What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Wednesday fun

    Interval run, 5min warm up, 5 min threshold, 3min recover, 5min threshold, 3min recover, cool down. Did 2.5 miles
    Quick trot from school run to PT
    30min sprint session with PT

    5/3/1 cycle 2, week 2 bench plus
    5x10@27.5kg bench and
    3.20@20kg close grip bench

    1hr piyo definitely needed this, was really feeling the doms. Think I'm starting to really get the hang of some of the sequences
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    7/3/2019 - mid-afternoon at my office -

    Bar dips x 5 plus 24kg KB two-hand swing x 15 every 1:25 for 20 rounds (100 bar dips and 300 KB swings) completed in 27:40. Will rest remainder of today as my plan is to run a July 4th 5-miler fun run if I, God willing, awaken in the morning and don't wobble out of bed like a old rodeo cowboy.
  • dietfree101
    dietfree101 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there Moderator, Can you help me? I couldn't find a walk/jog interval type training in the database. Does it go by another name? It is called fartlek as well, but I couldn't find that one either. Is there a way to add this one? I do this on the days I don't weight train. Thanks so much for your help and time.
  • GuessimGryffindor
    GuessimGryffindor Posts: 642 Member
    2ml walk with short jogs about 3 mph 40min.
    10 burpees
    30sec plank x2
    50 body weight deep squats
    100 kettle bell swings
    And 5 pushups to top it off!
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Yoga and jump rope
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    Short bike ride
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    edited July 2019
    7/4/2019 - posted this before but can’t find it so posting again.

    Ran in the free 43rd Annual July 4th 5-miler fun run - per Garmin 5.05 miles in 44:09.

    Used to run this annually 20-something years ago when my son was a high school track athlete. Had no idea how I’d do today. This was a tune-up for the Wharf to Wharf 6-mile fun run I’ll do the last Sunday in July. My goal is to run it at a 9:00 mile pace. After today’s effort, I think I’m in good shape to meet my goal.

  • marialba67
    marialba67 Posts: 79 Member
    Did my usual 3 miler while playing Pokemon, but took it slower today (my feet have not been happy with me). Then got home and did the modified One Man Punch workout.
  • avalonblues
    avalonblues Posts: 558 Member
    edited July 2019
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Thursday mayhem

    30 min PT circuit
    Warm up then
    10 burpees
    20 russian twist
    30 slams
    40 clean and press
    50 squat jumps
    10 burpees
    20 clean and press
    30 slams
    40 russian twist
    50 squat jumps
    10 burpees
    20 clean and press
    30 slams
    40 russian twist
    50 squat jumps

    3.5 mile run. Was supposed to be 5 miles but route I wanted to take that was shaded was closed so had to go on to main road and it was just too hot.

    45min circuits - 225 burpees, need I say more
  • jfdi6960
    jfdi6960 Posts: 76 Member
    Shoulder press bench press lat pulldown row and dips
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    ~11,400m in an 8 this morning. My Garmin seriously got the calorie count off today because while it wasn't a really difficult row (just long), I know I burned more than 184 calories :D

    But yes, the row was ok - we got waked a bunch which wasn't enjoyable. The notable ones were the one right before we were going to push off the dock (where that one came from I don't know) and then two that occurred towards the end of practice. There were power boats on either side of us, one to our starboard side which I didn't see but both our cox and our coach saw and then one on our port side which I saw and thought they were talking about. The starboard side one wasn't so bad. The port side one was massive....happy 4th of July to you too.
  • dvmmcw3094
    dvmmcw3094 Posts: 107 Member
    Cathe HIIT 30:30
    3 X 12 second pull up hang
    2 X 10 tricep push ups; 2 X 12 regular push ups; 2 X 12 wide stance push ups
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Bis and Tris, 1/2 hour elliptical, stretching.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Friday, Yayday

    1hr Personal Training, full body trx with weighted vest, extremely hard, extremely sweaty and I just can't imagine how I ran/walked a 5k at 200lb.

    20min easy, mixed terrain run

    5/3/1 week 2 deadlifts, plus 5x10@42.5kg sumo deadlifts

    Total body conditioning, low impact, deep burn this week.
  • dvmmcw3094
    dvmmcw3094 Posts: 107 Member
    80:20 Speed play run 35 minutes
    50 pushups
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    7/5/2019 - at local park mid-morning -

    #1- Weighted alternating pull-ups and chin-ups with 24kg KB every 3:00 - 3* - 3* - 3* - 4 - 3 - 3* - 2** - 4 = 26 reps in 21:22 - Notes: * = attempted 4th rep, very close but chin didn’t tap/clear bar - ** = attempted 3rd rep but chin didn’t tap/clear bar - next workout drop down to 20kg KB and try to hit some 5 rep rounds.

    #2 - KB overhead press with 24kg KB - right then left every 3:00 - right = 8 x 3 (24 total) and left = 2-2-1-2-1-1-2-2 (13 total) - left deficit of 11 reps so then left singles every 1:00 - completed 9 singles and then 2 failure single attempts before throwing in the towel - total of 46 overhead press reps in 35:07.

    Surprisingly, legs aren't sore from yesterday's 5-mile fun run.
  • lessdefined82
    lessdefined82 Posts: 70 Member
    Hockey day, for which I don’t work out before or my legs get burned out!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Rowed double 7/4, 7/5 - da usual 7k-ish.
    aokoye wrote: »
    ~11,400m in an 8 this morning. My Garmin seriously got the calorie count off today because while it wasn't a really difficult row (just long), I know I burned more than 184 calories :D

    But yes, the row was ok - we got waked a bunch which wasn't enjoyable. The notable ones were the one right before we were going to push off the dock (where that one came from I don't know) and then two that occurred towards the end of practice. There were power boats on either side of us, one to our starboard side which I didn't see but both our cox and our coach saw and then one on our port side which I saw and thought they were talking about. The starboard side one wasn't so bad. The port side one was massive....happy 4th of July to you too.

    Ugh to the wakes: Against the rules here to wake launch points, or human-powered boats, beyond minimums the powered hull permits, but happens All. The. Time. Twelve inch (plus) wake is dangerous to a boat with four inches freeboard! Once had 3 *%$#@* guys in home-built JetSki-like craft flip a single, then race around her flipped boat in tight circles as she tried to right the shell and get back in. WTF? Don't try to kill people: Think! I want everyone, including speedy powerboaters, to have fun in the water (and I get that some hydroplaning hulls throw less wake at speed) . . . but just be kind, people!

    Garmin: Got chest belt? Wrist-only not that great for rowing IME: Loses contact, too much arm flexion. If already have chest belt . . . dang to the dang, eh?
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,029 Member
    1 hour yoga over lunch.
    90 minutes bouldering in the evening, which went remarkably well. I went up a few v3s, which is definitely the top end of my ability at the moment.