I planned) start to my workout today but it will get done. Had a good breakfast and a YUMMY lunch, great first day of school, I lost my 1 lb for last week and finally saw it on the scale today! so I'm in a REALLY good mood. I am so ready to attack this day. Tonight I'm having a bit of a "cheat" meal. I'm making a homemade pizza with a premade crust (aka: not whole grain - don't care!), some sirloin steak, LIGHT blue cheese, light mozzarella and some caramelized onions. It's going to be AMAZING. I've got my full day planned out. Now I just need to workout so I'm not in the red!

  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Ran 3 miles and walked 1 this morning and this evening I have spin class this mean I should burn 2000+ calories today! Now I need to find something good to eat to fill MOST of those calories....
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    i know you should eat back your exercise calories, but do you guys do this? i go either way, but im wondering if i should just go ahead and make an effort to start eating them all back...comments..

    I give myself a little more "permission" to have an extra hundred calories or so when I work out hard. But, I have to be careful because often I eat too much when I allow myself to eat all of the calories back. If you come to a plateau you can make changes but if you're losing at a steady rate then what you are doing is working. It's hard to hit the "sweet spot" and everyone is different so, you kinda have to experiment. Good luck!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    i know you should eat back your exercise calories, but do you guys do this? i go either way, but im wondering if i should just go ahead and make an effort to start eating them all back...comments..

    I give myself a little more "permission" to have an extra hundred calories or so when I work out hard. But, I have to be careful because often I eat too much when I allow myself to eat all of the calories back. If you come to a plateau you can make changes but if you're losing at a steady rate then what you are doing is working. It's hard to hit the "sweet spot" and everyone is different so, you kinda have to experiment. Good luck!

    This is what I need to work on finding the "sweet spot" of losing weight and eating calories back that I burn
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Tough day, ate a club at froots today and was fine but on way home I started craving the big triple burger with cheese at steak n shake with fries, jst shoveling it all into my tummy, came home ate a pint of squah and zuchini cooked in oil with spices on top of a piece of toast with butter with a small avocado, now Im going to eat a 60 calorie mouse,a te 4 of thsoe last nite, was a bit of a binge, just lucky it was on light foods, also ate carrots, so im probably not physically hungry but I recognise Im wanting to shovel anything starchy into my mouth right now for comfort, want to stuff myself then sleep, only reason I didnt was the shame Id feel posting on here if Id gained
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    What is your favorite thing about the holiday season??

    Decorating is my favorite thing - celebrating with family and making lots of buckeyes to share (peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate - got the recipe from my late grandmother). I love sharing the meaning of Christmas with my girls and they love seeing the manger display at church. My 2 girls have made Christmas shine since they were born! This year I want to shine with them on Christmas!

    I don't think I did an intro... My name is Jennifer, I am a 38 year old mother of 2 girls, youngest is 2 1/2 and oldest is 5 - she just started Kindergarten. I am married and live in Kentucky. I work for a City office and have experienced the cuts because of economy from a full time to part time employee, but feel in ways it has benefitted too - I get more time with my girls! I am currently in a "Get Fit" program locally, which involves watching what you eat and logging everything (already doing) and some hard core exercising - aka Boot Camps. This program sends a "winner" to the Biggest Loser ranch each session. This is by random drawing - the winner the 1st season was a co-worker of my husband. He is supposed to have a "lecture" sometime soon on his trip and what he learned - can't wait!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I don't think I did an intro... My name is Jennifer, I am a 38 year old mother of 2 girls, youngest is 2 1/2 and oldest is 5 - she just started Kindergarten. I am married and live in Kentucky. I work for a City office and have experienced the cuts because of economy from a full time to part time employee, but feel in ways it has benefitted too - I get more time with my girls! I am currently in a "Get Fit" program locally, which involves watching what you eat and logging everything (already doing) and some hard core exercising - aka Boot Camps. This program sends a "winner" to the Biggest Loser ranch each session. This is by random drawing - the winner the 1st season was a co-worker of my husband. He is supposed to have a "lecture" sometime soon on his trip and what he learned - can't wait!

    Ooooooooooo! When you attend that "lecture" you better bring our Christmas Challengers back all sorts of great information! I'm excited for you, I love that show!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Saw this today and absolutely LOVED it. It is now the title on my profile page :flowerforyou:

    :heart: "Somewhere someone busier than you is exercising":heart:

    I get so wrapped up in the everyday buzz of life that I don't make time for exercise. I have a MILLION(+) excuses to not exercise and my poor husband has probably heard 999,996 of them (poor guy). This is the one thing that I really need help with. It's rediculous. My husband got me the Biggest Loser Challenge and Zumba for the Wii for Christmas last year and I haven't tried either of them yet. I have Jillian Michael's 30DS and 5lb weights, and I have a brand new kettle bell that is still in it's box. Why-O-Why can't I make myself use them?

