3-Month Weight Loss Challenge, May - August, Pick Your Difficulty



  • Kiyomoo
    Kiyomoo Posts: 354 Member
    Can I sign up now ? I am new to this. Is it too late to join ?

    If you want to join, you can. Your goal would probably be best to keep at level 1 or 2 though since the challenge is halfway done.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member

    Start date: May 16
    Challenge Starting Weight: 192.6
    Challenge Level: ✴✴✴
    Challenge Goal weight: 177.6

    05/16 – 192.6
    05/23 – 194.6 Not acceptable!
    05/31 - 195.3 Holiday Week
    06/07 - 194.7 Better………
    06/15 - 198.6 After 2 days of car travel, no exercise & all restaurants. Clearly I need to learn to make better choices when away from home!
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member

    Start date: May 16
    Challenge Starting Weight: 192.6
    Challenge Level: ✴✴✴
    Challenge Goal weight: 177.6

    05/16 – 192.6
    05/23 – 194.6 Not acceptable!
    05/31 - 195.3 Holiday Week
    06/07 - 194.7 Better………
    06/15 - 198.6 After 2 days of car travel, no exercise & all restaurants. Clearly I need to learn to make better choices when away from home!

    That is a tough one for sure! I've got a road trip coming up and trying to think
    of some creative good-for-me food. I'll bring an ice chest and my scale for sure! I thought about bags of steamer vegetables that I can cook in gas station microwaves (love them at home with a little liquid aminos drizzled on them - so filling). Also will pre-hard-boil some eggs, pre-grill chicken, pre-mix nonfat yogurt with a favorite protein powder, pre-cook sweet potatoes, bring some lunch meat, little cans of tuna, fruit, carrots, nuts and I don't know what else. 🤷‍♀️ Any ideas? I'll be on the road for 3 weeks! Thanks so much for sharing. I bet most of your weight change is water. 🤞
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,256 Member

    Start date: May 16
    Challenge Starting Weight: 192.6
    Challenge Level: ✴✴✴
    Challenge Goal weight: 177.6

    05/16 – 192.6
    05/23 – 194.6 Not acceptable!
    05/31 - 195.3 Holiday Week
    06/07 - 194.7 Better………
    06/15 - 198.6 After 2 days of car travel, no exercise & all restaurants. Clearly I need to learn to make better choices when away from home!

    That is a tough one for sure! I've got a road trip coming up and trying to think
    of some creative good-for-me food. I'll bring an ice chest and my scale for sure! I thought about bags of steamer vegetables that I can cook in gas station microwaves (love them at home with a little liquid aminos drizzled on them - so filling). Also will pre-hard-boil some eggs, pre-grill chicken, pre-mix nonfat yogurt with a favorite protein powder, pre-cook sweet potatoes, bring some lunch meat, little cans of tuna, fruit, carrots, nuts and I don't know what else. 🤷‍♀️ Any ideas? I'll be on the road for 3 weeks! Thanks so much for sharing. I bet most of your weight change is water. 🤞

    @tthickens637 I do Keto / low carb so I try to travel with almonds or walnuts. The healthy fats do help keep the hunger at bay so I stay out of the snack aisle in the gas stations. String cheese, cubed cheddar etc. My weakness is in hitting the restaurants. I am from a very very small town. One pizza joint, one family restaurant with the same menu for over 20 years now, and a fairly new McDonald's which does not tempt me anymore. Out of town I am like a kid in a toy store! We have no major stores. No walmart, etc. No strip malls. One drug store. One general hardware store. Amish community dominates so lots of horse & buggy if you get the picture. To get a donut when traveling is unbelievable! A bagel? Wow. So many choices of dinners & sides! I just can't resist. I truly need to work on portion control when in these situations. I also need to make good choices. But mainly I need to NOT BRING ANYTHING HOME to turn my outing into a full day or week binge! You sound way in control more than I am. All of your ideas are great. I want to enjoy the restaurants, however, in a RESPONSIBLE WAY. I need this to not just be a diet, but a lifestyle. There will always be travel in my line of work. There is always social situations in our lives as well. I need control. You sound like you have an excellent plan & some very very good ideas for your upcoming travel. I think you will do great. Just try to get a bit of walking in, believe in yourself, and celebrate your willingness to make changes, however big or small. Be safe in your travels!
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member

