July 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    07/01/19 :::: 3.0 :::: 3.0
    07/02/19 :::: 4.4 :::: 7.5
    07/03/19 :::: 0.0 :::: 7.5
    07/04/19 :::: 10.1 :::: 17.5
    07/05/19 :::: 3.1 :::: 20.6
    07/06/19 :::: 4.5 :::: 25.2
    07/07/19 :::: 4.5 :::: 29.7

    I wanted to try out my new Altra King MT trail shoes today, and the weather was a bit cooler (though still humid) so it was a good opportunity. I asked for some recommendations of a good place to try them out, that would include some mud/water, and I ended up at a place called Great Bear Recreational Area, about 40 minutes from me. This a multi-use trail system and the website says it's a "mix of forests, fields and wetlands with almost eight miles of marked trails. Hikers, bicyclists, equestrians and more find an opportunity for healthful outdoor activity." So that sounded like a great place to test out the shoes for Spartan-like conditions.

    And it was pretty perfect. Some hills, but not a majorly strenuous elevation challenge. The foresty trails were nice and covered with pine needles, and then there were more standard dirt-packed trails with rocky and tree-root filled sections. Lots of opportunities for ankle-twisting and good reminders to lift your feet up (and practice catching yourself when you trip). And then there was mud. The parts of the trails used by BMX bikers had a lot of good mudholes, especially as we had thunderstorms and rain the last couple of days. The wetland part was downright swampy sucking mud, to the point where I was sure I was off trail. But no, there were boards here and there for the most swampy crossings and then it was back to normal clearly-marked trail.

    I did a 4.5 mile loop, which involved a bit of wandering and not necessarily the route I planned or thought I was on, but I think it's basically hard to get too lost in the confined space of the park. You eventually end up heading out the way you came in. As for the shoes, I really liked them. The drainage was fantastic, and that's the big issue I had with my Salomon Speedcross shoes (goretex version, which was great in snow this winter, not great in mud/water). I loved the wide toebox and my feet felt comfortable. The grip seemed excellent. I would have liked to test out more rocky/steeper climbs but that will have to wait. As of right now, I would say the zero drop was fine but we'll see how my calves and hamstrings feel later. I may have pushed this run longer than I should have for an initial transition. But I'm optimistic!

    Pics of shoes before and after the mud and some trail pics under spoilers:

    Nice job breaking in those new shoes!!!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,321 Member
    Wow @rheddmobile ! I knew parts of Memphis were bad, but didn't realize how bad. Sorry you have to live with that!
    @katharmonic Love the shoes. The trail sounds like it was a great place to try them out.

    @kgirlhart It's nice to see wildlife on a run. I love how deer will often stand still and look at you, trying to see if you see them or if you are a threat before they take off.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    I feel like you guys need to know about this:
    Meet Tomatan, a wearable robot that feeds you tomatoes as you run
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,814 Member
    @rheddmobile - I wish I were more of a night person. I blame my parents. Growing up on a farm my sister and I always had to get up early even in the summer months when we didn’t have school so that we could get our work in the fields finished before it got too hot. But I also think some people are born with a predisposition to being either a night person or a morning person. It’s all good. We all have 24 hours in each “day” no matter when we are awake.

    Sorry for all the violence you have witnessed.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    I had 17 miles in the plan for today. In the last week, I've had 2 runs where I struggled a whole lot to keep BG from being low. So I planned ahead today. I planned ahead too much, and was skyrocketing nearly as soon as I started running. I topped out in the upper 200's mg/dl (yes, this is really high for me) and had what I thought was runner's stomach. Since it didn't go away and lingers even now that I've stopped running for hours, I'm wondering if I'm actually sick. Anyway, I had decided to cut my run short and am logging only 13.72 miles. I'm hoping I feel better soon because I don't have time to be sick.


    Sorry about your bad run, but I see you settled on a new name. :)
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    simcon1 wrote: »
    Contemplating my next long run today (and digesting my breakfast), here are a couple more NZ photos..

    Waikato River run on 6/26 in Hamilton from Hamilton gardens:


    Lake Karapiro run on 6/29:


    Mountain biking in the Redwoods (my friend thought it pretty funny that she’d take someone from the US to the Redwoods!):


    The 12+ hour workdays were a bit less scenic...

    Are you enjoying your visit! Chilly but love the pics
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thinking of everyone in SoCal. Earthquakes are scary
  • simcon1
    simcon1 Posts: 209 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »

    Are you enjoying your visit! Chilly but love the pics

    I loved New Zealand and wished I could stay longer! I’ve already put low fare alerts on for the next few sets of holidays to see if I can go back with my family...😀