DG - Thanksgiving Countdown (CLOSED GROUP)



  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Leslie - Yay! So glad you're joining us :) And it sounds like you had a blast w/your family in Hawaii! Ask your hubby to hide all the treats you got for friends - haha, at least that's what I'd have to do :P And we're still at abt the same weight like we were a mo or two ago, so don't feel bad. And ps for the sugar - try having some fruit...mangos, bananas, apples, mmmmmm
    @Rachel - If your not feeling too hungry I woudln't worry too much. Just the foods you eat need to have lots of nutrition. If I were you eat like you are if your comfortable with it and see after a couple weeks if it's helping you lose weight. If not then you can up your calories a little and play around with the numbers to see what works.
    @Wendy - I can only wish I was a swimmer - it's such a good workout! And I think it's great that you race your teenage son :)
    @Elizabeth - Nice burn yesterday! I want to add in more walking/jogging after my runs too, I just do about 1/4 mile cool-down usually. And staying away from the drinking tnight, you can do it!
    @Jennifer - I've noticed it helps me to not plan my snacks so much, only meals, and then eat a snack when/if I'm hungry.
    @Renee - Thanks for the link, I'll have to check it out. As far as smoothies - I actually don't really make them, lol, just thought it might help with your goals. I love veggies, and have fruit sometimes depending on if I feel low on sugar. (sorry) Great job getting your workout in! And hey, you burned more calories pushing them too!
    @Lana - Are you going to visit family or friends or have special plans for your vk? And I love my 100 cal popcorn :) You feel like your pigging out, but it's so few calories!
    @Poppy - It might be a little tough in the tupperware - I usually do it in a large bowl w/lid, but I hope it works well for you! If not a large plastic bag, closed with the air in it could do the trick too I think.

    Fitness: Jog 2 miles and 20 min Just Dance - Did it! Had to fit the Just Dance in right before my daughters bedtime, but it was fun!
    Diet: Drink 12 cups of water again - Check! With a good workout, this is very doable for me I've noticed.

    Fitness: 30 min walk with kids, and 30 min Just Dance
    Diet: Drink 10 glasses of water
    Challenges I anticipate: Very tired today, slept in and it's making me feel groggy, :P So, taking a day off from running. AND I want to get to bed by 10:45, so I can wake up by 6:30. Need to get back on track here.
  • NAME: Change_happens
    HEIGHT: 5'7"
    CW: 166
    FAVORITE WORKOUTS: Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Jackie Warner and Leslie Sansone
    OTHER: I love to knit, crochet, sew, craft... and some other stuff :) I love being around my fam and my children are little blessings that I love tremendously. I love MFP and the nice people who are on their own lifestyle journey. I love this challenge :)
  • @Shannon - I race my 6 year old! He can't really beat me, but he is a skinny little fish and in a few years he will give me a run for my money. Of course, I let him win 1/2 the time to keep him interested.
  • launawe
    launawe Posts: 60 Member
    I will be away from the computer for several days. I will still be able to log via iPhone, but probably won't be able to get on here. I'm going to visit family. So...

    Today's fitness goal: I did not get any exercise other than laundry and packing.
    Today's diet goal: I ate regular meals despite running around, so that was good.

    This weekend's fitness goal: at least 40 minutes of exercise each day (including walking on the beach) :-)
    This weekend's diet goal: Keep on target with MFP calories and log each day even though on vacation!!
    Challenges: I will probably be tempted to splurge due to being on vacation. I can't afford to splurge, b/c we have another vacation next weekend!! I will have to make sure I eat good things like grilled fish and plenty of veggies.
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Shannon - I race my 6 year old! He can't really beat me, but he is a skinny little fish and in a few years he will give me a run for my money. Of course, I let him win 1/2 the time to keep him interested.
    lol, my bad :P Still a great thing to do w/your son though :)

    k, so obviously I'm not getting to bed on time like I'd said I wanted to, oh well. It's easier for me to check in at night most days, so I'll set my goals for tmorrow now.