    Start date: May 16
    Challenge Starting Weight: 192.6
    Challenge Level: ✴✴✴
    Challenge Goal weight: 177.6

    05/16 – 192.6
    05/23 – 194.6 Not acceptable!
    05/31 - 195.3 Holiday Week
    06/07 - 194.7 Better………
    06/15 - 198.6 After 2 days of car travel, no exercise & all restaurants. Clearly I need to learn to make better choices when away from home!

    That is a tough one for sure! I've got a road trip coming up and trying to think
    of some creative good-for-me food. I'll bring an ice chest and my scale for sure! I thought about bags of steamer vegetables that I can cook in gas station microwaves (love them at home with a little liquid aminos drizzled on them - so filling). Also will pre-hard-boil some eggs, pre-grill chicken, pre-mix nonfat yogurt with a favorite protein powder, pre-cook sweet potatoes, bring some lunch meat, little cans of tuna, fruit, carrots, nuts and I don't know what else. 🤷‍♀️ Any ideas? I'll be on the road for 3 weeks! Thanks so much for sharing. I bet most of your weight change is water. 🤞

    @tthickens637 I do Keto / low carb so I try to travel with almonds or walnuts. The healthy fats do help keep the hunger at bay so I stay out of the snack aisle in the gas stations. String cheese, cubed cheddar etc. My weakness is in hitting the restaurants. I am from a very very small town. One pizza joint, one family restaurant with the same menu for over 20 years now, and a fairly new McDonald's which does not tempt me anymore. Out of town I am like a kid in a toy store! We have no major stores. No walmart, etc. No strip malls. One drug store. One general hardware store. Amish community dominates so lots of horse & buggy if you get the picture. To get a donut when traveling is unbelievable! A bagel? Wow. So many choices of dinners & sides! I just can't resist. I truly need to work on portion control when in these situations. I also need to make good choices. But mainly I need to NOT BRING ANYTHING HOME to turn my outing into a full day or week binge! You sound way in control more than I am. All of your ideas are great. I want to enjoy the restaurants, however, in a RESPONSIBLE WAY. I need this to not just be a diet, but a lifestyle. There will always be travel in my line of work. There is always social situations in our lives as well. I need control. You sound like you have an excellent plan & some very very good ideas for your upcoming travel. I think you will do great. Just try to get a bit of walking in, believe in yourself, and celebrate your willingness to make changes, however big or small. Be safe in your travels!

    Great ideas!! I absolutely love the "NOT BRING ANYTHING HOME" rule. Now that's what I call heathy boundaries!! Thank You. 🤗
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Location: Michigan. 51yo, female, 5’1”
    Challenge Starting Weight: Sun., May 5 = 253.6
    Challenge Level: 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 20lbs
    Challenge Goal weight: 233.6
    (About 1.5lbs / week)
    Weigh-in day is Sunday.
    May 12: 254; gain +.4# Not a great start, but considering I had three binge nights and TOM; I am not beating myself up!
    May 19: 251.4; 2.6# loss
    May 26: 250.4; 1.0# loss
    June 02: 248.8; 1.6# loss
    June 09: 246.4; 2.4# loss
    June 16: 246.4; same

    7 Weeks to lose 12.8#. I can do it!!
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Yay... Pretty good week. Not perfect, but better than last week. I got all my weight training sessions in and lost some inches too!! I discovered riced cauliflower, which took me to all the pre-shredded bags of vegies. All I do is pop them in the microwave for a couple of minutes, drizzle with liquid amonios and BAM - a huge hot plate of yum. Very low calorie, filling and I'm getting my veggies in!! I also started pre-logging calories reserved for my evening snack. This extra buffer keeps me from taking in too many calories before snack time. 😋 I overate some at a BBQ yesterday, but hey this has to be sustainable and BBQ's happen! Anyway, still headed in the right direction. 👏👏👏 Have a great week everyone!

