JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • lafayettenana
    lafayettenana Posts: 79 Member
    I've been tracking but not posting. It's amazing the power of being intentional and explicit about goals. As soon as I give my self more wiggle room being in "maintenance" I go over on my eating. Last two days I didn't post goals and went over.
    JFT 6/13/19
    Pretrack for maintenance
    Get a Father's Day card in the mail this morning
    Do PT exercises at home
    Enjoy having my best friend over for dinner
    No snacking or wine after dinner- After dinner fill a big glass with ice and water! And enjoy!!
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    @korina75 I would definitely invest in a food scale. I've been using one since 2013, I got mine for $18 at Walmart. You would be amazed how much it helps with accuracy!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    June 13, 2019

    All of you ladies are amazing!! Thank you for all the words of encouragement and support!!

    Obviously these issues have been in my life longer than just yesterday, I've just kept most of the issues to myself on here (with the occasional update). Yesterday my mind was in battle with thoughts and since my conversation with my counselor; I've been surviving on: "All things are possible with Christ who gives you strength. " Kinda obvious I'm sure but a life line nonetheless. I'm unwilling to throw in the towel on my marriage and yesterday I was considering all things learned, experienced and felt. I shared my JFT yesterday bc I needed to share some of what I was thinking. I knew something had to change or adjust in order to move forward. Well whomever may not believe, yesterday prayers were answered!! Out of no prompting from me, my husband came home early from work. He sat with me and ate dinner then asked if I would join him in having some wine. He helped get the boys to bed then poured two glasses of wine and toasted to "Our Love." 😢 What?!?! ➡️Prayers were answered!! He began talking and opening up about everything!!!! We talked for almost 3 hours. Everything that was discussed was meaningful but most important; he said he only wants me and wants to be in this family and be here with us. He is trying to understand himself better and wants to go to counseling but he wants to understand himself a little better before going. After he was done sharing everything, I explained to him where I was and how meaningful and necessary the conversation was. We both agreed, God showed up for us!!!!

    Are things perfect, of course not there is a lot of work to do. The important thing is he came to me and shared how willing he IS to work on our marriage!!

    I'm still in shock over the last 72 hours of events but I know one thing for sure, God IS for our marriage!!!!

    I know that is a long post to share but I wanted to update you all. The power of prayer is real!!

    Hugs to all you amazing ladies!!!! The support in this group is overwhelmingly positive!!!! Thank you again for all the support and caring words; it does make a difference!!!!


    Thanks is amazingly awesome!!! I'm so glad the Lord showed up yesterday! The power of prayer really is amazing! I want to hug you with hugs of joy! I'm going to keep praying for you and your marriage. *Big hugs*
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    JFT - Wednesday June 12 - Determined
    2.5L of water - :)
    Calories in green, Log Accurately - :)
    Walk 1 Mile - :)
    Squats - >:)
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - :p 2, but I still was in the green by about 200 calories
    5 something at bathroom break - :/
    Something on commercials - Didn't watch tv again.
    Write in Journal - :/ Just too tired last night
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices - :)

    JFT - Thursday June 13 - Determined
    2.5L of water
    Calories in green, Log Accurately
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Something on commercials
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices

    I got a full 9 hours of sleep last night and feel so much better today. I am working on some cards today and printing 200 cookie bags for the wedding. I want to get as much done as possible this week and early next week so that if I get the job I'm not scrambling trying to figure out time to do everything. Tomorrow everyone is coming here to craft and work on projects again. Lauryn is coming Saturday to work on shower stuff so it's all coming together.

    Today is our 32nd Anniversary, I can't believe it's been that many years already.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    In a hurry to post some goals today, so I'll have to catch up later. Thinking of you all though and hoping you're having a great day! (I'm way back on Page 299 still.)

    Yesterday we were out and about doing rounding at some different clinics in our city and in some surrounding counties. The day went by so fast and it was really nice to get out and meet new people, not to mention getting out of my cubicle for a whole day! I'm going to try adding this into my weeks more often.

