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Over 200 New Year New Me Part 51



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    scratch that part about being proud of myself for not getting the patty melt and fries .... instead of eating 1/2 the cobb salad wrap - I ate the whole thing! I guess it was probably still better than the fries, but I'm still disappointed in myself. :frown:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am proudly checking in

    Calories: 1600
    water: Great
    Exercise: Cleaning, Gardening, and car washing. I know not great but I kept busy and burned some calories

    Proud that for the first time in weeks I kept track of my calories!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Sounds like it is teen drama week. Mine missed her first class today (she started on Monday). She is taking college courses at a local community college for her senior year of high school. She called this morning looking for sympathy from me because she overslept her 9am class.

    I definitely won mean mom award today - I laughed:laugh: and told her no pity, and absolutely unexcusable!:noway:

    Will check in later after my trip to the gym.

    p.s. Momma - love the picture!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Now to check in for today:

    Calories: over by 66
    Exercise: hour with PT
    Water: YEAH!!! I did it.
    Proud: Only had 1 diet dr. pepper today.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, ladies:

    I feel exhausted and beat up this morning, which means I did not get up for a 5am workout. I'll be back at it tomorrow, but I think my body just really needed the extra rest this morning. I've been at work 2.5 hours now and still don't feel alert or awake and I have no energy. I'm thinking I'll have to get a cup of coffee in hopes it will perk me up.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 101.4 oz.
    Exercise: 10 minutes Biggest Loser Jump Start Cardio 1 and 21 minutes ChaLean Extreme Recharge (yoga). My body needed the stretching yesterday!
    Proud: I had an amazing moment with one of the riders in the program last night. The horse was nervous about something she could see across the way and was sidestepping with a high head. I told the rider to pet her on the neck and tell her she's a good girl. Then I had him take deep breaths with me while petting the horse. He got her to relax instantly and continue on with the lesson calmly. It was awesome because this is a rider who just last year wouldn't/couldn't follow direction and would tell people he hated them. He's come a LONG way, so last night was pretty awesome.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    awww Heather that is so amazing about the rider! I love to hear about success for a very special child. It makes me happy for selfish reasons it means I always have hope with my very own special child. YAY on the exercise you have been amazing lately and I am so proud of you.

    Okay I have a confession. I logged my food reported it and then I was going to go do all this work. Did not complete it all then ate after dinner. I very seldom do that. My weak point is in the afternoon between lunch and dinner. I also ate bread with my dinner. I feel like a LIAR now but that is why I am here to come clean. When I posted that stuff it was true but then I let it all get the best of me. So now you all know. I did not go over my calories for maintenance but I did go over the cals I reported yesterday. I feel irritated with myself.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sherry: It happens to all of us. You came clean with us and yourself, so stop beating yourself up and move on. It's a new day!

    I'm unable to sit still because I just signed up for Warrior Dash Minnesota 2012! It's not until June 30th, 2012 but now I'm itching to run!! I see lots of training on hills in my future because that ski slope will NOT get the best of me next year. I'm gonna show it's who's boss and shave some serious time off. Goal? 45 minutes...yep, I want to knock off a whole 10 minutes of that bad boy.

    I'm so pumped. I can't even tell you how excited I am!! Anyone want to join in on the fun?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    momma24: that time of day is always my worst too, good for you for 'coming clean' ... you will have a better day today
    heatherMN: good for you signing up for the Warrior Dash 2012! I'm not sure that I'm ready to be that crazy .. I know my sister-in-law loved it. I'll think about it.

    I'm having another off day, it's been that kind of week. I'm home with my son working in the morning and vacation this afternoon because I had planned to drive to our farmhouse for the next couple of days... but I changed my mind and didn't want to leave my teenager home for 3 nights alone ... so we are leaving tomorrow morning instead. So now I don't know what to do this afternoon ... I had thought about taking him to the fair, or science museum, but I'm just not feeling up to it. He is happy with a friend over, so I may just putz around the house and do some picking up. I'm in a weird mood ... ready for school to start and get back into a routine I guess.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    lstpaul - I would call that a 'curl up with a good book' mood... or Pandora and some alone time to just ponder? I think we don't make enough time for ourselves =)

    Heather - I'm sorely tempted!:love:

    Checking in for Wednesday:
    Calories: I ate half my exercise calories
    Water: OK I'm not doing all that great these days!
    Exercise: about an hour!

    Proud: I have been REALLY hurting from working in the garden Saturday - I must have strained my hamstrings because all week I could hardly move without whimpering! Yesterday I did the Week 2 5K101 and then spent 20 minutes on an elliptical machine where for 15 minutes I had my heart rate up in the 90% of max range. I am proud that I held myself accountable and worked up a good sweat! Of course last night I was hurting so much I couldn't sleep but one of those heat patches they have for back pain worked wonders on the back of my thigh!

    Meghan said she wants to come to the rec center with me in the mornings! :love: This is great because while she's tiny she (like most of us) feels better when she gets a little exercise! :flowerforyou: The only down side is that I'll have about 45 minutes less time. This morning she came along even though I know she was up most of the night. I got changed and right into the pool and swam for 20 minutes while she hung out and showered. We almost got her to school on time but I feel going out the door of the rec center and dumped my coffee all over the place. By the time I got wiped off and we were in the car we were running late. :grumble: and then I realized I had no cash so I dropped her off 5 minutes late for her first day and with no breakfast OR lunch money. PARENTING FAIL!!!:sad:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow it's been a busy couple days on the boards!! I was MIA yesterday...I had the day off and was busy busy busy...I had 2 doctors appointments then went to register for classes. What a mess trying to get back in school was! Then I was supposed to go get my stuff and money from the ex boyfriend. He was just gonna put my stuff outside in his backyard because he was going to see his Grandma in the hospital. He text me while I was on my way to tell me he didn't have time to put it all out and come tomorrow. This didn't sit well with me. I kinda lost it. So I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and ate wings and drank beer outta anger. Sadly the little I have eaten this week has all been eating out. THEN this morning I wake up and get ready to leave for work...car wont start. Okay, go to take my Mom's car, that one is dead too. Charged my battery and get it to Walmart. You guessed it...battery is toast. Another $80 into my car. I told my ex to just put the money he owes me in my bank account and keep my stuff, throw it away, mail it I don't really care. It's not worth the hour drive out there and him giving me the run around. Yeah, it's stuff I want back but not that bad. I'm ready to close that chapter of my life. Sorry for the ramble. This is how my last 2 days have gone.

