DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    @Jenni - maybe try either the flatbread or the rice at dinner but not both (less carbs at night). instead, try a steamed veggie (bird's eye makes frozen steam-in bags) or fresh (get a pack of zip-lock microwave steamers, no mess!) and use some "i can't believe it's not butter spray" or some parmesan cheese on the veggies. way less cals/carbs and better nutrients. plus you won't feel bad when you over eat steam broccoli =)
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Wow! Everyone is doing so great!
    @Renee - (I love your name btw) Yay for SAHMs! And I hear you in getting in workouts with toddlers! How old? I try to ignore my housework sometimes (they can make such a mess! lol) and make working out my priority, and then the rest usually gets done too.
    @Jenni - I know what you mean abt portion control at dinner time - I was just telling my sister that I think that was a lot of my weight gain, that and eating at night ;) I've found it helpful to plate everyone's food in the kitchen and then go back for seconds if people are still hungry. Just an idea. Also, not going to church tonight, but I'm excited for a big "Day of Service" we're doing this Saturday ;) What do you do on Wednesdays? plan activities? Have fun!
    @Wendy - it IS a new day ;) And it can be so frustrating when everything goes off course and we had no hand in it! But that's why moms are so great! So, yay! for moving on with a great attitude!! And I love the idea of entering all your food at the beginning of the day - I've done that for dinners before, but why not the whole day sometimes?! great idea!
    @Rachel - Woohoo! Fatigue did NOT get the best of you :) And that's exciting that you found such a great scale! You are going to do great - don't doubt yourself and we're all here for you!

    Fitness: Run 1.5 and 20 min Just Dance - Ran the 1.5 with great pace, but the Just Dance did not get danced :( My sister was visiting for the day, and she's been gone for the past 3 mos. Plans kept changing a lot, but I will try for it tday!
    Diet: Drank 12 cups of water :)

    Fitness: Jog 2 miles and 20 min Just Dance
    Diet: Drink 12 cups of water again
    Challengs I anticipate: My kids are way overtired so hopefully they are not too cranky/naptime goes well so I can get in my workout

    p.s. found some amazing gum last night - the Extra Apple Pie! yummm!
  • Krebsea
    Krebsea Posts: 5
    Morning ladies!

    FITNESS: At least 3.1 miles (5K) on the treadmill -- goal is to run at least 2 of them. Also, 60 sit-ups mid-day and 60 sit-ups before bed. Hoping to get those abs back in shape!
    DIET: Stick to daily calorie goal. I have a big chef salad that I plan to nosh on throughout the day, and I'm going to try it without dressing today to keep the calories at a minimum. Oh, and NO wine.
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I'm headed over to my mom's house tonight -- she and I are both wine fiends, and I rarely leave her house without having a couple of glasses of wine.

  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    Fitness: 40 minute walk -- done!!
    Diet: 2 c fruits, 2 1/2 c veggies -- I got in the fruits, and close to the number of veggies

    Fitness: 60 minute walk
    Diet: don't eat after 10 p.m.
    Challenges I anticipate: I've been having trouble with eating late at night for awhile now. I get hungry, and feel like I can't go to sleep with the hungry feeling.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    This is the scale that I got a couple of months ago. It seems to be working great (although, I haven't been losing weight). LOL
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Fitness: 40 minute walk -- done!!
    Diet: 2 c fruits, 2 1/2 c veggies -- I got in the fruits, and close to the number of veggies

    Fitness: 60 minute walk
    Diet: don't eat after 10 p.m.
    Challenges I anticipate: I've been having trouble with eating late at night for awhile now. I get hungry, and feel like I can't go to sleep with the hungry feeling.