    Just for Thursday:
    1. Log every single bite - GOOD, BAD & UGLY
    2. HYDRATE
    3. MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Eat only while sitting. Be mindful of choices. Put down fork in between bites.
    5. Get 3 main tasks done at work today before leaving. (1) Rounding schedule for rest of June. (2) New Provider Support schedule assigned out, and (3) Follow-up on outstanding emails and service tickets as time allows.
    6. Take a real lunch break
    7. Get outside for 15 minutes today
    8. Podcasts: Joyce | Half Size Me
    9. 30 minutes tonight working on Course 1 in HSM program "Getting Started for the Last Time"
    10. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    11. Evening routine: brush/floss, shower, pack lunch, coffeemaker, set out outfit and pack laptop bag
    12. Unplug one hour before bed, Gratitude journal 5 things today, Read SA and JM dailies and listen to Calm app.

    2019 WOY: Tenacity/Tenacious

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,367 Member
    Yesterday was rough, thank you all for your prayers.

    JFT Thursday
    - Work by 8:00 :smile:
    - Audit prep/training :smile: My training session may have been lacking for those I was training
    - VDA testing :smile: Way behind on this project and it is very detail oriented.
    - I don't know, but I'm sure there is more I need to get done.

    Positive thought: Thankful to have friends to tell me when I need to fill out paperwork for the kids.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,367 Member
    @MLHC1 Sooooo happy to "hear" the hope in your "voice". God is good, and his plan is perfect though we aren't. Hold tight to you family and work through the trails to come out stronger increasing your faith along the way.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    @daubna08 - Looks like you are doing really well with your goals.

    @ginnytez - Aren't the boring times in life just a blessing. I find them so much better the older I get.

    @bex953172 - I bet the salt had a lot to do with it. I don't know how much faith I put in the scale anymore. My clothes are fitting better and I'm feeling healthier but I swear that dam@ scale hasn't moved in months! I know it has, but it just doesn't feel like it on a day to day basis.
    I also wanted to add, I just love that you are back regularly your inspiring messages to people are just so positive and encouraging to read. No matter what you have going on, you can always look at the positive side too.

    @korina75 - I bought a food scale last year and found I was way off in estimating. I was not logging meat even close to accurately, I was for the most part putting more than what I had eaten. Cheese and fruits I was not putting enough. Even now I still reach for the scale just to keep myself in check quite regularly. I just bought a cheap $10 one at Walmart, but it sure helped me be more realistic in my goals.

    @daneejela - Such wise words to MLHC1, no one lives inside the marriage but you and him. How true that is. I hope I did inspire you, pick up the phone and try it, you might find something you really enjoy. You'll then have to tell us all about it!

    @fludderbye - The first step is the most important one, even if it has to be a first step every day!

    @MLHC1 - I'm so happy for you, I know how difficult it is to have marriage issues and not feel secure in your marriage. I'm so happy he came home and talked to you. God is good.

    @nlmackey98 - I'm sorry the appointment was horrible. I hope that the next time isn't quite as bad and you can start healing.

    I have 22 bags printed. That's not bad, I was thinking it would take me a lot longer to do these. I think I'm going to mow the lawn for Rodger. He usually takes care of all of that stuff, but it needs done and he's been working hard all week. Suppose that will count as an Anniversary present?
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,395 Member
    @snowflake - love your barn door (really would like one or more in my home, they are so cool)
    @mlhc1 so glad your dh opened up with you

    My stepfa in law was hospitalzed and needed surgical repair while out camping and needs more surgery. Heading out with my mom to a funeral back east tomorrow. There's so much need to get done tonight. It's all crazy making.

    where are you @maryrobinson ? how's it going?
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    @nimackey1968. I think Bex offered some wise words. Beating yourself up for reduced time and distance is unkind to yourself (I bet you would not do it to someone else!) and your later posts makes me wonder whether it's really in your best interests to push yourself so hard to get back to those times and distances. Please enjoy your cycling without punishing yourself. I hope you find your next appointment supportive now that you've had to go through the pain of telling "your story" again. Sending you hugs.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    @MLHC1. I was thinking about your earlier post and how to respond. I was wondering how much faith you placed in the counsellor's opinion and whether your husband wanted to give up on your marriage. I was so pleased to read your follow up post giving hope for your future together. I don't doubt it will be tough sometimes but at least you both want the same outcome.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    @Snowflake1968 I hope you and Rodger enjoy celebrating tomorrow. Congratulations!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi all. Went to an early morning Warrior gym class this morning so I’m way way behind and can’t even remember my yesterday goals! Have to start again today...