    Here comes my rediculous amount of excuses:
    1. We live in a REALLY old house with it's original windows. The windows rattle like an earthquake when my *kitten* jumps around. (Self Conscience):laugh:
    2. My 2 year old daughter, I only get to spend 3 hours with her a day and I don't want to take any of that time away from her. (She would LOVE to have fun working out with Momma).:tongue:
    3. I would have to work out in front of my (naturally skinny as a rail) husband and it's embarassing. (My husband is nothing but proud of me when I exercise).:blushing:
    4. (Most oftenly used) I'm exhausted. (Maybe if you did something other than sit on your *kitten* all day at work followed by sitting your *kitten* on the couch at home you wouldn't be so damn tired all the time) (Vitamins maybe?):huh:
    5. I work 45 hours a week. (somewhere someone busier than you is exercising):grumble:
    6. Crappy Weather (see the above list of indoor activites you just listed, dumbass).:noway:

    I could go on and on and on...

    I have to say when I see the women on here that are posting 700-1500 calorie burns on a regular basis it blows my mind. How on EARTH does someone do something like that?? I doubt that I will ever be that commited to exercising but I would certainly LOVE to take a swift kick in the *kitten* to commiting to (at least) 30 minutes per day.

  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    I find that if I sign up for a race (it could be ANYTHING! 5k 10k half marathon, triathlon, bike race etc -- and I don't know what types of exercise you like to do but google it and I bet there is an activity/race/challenge for anything!), I will make time to exercise. Unless I have a goal (the race), I find myself able to always make excuses for why I don't want to work out. If I have an event coming up, it motivates me and reminds me that if I don't do this, I will look like a fool at the race and feel awful about my performance and be jealous of all the others there that are kicking my butt!!! Most people kick my butt anyway, but as long as I know I am doing the best I can, and have prepared -- I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Just something that works for me :)
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Also -- find a workout buddy that is at least close to your same size/goal? Not always the easiest thing to find -- but worth a shot?!?!?! I find it easier to meet a friend for a run or go for a walk then it is just to go alone.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    its very very hard. time is something i would buy, lol! when i 1st started working out i felt as if i was taking time away from my family and got depressed about it and stopped (im a mom of a 11 month old and a 2 year old and a wife that works..so i feel your pain ) then i got depressed about not working out, lol, go figure. the only thing that has worked for me is home dvd's. its the only thing i can stick to and not taking away time from my family. i started with Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and let me tell you, if you want a real workout, get Jililian! i was weary of home dvd's but she makes you feel as if you are in bootcamp!! I lost 10 pounds in a month! I am now doing her dvd Ripped in 30. Im only on week 2, so i have no result stories. The kicker is finding time to do the dvd's. In order for me to have family time and work i wake up at 4:45 am to workout..yeah 4:45...it sucks but i get a great start on my day, im on time to work, and i miss zero family time. This has also pushed me to go to bed at a decent hour and get sleep!! its working out for the best! I am now training for a 5k so i take 1-2 evenings a week to run at 8:30 pm around my neighboorhood before it gets dark. Its only 2 evenings so i dont feel so bad and its right when kids are put down for bed and when i return ther is a little time left for us adults ok enough about me...if you need encouragement or dvd suggestions im here!! i just really felt your pain. its hard to give to yourself when you have so many people to take care of!
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    i know you should eat back your exercise calories, but do you guys do this? i go either way, but im wondering if i should just go ahead and make an effort to start eating them all back...comments..

    Hey lady,

    I rarely eat my calories back. There are times...VERY RARELY, that I eat some...only because my work outs make up for a bad meal that I've had during the day. There are many people that say we should eat them because the body requires so many per day...which in turn, is the reason why we get those work out calories in the first place.

