Less Alcohol - April 2019 - One Day at a Time



  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,953 Member
    edited April 2019
    April accountability ~8 days so far
    No Alcohol: 4 days
    Alcohol: 4 days (9 drinks)
    Goal: AF days 4 per week / 16 per month

    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. - John C. Maxwell
    What a big change in my life … 2016-2018 I could not count my AF days … it was 2-5 glasses per night or other drink usually 6-7 nights per week. Loving the change I’ve made in 2019 and it is helping the numbers on the scale go down.

    Challenging week ahead. Less than stellar start for the month. Ended up 1 day short of my goal for the week.
    Apr 1 - AF
    Apr 2 - AF
    Apr 3 - 2 glasses of wine. Dinner at home with DH instead of going to new bar with Sisters Who Sip.
    Apr 4 - 1 glass of wine w/ DH and 2 at Bunco. Slipped on that daily goal! Bunco: Plan 1 glass wine I’ve got to learn to stop at 1 at social events when there are multiple open bottles!
    Apr 5 - 3 glasses of wine (did not start with the beer before hand with DH which is a win) @ camp ... drank a bottle of water before bed then out fishing in boat early this morning.
    Apr 6 - 1 beer at 4pm fishing off the dock @ camp. WIN did not open the bottle of wine for dinner.
    Apr 7 - AF
    Apr 8 - AF
    Apr 9 - Plan AF - Alumnae meeting theme “Learn the Art of Cocktails” with plenty of wine too: Plan just skip this month! Way to tempting and easy to go beyond my limits as well as the drive is 20 miles each way.
  • marcvb35
    marcvb35 Posts: 291 Member
    today’s plan. Don't buy a bottle.
    4/1 – I had one heck of a Sunday. Back on the wagon today.
    4/2 – AF – ate like a pig
    4/3 – AF – kid pissed me off and I wanted a drink so badly. Kid??? 21-year-old toddler is more like it!!!
    4/4 – I let the toddlers stupid behavior get to me. Needed a day/night without grinding teeth from anger.
    4/5 – first time drinking 2 days in a row. I do feel like I am failing at reaching my goal and I only had 2 weeks left.
    4/8 – had a wonderful weekend fishing, drinking and 2 all you can eat buffets. Time to crack the whip for a day. Tomorrow is my B-day so probably going out for beer and wings!
    4/9 – mixed myself a couple but didn’t go to crazy. Not sure what will happen today since its my B-Day.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,635 Member
    Happy birthday @marcvb35. I hope this one is a memorable birthday that dominos into many more to come for you. 🎂
  • CG3559
    CG3559 Posts: 6 Member
    Happy birthday @marcvb35!
  • Mike_Check
    Mike_Check Posts: 16 Member
    Happy Birthday @marcvb35 !