Starting for the 88th time.



  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @Faith4eva31 Glad your joining us!! We've tried finding a measuring tool to support each other and be more accountable. If you have any suggestions please share ;)
    Currently checking in weekly to share our successes or support the struggles. We know that both happen.

    Thanks for sharing with us and we look forward to hearing from you more.

    @Longing4Maui I know the struggle. Some days just seem harder then others to share. I had to fight myself this past couple of weeks, some days I just didn't want to get on here. But, my fear is...…..if I don't......I will not succeed in accomplishing what I know I really need, and loose weight and be happy again. And I don't mean just 10 / 20 pounds. I hope you continue to keep me company along the journey :)
  • Longing4Maui
    Longing4Maui Posts: 51 Member
    @AbandondedKSCharger , still here to support you as you are doing for me. WE CAN do this. Thanks for being my buddy on this journey :smile:
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,351 Member
    Support is so helpful. Seeing others stick with it provides motivation. Even when our days aren't perfect, we see how we can get back with it.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Challenging myself to stay under calories today, although I have a get together tonight that includes bar-b-que ribs and beer. "May" have one beer, and I am going to pre-log my ribs. I have to start, eventually, start pre-planning my meals. All in due time :) Heading out for a walk! Have a great Friday everyone!
  • judswi
    judswi Posts: 73 Member
    Hello, I lost a lot of weight in 2010 then stopped tracking food and gained it all back! Started again 4/1/19.
  • AmberLeeMichigan
    AmberLeeMichigan Posts: 38 Member
    I'm doing the same!! Anyone can add me :)
  • dj_thomp1234
    dj_thomp1234 Posts: 73 Member
    I've started and stopped a few times myself. I've kept up pretty well, but I'm looking for some friends to help keep me motivated. Please add me
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @judswi just when we think we have things under control is when it's so easy to slip back to our old habits.
    @AmberLeeMichigan and @dj_thomp1234
    Welcome to our small but supportive group!! We look forward to getting to know you better here.
    Be sure to click the lil star at the top right to save as your favorites and keep checking back in with us.
  • mamakatiekat
    mamakatiekat Posts: 73 Member
    I could definitely use some friendly people to brighten up my mfp feed. Anyone can add me aswell :)
  • JaiNicole7
    JaiNicole7 Posts: 88 Member
    Me! As of today I have 48 to lose-- I lost 36 lbs last summer, but gained it all back. And prior to that I lost 48 lbs in 2008 working with a personal trainer and logging my food. I gained back what I lost both times from gradually falling off from my workouts, walking and becoming more and more lax with my logging and eating habits. Working on sticking with it to reach my goal and then maintain it! Feel free to add me!
  • kalina_poland
    kalina_poland Posts: 2 Member
    hello - I need support :-) so... please add me :)
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    hello - I need support :-) so... please add me :)

    Hi Kalina!! Glad your here because we all need support to stop the 89th time from happening!! ,)
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    I'm only on my 86th... can I jump in along with you all?
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    I am back again as well. I am hopeful that with accountability and a supportive community I can really do it this time.
  • mommysacha
    mommysacha Posts: 3 Member
    Can I tell you this thread just says it all. I feel like such a loser for starting over and over again for the kazillionth time! Just starting back today...back on the wagon!
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi 88th Timers! I think this may be my 188th try, but this is the longest I've stuck with it. Yippee! :) I started THIS ATTEMPT on January 2, and my goal is to lose 1 pound per week. So far I am at 14 weeks and down 13.5 pounds, so I am pleased with that. I also made it to Onderland a few weeks ago... It has been an elusive destination for 12 years! Something about it frightened me and I would crash. This time all is good, and my goal is 160. My secret weapon this time is saving calories for a small dessert after dinner!!! <3 I do not feel like I am being punished or deprived of my favorite treats!!!

    I have been reading this discussion and would love to be included and provide support. We can do this... FOR THE LAST TIME! :)
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,351 Member
    I get that it is weird seeing yourself get to a certain weight point. I can feel like "I shouldn't weigh this amount-I should be heavier." We have to work on our mind and self-image while on this journey. Onderland is a great place to get to.
  • JoanneGranny
    JoanneGranny Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2019
    I'm starting again as well.
    Did this years ago and it worked but got busy. The lb went back on and I stopped going to the gym. Please add me so I don't get lazy :) .... I'm not sure how to add friends.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,351 Member
    Your request came through to me and I accepted--I think you figured that part out! Welcome.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Hello to so many new comers! ha- can't say first timers can we :)
    What is Onderland?

    My Weekly Report:

    Up almost two pounds...…..which is good :) Considering I lost just over 4 pounds last week to the stomach flu. So actually I am right on target!

    Currently at 195.6
    Goal is to be to 194 by end of April.

    This weeks challenges: Baking brownies for our Midweek closing at church; Easter chocolates this weekend ….

    My Plan/Support: Tracking my food daily and make sure I get my exercise in. I have to start planning how to do my exercise on the weekends and start planning my dinners.

    Our mind is a powerful muscle. Flex it with positive thoughts.