meanest people ever



  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    "When you die, you fat f*cking son of a b**ch, I hope your children dance on your grave, or die with you."

    (I'm in healthcare)

  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely

    I COMPLETELY agree! Most physically and emotionally abusive people are a type of sociopath, and don't have a conscience, but are really good at pretending they have one. The tricky thing about them seeing a therapist and such is, they then know ways of consealing their abuse behind facades of other mental health issues and say that they can't help it. When they say they will get mental help and follow through......RUN! They are arming themselves for a battle they know they will win, when they have information straight from a professional.

    Sociopaths are the WORST!!!! You are right they learn the system all too well. Sometimes you get a judge that can see through that charm and peg them for what they really are. However..... I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused most of my life and i can say I am not a sociopath at all. Not all of us are evil lol, I'm just really good at pretending nothing bothers me :)

    I was talking about the abuser being the sociopath. lol I am very lucky that I saw him for what he was when I did. He had a previous girlfriend before me that he choked out and threw around.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    so looking back why are all the mean people towards women? ive only seen one guy say something!

    I think women are just more open than men and we tend to hold onto things alot more than a guy. Any guys that see this, please tell me if I'm wrong.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely

    I COMPLETELY agree! Most physically and emotionally abusive people are a type of sociopath, and don't have a conscience, but are really good at pretending they have one. The tricky thing about them seeing a therapist and such is, they then know ways of consealing their abuse behind facades of other mental health issues and say that they can't help it. When they say they will get mental help and follow through......RUN! They are arming themselves for a battle they know they will win, when they have information straight from a professional.

    Sociopaths are the WORST!!!! You are right they learn the system all too well. Sometimes you get a judge that can see through that charm and peg them for what they really are. However..... I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused most of my life and i can say I am not a sociopath at all. Not all of us are evil lol, I'm just really good at pretending nothing bothers me :)

    I was talking about the abuser being the sociopath. lol I am very lucky that I saw him for what he was when I did. He had a previous girlfriend before me that he choked out and threw around.

    Oh I got what you said just remember the pathology of an abuser usually starts with being abused :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely

    I COMPLETELY agree! Most physically and emotionally abusive people are a type of sociopath, and don't have a conscience, but are really good at pretending they have one. The tricky thing about them seeing a therapist and such is, they then know ways of consealing their abuse behind facades of other mental health issues and say that they can't help it. When they say they will get mental help and follow through......RUN! They are arming themselves for a battle they know they will win, when they have information straight from a professional.

    Sociopaths are the WORST!!!! You are right they learn the system all too well. Sometimes you get a judge that can see through that charm and peg them for what they really are. However..... I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused most of my life and i can say I am not a sociopath at all. Not all of us are evil lol, I'm just really good at pretending nothing bothers me :)

    I was talking about the abuser being the sociopath. lol I am very lucky that I saw him for what he was when I did. He had a previous girlfriend before me that he choked out and threw around.

    Oh I got what you said just remember the pathology of an abuser usually starts with being abused :)

    Yeah. He was physically abused as a child by his grandmother. Felt bad, but he also used that as ammo. :/
  • The lady who lived in the apartment above me hated me from the day she moved in. 'Til this day I still do not know why. She would stomp on the floor above my bedroom at 3am and scream are you awake now you f****** b****. Talk about startling. She would tell the office my daughter was tormenting her and I was stealing from her. I had only seen the woman a couple times and never even spoken to her. One day as I was leaving she was coming in and I held the door for her to be nice. She refused to walk through the door and told me straight out she did not like me. She waited until I closed the door so she could open it her self and walk through. I was completely dumbstruck that another adult could behave in such a way. lol!!

    don't sound like she's much of an adult, cause that would include manners, and maturity. Some people just need to hate, its what makes them happy. Just keep showering her with kindness. Can't believe some people spend so much energy on being mean.
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    so looking back why are all the mean people towards women? ive only seen one guy say something!

    I think women are just more open than men and we tend to hold onto things alot more than a guy. Any guys that see this, please tell me if I'm wrong.
    Trust me.. *kitten* are universal, and I have had plenty of mean crap said to me over the years. I would have to sit here and try to think of an example, because I dont tend to dwell on it, but I have experienced it. The wacko's are usually the ones with the damaged ego's or messed up personalities/mental health issues. I would agree that they are more likely to pick on someone that they feel will NOT turn around and smack them. They are weak, and are essentially predators and will pick a prey that they perceive as weak. Jealousy is also a big factor, some people just want to "take you down a notch" if they are intimidated by you. I have had many fat comments made over the years, some that were fairly shocking, and when in the workplace it is usually by someone with less experience/skill in the workplace. I do recall one of those cases was a guy fresh out of college, and he made a fat comment in front of several co-workers.. I just paused, and replied "Have you always been a socially awkard moron, or is this something new that you are trying out?"

