30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I did D3 last night just fine. I only rested once for a few seconds. I'm going to do the workout tonight even though I've been walking around out in the hot sun doing errands all day. I need a nap right now though.
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    I am new to this website and have decided to start 30DS tomorrow morning. Hopefully with this site I can stay motivated, I always start and never finish.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Ah day 4 is done!

    Well I start the video with a exercise I hate which are push ups and end with another one I hate which is bicycles. I did do better today with the bicycles so hopefully by day 10 I can do them all!

    I burned 179 calories tonight!
  • olpbabe
    olpbabe Posts: 89
    Looks like everyone is doing great! My worst part is the jumprope and bicycle crunches...though jumprope is getting easier, I still cannot make it through the bicycle crunches!

    I think I'm starting to see a difference...we'll see when I measure next!

    Keep it up! And feel free to add for support! :bigsmile:
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    L1D3 done for me. It was hard for me today, I just didn't have the energy and every workout seemed like a struggle. I am happy I did it and completed it though. I still am enjoying the workout a lot- and I find a lot of things annoying about Jillian when I'm doing the workout but I think that's because she is causing me pain!!! haha.
    Keep up the great work everyone the results will be well worth it!!:happy:
  • I was tired today, but after starting the workout and warming up I found some energy. Today I cycled back to level 1. So, Day 4 Level 1. Tomorrow, Day 5 Level 2 and so on.

    Wishing everybody the best!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Day 4 done! Side lunge is still the killer for me. Can do them, but the entire motion just feels awkward!!

    Today the bi's, forearms and ham's were a bit soar all day, but feel fine after day 4 and some extra static stretching.

    I'm staying extremely motivated and am actually moving from one exercise to the next without stopping i.e. moving from jumping jacks to jump rope without the pause in between. Push, push, push!

    If this keeps up, I will definitely have to check out level 2 on Monday.

    As far as logging the exercise I'm imputing it as aerobic, general and it's saying I have burn of 189 calories. With no HRM I do not know how accurate it is, but it is the lower of options and since I'm pushing myself I feel I should be burning somewhere near there.

    I do have to say that I don't know if I would have such a positive experience with 30DS if I weighed the 220 I did when I started MFP. I've been working hard to watch my intake, consumption rate and incorporating moderate exercise in my routine. Had I not done that first and dropped about 26-28 pounds I'm sure my statements above would be quite different!

    Let's keep this party rocking! We are making progress and by this time next week should hopefully be feeling and seeing some positive results for our hard efforts!
  • Feels like i pulled something in my thigh lol, so jillian, thought your warmup meant no injuries? lol i know i know , just not used to this sort of exercisse, my day two totally fell apart after 10 minutes or so, when jillian said jumping jacks at one point i just turned it off and left the room haha

    Still determined, just the lack of sleep & sore leg wore me down!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello all!

    Sooooo, while I was waiting for my husband to get home and could smell the roasted Brussels Sprouts in the oven for dinner I DID not want to do Jillian Michaels.

    I dunno, been feeling really good but had some moments of "I need to eat!" and I did! :) I feel like I was eating ALL day, yet still ended up under on my calories still! :) Gotta love that working out..

    Oh yeah, so while I didn't want to workout, by the time we were into the jumping jacks in the warm up- I WAS READY TO GO! I was jumping high and loving it! Every day is easier and I haven't had super stiff arms/chest now. So that mean's i'm pushing through it....

    Granted, pushups. Yesterday I did all of them and today I was only able to 12 per side. I think it's because I did an arm workout today and it killed me! LOL

    Soooo, here's to tomorrow!

    I am going camping and visiting my best friend in Flagstaff over the weekend and while we will be leaving tomorrow, we will be back on Sunday... SOOOO that means I will be doing my workout tomorrow before we leave an on Sunday when we get back. Even if i don't WANT to, I'm going to do it! After all, it's only 23 minute! :)

    Also, on Saturday I won't have electricity soooooooo no Jillian michaels! However, I have already decided to do some sit up variations, pushups (at least 30 in 3 reps) and then we will be mountain biking all day! :) I figure as long as I'm moving! It's good!

    How are you guys doing in? Getting better? Feeling better? :) Have a great weekend!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member

    I'm staying extremely motivated and am actually moving from one exercise to the next without stopping i.e. moving from jumping jacks to jump rope without the pause in between. Push, push, push!

    If this keeps up, I will definitely have to check out level 2 on Monday.

    As far as logging the exercise I'm imputing it as aerobic, general and it's saying I have burn of 189 calories. With no HRM I do not know how accurate it is, but it is the lower of options and since I'm pushing myself I feel I should be burning somewhere near there.

    I totally agree, I think I'll be moving on to level 2 faster than I thought I would. Granted, still not close, but i bet in 10 days or so... Also, i do the same, no pausing in between at all. BAM BAM BAM! :) One into the next!

    Also, I'm not sure how much you weigh or your resting heart rate, but my HRM says that I am burning anywhere from 200-215 calories every time. I'm 5"3 and I weight 155 pounds!
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member

    I totally agree, I think I'll be moving on to level 2 faster than I thought I would. Granted, still not close, but i bet in 10 days or so... Also, i do the same, no pausing in between at all. BAM BAM BAM! :) One into the next!

