72 items deleted from waist, with pic-proof.

I'm feeling pretty down today. I wanted to be 150 lbs by the time school starts next week. Now I'm 148 and I still feel disgusting. All I see is jiggly belly, jiggly thighs, jiggly arms, double chin. I'm finally at a healthy BMI but I don't feel it. I never feel it. Even though the last time I weighed 148 lbs I was in 8th grade, I still think I'm large. So I decided to go back through my pic history and see how far I've come.

I'm sure some of you have seen these before cause I am a total attention-*kitten*. I'm 5'4.5" by the way (and that .5 is very important to me so do not mock me)

January. Over 220 lbs. Did not own a scale but when I bought one after two weeks of starvation dieting, I was 219:

Valentines day at just about 200 even, with the love of my life, Lola the bassoon. Happily married for 12 years <3

April, after I got MFP, hovering around 175-170, sitting on a mighty tree stump at the arboretum.

Joined marching band and lost more weight. 170-ish in late May:

At the 4th of July parade, rapidly succumbing heat stroke at 160 lbs. Yes, I know my feet are wrong. Like I said, heat stroke. This was after a week long trip of mountain climbing, canoeing, and hiking in June so I actually felt good about myself.

And eating my exercise calories at the after party that night, in my friends size medium dress.

Dressed up in a dress that hasn't fit me since I was 15 and stage makeup for a performance. August 5 and 153 lbs

Yesterday in my work uniform, 148 lbs. Trying to show my friend how much green I got away with keeping in my hair after they told me no more green:

And just for fun... SAME CLOTHES DIFFERENT DAY. First is from November, second from May

And old jeans/new bathing suit from may:

So I know i've lost weight but I also know that I am at a weight where other people start saying, "Man I need to lose some weight". Anyone else still feel really big at their goal weight? I don't want this to be a permanent feeling.


  • Girl you look great! Maybe you need to work on your self confidence... Maybe after all those years of being unhappy with your body took a toll... Just remember your gorgeous and never worry about what other people think!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    you look amazing. I love all the pictures and the stories! I think you may still feel that way because since you've lost so much weight, you have a lot of loose skin. maybe you should think about some strength training to help tone and then you can feel more confident about yourself. but I see a beautiful woman and I'm sure everyone else is. We are always the last ones to see the truth when it comes to looking in the mirror! I hope putting together the pictures and telling your story help you realize how far you've come!
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Girl you look great! Maybe you need to work on your self confidence... Maybe after all those years of being unhappy with your body took a toll... Just remember your gorgeous and never worry about what other people think!

    I agree. You look wonderful. Keep working at it and start some toning exercises. Maybe that will help with the way you are feeling.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    all i see is a young lady who is the same hieght as me and the weight i was and want to be again! you look great !
    I do think it takes a while for your head to catch up with your body! you have done well :smile: be proud !!!
  • I think you look great! I agree that you need to have more self confidence! You should be so proud of yourself! I also think you should not compare yourself or your weight with anyone elses, everyones bodies are different. If I lost that much weight, I would be running through the streets! You look awesome!
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    You look fantastic :smile: , you have done a wonderful job and please dont think otherwise. I'm the same height as you and agree absolutly, that .5 of an inch is very important :smile: I will be made up if I look half as good when I reach 148 lb, still got about 12lb to go. But again you have done a terrific job and look fab:smile:
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    First of all ~ congratulations, all of your hard work is looking amazing on you!! Secondly, I started at similar stats...5'4.5" (and I NEVER forget that .5, although a few years ago it was .75 and I've since gotten shorter, wth?!? All the fat weighed me down!) and 220 (back in 2009). I just joined MFP a little over a month ago. I'm happy to find your success thread as it's just more motivation for me!!

    Now, about twelve years ago I started at 185 and worked out with a trainer 3x a week plus cardio 5x per week (and dieted). It took awhile but "suddenly" I was looking at myself at 137 lbs, wearing a size 8, and I still thought I was fat. I couldn't see past my stomach that was NOT rock hard...it was still a little jiggly. My thunder thighs were still fairly thunderous (although now they were muscular thunder). And I just didn't feel like I had arrived yet. Unfortunately for me, I went on a cruise, gained 12 lbs in one week and well...that's the end of that story.

