Starting for the 88th time.



  • mmereth
    mmereth Posts: 36 Member
    It’s probably my 188th time starting over. I’ve never been what anyone would call “thin” but I was always pretty active and in good shape even though I was size 12/14 instead of a 6. Then there was a baby. Followed by a divorce, and a crazy busy 13 years where there was no such thing as free time or time to think about meal planning and calories and what’s good. It was what is fast cuz the kid and I are starving NOW and there’s still a million things left to do in the day.

    Now the kids a teenager who can drive himself around and I’m hoping life calms down a bit to where I can be a little part of my focus for a change and hopefully she’s a hundred pounds along the way.

    Happy Easter!!
  • WilmaValley
    WilmaValley Posts: 1,092 Member
    What great support here!
  • midnightminotaur
    midnightminotaur Posts: 2 Member
    feel free to add me. let's get it :)
  • budgetdieter
    budgetdieter Posts: 2 Member
    Boom, I'm here for the 88th time also. 8 stone or so to lose.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,393 Member
    We can all meet our goals!
  • Shannkat
    Shannkat Posts: 2 Member
    I’m late to the party - me too! I’ve created a monster - me! I’ve got to get back on the bandwagon! I’d like to join!
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Starting over again as well. This is my 4th week at it and have lost only 8lbs so far. Would love to make more friends here to help keep me accountable. Feel free to add me!
  • Blue_eyed_girl82
    Blue_eyed_girl82 Posts: 74 Member
    Ive been here a few times but this time is for good. I have lost a few pounds this time. I am in beast mode this time. Nothing can stop me. I have great exercise ideas that doesn't include the gym bc I am not into being in crowds. Feel free to add me.
  • mmereth
    mmereth Posts: 36 Member
    I have to say, Easter weekend went better than I thought it would. No binging on sweets or entire bags of chips in one sitting. Thank goodness for good weather and yard work!! 😁
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member

    Happy Monday 88-ers! Hope everyone had a great Easter. I woke this morning very EXCITED to go to Pilates class. Have taken it up a notch to INTERMEDIATE level recently. Class with this instructor was TOUGH. Twice i stopped and said I can't do this. Duh, of course i can't if i dont try i immediately thought to myself. And so I did it! Not perfectly, not the number of reps she wanted me to do, but both exercises I was able to do BECAUSE I TRIED!!! It's a starting point and I'll bet next class I'll do it a bit better.

    Let's have a kick-*ss week of making & meeting goals everybody! Find your starting point and make it happen!! B)
  • cookie2207mfp
    cookie2207mfp Posts: 2 Member
    Starting over again too. After many failed attempts I finally lost 50 lbs last year. So far this year I've regained a stone :# Need to get back on track. I'm currently working on breaking a cycle of binge eating which is responsible for most of my recent weight gain. Although I've been on mfp for a while, I've never really used the message boards or joined any groups. I would love some support along the way this time. Please feel free to add me.
  • flintflash1
    flintflash1 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I, too, am returning. Been on and off for a bit. Came over from the C.C. Community (Calorie Count). Feel free to add me a MFP friend. Always happy to share motivational stories with my MFP buddies! :)
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Check in day for me....but first.... :)
    So many great stories here!
    I'm so glad to see new team members to go on this journey with.
    The motivation to continue is so helpful because we've all lost and gained.
    We WANT this NEED this to be our last time to have to lose weight.
    I have struggled lately and now found I went 3 days without logging my food....WARNING WARNING
    I commit to logging every day the remainder of this week, including Saturday and Sunday. No excuses.
    My weekly report....up 1 pound. Lucky it wasn't more.
    Wishing you all a successful week!!
    Log your food :)
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,393 Member
    Logging really helps me Teri--it is so easy for me to go off track without it. Don't beat yourself up--tomorrow is a fresh start!