    On the flip side, I got a speeding ticket a couple of years ago. I called the police department to find out how much the fine was, and how to pay. I then said "oh, and about the officer that issued the ticket".. dead silence for a moment, and I could almost FEEL her rolling her eyes waiting for my verbal assault on the officer. I proceeded to tell them that the officer was very professional, and i just wanted to say he is doing a great job. The woman put me on hold, asked me to repeat my comments about the officer while on speaker phone. It seems that it was the first time in her 20 years at the sheriff's office that someone actually complimented the officer, and admitted that it was their own fault that they were speeding. Sometimes taking just a moment to be kind goes a long way, but many people never take the time to do it (but would spend countless hours being a jerk).
    and yes.. i did still have to pay the ticket. lol
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I've been gay-bashed (not physical, verbal) multiple times. Not going to repeat any of what they said, but it doesn't take much imagination.
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    My mother-in-law. We haven't talked to her for some time. However, the last few times that my husband called her, I was in the room with him. I could hear her yelling at him through his phone from across the room. She's called me every name you can think of and also said that the only way that she and my husband could have a relationship is if he left the church that we belong to and divorced me.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    A guy at a local pub made a wise crack about my weight in front of his friends and I told him I was going to stab him in the throat with my car keys until he died. Is that mean?
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    The ones that stick out in my mind are ones from middle school. There was a boy named Chris who loved to come up with some very adult insults towards me. One day he told me I was ugly. Simple insult, but I was tired of him, so I said, "I may be ugly, but at least I only have one chin." I still to this day feel bad for making fun of someone because of their weight, but he kind of deserved it. There was also this girl named Hettie who decided she hated me because, and I kid you not, I had the same shoelaces as she did. She wrote a really graphic, vulgar, again very adult note to this other guy named Chris who rode my bus, signed it from me, and he proceeded to read it out loud to the entire bus. The last one I have in mind is a girl named Leann, who to this day is still a horrid *****, told me "I think it's so sweet that you have the courage to come to school and not being afraid of causing an earthquake." So I told her, "Oh? And I think it's so sweet that you step out of your house without the fear of your face scaring away small children." And then I called her Dogface (she has a big scar on her face from getting attacked by a dog as a child.) She was always so mean to me, and this was another case of it being the first time I actually said something back...unfortunately, the nickname Dogface stuck with her up until the day we graduated high school :| I still kind of feel bad about it, I shouldn't have attacked her for something she couldn't help, but I tend to make some pretty low blows when I get fed up :|
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    Furniture shopping at rooms 2 go with an ex.... the sales woman said she didn't believe the furniture we were looking at was large enough for us.

    **let me add that once that ended and I got my own place... I bought an awesome living room set from badcock's home furnishings. :)
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    In high school the girls would always call me troll because I was so short. (4"7) Good thing my mama raised me to love myself first, and to understand people make a point to tear down other people when they're unhappy with themselves. I knew they were just jealous, so I brushed it off. But after 4 years it gets kinda old.
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    Someone called me a fat cu** sl** because i didn't want to sleep with him. LOL! I may be fat, but you're the one who wanted me until i rejected you :)

    Lol me too.
    but even worse than the patients ... what about the staff?? lol unreal

    (also a nurse)
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely

    I COMPLETELY agree! Most physically and emotionally abusive people are a type of sociopath, and don't have a conscience, but are really good at pretending they have one. The tricky thing about them seeing a therapist and such is, they then know ways of consealing their abuse behind facades of other mental health issues and say that they can't help it. When they say they will get mental help and follow through......RUN! They are arming themselves for a battle they know they will win, when they have information straight from a professional.

    Sociopaths are the WORST!!!! You are right they learn the system all too well. Sometimes you get a judge that can see through that charm and peg them for what they really are. However..... I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused most of my life and i can say I am not a sociopath at all. Not all of us are evil lol, I'm just really good at pretending nothing bothers me :)

    I was talking about the abuser being the sociopath. lol I am very lucky that I saw him for what he was when I did. He had a previous girlfriend before me that he choked out and threw around.

    Oh I got what you said just remember the pathology of an abuser usually starts with being abused :)

    Yeah. He was physically abused as a child by his grandmother. Felt bad, but he also used that as ammo. :/

    Wow that's a low blow and super manipulative of him! I'm so glad you got out of that situation before you or your babies got seriously hurt
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.

    Same here. He said it should have made me feel better about the situation, but it just made me feel worse and used. One time, things almost got violent and I was too upset to "do anything" and he forced me anyway. I'm carrying his baby right now. It's hard. I don't want him to have any type of custody cuz he has a history of violence, but he's seeing a therapist. I'm afraid a judge will see him as someone who is recovering and let him have partial custody.