    Located Northern California
    60 years old, Female, 5'8" tall
    Original Weight: 187 (10/1/18)
    Challenge Starting Weight: 165
    Challenge Level Two: 🏃🏽‍♀️🏋️‍♀️
    Challenge Goal weight:<155

    Weekly weigh-in (Sundays)

    5/5: 166 lbs.
    5/12: 165.1 lbs.
    5/19: 161.8 lbs.
    5/26: 159.4 lbs.

    6/2: 158.7 lbs.
    6/9: 160.7 lbs.
    6/16: 158.4 lbs.

    Measurements (from my strength training experiment I started when my weight loss stalled:)

    5/5: Chest: 40",Waist: 38", Hips: 42",
    Thighs: 25", Calfs: 15"

    5/12: Chest: 39.5",Waist: 36.5", Hips: 42",
    Thighs: 24", Calfs: 15"

    5/19: Chest: 39, Waist: 35.5, Hips: 42,
    Thighs: 24, Calfs: 15

    5/26: Chest: 39, Waist: 34, Hips: 41.5,
    Thighs: 23, Calfs: 14.5

    6/2: Chest: 39", Waist: 34", Hips: 41.5",
    Thighs: 23", Calfs: 14.5"

    6/9: Chest: 39", Waist: 36.5", Hips: 41",
    Thighs: 23", Calfs: 14.5"

    6/16: Chest: 38", Waist: 35.5", Hips: 40",
    Thighs: 23", Calfs: 14"
  • tjsrud0802
    tjsrud0802 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting date: 6/16
    End date: 9/16

    Challenge starting weight: 141
    Challenge level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Challenge goal weight: 125
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Saw this and had to share it!

  • iloveyouhunnybunny
    iloveyouhunnybunny Posts: 16 Member
    I know I'm late but I'ooonnncurrr. :p Going for now, June 18th until August 31st.

    Level 3 - 15 pounds ★★★

    Starting weight: 212.8

    So if I lose 15 pounds I'll be 197.8.

    I am currently set at a 2 lbs a week loss. If I achieve that I could be around 192 lbs. (Btw I dont hold myself to the expectation that I will, this is just something I chart to encourage myself to say "look at where you could be if you were consistent" kind if thing).

    Anyhow right now I am doing some type of fasting something or another. I honestly have no idea what I am doing. Perhaps I will post an update when I figure it out. Or perhaps I shall stay true to my vacillated nature and be on to something else new tomorrow #kanyeshrug

    Good luck to everyone whatever your goals
  • CarleyMarie83
    CarleyMarie83 Posts: 44 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 73.8 kilos
    Challenge Level: ⭐⭐⭐
    Challenge Goal weight: 68 kilos (5.8 kilos)[/quote]

    Current weight: 71.5 kilos (- 2.3 kilos)
    3.5 kilos left to my goal :):):)

  • kirky2mfp
    kirky2mfp Posts: 20 Member
    MFP Starting Weight: 180 lbs - October 2018
    Current Starting Weight: 174 lbs - May 2019

    Challenge Starting Weight: 171 lbs
    Challenge Level ✴✴✴
    Challenge Goal Weight: 157 lbs
    Height: 5ft 2.

    Ultimate Goal: 133 lbs

    Weigh-In Days: Mondays and Fridays

    Start Day May 14th
    End Day Aug 14th

    May 14th 171lb
    May 17th 170lb
    May 20th 169lb
    May 24th 170lb
    May 27th 168lb
    May 31st 169lb (Hoping this is just TOM gain)

    June 2nd 169lb Not gone back to what I was before my period so a bit disappointed. But I have increased my exercise and my muscles are sore so I'm hoping it's a little water retention as my eating has been pretty good. Staying between 1200 and 1600 cals.