    First though, @MLHC1 - so happy for you. I know you have a journey to go but things do sound so much more positive

    @snowflake1968 - happy anniversary! Wow to 32 years!!

    @bex953172 - completely understand why you ended up going off plan. When I am watching calories I get so much rage when I waste them on something that tastes meh!

    @nlmackey98 - you are on your way to the person you want to be. Don’t waste energy looking to the past. I think the difficult work you are doing now with therapy will make all the difference for you. Hugs.

    V late Thursday goals!
    - hang laundry ✅
    - Pack snacks and work clothes ✅
    - Warrior class 6:30am ✅
    - Sort arrangements for L after school party ✅
    - Home lunchtime for car and shake ✅
    - Leave by 5 ✅
    - Pick up P and head to meet N for coffee ✅
    - Health food store ✅
    - Pick up L ✅
    - Log it all - GBU
    - Bed by 9:30

    Will try and catch up a bit more later x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    edited June 2019
    nlmackey98 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @nlmackey98 Was just thinking of your post yesterday about your cycling! You say you cant do it like you did before but 22.5 miles is damn good!
    Soooo, maybe instead of thinking what youre not achieving (and comparing to what you could do in the past) turn it into a goal! Work towards that stamina and distance again!

    Theres a work out video i do, its 40 mins long. I have never completed it.
    Its has cardio then strength training, then cardio again, then strength, cardio, strength.

    First time i did it, i lasted about 10 mins, so first lot of cardio and strength. By thd next week i did cardio strength cardio, the week after that i did the first two sets but lots of rest in the second strength. The next time i didnt get any further but didnt rest as much.
    I got better each time, then i got pregnant and when i tried again. I was right back to square one! Pretty annoying but im working hard to try get to that point again, i know i can do it because ive done it before. Im just gonna have to keep at it!

    You were only 8 miles off your previous distance, and you only stopped to get back for dinner! So you can get back to how you were before! Keep at it!!

    Also, how was your appt? Xxx

    I'm working on my attitude, but I used to cycle 200 miles a week at an avg pace of 20mph and then race or do long rides on the weekends. The 30 mile goal was my idea of taking it down a notch. I can still do 50 - 60 but I start to get slower around 40miles or so. My longest ride ever was 210 miles in 2 days. On the flats we cruised at 25 -27mph, a little slower in the wind and through the hills.

    For me that level of cycling may be unattainable now. It was only 5 years ago, but I was in a manic frenzied state with few inhibitions or fears, putting all of my energy into riding and making poor choices that I never thought I'd make. It was not a particularly healthy time in my life, but I do miss the power an exhilaration of it. Of course, I nearly lost my family over some of the choices I made. Now I think I will be happy just to have my confidence back on the bike and be able to ride the routes I once rode even if it is slower.

    Appointment was kind of horrible. Background info is always tough. I stayed somewhat removed from it while I was answering the questions, but kind broken down at the end. I was busy at home, then things settled down and my mind went back to the office. Today I feel numb, but with an elephant on my chest and zero concentration. Unfortunately, I have tons to do that require concentration today. Oh well, what gets done gets done.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and inquire about the appt.

    Flippin heck thats alot of cycling!
    I like cycling, did it alot as a kid (as most do!) But havent done it for aaaaages.