    I'm thinking of trying out boxing tonight...
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    mstahl with your morning parenting snaffoos, and reneckwmn with your awful time with your ex - wow ... there must be something in our horoscopes for how screwy some of our weeks have been! mine being just a little 'off' doesn't seem quite so bad. yesterday I did have a goofy day - I was 15 minutes late for my step class, had forgotten my shoes so had to wear my shower flip-flops to work, and didn't have laundry done so had packed pants that were falling off and a ripped shirt ... I felt kind of like a 'clown' walking around work yesterday. Probably a good thing that I stayed home today with all this bad mojo in the air for us MFPers.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jessica - I'm so sorry you're having such a crappy time right now :cry:

    lstpaul - I thought of your picture of your son when I was trying to get my swim goggles on right this morning!:flowerforyou:

    Its been super crazy at work - lots of challanges and then somethings that seem like they are a lot harder than they need to be! Like people who keep falling for phishing emails and then their email is taken over and they SPAM everyone. Such a pain to deal with!:grumble:

    I had a very healthy lunch but then I just ate four little chocolates that will add up FAST when I enter them here! So now I"m going to eat an apple - I keep a bag of them here at teh office!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Friday ladies! I'm not gonna weigh in today. The scale is pretty angry this morning. I went to a club boxing circuit class last night and it kicked my booty! I'm sore!! But not too too sore. Just feel like my muscles are probably retaining a bit of water. I'm happy to say I got MOST of my stuff back from the ex last night. I went to his house while he was gone and his roommate let me know. He told his roommate I could get my stuff so no harm no foul. He's keeping what wasn't there hostage though. Whatever! It is what it is. MOVING ON!! I've got a fun filled weekend planned with all my friends and family.

    What is everybody elses plans this weekend?
  • Hey everyone,

    I completely forgot to weigh in this morning. I've spent the last 24 hours preparing for the hurricane (it looks like we're getting a direct hit). Yesterday was filling up the gas tank, getting some canned food, fresh fruits and vegetables that don't need refrigeration, and doing laundry, making ice, etc. Plus, at work, we have 5 hotels and need to figure out how to deal with the guests that aren't able to or won't leave. So it's been busy busy here.

    Tonight I'm making some food, doing laundry, bleaching the bathtub so I can store water in it, and bringing in all my deck furniture. I'm not too worried about damage or flooding (I'm far enough inland) but am kind of sad that I'll be without power long enough to lose my MFP streak!!! :grumble: Hopefully I'll still have cell service so I can sneak in a log in, but we'll see.

    I won't be around much the next few days....wish me luck!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Wow - GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:

    I did weigh in this morning so I'll start!

    mstahl...............+5lbs...........+2.6% OUCH!:angry:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hello everyone!


    mstahl...............+5lbs...........+2.6% OUCH!:angry:

    Are we on the right site? Did we need the weight gain program:devil: :grumble: :laugh: :embarassed: :indifferent: :grumble:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I completely forgot to weigh in this morning. I've spent the last 24 hours preparing for the hurricane (it looks like we're getting a direct hit). Yesterday was filling up the gas tank, getting some canned food, fresh fruits and vegetables that don't need refrigeration, and doing laundry, making ice, etc. Plus, at work, we have 5 hotels and need to figure out how to deal with the guests that aren't able to or won't leave. So it's been busy busy here.

    Tonight I'm making some food, doing laundry, bleaching the bathtub so I can store water in it, and bringing in all my deck furniture. I'm not too worried about damage or flooding (I'm far enough inland) but am kind of sad that I'll be without power long enough to lose my MFP streak!!! :grumble: Hopefully I'll still have cell service so I can sneak in a log in, but we'll see.

    I won't be around much the next few days....wish me luck!

    Good Luck and I will be thinking about you today! I'll even say a little prayer:flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Allison be safe! I will be thinking about you!! :flowerforyou:

    mstahl...............+5lbs...........+2.6% OUCH!

    I went ahead and put my gain since I have others who want to join! LOL :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Let me go ahead and add my name to the list:

    mstahl...............+5lbs...........+2.6% OUCH!:angry:

    Not sure how, really, but I've gained 4 pounds over the last few weeks. :sad: I'm hoping it's all water weight (*cough* Chinese food yesterday *cough*) but I'm not kidding myself into thinking it's not possible that I've actually just gained that much weight.

    This ends now! I was trying to talk myself into waiting until I was cleared to exercise by my OB to start tracking my food but ABSOLUTELY NOT! Weighing, measuring, and tracking my food starts today because this is ridiculous.

    Post-pregnancy starting weight: 227.8

    I don't want my already pathetic milk supply to take a hit so I'm trying to lose 1 pound per week to reach my goal weight around January 2013... which is right about when I'll probably want to start trying for baby #2. :laugh:

    Jess -- Great job exercising!!

    Allison -- Thinking of you this weekend! I hope Irene fizzles out fast once she starts moving over land.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member

    :mad: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :explode:

    What are we thinking this week???????????????????????????? There must be something in the water