    Tday was a rough day...
    Fitness: Walk 30 min - it rained, and didn't have time w/kids, Just Dance - did not happen either, but I did end up walking 1.5 miles on the treadmill after I put the kiddos to bed.
    Diet: Drink 10 cups of water - check

    Tomorrow's Goals:
    Fitness: Any kind of cardio 30 min
    Diet: Eat all my protein
    Challenges I anticipate - have a lot of things we want to get done around the house before my husband's crazy busy semester starts next Monday. And if I don't conciously try to eat lots of protein, that can slip some like it did tday, so re-focus on that tmorrow
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: 3 miles of exercise, try a new DVD & do 50 crunches
    ~Walked 5.76 miles, did 50 crunches & I did Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six Pack DVD for the 1st time
    DIET: 10 cups of water & 5 fruits & veggies
    ~Had 14 cups of water but only had 4 fruits & veggies today
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Feeling lazy today so I need to push myself to get my exercise in~Survived!

    FITNESS: 4.25 miles of exercise & Strength Training
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Well, weekends are always tough for me and I tend to be over cals the majority of the time. I have several events to attend and hope I dont overeat
  • slimdownspicey
    slimdownspicey Posts: 110 Member
    Hey! Sorry for my absence yesterday - I was travelling to clients all day. I didn't really make goals other than to NOT stop for fast food while on the road (got a turkey sandwhich at the deli instead) and to meet my trainer even though I was feeling a little under the weather (we just did weights not cardio).

    Goals today...
    Exercise: Go to yoga after work! Last week I skipped out cause of the rain but that should be no excuse.
    Diet: Stay under my calories, don't eat any fries and hot dogs at the Peruvian chicken place tonight.
    Challenges: 1. It's Friday and I'm lazy, haven't had a day off since last Sunday but yoga is low-key and I know Sunday will be a day off with the hurricaine coming. 2. The Peruvian chicken place is amazing and the dinner comes with french fries fried with hot dogs - I just need to concentrate on how good the chicken is.

    Will read over the posts from yesterday a bit later and comment!
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning everyone!

    I met all my goals yesterday except I did not do 10 mins on the bike I only did 5.

    Goals for 8-26
    Diet: Stay within my calories even though it is Friday and for some reason that makes me want to eat out!! But I did already set out pork chops so I am cooking!
    Exercise: ?? I think I should go on a walk??
    Challenges: I am really down today I got the new scale and I weighed on it and according to it I have gained .2 pounds and I have really been working hard at it this week so I am just really wanting to sit here. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I am not going to give up I know that is what it sounds like but I am not. My hubby is doing this with me and he has lost 7.2 lbs this week which is crazy and I am thrilled for him just disappointed for me!

    Ok enough whining I hope you all have a blessed day and good luck with your goals!!
  • @Rachel - 1. New scale you may get a slightly different read. Try weighing in on the old scale and see what it reads. 2. Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. If you increased your muscle mass that will effect your weight as well. 3. I retain water at least 2 weeks a month . . . that is why I stopped weighing more than 3 to 4 times a month. Bu the way, tried this new pork chop recipe last night. It was fantastic and easy. Found this parmesan, cracked pepper, and onion. It was a Kraft mix in the dry section with the marinades and the mixes. Low in calories, carbs, and you brush it with olive oil so you are getting good fat. They were FABULOUS! One suggestion if you try it. It says bake for 30 minutes on the package. I baked for 45 because they were a little tough at 30.

    Weigh in this AM . . . 4 more lbs! Didn't get that push down into the 180's, but I wll next week! I may even break my rule and weigh in again on Monday to see that number change.

    Made all of my goals yesterday!

    Todays Goals:
    Fitness: Swim laps minimum 30 minutes. Hoping since it is Friday I can put more time in. Treadmill has been moved in, but the track is sticking and hubby couldn't get it fixed. He is calling customer service today to get some direction.
    Diet: Working out really well to log meals in the AM. This will be my ongoing goal. I do need to try to eat back some of my exercise in protein.
    Challenge: Have tons of stuff to do this weekend and I tend to miss meals. So I am going to try to be really conscience of meals while out and about.