    I know that feeling all too well... I think people like that need more than professional help. At least you're out of there. Just be ready for the verbal assault of your character once you cut him off completely

    I COMPLETELY agree! Most physically and emotionally abusive people are a type of sociopath, and don't have a conscience, but are really good at pretending they have one. The tricky thing about them seeing a therapist and such is, they then know ways of consealing their abuse behind facades of other mental health issues and say that they can't help it. When they say they will get mental help and follow through......RUN! They are arming themselves for a battle they know they will win, when they have information straight from a professional.

    Sociopaths are the WORST!!!! You are right they learn the system all too well. Sometimes you get a judge that can see through that charm and peg them for what they really are. However..... I was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused most of my life and i can say I am not a sociopath at all. Not all of us are evil lol, I'm just really good at pretending nothing bothers me :)

    I was talking about the abuser being the sociopath. lol I am very lucky that I saw him for what he was when I did. He had a previous girlfriend before me that he choked out and threw around.

    Oh I got what you said just remember the pathology of an abuser usually starts with being abused :)

    Yeah. He was physically abused as a child by his grandmother. Felt bad, but he also used that as ammo. :/

    Wow that's a low blow and super manipulative of him! I'm so glad you got out of that situation before you or your babies got seriously hurt

    Me too. Seriously, I thought everyone was stupid for thinking something was not right with this guy. Even his ex girlfriend, who I talked to from time to time asked me "Has he ever gotten REALLY mad at you?" And when I said no, she went into detail about how horrible he was to her physically. This was when he was just 16. He was still a kid and he was throwing her around and choking her out. Still stayed with him because "he's a different guy than he was then". HAHA Right. If I'd have given it more time, he'd have been doing the same to me, I'm sure.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    so looking back why are all the mean people towards women? ive only seen one guy say something!

    It's because women hate each other...

    Mine is this: I was trying to get a bra fitting at la vie en rose and they measured under the bust and the girl was like, "ew there isn't a thing in this store that is going to fit you." I was like seriously...? she refused to finish the fitting. I will never shop there ever. (even tho I could fit into it like 6 months ago. :))
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    3 years I meet the most amazing man....Here was here for only a week but it was long enough for me to fall for him..But I knew it would come to nothing as I knew that he wasn't looking for a relationship....after he left we kept in contact via email and phone....

    Fast forward to 3 months ago...I was sending him joke emails and wondering why he wasn't sending me any...Then I got a reply to one of them telling me that he had died and to please remove his email from my contacts...

    No way was anyone going to tell me to remove my friends email even if it was his wife....A woman he married when he was diagnosed with cancer....I have never met her but, for some reason only known to her, she hates me.....

    IMO he was way to good for her....
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member

    I knew what was going on--he had mistaken me for my older sister. I kept trying to defend myself, kept trying to tell him that I was KRIS, but he was relentless, and, eventually, he did reduce me to tears. When he finally stopped, he sat, staring at me for a few moments, and then turned to his good friend my mother (who had made no move to defend me), and said, "Oh, Jesus--I got the wrong daughter, didn't I?"


    Okay I'm confused. This statement makes me think that this was something your mom and doctor set up. Not that it makes it right by any means but what was going on with your sister that your doctor would make the comment "I got the wrong daughter didn't I?" This screams "set-up" to me although I can't figure out why your mom wouldn't jump to your defense if it was something they set up for your sister.

    It was still a horrible thing to do and say.

    Im curious about this too. Its definitely no excuse, but im wondering for what reason would have to say that about your sister. was there history there.

    im just being nosy, but it has really hit my curiosity.

    as for me, i was a real wuss in primary school. any little thing used to set me off. one time someone stuck a "kick me" sign on my back. and people would do it and i didnt know why.

    the following year something changed in my head, dunno what it was and i dont think it was concious, but suddenly i stopped letting crap like that get to me. and what do you know, it stopped happening. since then i dont recall bad things that people have said or done. i have pretty much stopped giving a rats *kitten* what random people think. the only opinions that matter are those of the people that are close to me, and even then sometimes i wont even care about that. its my life not theirs.
  • katep2492
    katep2492 Posts: 81 Member
    I was a softlines associate(I folded clothes) at kmart and I dont know what they are like by you guys but the ones by me are awful only ever one cashier with giant lines. One day our cashier didn't show up so I got called to ring register (I ran layaway and jewelry so I knew how to ring costumers). So I get up there and the first register I try to open is broken with a line of 5 next register broken line of 10 repeat 6 more times. ALL the register were broken! so I tell my line they will have to go to the service desk to check out so as I go back to the clothes I hear this lady who was at the front of my line go "She's a white *****, they don't know how to do ****!" I was like "excuse me but that was a racist comment and I don't appreciate that!"

    Another time I was forced to register a guy called me a *kitten* head, *****, C*nt, Slut! All because...... Wait for it........... I couldn't let him use a gift card that he didn't have with him he had nothing he just said "put it on my gift card" with out a card or even the numbers on it!