    Have you tried just drinking some water before you go to bed or maybe some green tea? This seems to help me I know I run the risk of having to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night but worth it to not have to add calories I don't really need!!
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I've tried drinking water, and it doesn't seem to satisfy me. I could try decaffeinated green tea. Actually, herbal tea might work. It wouldn't keep me up, but has some flavor.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Lana - You are not alone! I've found if I'm hungry the 100 calorie popcorn bags work well - I really like kettlecorn because it's a little sweet but healthy too. I also have found that peanuts or anything high-protein is good, because protein takes longer to burn off and I've read that it's perfect for nightime snacks. Also, if you just have the munchies I have found gum (especially the Extra dessert flavors) to be really helpful :)
  • @Jackie Not gonna lie, I was not happy to see your veggie substitute for rice suggestion, but you are right, so I am officially switching out my rice for steamed broccoli tonight. I really appreciate it because I need to be held accountable for what I eat, and advice is always welcome, so thank you!
    @Shannon Wednesdays we do Youth Group teaching and hanging out...it's a lot of fun and fellowship :)
  • CurlyLeslie
    CurlyLeslie Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm sorry that I haven't spoken up sooner. I had access to MFP only through my iPhone app while I was in Hawaii for 9 days so fortunately I was able to hear about this group from Shannon, but not able to access the message boards to post though. I returned from my trip yesterday and pretty much bombed out every single day there (sheesh!) so I really, really need the motivation and support to get back on track, lose the weight I gained there, and continue on my weight loss/fitness goals. Oh, and Thanksgiving is my birthday this year so it is the perfect goal date for me!!!

    Here is a little about me:

    Name: Leslie
    Height: 5'6"
    CW: 147.4
    Goal Weight by Thanksgiving: 135
    Favorite workouts: Walking,elliptical machine, stationary bicycle, lifting weights
    Other: SAHM to three kids, married almost 15 yrs, LDS Christian, love to read, knit, scrapbook, sew

    My Fitness Goal: (not exactly a fitness goal but I really need it since I flew home yesterday), to go to bed by 10:30 so I can get 8 hours sleep.
    My Diet Goal: To stay under my calorie goal and not eat after 8:00
    Challenges I anticipate: Still feeling exhausted from my trip so I want to eat everything in sight (especially all the chocolate macadamia candies and other Hawaii goodies I brought home for family and friends)
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!! I had a good day yesterday I reached each of my goals and I even did more excercise than I planned and wound up buring over 500 calories yesterday!! That put my calroies for the day at 810 so I am not sure that is good but I did not get that until late in the day so I did not want to eat at that point. I am wondering if I am eating too little. I am eating around 1100-1300 a day but when I exercise that is putting me at around 850 a day. what do you all think? I know on some of the message boards they say you should eat your exercise calories but that seems counter productive to me. However, I have never really tried to lose weight that is how I got to this point.

    Ok enough babbling
    Daily goals for 8-25
    Diet: to increase calories for breakfast and lunch so maybe to get enough calories.
    Excercise: walk 20 mins bike 10 mins

    On a side note Hi Leslie! Hawaii sounds so great I am jealous!! Welcome!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • Yesterday..
    Fitness: 40 minute walk -- done!!
    Diet: 2 c fruits, 2 1/2 c veggies -- I got in the fruits, and close to the number of veggies

    Fitness: 60 minute walk
    Diet: don't eat after 10 p.m.
    Challenges I anticipate: I've been having trouble with eating late at night for awhile now. I get hungry, and feel like I can't go to sleep with the hungry feeling.

    Try drinking big glass of water (I like to munch on ice, but your dentist would hate me for this suggestion). Also instead of something loaded with calories and carbs try celery. Low calorie and carbs.
  • @Rachel - OK, some say that you will go into "starvation mode" if your calories go below the magical number somewhere around 1200. In fact, MFP will not allow you to set a goal below 1200. What the so-called "starvation mode" is a point that many say your metabolism will slow and you are at risk of not getting enough nutrients. Here is what I think. Whenever you change your eating and exercise your body says, "Whoa, need to slow down the burning of the energy (calories, carbs, and ultimately your body fat). This will happen regardless of the number of calories. I have reduced my caloric intake to a goal of 600 - 1000. I do replace 1/2 of my exercise calories with PROTEIN. I did this when I found that I was loosing, but my body fat loss was decreasing. Meaning I was loosing lean muscle. Once I did this I found that my muscle was increasing and my fat loss % stayed steady. I have found that with the exception of during my monthly visitor I can stay within my calorie goal without much effort by making lean protein choices as often as possible. When I started by weight loss journey I kept track not only of what I ate, but also how hungry I was before and after eating. I found that my smaller portions were enough because I was satisfied. It was truly a revelation for me.

