hm_day Support Group



  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi all. I am new to mfp, and all this stuff in general. I had gastric bypass the end of jan, and have lost 94/95lbs, depending on the day lol. I have hit my first plateau and have started working out and trying to get my diet better than it was before, using the tracker and the exercise tracker as well. My friend got me on here and I really like it, but I could use some support since my husband is an oblivious lump and is not helpful with support, so... Help!!!

    fruit for the day: 1 peach
    Veg: carrot sticks
    Exercise: cardio and weights

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Welcome! You've definitely come to the right place. Feel free to add me, I like to have everyone who's active on the forums on my friends list so I can keep up off the forums as well :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report!

    Fruit: None :(
    Veggie: Potato
    Exercise: I ran my *kitten* off today, haha. Pilates this morning, walked during my break at work, intimate moments o:), I baked and because it turned catastrophic, I baked TWICE, and then did the dishes after.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report!

    Fruit: Lemon/Lemonade.
    Veggie: Potato
    Exercise: Other than stairs, none. Today was my rest day.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report.. I feel like I'm talking to myself :(

    Fruit: None.
    Veggie: Lettuce in both my sammiches.
    Exercise: Walking and cleaning at work.
  • I'M SORRY I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!
    just been a crazy hectic week at work and at home.
    Finally got my workout room set up AND IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ...but am sick, so I haven't even made use of it yet :(

    I've been eating my fruits and veggies every day like a good girl (I pinkie promise)
    but exercise has been. well. ugh...I've been an achey sad lump on my couch.
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I've been an achey sad lump on my couch.

    LOL! I mean.. I'm sorry to hear that.. But this image just made me giggle a little bit. I'm not giggling at the fact that you're sick, because that makes me sad. But the "achey sad lump" just did weird things to my imagination.

    ANYWAYS. Good to have ya back and I'm glad to hear that the workout room was a success! You should post pics!!
  • Laughing at my misery...I see how it is!

    Actually, posting pics is a GREAT idea! I should totally do that. I'm hoping to start 30DS next sinuses still hurt :(:(
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Laughing at my misery...I see how it is!

    Actually, posting pics is a GREAT idea! I should totally do that. I'm hoping to start 30DS next sinuses still hurt :(:(

    Well feel better girly! It was nice talking to you on BBM today. Hope you get your internet back soon :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Daily report:
    Fruit: Orange juice (that counts, right?)
    Veggie: Potato
    Exercise: JM's 30DS Level 1
  • Daily report:
    Fruit: Orange juice (that counts, right?)
    Veggie: Potato
    Exercise: JM's 30DS Level 1

    yes jc counts lol
    daily report:
    Fruit: no fruit, wait does to tiny bites of kiwi count? lol
    veggie: teeny tiny baby carrots 1.5 oz with a smidge of homemade dill dip
    exersice: spent 4 hrs making and canning apple butter
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    As some of you know, I've been having "issues" with the boyfriend lately. Well, today I saw my cousin. Him and I have always been really close and we were talking today and he asked me about my bf. I told him we were on a bit of a break and that was why I've been staying with my dad, but that I saw my bf a few times a week. He says to me "If you're apart, and you still can't stand not seeing them and you can't keep apart, that's when you know it'll be okay. It's when you're totally okay with not seeing them that you need to stand back and reevaluate things. You've been with John (my bf) for a long time now, I think you guys will be great."

    My cousin is 5 years older than me. He just suffered through a HORRIBLE breakup and is now engaged to another girl. I love this kid :)

    Anyway, that's just me passing on words of wisdom from a 24-year-old :)

    Have a good night all!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    The weekend went by far too fast! How was everyone's weekend?
  • As some of you know, I've been having "issues" with the boyfriend lately. Well, today I saw my cousin. Him and I have always been really close and we were talking today and he asked me about my bf. I told him we were on a bit of a break and that was why I've been staying with my dad, but that I saw my bf a few times a week. He says to me "If you're apart, and you still can't stand not seeing them and you can't keep apart, that's when you know it'll be okay. It's when you're totally okay with not seeing them that you need to stand back and reevaluate things. You've been with John (my bf) for a long time now, I think you guys will be great."

