40+yrs motivation group. We aren't getting any younger!



  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    I just accepted. Thanks
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Going strong on Keto and exercise. Just taking a day at a time.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Started my Keto diet a week ago and am down 5lbs. I have Fibromyalgia and I know my extra weight makes it worse. Hoping that as I lose the weight I will have better motion and energy to increase exercise and activity so I can move toward a more well balanced diet
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Anyone else out there doing Keto?
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Been stressed, overworked and lack of sleep but managed to keep up with my diary, diet and exercise. That’s my big non scale victory. What’s your non scale victory
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Just logging my journey to a healthier me even if it’s been awhile since others have posted. Today is non scale victory. No weight change but some clothes that were tight are much more comfortable and loose. I went out to dinner with a friend and stayed on course. Both leave me feeling pretty accomplished
  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,181 Member
    That’s awesome! I’m having trouble just STARTING this time around. I keep having “false starts” I guess. I wouldn’t even say it’s giving up at this point more like I just can’t start! I lost 50lbs after my 4th baby with about 30 to go. Got pregnant again and I am up that amount, plus more. 😭 I’m basically just trying to start intermittent fasting. I’ve done it before and genuinely felt wonderful. It was supposed to be my “first step” and then I wanted to make small changes from there. I lost last time on WW and I don’t think I can do it again. I’m not a fan of their newest program but I don’t think I have it in me to do the prior one I lost weight on....measuring, weighing, counting....it’s setting myself up for failure because it takes time that I don’t have right now and then I’ll just skip doing it. Anyway, I’m here, newer to MFP. Starting to feel just horrible about myself. Both mentally and physically. It’s holding me back in ways I don’t like. My knees are starting to hurt and make sounds that scare me. I’ll be 40 this year and I feel like I’m WAAAY to young to keep going down this road. My oldest is 15 my youngest is 3. I feel like it’s so unfair to them and myself to be this unhealthy. Thanks for reading. Best wishes to everyone!
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 75 Member
    I’m a regular logger, not super active in the community or on post comments
    but I try to like as much as I can!
    My longest streak was 750+ days and lost it due to my phone glitching and constantly closing the app
    Fixed that by getting an iPad 😛
    I’m always looking for more friends !! Feel free to add me
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Let’s just say Easter could have been a lot better. Back to healthy life tomorrow
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Back In track and feeling great
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 183 Member
    My NSVs: a dress that was in the wardrobe fits so much betterl; I ate one small chocolate egg, all the rest are still here; both my kids and OH seem to have caught the fitness bug! Love it!
  • stacysjourney
    stacysjourney Posts: 52 Member
    I’m 42 and a mom of 5. I have PCOS which has been a weight loss challenge for me but it’s achievable. Feel free to send friend requests. I’m on here daily :)
  • Scoobydoobydoo1973
    Scoobydoobydoo1973 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone. I am 40something. My youngest two kids are now teenagers. I think I am emotional eating since they "don't need me as much". Most of my weight is in my belly. I have tried several things with no success. Usually Atkins get's me back to my weight but not this time. I have about 40 lbs to lose. Any suggestions or encouragements would be much appreciated. :smiley:
  • TheMothership71
    TheMothership71 Posts: 29 Member
    I am 47 yo and have lost 85 pounds in the last year. Then I had major surgery and put a bit back on. I’m allowed to exercise again and I am back on track with food. I just want to stay motivated. Thought this thread looked like a great reset spot for me. I need peers to connect with that are in far more relatable places. I lose and lost the weight by simply eating real food, mostly vegetables and not too much. Refined sugar is the devil imo. When I quit last year I cured my asthma and reduced inflammation so drastically that I felt 10 years younger at least!! Would love to get some like minded 40 plus friend request 😊
    I would love to lose at least 45 more pounds
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    Hello everyone. I am 40something. My youngest two kids are now teenagers. I think I am emotional eating since they "don't need me as much". Most of my weight is in my belly. I have tried several things with no success. Usually Atkins get's me back to my weight but not this time. I have about 40 lbs to lose. Any suggestions or encouragements would be much appreciated. :smiley:

    Hit the gym more with your teens. Also, I bring my tween swimming with me about 50% of the time. Pick up some training, and local enrichment, join a local womans group.
  • SchrodingersOtherCat
    SchrodingersOtherCat Posts: 20 Member
    I'm looking to join an active group for motivation, support, meal ideas etc. I'm 54 & struggling to keep my motivation up.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    I am 47 yo and have lost 85 pounds in the last year. Then I had major surgery and put a bit back on. I’m allowed to exercise again and I am back on track with food. I just want to stay motivated. Thought this thread looked like a great reset spot for me. I need peers to connect with that are in far more relatable places. I lose and lost the weight by simply eating real food, mostly vegetables and not too much. Refined sugar is the devil imo. When I quit last year I cured my asthma and reduced inflammation so drastically that I felt 10 years younger at least!! Would love to get some like minded 40 plus friend request 😊
    I would love to lose at least 45 more pounds

    Refined sugar really messes with my system too. Tired, unmotivated, inflammation, mental alertness and in and on. I have used some sugar replacements that help curb the sweet tooth. I like stevia and swerve. If soda is a challenge they even have a soda called Zevia. I don’t use them a ton cause they are all expensive but It allows me to get over the cravings and stay in task
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm looking to join an active group for motivation, support, meal ideas etc. I'm 54 & struggling to keep my motivation up.

    Welcome to the group. I love to cook and am trying to retrain myself. I am a total high fat, high carb, whatever it takes to make it delicious comfort food person. Now I searching new recipes too.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    IsETHome wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I am 40something. My youngest two kids are now teenagers. I think I am emotional eating since they "don't need me as much". Most of my weight is in my belly. I have tried several things with no success. Usually Atkins get's me back to my weight but not this time. I have about 40 lbs to lose. Any suggestions or encouragements would be much appreciated. :smiley:

    Hit the gym more with your teens. Also, I bring my tween swimming with me about 50% of the time. Pick up some training, and local enrichment, join a local womans group.

    I completely agree! I have been going with my young adult kids. They enjoy it and it motivates us all to get out and make it happen.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    My NSVs: a dress that was in the wardrobe fits so much betterl; I ate one small chocolate egg, all the rest are still here; both my kids and OH seem to have caught the fitness bug! Love it!

    I wish I could say 1 small chocolate egg. If you look at my my food diary for that day you would gasp. I am back on track now though and lost some weight since. Keep moving forward. Nice job on your NSV. those are my favorite victories because they real.