    Also, I'm not sure how much you weigh or your resting heart rate, but my HRM says that I am burning anywhere from 200-215 calories every time. I'm 5"3 and I weight 155 pounds!

    I'm 5'10" and currently weigh in at 192 pounds. Fighting to finally get under 190! That damn 189 has a pretty good hiding place!

    I'll probably have look into getting a HRM for better tracking.
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Oh my crap!!! I tried level 2 today. Uhm yeah. I think I might go back to level 1 tomorrow. And do level 2 every other day or something. I never had to take a break during level 1, but level 2 caused me to pause a few times. My shoulders burn...and the pendulum lunges...oh my gosh...and the plank moves for all strength, cardio, AND abs...uhm...ouch.

    Uh yeah that's what I'm saying! Level 2 kicked my a**! I'm still paying for it today. Those arm exercises worked muscles I didn't even know you could work. I think level 1 and I will be friends for a little longer.

    EPIC SRT- I fully agree, the side lunge feels really awkward on my knees and I find I have to constantly readjust my foot so I don't feel pain on my knee.
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    L1D4 completed. Followed by L2D1 attempted. I got about 12 min in when I remembered I have bootcamp tomorrow and I don't want to be sore.
    The only problem I have w/L1 is boy pushups. I can't do but a few and accepting modified just doesn't do it for me! I wanted my upper body to be stronger before moving on, however I am wanting MORE after only 20 minutes.

    Also-- I need music that pumps me up not makes me think of soft porn so I have been putting on Pandora and muting Jillian. You can read her lips and it's not like there's any surprises after watching it once. :-)
  • adsandve
    adsandve Posts: 8 Member
    I started a bit late (technology problems). Today was D1L1! I'm pretty sure I swore at Jillian Micheals smiling face a couple of times, esp during the jumping jacks and push ups, BUT, I felt great after and am feeling a bit sore as I type this.. (That's a good sign, right?!). Looking forward to D2L1 tomorrow. (I'm doing the recommened level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days, level 3 for 10 days).

    Thanks everyone for sharing their stories! It really makes me want to SHRED!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    L1D4 completed. Followed by L2D1 attempted. I got about 12 min in when I remembered I have bootcamp tomorrow and I don't want to be sore.
    The only problem I have w/L1 is boy pushups. I can't do but a few and accepting modified just doesn't do it for me! I wanted my upper body to be stronger before moving on, however I am wanting MORE after only 20 minutes.

    Also-- I need music that pumps me up not makes me think of soft porn so I have been putting on Pandora and muting Jillian. You can read her lips and it's not like there's any surprises after watching it once. :-)

    LMBO!!! Yes, I noticed last night that the music is very soft-porny (not that I watch that kinda stuff, LOL). I had DH sit with me and watch level 2 and level 3 (why I do this to myself I don't know, I just wanted to know what was coming...watch out world, the plank form is the starting point for almost all of her moves in level 3!). You are smart to want to get your upper body stronger before moving on...I noticed in level 2 a BIG difference in upper arm movements. A LOOOOOOT more burning and me cussing at the TV (and just using the normal 5 lb weights). Get your shoulders in shape because girls....that ish is coming and it's HARD! ;o) Surprisingly...the soreness I am experiencing so far this morning (after having done -rather, attempted- L2 yesterday) is hamstring soreness. But this could be from jogging last night in my sub with a bunch of hills (in Nike flip flops no less). I'm tight-feeling in my shoulders and chest...so I know that is from L2's workout...and everything else just feels the "normal" tight after doing her L1 workouts.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well day 5 is complete! Half way done level 1 and I can already start to see and feel results!

    I really need to start getting up early in the morning and workout before work because today I burned like 30 more calories!! I had a nice burn of 207 calories!

    Well have a great workout!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Hello all! I'm on L2 D9 and I can tell you the secret about those side lunges. You don't put alot of weight on the leg, you stick out your butt more. That way the knee doesn't go over the toes!! Very important in saving yourself knee pain. So work a bit on the technique more and slow down if you need to. You all sound like you're doing great, keep Shredding! XOXO
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Day 6 (level 1 today, LOL) in the books!
    Has anyone had any pain (not soreness, but pain, like a side stitch) in their lower abs (forget what these abs are called, the ones involved heavily when you lift your butt off the ground, well, anything when you are pulling your legs up)?? A few days ago I did something and it feels like a "pulled muscle". Yesterday when I was attempting level 2, all the plank stuff killed me because this area was screaming at me (not a good scream, a bad one). Today when I did level 1 again and did pushups (again, similar to plank holding abs in), it started hurting bad right away. I don't want to injure myself further so not sure what to do about this. I can do crunches and most of the other ab exercises without too much pain, but anything requiring reverse crunches or plank style stuff is not helping. :o/
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    Day 4 (last night) I was able to get through more but I had less energy. I think the problem was a salad for lunch did not provide me with enough energy to do the video to the best of my ability. I also did not burn as many calories do to the low energy. Day 5 today.....
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    Well I did it....L1D1. Had to take a break a couple times but I pushed through it. I know I am going to be really sore tomorrow, I can already feel it. I really dislike the jumping rope and the push ups, hopefully they will get easier as I continue. :smile: