C25K Starting 8/8- Open group for encouragement!



  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    hwilliams - I know you absolutely WILL do that 20 minutes! That is awesome that you made it 5 already. Woot woot!

    linbee - migraines are the PITS! But there's nothing like a hug from your little one to put a smile on your face. Keep on trucking, and you will get through this week!

    Today I just did my own version of circuit training, followed by a walk on the treadmill. To switch it up and walked a slower pace, but at a steep incline. Wow...that got the old ticker pumping!

    Tonight we're going to a CCR concert....so I will probably be indulging in some adult beverages! But I also plan on doing a lot of jumping around and dancing....so I'll wear at least some of it off! I am SO READY for a day off work tomorrow too. We're staying over at a hotel, so I may not get my 3rd day in until later in the day or Saturday morning. But I WILL get it done!

    Happy running kids!
  • tauny78
    tauny78 Posts: 180 Member
  • hwilliams519
    Thanks everyone! I love having the encouragement from you.

    linbee- I hope you feel better soon. We all have good days and bad days. So just don't worry about it and do what you can. There's one Korn song that is so bad, but it really gets me going. I think it's called "F**k that." It basically just repeats the same line a lot. And I only like it when I'm running. lol. Then on the other extreme, when I walk by myself I like to listen to Christian music or classic rock.

    brenda-love CCR. They stay on my playlist and I often workout to them too.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    CCR in concert??? an "adult beverage?" does that mean you're drinking ensure? hee hee. i'm TOTALLY kidding brendalyne! i love ccr! enjoy your drinks!

    if you girls like to run to korn you'd probably love 5 finger death punch too. i have found that i can run to that stuff but unfortunately for me i can't get past the words... lol. still, i can see how the beat could keep you going. that's what hubby listens to too, so if i borrow his ipod, that's what i'm stuck with! i wish there was some better contemporary christian music out there, but for now i'm stuck with toby mac. at least the beat is fast enough! ;-)

    zumba for the wii is in and the kids are having a lot of fun with it! i may have to do it early in the morning or after the kids and husband go to bed! right now i feel like bambi on ice!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    okay, here i am, back to report my results for week 3, day 3!

    158 avg
    22:10 above tz
    16:10 in
    3:10 below
    389 calories burned! Oh yeah!

    okay, i did it again! once i get started i don't really want to stop. i knew i had two days to recover so i did a little extra today. i'm pretty sure i ran 9 minutes straight at the end. if not, it was 7.5... so that's awesome, but it also explains why my average heart rate was up quite a bit. my main problem now is what to feed myself. i think i've gotten into a bad habit of eating up my extra calories with zucchini bread and that HAS to stop! it can't be good for me. maybe i'll have to have a nice big juicy steak tonight? that would be better, right?

    have a fabulous weekend everyone! :-)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    j - you are such an OVERACHIEVER! :laugh: That is awesome that you were able to push yourself at the end....and you really burned the cals! I definitely would go for the steak tonight!

    The CCR concert was a BLAST! And the "ensure" was really quite tasty! :drinker: :wink: But boy am I paying for it today. Got back to the hotel about 1:00 am....and got to sleep around 1:30! I'm mostly just REALLY tired.....I can still "play", but my recovery time is MUCH slower these days. :tongue:

    I am quite sure that c25k is going to wait until tomorrow morning. I did help my husband hang a little drywall this afternoon, so that might be my only form of exercise for the day.

    Keep trucking kids!
  • hwilliams519
    My husband likes 5 finger death punch too. that would be another good one to work out to. Skillet would be a good christian band to work out to. I love the song Hero!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Week 3 Day 3 is done. Average was 134, Peak was 182....and I burned a whopping 492 calories according to my HRM! :noway: I tried "sprinting" for 15-20 seconds at the end of each jogging interval, so that must account for the higher calorie burn. :tongue:

    Have a great weekend everyone! We are heading to Minneapolis for grandson's baptism and granddaughter's 2nd birthday. I can't WAIT!!! Gonna hit the showers then hit the road!

    Keep trucking!
  • chi88
    chi88 Posts: 30 Member
    Completed week 1 yesterday. I found myself using brendalyne's words of advice to make it through the last 10 mins. Thanks, because they really helped. I plan on doing a 5 mile walk today, might throw in some jogging intervals in there. Have an awesome weekend and keep moving everyone!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Week 3 is complete. Starting on week 4 tomorrow. My job is having a 5k on October 1 and my goal is to be able to run the whole thing.

    I got my HRM and it said that I burned 302 calories in my Week 3 Day 3 workout.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    hi everyone! okay, so here i am on sunday looking ahead to tomorrow's run/walk.
    here's the breakdown in case you haven't looked ahead:

    5 minute brisk walk/ warm-up
    3 minute run
    90 second walk
    5 minute run
    2.5 minute walk
    3 minute run
    90 second walk
    5 minute run

    okay ladies, i know this looks tough, but we are road (and treadmill) warriors. we CAN do this! i noticed last friday during my run, the main road block wasn't any of my body parts, but my mind. once i focused on my breathing (out!) and told myself, "i AM going to finish this" i felt refreshed and ready to go again! it was almost as nice as a 3 minute walk! :-) if you get discouraged, give your body a quick assesment and then kick your mind into positive mode... be the little blue engine, "i think i can, i think i can, i think i can..." say it to yourself if you have to! (you can bet i'll be saying it on that last five minute run!!!) but remember the last thing that little blue engine said as he was coasting down the other side of that massive hill, "i thought i could, i thought i could, i thought i could..."

    let our motto for week 5 be "i think i can!"

    or maybe, "we came, we ran, we conquered!"
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- i love it... sprinting at the end of your jogging intervals! you're an overachiever too! :-) i hope you had a nice visit with the grandkids.

    rachel- great job so far! keep up the good work! it's so nice to have a goal to shoot for. i'm sure you'll be running that 5k in no time!

    chi- way to go!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm hoping to do a 5K sometime this fall. I plan on going back to the gym September 1st to begin my training. I did a 5K in the spring with NO training (although I used to workout 3-5 times a week at the gym... running wasn't my thing) and I ended up 40 out of 82. I want to try again WITH training and see if I can better my placement.

    I'm not sure if I'm doing the C25K program this time around or not. I found an awesome program in Fitness magazine that I'd like to try first. If you want to read it, it's located here:


  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    How's everyone doing? I did Week 4 Day 1 last night. The good news is that i was able to successfully complete it. The bad news is that my legs are so sore today. But I am so proud of myself. A few weeks ago I never would have thought I could do this.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Week 4- Day 1 DONE! I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could… and I did it! Woot-woot! (Though I will confess that I turned around and ran the other way so I wouldn't have to run up the big-ginormous hill at the end of that last five minute run!) I was a little concerned that the 90 second walk wouldn't be enough to get my heart rate back in check, but it dropped fast... probably within 60 seconds. Now that's progress! :-)

    Avg 155
    Above 16:10
    In 11:20
    Below: 2:40
    Total: 30:10

    275 Calories burned (not including the 5 minute walk)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    shannon- i went to check that link out, but i didn't feel like signing up for yet another website. how does it compare to the c25k? is it similar? i'm sure we'll all get where we're headed... there's no right or wrong way and it sounds like you've already got a 5k under your belt! :-) feel free to hang out with us anyway, we've got a great group of ladies here.

    rachel- Yippee!!!! You did it girl! You should be SO PROUD of yourself! :-) WAY TO GO!
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    I completed week 3 on Saturday. I start Week 4 Day 1 tomorrow!! Soooo nervous, the 5 minute jogs are a bit intimidating!! I'm hoping to stay on track though and complete the program in a timely fashion as I'm looking into running a 5k race in October so that I force myself to complete the program. I'm hoping tomorrows run won't be too difficult!! :)
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    j_courter- I did the exact same thing. I planned my route so that I wouldn't have to run uphill during the 5 minute segments. I was also pleasantly surprised that my heart rate came down enough in 90 seconds that I was ready to run again. Are you doing Day 2 tomorrow?

    Amanda- The 5 minute jog wasn't as bad as I was expecting. At the end of the 2nd one, I was definitely feeling it, but just focused on putting one foot in front of the other. You can do it! I went ahead and registered for a 5K in October, and asked one of my friends who is a runner to run it with me, so that I would have the motivation to complete the program.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    amanda- WELCOME! the 5 minute run wasn't as bad as i thought it would be either! :-) you can do it!

    rachel- i'm glad to hear that i'm not the only one working around those hills to start with! right now it's difficult enough without the added effort of running up a steep hill! i'm doing my running on m, w, and f, so tomorrow will be a strength day for me. i'll probably do jillian's 30 day shred, or possibly winsor pilates buns and thighs AND also windor pilates abs. i'm not sure yet.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    j_courter - I haven't tried the program out yet. I'll be starting it on September 1st. You don't need to sign up for anything. It's just an article out of a magazine. I thought it was a good place to start for beginners (I haven't worked out since May and so I need to build back up my endurance). I'll let you know how it goes. I'll probably mix the C25K in eventually as well.