    My cousin is 5 years older than me. He just suffered through a HORRIBLE breakup and is now engaged to another girl. I love this kid :)

    Anyway, that's just me passing on words of wisdom from a 24-year-old :)

    Have a good night all!

    thats great advise, if you can make up after the fights and not kill them when you really want to, it'll be ok. I will be with my husband cory, 10 yrs this august, married 8 yrs this sept , so it all works out ok.
  • The weekend went by far too fast! How was everyone's weekend?

    too fast lol, since i got to sleep in both days, cory works m-f 8-4, hes a computer geek, and is the go to guy at his work for problems and stuffs lol. So i get to sleep in on the weekends and he gets up with nathaniel, or just turned 5 yr old son, who is hell on wheels and makes me wonder why the hell am i still fat when i am chasing him around all the time lmao.
  • Anjaza
    Anjaza Posts: 12
    Hi All,
    Trust everyone is well :flowerforyou:
    Pls could you help and advise - What is the meaning of hm_day? and also I read about the Turbo Fire 9 weeks program? what is this and can someone also pls give me the correct exact start to a exercise program at the gym? the last time I started out I ended up with Physioteraphy since I apparently "over-did" it from the word go - I however only did 20 minutes of tredmill and after 4 times of going upped it to 30 minutes, I now have to start all over again (completely unfit!) :sad: but I'm SO scared of ending up wasting it again - I'm thinking of going from the 1st of September again - spring day and all (but I'm probably just postphoning it) :ohwell:
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hi All,
    Trust everyone is well :flowerforyou:
    Pls could you help and advise - What is the meaning of hm_day? and also I read about the Turbo Fire 9 weeks program? what is this and can someone also pls give me the correct exact start to a exercise program at the gym? the last time I started out I ended up with Physioteraphy since I apparently "over-did" it from the word go - I however only did 20 minutes of tredmill and after 4 times of going upped it to 30 minutes, I now have to start all over again (completely unfit!) :sad: but I'm SO scared of ending up wasting it again - I'm thinking of going from the 1st of September again - spring day and all (but I'm probably just postphoning it) :ohwell:

    hm_day is actually my name. Heather M Day :)
    I have not done Turbo Fire but there are a few people on here who have, so hopefully they will be able to help you. The "correct" start to an exercise program completely depends on you. It's best to do a mix of cardio and strength exercises to build lean muscle as well as burn fat. My word of advice is just to start! Take it slow and don't rush anything, because if you push yourself over your limits too far, you'll end up hurting yourself.
  • Anjaza
    Anjaza Posts: 12
    Thanx hm-day :smile: I do appreciate and I thought that much but isn't quite sure what a "moderate start" - in time - will comprise of? being totaly unfit and all :embarassed:
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Thanx hm-day :smile: I do appreciate and I thought that much but isn't quite sure what a "moderate start" - in time - will comprise of? being totaly unfit and all :embarassed:

    Start off by walking at a steady, maybe even brisk pace. This is usually about a 2.5mph on a treadmill, or faster. I wouldn't start jogging until you can do a brisk walk for 30 minutes. Start lifting light weights, and doing the circuit machines (chest press, bicep curls, chest flys, etc.) at your gym if they have them, which they should. Usually a whole circuit of those machines is considered a full body workout and most start off at a very light weight to ease you into it. Basically, once these things become too easy, push up your weight, and so on. Also, simple things like calisthenics (push ups, sit ups, crunches, etc.) are fantastic.
  • Anjaza
    Anjaza Posts: 12
    Thanx again...I'm going to do precisely as advised... sincere appreciation :happy:
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    No problem! And you're more than welcome to talk on here as much as you want. It's an open support group :) And I also added you as my friend :)