    June 7th 170lb Really disappointed, made some bad choices this week and it's shown :(

    June 10th 169lb

    June 17th 167lb
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    edited June 2019
    I've been a member of MFP since January 2010
    Starting weight for this challenge: 261.2
    My weigh-in day: Wednesday
    Challenge Level:**

    The month of May:
    5/1 - 261.2
    5/8 - 261.2
    5/15 - 267.0 Still working on my inability to deal with stress.
    5/22 - 267.0 A rather rocky week. Lots of unhealthy choices and no thought to the harm it does. Can't unring the bell.
    5/29 - 267.0

    Goal: 256.2
    Loss: A BIG GOOSE EGG +5.8. June has to be better. Another necessary adjustment.

    The month of June:
    6/5 - 271 Starting the month by crawling out of the dumpster.
    6/12 - On vacation, not a scale in sight
    6/19 - 268 Time to hustle.
    6/26 -

    Goal: 265.0

    The month of July:
    7/3 -
    7/10 -
    7/17 -
    7/24 -
    7/31 -

    Goal: 260.0
    Total Loss for this challenge:

  • InspectorRed
    InspectorRed Posts: 757 Member
    edited June 2019
    Challenge Start Weight (5/8/19): 171
    Challenge Level: ****
    Challenge Goal Weight: 151
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    5/8: 171
    5/15: 169.6
    5/22: 169.2
    5/29: 172 WTF!

    6/5: 168.8 That's better
    6/12:168.0 not going down fast, but at least it's going down
    6/19: 170.6...started heavy lifting Monday & definitely have DOMS, so I'm really not worried about this at the moment



    ETA: I was probably too hasty at putting down a 4 star challenge level, I will be happy if I end up with a 10 pound loss at the end of this challenge
  • CarleyMarie83
    CarleyMarie83 Posts: 44 Member
    edited June 2019
    Challenge Starting Weight: 73.8 kilos
    Challenge Level: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Challenge Goal weight: 68 kilos (5.8 kilos)

    Current weight: 70.8 kilos (- 3 kilos)
    New goal: 63 kilos. (7.8 kilos to goal)

    I've changed my challenge from ⭐⭐⭐ to ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Even if I don't quite make it I will still be successful.
    Next weigh in is the 27th :)

  • Kiyomoo
    Kiyomoo Posts: 354 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 259
    Challenge Level: 4
    Challenge Goal weight: 239

    5/1: 259.4
    5/8: 255.6
    5/15: 257
    5/22: 256.8
    5/29 250.6

    6/5: 256.8
    6/12: 250.0
    6/19: 249.8

    This past week has been really bad for me. I've been overeating every day. The cravings for food have been very intense, and no matter what I eat, I just want to eat more. I am glad my weight went down, but I'm still disappointed because it could have gone down more, if I had been eating an appropriate amount of food.
  • victorywithme
    victorywithme Posts: 73 Member
    Starting date: 5/29/2019
    Ending date: 8/29/2019

    Challenge Starting Weight: 174
    Challenge Level: ***
    Challenge Goal weight: under 160

    05/29 - 174
    06/05 - 173

    I'm doing a 5K race this Saturday and going on vacation on Sunday so the next weigh-in will be in two weeks. The goal is to not gain any weight.

    06/19 - 172.6 Slowly but surely I'm moving in the right direction. I had lots of yummy food on vacation yet stayed pretty active (tennis, weights, running, and swimming).
    07/03 - The goal is to get under 169.
  • victorywithme
    victorywithme Posts: 73 Member
    @CarleyMarie83, great job! Way to go!

    @tthickens637, well done! You're so close to your goal!

    @lingling0313, everybody's welcome to join. We are all here for the same reason.
  • 171lake
    171lake Posts: 894 Member
    Start Day: 5/16
    End Date: 8/15
    Challenge Starting Weight: 150
    Challenge Level: ★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 135

    5/23 148.8 (-1.2, 13.8 lbs to go)
    5/30 147 (-1.8, 12 lbs to go)
    6/6 146.5 (-.5, 11.5 lbs to go)
    6/13 145.8 (-.7, 10.8 lbs to go)
    6/20 144.0 (-1.8, 9 lbs to go)
This discussion has been closed.