    I remember the first time i got my own proper bike and went for my first bike ride with the family, i was 8 years old (lol i know a bit later than most kids, i just really didnt want to do it) and i remember crying all the way there, i got on my bike (still crying) my toes barely touched the floor. I wouldnt go. My dad lost it in the end and smacked my behind (in a time when it was okay to do that LOL) and off i went, and i frickin loved it.
    Although because i couldnt touch the floor properly i remember stopping because a cyclist was coming ghe other way and being new to it i thought id just let them pass rather than crash, anyway i toppled sideways into a nettle bush.

    Funny the things you remember, eh?

    My favourite was swimming though, from getting a certificate for 5m distance at 4 years old in 1996 to getting a 5000m distance at 15 years old. I love it. Love the water. I could swim all day lol. Pisces through and through! I get that same exhilirating feeling from swimming!

    Sorry the appt was a bit sh!tty, they always say the first steps the hardest right? And i dont think anyone likes reliving awful things. Youre there for a reason, to feel better. So you just gotta face them demons! You can beat them xx
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @snowflake1968 Thanks, its good to be back. Im definitely feeling much better for it! I dont even know why i stayed away! Youre all my friends, i just felt so... detached? Im sorry i wasnt here when some of you needed support! You know im always here to give it! I might not understand how it feels or what it must be like but i always try to find a positive from it, help people find their inner strength!

    @mlhc1 i dont know why but your post made me tear up! Im so glad hes opened up! It must have been really hard for him to do that, but hes put that aside so he doesnt lose everything, lose you! I really hope youre both on the right track now to getting things sorted!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    @cory17 - I was thinking about @maryrobinson40 too today. I hope she's not sick. Thanks on the door, we are definitely going to be putting another one in too. I love it.

    @bex953172 - My grandson refuses to learn how to ride a bike, says it's a death trap. He is learning to swim, but is not enjoying it thinks we are all trying to drown him. He will get in the water now without a flotation belt, but won't move in the water without it. I hope he gets over his fears soon.

    Whatever reason, you had was yours to work through, sometimes the strong, positive people need to take something for themselves once in a while.

    Thanks for the Anniversary wishes.
  • nbrady001
    nbrady001 Posts: 60 Member
    I am new but have been changing my lifestyle for a while now. In the beginning 6 months ago I could only run 3 minutes on my treadmill, now at a 10 minute mile and getting better every day. My goals for today. Run 2 miles (30 min.) Fold laundry. Stay at 1200 calories. Make dinner. Remember to rest for 1 hour ( I am on my feet all day).Bed by 10.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,367 Member

    Flippin heck thats alot of cycling!
    I like cycling, did it alot as a kid (as most do!) But havent done it for aaaaages.

    I remember the first time i got my own proper bike and went for my first bike ride with the family, i was 8 years old (lol i know a bit later than most kids, i just really didnt want to do it) and i remember crying all the way there, i got on my bike (still crying) my toes barely touched the floor. I wouldnt go. My dad lost it in the end and smacked my behind (in a time when it was okay to do that LOL) and off i went, and i frickin loved it.
    Although because i couldnt touch the floor properly i remember stopping because a cyclist was coming ghe other way and being new to it i thought id just let them pass rather than crash, anyway i toppled sideways into a nettle bush.

    Funny the things you remember, eh?

    My favourite was swimming though, from getting a certificate for 5m distance at 4 years old in 1996 to getting a 5000m distance at 15 years old. I love it. Love the water. I could swim all day lol. Pisces through and through! I get that same exhilirating feeling from swimming!

    Sorry the appt was a bit sh!tty, they always say the first steps the hardest right? And i dont think anyone likes reliving awful things. Youre there for a reason, to feel better. So you just gotta face them demons! You can beat them xx[/quote]

    Thanks Bex. You are an amazing friend. I was never a good swimmer, but now I can't go more than one length of the pool because that is how long I can hold my breath. I blame a shoulder injury for screwing up my breathing, but I'm sure there is a way around that. That's why I've never done a triathlon. I'd drown. I did a duathlon last year. I'm not much of a runner, but I managed the 10k run, 37k (I think) bike and then a 5k run at the end. It was rainy and cold. My time was awful and I had a really great time. I love to compete, even when I know I can't win. I just like to push myself.