    All of this to say...I know all too well what you are talking about. And this time, with the motivation from peeps on MFP and all these awesome success stories showing gals getting down to lower weights with lots of muscle...well, it makes me think I CAN do this and maybe my goal of 140 isn't going to be satisfying for me. Maybe instead of focusing on the weight number...focus on your bodyfat percentage. Make an ultimate goal to get to whatever bodyfat you feel would look good on you and just keep plugging away till you get there? That's what I'm gonna do...right now, I'm just trying to get lower in weight while building muscle and then eventually will just focus on the bodyfat number.

    By the way, I think it is so totally awesome that you lost all that weight in less than a year!!! I mean c'mon...in January you were at your highest and now look at you! That is stinkin' amazing!! Focus on the long haul (it sucks, I know) and just keep pressing in. I can imagine you posting pics of yourself all rock hard in about six months...(while I'm hopefully just hitting my less jiggle goal, haha).
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    Girl you look great! Maybe you need to work on your self confidence... Maybe after all those years of being unhappy with your body took a toll... Just remember your gorgeous and never worry about what other people think!

    I agree. You look wonderful. Keep working at it and start some toning exercises. Maybe that will help with the way you are feeling.

    this. you do look great!!!! focus on strength training!! :)
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Seriously, you look hot. Forgive me, no way to say it delicately, you are skinny with a large chest. I've been told d cups are good for an extra ten pounds. So you've got a 135 body with some impressive curves.

    And like some of the others, you're the weight I want to get ti. Plus you lost so much so quick!
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    you look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

    You need to reward and recognise yourself for all your hard work, persistance and determination.

    Look at that last photo - the jeans that you once fitted into - you need to keep this visual... somewhere you can see it as a constant reminder of how far you have come.

    I can't see any double chin but trust me at particular angles we ALL have double chins! Do what the others have said (weights/strength training) and you will tone, with time.

    It's so easy to be highly critical of ourselves - most of us aren't good at giving ourselves a well earned pat on the back - and you deserve it my dear! Well done. Sincerely - you are 'hot' 'sexy' 'beautiful'.

    Enjoy yourself...love yourself....! Just do it. xx
  • ChrisFA5
    ChrisFA5 Posts: 59 Member
    Trust me it's all in your head, you look great. Keep in mind you are your most critical critic.
  • cjwalker81
    cjwalker81 Posts: 189 Member
    You look fabulous!!! I PRAY that I have the sucess you have had! I hope that you can find a way to get past your feelings and embrace the new you b/c you look amazing!!! I wish I had some advice for you!!
  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    I am exactly where you almost to the pound I am 147 and 5'5.5" and I was exactly where you were actually when I started the weight loss journey in 2004 I was 234...I had a fitness test and I did much better than people who had a lower BMI I have a higher muscle endurance and that itself it more important than how the extra jiggle looks! Be proud!
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    You look great!!! I think sometimes it takes a while for your head to catch up to what has happened to your body. My daughter lost some weight, not as much as you, and we can definitely see it and she can't. Others compliment her and I'm sure you get quite a few too! I told my daughter to post a sticky on her wall each time there is a positive - a smaller size jean, a compliment from a friend, able to increase her endurance, etc. Do that. You will be so surprised with all the new positives you have in your life!!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Love the old dress!!!! You look awesome!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    you look fantastic and in less than a year great job.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    So tell me again why you feel huge? lol Girl, you have done SOOO amazing! 80 lbs in under 8 months? You should be so proud! Alot of people get stuck in their old mindset and don't see or feel their changes until people point it out. Who cares if you're an attention whoore? At least you look good getting that attention. :tongue:
  • Give yourself a break sweetie-YOU.ARE.BEAUTIFUL
  • Your pictures are an inspiration to me! I started my weight loss at 220 lbs and my goal is 150lbs. Your pics make me excited to know that I am going to look that good when I meet my goal. I just started my "lifestyle change" on July 1st and have lost 14lbs so far...I have a ways to go, but thanks to you; I have renewed motivation! Thanks for sharing!
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