    Everyone is different, so I would say when you need them....use them...they are your security blanket but only in the case of an emergency :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Every one of those excuses I have used in the past! For me it finally came down to mind set! Working out is as much a job as being a mother, a wife, and an employee at the office! Being healthier will give you the energy needed to be the Super Mom that you are.
    Here are a few tricks that might help! I had to ask my husband to please leave me alone for 30 min a day because I was too self conscious to workout in front of him (he too is super proud) and I also have a yoga mat for my 2 yr-old to exercise with me. But don't forget that you can squeeze in mini workouts into your day. When you go to the store, park at the far end of the lot and book-it across the parking lot, power walk through the store (do this all the time, you get used to the funny looks), take stairs instead of elevators when possible, When you're cooking dinner, do toe raises to work your calves, when you bring the milk jugs in from the store, use them as weights to do bicep curls. It's not always about the consecutive minutes, it's just about doing it!
    So don't give up, just put your mind to it and you can do anything! Everyone is proud of you for trying and your little one will especially benefit from Mama's good example.
    Hope this helped! Been there too! :flowerforyou:
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I clicked reply and had a few moments of reflection before I started typing...sounds funny, but I really had to think of what gets me up at 5AM every morning to swim for an hour and a half. I was an athlete through college and never had to make a decision if I wanted to work out - someone made the decision for me, and I had to do it. Once I graduated and got a full-time job, it was my decision, and I moved working out to the absolute bottom of my list! I made every excuse you just listed, plus more, for FOUR years! I just recently started working out regularly again and am really feeling SO much better overall.

    Long story short, I know myself, and know that if I leave my workouts until after work then I won't do them. I don't have a workout partner (except for my husband has started going to the pool with me sometimes) and don't have anyone in the world making me work out. I know the best start to my day is working out, because then at night I can spend time with my husband, or run errands, or meet friends out for dinner and not worry about skipping my workout. Plus, I eat better all day after working out in the morning - who wants to eat back the calories you just worked so hard for???

    I don't know how you feel about mornings, but my suggestion would be to start off with trying to walk in the morning before work, or maybe walk on your lunch break. Once you get used to going to bed and waking up earlier, maybe you could start trying Jillian's DVDs or anything else you have. Too much too fast may discourage you though, so that's why I suggest a walk! I also suggest setting a goal for the month - aka you want to walk 400 minutes a month (30 minutes per day) or something like that. It really helps me to keep track of that sort of stuff so I'm motivated to ensure I get my workouts in before the end of the month.

    Sorry for writing a book in response to your question :) I just have alot to say on this topic because I've been there!!!!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I am one of those people that burn a ton of calories...most days. I work out for an hour to an hour and half and burn 1000+ calories (according to heart rate monitor).
    I say most days but today I REALLY do not want to workout: I'm tired, it's that time of the month (sorry if TMI), and I haven't been seeing the scale reflect my effort. So what am I going to do? I called my friend and we are meeting at the gym at 4 today. Sometimes you just have to do it!
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member

    I have to say when I see the women on here that are posting 700-1500 calorie burns on a regular basis it blows my mind. How on EARTH does someone do something like that?? I doubt that I will ever be that commited to exercising but I would certainly LOVE to take a swift kick in the *kitten* to commiting to (at least) 30 minutes per day.


    Have you tried working out in the morning? I mean really scheduling some "you" time and doing it? I find it a lot easier to work out in the morning because then I can spend the rest of the day knowing that it's DONE!

    I personally think that 700-1500 calorie burn in a day is a little excessive, but I do think that you should try to do something active every day. Even if it's just walking, and even if it's just for 30 minutes.

    The thing about exercise is that it takes 6 weeks to create a habit (meaning you will feel like you are missing something if you don't do it). But once you start and stick to it for a little while, you WILL feel so good, you won't WANT to miss a day. Just commit to ONE week of it, and trust me, you won't want to stop.

    But honestly, what is the REAL reason you are resisting this? Once you put aside all the "excuses" and are really honest with yourself about what you are and aren't willing to do to lose weight, then you will have your answer...

    xx julie
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member

    I have to say when I see the women on here that are posting 700-1500 calorie burns on a regular basis it blows my mind. How on EARTH does someone do something like that?? I doubt that I will ever be that commited to exercising but I would certainly LOVE to take a swift kick in the *kitten* to commiting to (at least) 30 minutes per day.


    I made exercise a part of my life . . . literally. It's part of my job; I teach and practice bellydance and Zumba. Some days I have 1500 calorie burns just because I am so busy teaching. I think that becoming a Zumba instructor forces me to exercise because I have to plan routines. I see that you work 45 hours a week, so teaching Zumba might not be an option but getting your Wii game and waking up to it every morning or every night before you go to bed is a good plan. It took me forever to make the change so that it would stick. Now, I sometimes wish that I wasn't so "busy" with it all but I know that if I stop it won't get started again with a swift kick in the tush. Good luck in carving out some time for yourself!
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Sick! And meniscus tear is aggravated. I am not going to teach class tonight so my four hours of weekly dance for Wednesday isn't happening. I am going to try and take the dog for a walk and see if I can make it without too much pain in the knee.