    Have a great day!
  • Morning all.

    I did okay yesterday - stayed under my calorie limit and recorded everything (both good things) but I didn't eat a healthy dinner - ate crap and I want to get away from that.

    Didn't get my water drank yesterday either.

    Going to try to do better today:
    Diet goal: stay under calories and not eat any sugar
    Exercise goal: go to gym - walk (check)

    I'm starting to really like my morning walk now that it's part of my routine and it no longer hurts, lol.

    My Diet Tip for the day: I've found that protien smoothies in the morning really help me eat better for the entire day. Alot of breakfast foods just make me want to eat more. I need more protien than I usually eat and I don't like to eat that much animal protien. I've found that a good whey protien smoothie, made with fruit and Silk Light Vanilla soy milk - sets me up for the day.
  • Krebsea
    Krebsea Posts: 5
    Morning All! :)

    Yesterday's Goals: Went home and took a (much-needed) nap. Didn't do any cardio, but will make up for it today. Was able to stick to my calorie goal (and stayed a little under), though went a little overboard on the carb count. Also, stayed away from wine yesterday, which is HUGE for me. :)

    My Fitness Goal: At least 3.1 miles (5K) on the treadmill; 180 sit-ups (90 at lunchtime, 90 before bed).
    My Diet Goal: Stick to calorie goal; NO wine; no eating/snacking after 9pm.
    Challenges I anticipate: Not snacking after 10pm, and avoiding wine.

    TGIF! Happy Friday everyone!!! :)
  • @Wendy Thank you for the almond suggestion, I'll have to try and see if it helps curb my hunger and lower my carbs...I think I'm a bit addicted to carbs, and it's definitely a struggle to stay under my daily goal there. Also, great job on your weight loss, you're rocking it!
    @Lana Enjoy your vacation, we'll miss you this weekend, but have fun and don't forget your fitness/food goals.
    @Shannon It can be hard to eat back the protein. Lean meats are so essential for building muscle and losing fat. Also, good luck to you and your husband as he starts his new semester. I think school is stressful on the spouse as well...my husband definitely helped get me through my Master's classes.
    @Renee Great job meeting and exceeding your goals yesterday! Inspirational!
    @Jackie Good luck resisting temptation...stay focused on the prize, your goals!
    @Rachel Virtual hug sent your way for encouragement. Remember, new scales can be a bit different, so don't be discouraged, be proud of the work you are doing!
    @Poppy Morning walks sound like a great way to start the day!
    @Elisabeth Good job staying away from wine, and also great that you do sit-ups at lunchtime, great way to incorporate fitness into your day.

    I did some cardio yesterday, didn't meet the 60 minutes though...Did good with my food goals though, ate some light popcorn when I got hungry after dinner and didn't even finish the package.
    Today's 8/26/11 Goals:
    Fitness: 40 minutes cardio
    Food: Not too much snacking during movie night...also resist temptation to buy ice cream at the mall...
    Challenges: Busy day, easy to just buy something at the mall when hungry, need to plan accordingly!

    Hope everyone is having a great Friday, and if we'll miss you over the weekend, have a great one!
  • CurlyLeslie
    CurlyLeslie Posts: 30 Member
    @swillis21- thanks for the encouraging words! Great workout yesterday! The JustDance especially sounds fun. We have that for our Wii and I’ve tried it a couple of times with my kids and it’s definitely a good calorie burn!

    @change_happens – I love to knit, too! And sew and craft though I haven’t done those very much this summer. Are you a member of Ravelry.com? If you are, my username there is also CurlyLeslie though I need to update my page soon.

    @launawe – Good luck on your vacation! I know how hard that can be to stay on track so just take it one meal at a time and try and log everything.

    FITNESS: 15 minutes of swimming – done!, 15 minute walk on treadmill - done!, minimum 5 minutes weights-done! I have so say that though it wasn’t much of a workout yesterday, the fact that I completed the goal was a big deal since I felt wiped out yesterday but I knew I had posted the goal here and had to do it!
    DIET: Stop eating by 8, stay under food goal, drink 10 cups water – done!