    @Leslie - I have 2 weeks planned in Hawaii in June. I can't wait! MMMMM . . . . Any chance you had Lappert's Ice Cream? They have this pineapple - coconut ice cream in a chocolate dipped macadamian nut waffle cone. It is amazing. I love those pricey chocolate macadamian nuts that you mentioned. Have you ever tried the ones that have the layer of toffe between the nut and the chocolate. MMMMM . . . . I did want to point out that often when you have a little bit of a food party and you get back to it your metabolism has kicked up a bit and you can loose the gained weight and some extra with more ease. I am taking the kids to Disney for Labor Day weekend and I plan to enjoy that food! It is a kind reward that I am giving myself. I will be back to it as soon as I return home though!

    Yesterday's Goals: I ate only what I logged in the AM for my meals. Somehow this made me a little more accountable. My husband has to adjust the treadmill track as it is sticking so I swam laps with my boy. We race for 30 minutes so I burned a far amount of calories. All and all a good day!

    My Fitness Goal: No time to do the gym so I am trying to build my own little gym at home. Going to hunt on Craigslist for some weight training equipment. I notice that my swimming has begun to sculpt my arms a bit. Once all the fat is gone they have a nice shape started. Need to start on the rest of my body. I am also going to start doing sit ups today. 2 c-sections later my lower ab muscles are pitiful and I need to start doing something about that. Of course, I am going to do some cardio. And depend on my hubby what that will be.
    My Diet Goal: Stick with my plan to log my meals early in the day and stick those items only. Need to get to the store as my protein is really low at home.
    Challenges I anticipate: Nathan has a summer project that is due on Friday and he has a couple of things to complete. This will take more time than a normal homework evening. Need to try to let Dad contribute more today so I can get my fitness goals in.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Oh, tomorrow is a weigh in day for me! I look forward to it and dread it in equal parts!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Krebsea
    Krebsea Posts: 5
    Good Morning Ladies! :)

    Yesterday's Goals: Went a little over in calories (about 150 over), but made up for it by meeting (and exceeding!) my exercise goals. Ran 2 miles (without stopping), and then alternated running/walking until I'd reached about 4 miles. Burned 600 calories. Woohoo! :)

    My Fitness Goal: Some kind of cardio -- perhaps not as intense as yesterday so as to give my legs a break. 180 sit-ups (90 at lunchtime, 90 before bed).
    My Diet Goal: Stick to calorie goal
    Challenges I anticipate: Thursdays are generally "happy hour" days... we'll see if I can stick to the plan and stay away from alcohol.

    Good luck, and Happy Thursday everyone!
  • So yesterday I did some stairs and some walking, not much, but as much as I had hoped to. With my eating, I did pretty good about my portion control, although after dinner I got hungry so had a half serving of Wheat Thins and that seemed to do the trick. It sounds silly, but I feel guilty because I probably could have stopped at a quarter serving, but kept going just because I enjoy them. I do enjoy food so much, and that makes it so much more difficult to curb my eating, but trying and getting better.
    Goals for 8/25/2011:
    Fitness: Do at least 1 hour cardio today, including running, stairs, and maybe a video.
    Food: Eat when hungry, only! I have a tendency to eat for the sake of "it's time to eat" including my daily snacks, so I am going to really pay attention to my stomach today and only eat when hungry and eat just enough to satisfy the hunger.
  • had a half serving of Wheat Thins and that seemed to do the trick. It sounds silly, but I feel guilty because I probably could have stopped at a quarter serving, but kept going just because I enjoy them. I do enjoy food so much, quote]

    I LOVE FOOD! You aren't alone! Suggestion: almonds have a few more calories, but waaay fewer carbs. Might be a better choice and I find that they take care of my crunchy salt cravings. I weigh out an ounce and put the rest away.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @Shannon-Thanks! I have a 3 year old & a 22 month old. There is a Just Dane 2 challenge starting on Monday. Maybe this will help you get your dancing in. Here is the link if you’re interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/324677-just-dance-2-challenge
    Also, what do you put in your veggie/fruit smoothie? Im looking for one that tastes good

    @Leslie-Welcome! Glad you enjoyed your time in Hawaii. I know its hard to get back on track after vacation so just take a couple of days to get back into your normal routine (this is what im doing now after a 3 week vacation and I have 10lbs to knock off from this vacation *sighs*)

    @Wendy-Good Luck on your weigh in tomorrow!

    FITNESS: Jogging & Strenth Training~Done!
    Did Jogging/Walking Intervals for 1 hr & ST for about 40 mins
    DIET: 10 cups of water & 5 fruits & veggies~Done!
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Getting in my workout with my boys~Survived!
    Put the boys in the stroller and went jogging. Did my ST while 1 was napping and the other was playing in the backyard.

    FITNESS: 3 miles of exercise, try a new DVD & do 50 crunches
    DIET: 10 cups of water & 5 fruits & veggies
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Feeling lazy today so I need to push myself to get my exercise in
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    @Leslie – Your vacation sounds wonderful!! I think getting plenty of sleep is a great goal! It’s supposed to help speed up metabolism.
    @tryingeveryday – congrats on reaching your goals!! I’ve read that if you go to low on calories, it slows down your metabolism. I’ve had the same problems on days that I do long hikes.
    @Wendy – great job on the swimming. That’s great exercise!!
    @Krebsea – super job on the exercise!!
    @Jennifergayfield – I totally appreciate the issue of eating b/c you enjoy it. Sometimes, I’m not hungry and don’t eat when I should. Other times, I just want to eat everything.
    @loveme445 – congrats on getting exercise in with the kids!!

    FITNESS: 40 minutes walking done—actually, I got in 70 minutes!!
    DIET: not eating after 10 p.m. – I ate 15 almonds at 10 p.m., but was still hungry. After that, I had gum and some cereal. Today, I’m going to get some 100 cal microwave popcorn.

    FITNESS: 60 mnts exercise
    DIET: not eating after 10 p.m.
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: I have a lot to do after work b/c I’m leaving for vacation tomorrow AM.
  • Jackie - I have trouble with that 2 tblsp of dressing. I'm willing to count 4 tblsp - at least it gets me eating my veggies. I hate naked veggies.

    Shannon - Good idea on putting the "2 TBLSP" of dressing on and then shaking it up. I usually put my salad in a tuperware dish for lunch. I'm going to try it . . .here in just a little bit. It does make sense though.

    Wendy - I almost bought that Newman dressing yesterday. I'll have to try it. I bet it is hard to dedicate time to working out when you're doing all you do. Glad it's not me, lol. I've got the same goal as you today - make a diet plan for the day and then STICK TO IT!!!

    Jackie - I like your idea for the steamed veggies. I just have a hard time making veggies for one at night. Guess I'd best get over it. I still like to steam my veggies with a steamer and a pot on the stove. The bags leave them a little spongy - don't you think?

    I did meet yesterdays goals, today -
    DIET: Have steamed veggies for dinner. Need to keep getting them in, even if I don't love 'em.
    Drink water.
    FITNESS: Long morning walk
    Gym for pilates and stretching (I've been skipping this and my back needs it)
  • CurlyLeslie
    CurlyLeslie Posts: 30 Member
    Morning friends! It seems like everyone got off to a really great start and met their goals. I loved reading the different goals to get ideas for things I can work on as well.

    @wendyc122005 - No I haven't tried that ice cream but it sounds heavenly! Next time...

    FITNESS: Sleep goal to go to bed by 1030 - met! Didn't sleep so good with my lingering cough/cold, but still feeling better and less travel tired.
    DIET: Stopped eating by 8:00 and stayed under goal!

    FITNESS: 15 minutes of swimming at least when I take my kids to the pool, 15 minute walk outside or on treadmill later, minimum 5 minutes weights.
    DIET: 10 cups of water, stop eating by 8:00 and stay under food goal.
    CHALLENGES ANTICIPATED: Feeling sluggish still and craving sugar. Gotta fight it!
This discussion has been closed.