    Welcome to newcomers--I think most people on MFP are like us--multiple starts--but we keep trying!
  • dibarrondo4
    dibarrondo4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting for like the 10th time! I feel like its really gonna change this time. I have a hundred pounds to lose. I started yesterday with eating healthy and today with going to the gym.
  • 8purplesnails
    8purplesnails Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm so delighted to find this discussion, I'm not alone! It's such a relief to see other folks who have started and oopsed multiple times like me! I'd love some buddies, friend me please!
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,393 Member
    Yep--lots of restarters on here!
  • GuyanaGold21
    GuyanaGold21 Posts: 50 Member
    ...I have struggled lately and now found I went 3 days without logging my food....WARNING WARNING
    I commit to logging every day the remainder of this week, including Saturday and Sunday. No excuses.
    My weekly report....up 1 pound. Lucky it wasn't more.

    Teri - You can do this! You have been such a motivator on this board. I think we all feel like we are struggling from time to time (I sure have this week). It's been rough with Easter and all. So glad you are recommitting to logging every day. We've got your back!

    Welcome to all the new friends on "Starting for the 88th time". :) The support on this board is awesome! Thanks to everyone!!
    - (another) Teri

  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    Ugh moving in the wrong direction. Rationalizing bad choices after doing hard work. Gained that pound I’ve lost and gained a dozen times at least. Discouraged but still here! Giving up is NOT AN OPTION!!! Am revisiting some resources that helped me stay with it last Spring. Is very motivating to read other's successes and stories... because being left behind is NOT AN OPTION either!!

    Sooo.... here I go.... lots of water, a long (and cold) walk planned with a friend, taking the afternoon to tie up some loose ends, chores, and REFOCUS on meal planning and shopping list. What's the saying... if you fail to plan, plan to fail. ALSO NOT AN OPTION B)

    Keep up the tough fight my fitness pals! We gotta (and will!!!) DO THIS!!
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,393 Member
    Yes we will!
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    Happy Friday Eve everyone! I can't believe it is already Thursday - what a crazy week!

    My goal for today is it drink water and stay within my calorie range, and track everything.

    One day at a time - slow and steady wins this race. :smile:
  • Longing4Maui
    Longing4Maui Posts: 51 Member
    @mmereth YES, you have to enjoy those precious moments and splurge once in awhile, just cut back the next few days. Kids grow up too fast, so savor every opportunity to have some quality time with them. Mom of 3 all grown and married, and blessed me with 7 grands. But oh, how I’d love to go back just one day. Cherished memories and lots of Love.
  • 8purplesnails
    8purplesnails Posts: 15 Member
    Abandon, thank you for the reminder! If we have junk food in the house, it's so much harder to resist! For me it's Hershey's and Dr. Pepper, my two great loves! Besides my dogs..... Oh and my husband 😋
    XOX_LOTSA_XOX Posts: 89 Member
    Hello! I am starting again after eating every single chocolate and marshmallow and rice crispie Easter egg that I got. I also joined Spark People. I do need nice and supportive friends, so if anyone are adding friends, please consider me. I’m going back to sugar abstaining, exercising and hard work. Thank you.
  • Longing4Maui
    Longing4Maui Posts: 51 Member
    @AbandondedKSCharger and @8purplesnails and @XOX_LOTSA_XOX I hear you, had a rough two weeks but got back on track. Grandkids egg hunt was mostly non-chocolate this year to avoid the temptation for me. I do allow myself some chocolate once in awhile and just fit it into my plan. Sometimes those single Hershey kisses melting in the mouth can be the best treat. Just have to keep it at 1 only.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Hello! I am starting again after eating every single chocolate and marshmallow and rice crispie Easter egg that I got. I also joined Spark People. I do need nice and supportive friends, so if anyone are adding friends, please consider me. I’m going back to sugar abstaining, exercising and hard work. Thank you.
    I use to participate with SparkPeople. The groups like we do here at MFP really helped me! Plus I was working part time....that helped too lol. I'm glad to see your here.
  • ljarrett526
    ljarrett526 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm back in too!
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,393 Member
    Good to see people joining in! Never heard of Spark People (but I do drink spark!)