    FITNESS: Walk at least 30 minutes, lift weights at least 5 minutes, 10 minutes on elliptical
    DIET: 10 cups of water, stop eating by 8:00 and stay under food goal.

    Have a good day everyone! Leslie
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks to you all for your support and kind words yesterday I really needed it. I did not quit yesterday with my diet I ate under calories I think I came out around 1300 which I was ok with. I did not walk until the evening but I still walked! I did not ride the bike.

    Goals for 8-27
    Diet: Stay under my calorie intake and choose good foods
    Exercise: Walk and clean house
    Challenges: I don't know why but I feel like the weekend is a calorie free zone and I tend to eat whatever I want so I am trying to change that mindset.

    Hope everyone has a blessed day!!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    Hello everyone!!
    busy day ahead for me, so here it goes
    fitness: 30 min cardio - unless grocery shopping counts, lol, did not fit it in yesterday
    diet: ate more protein, but had some empty cals at lunch, so did not get all of it

    today (is a new day):
    fitness: 30 min walk w/family to park this afternoon
    diet: drink 10 glasses of water
    challenges I anticipate: being busy w/projects, (incl organizing our storage :P), etc it'll be harder to fit in a walk, and tday we're going to a bbq, so I'll do my best to est my calories. Also, when I don't put some focus on my water intake, it doesn't happen too

  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: 4.25 miles of exercise & Strength Training
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Well, weekends are always tough for me and I tend to be over cals the majority of the time. I have several events to attend and hope I dont overeat
    ~FAILED AT EVERYTHING FRIDAY! Was being lazy and didnt get my workout done in the morning. So, I figured I would get it done in the evening. Took the kids to a b day party at Chuck E Cheese and didnt get home until after 9pm! So, I have the same goals for Saturday since I didnt complete the mission Friday.

    FITNESS: 4.25 miles of exercise & Strength Training
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Well, weekends are always tough for me and I tend to be over cals the majority of the time. I have several events to attend and hope I dont overeat
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Yesterday was a great day I did not do the exercise I had planned but I did go swimming for 30 mins which burned way more calories then I thought it would and it was amazing to run in the pool and my feet did not hurt once!! I hardly ever go swimming though because it is a pool at our apartment complex so I am always nervous someone will make fun of me. But going yesterday was so great my hubby and I had the pool to our selves. I also met my calorie goals yesterday which was great!

    Today Goals 8-28
    Diet: stay under calories
    Exercise: Rest day we will go to church and I prepared food yesterday so I don't even have to cook!! And we dont have to go out to eat!

    Have a blessed day everyone!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    @Renee - me too! I didn't get my goals done so I will try for the same thing again tday. Let's both jump back on again!
    @Rachel - that's great that you went swimming! I hope that your neighbors are not like that, but if they are they are very shallow and they are not the kind of neighbors you would want to be friends with anyhow ;) And you are doing such a great thing every day by waking up and doing your best to be healthier, you should be proud! P.S. We're heading off to church now too! Enjoy your sabbath :D

    Today's Goals:
    Fitness: Nice, long family walk
    Diet: Drink 10 glasses of water
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    FITNESS: 4.25 miles of exercise & Strength Training
    ~Walked/Jogged 6.75 miles & did ST
    ~No! Snacked all day at the b day party
    CHALLENGES YOU ANTICIPATE: Well, weekends are always tough for me and I tend to be over cals the majority of the time. I have several events to attend and hope I dont overeat
    ~Well, the weekend won. I was Over Cals Fri & Sat

    FITNESS: Walk 6 miles
  • tryingeveryday
    tryingeveryday Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning!! A week closer to Thanksgiving!! I am happy to report a weight loss of 1.6 lbs I know it is not a lot but considering on Friday I was weighing the same as the last time I weighed I am happy!! At least it is not a gain!

    Ok Goals for 8-29
    Diet: stay as close to 1200 as possible
    Exercise: Walk and bike (back to what I was doing last week!)
    Challenge: I took yesterday off and swam on satruday so no walking I am worried it will be like starting all over with walking and it will have lost its ease from last week???
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