

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited July 2019
    Lisa You make me laugh. Faces sliding off, being called "Sir", being a weenie. Chuckling...

    ...and nodding my head over these words, "I also keep my hair quite short, so people make assumptions about my gender and/or sexuality. I think it's funny that they have some perceived need to KNOW. I just refuse to humor their prejudices. :) Humans are weird." t2708.gif

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,055 Member
    Makeup - just foundation & lip moisturiser unless I'm going out somewhere, then I'll add a bit of mascara. I'm trying some eyeshadow, and seem to be able to do that for a day or two, and then not for the rest of the week.

    Clothes - I have to dress up for work. Office workers do here in Australia. It's winter here now, so it's either black pants and layered tops or thick tights, black skirt, tall boots and layered tops. My layered tops usually include black.

    As soon as I get home, I'm into something comfy ... or my exercise gear first and then something comfy.

    Decorating - I like colours of nature: blues, browns, greens.

    But my career path has headed a non-traditional direction for women ...

    I got into engineering technology first and was among a very small number of girls to do that. Then I headed into software development. Again, not a popular choice for girls. So my next choice was business administration which was a bit more traditional for girls, but I majored in accounting which was not as traditional. Through all those courses, I discovered I liked math and loved working with computers.

    Next was my Bachelor of Education but that turned out quite differently than expected. I graduated with my second choice of speciality and minor. And I've only used it as a springboard for other things including my Masters in IT ... yet another non-traditional area.

    My choice of sport is something else that has a low percentage of female involvement.

    There are lots of women who do shorter distance cycling, which is fantastic, but back in 2003, only about 6% of ultradistance riders were female. And in my cycling club, I'm the president ... and I'm the one and only woman!! A room full of guys voted me in! :grin:

    But something I don't talk about a lot is that I started cycling seriously when I was training as a bodybuilder in my 20s. After a couple years, I found I liked the cardio more than the weight training ... and got into cycling. But back then, I was often one of just a very few girls in the gym.

    And I love being outdoors and taking on challenges ... cycling (of course!), hiking up a mountain, canoeing, etc. etc. I've spent quite a lot of time doing cycletouring ... cycling to travel, most often camping along the way, occasionally even finding "unofficial" places to sleep along the route ... :grin:

    It's only been recently that I've come to appreciate B&Bs, cabins, hotels, etc. I must be getting old!! But a real bed has started to seem more comfortable than sleeping in our tent.

    So I guess it's in careers, education, sports and hobbies where I have tended to be one of the guys rather than a girly-girl. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbie That pic of Sasha is terrific, it could be in a photo contest <3

    Evelyn Gorgeous crochet baby blanket, I haven't made one in so long, it brings me back to my crafting days. I did tell myself to make a few hats this summer for our Paradise Camp hat drive my school is holding in the fall, I'd better get on it

    Rori sending ((( <3<3 ))) and strength. I know you've started searching for some extra help so you can take care of yourself and get some sleep, I know it's one more item on the to do, but I hope that you can get that support, it is so very important for you both. Take care my friend.


  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Kelly... so glad you had a wonderful visit! You said: But really, time to eat a vegetable! My gut isn't really suffering, but it is that feeling when you feel like your body is screaming "For god's sake, woman, eat a salad!" This describes me to a "T" today!! Only my gut is suffering. I have no idea what demon possessed me this past week, but I've eaten out of control and paid dearly for it. Salads and vegetables will be the stars of my meal plan this week!

    Carol ... your haircut suits you!

    Katla ... happy belated birthday!

    Evelyn ... Rosie will love her baby blanket!

    Rori ... very sorry for the difficulties with your husband. Hoping you can get some sleep. Do you have anyone who will "visit" with your husband ... someone that he trusts (and you trust) and enjoys ... so that you can get out or just take a nap?

    It should be a little cooler here today and cooler yet tomorrow. Even though we have AC, looking forward to that. I like having the windows open and getting fresh air/breezes.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Evelyn - the baby blanket is beautiful. I managed to crochet a duck for Hannah, but that was as far as I got!

    I think the foot is well enough to cycle tonight. I didn’t decrease my calories enough while I couldn’t exercise. I’m embarrassed to say I gained 6 lbs in a week. This has got to go!!

    Connie in KY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :)Evelyn, the blanket is beautiful and will be even more so with a special edging. That's a lot of work.

    :)Carol, great new hairstyle

    <3Rori, I'm thinking of you and your husband's need for care. He is so fortunate to have you.

    :)Jac in S.Jersey, this is a good day to begin your journey to health and fitness. I had many false starts and when I found MFP and this thread, it was the beginning of a weight loss plan that has stayed with me.

    :)Kelly, glad your family visit turned out so well.

    :) Yes, I know how fortunate we are to have such mild temperatures in NW WA. Today will be the warmest in awhile with temps going to 72 F (22 C).

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    Evelyn - just love the blanket. Rosalie will treasure that when she’s older I’m sure.

    Girly girl - I am trying to brighten up my wardrobe and start wearing jewelry more often. I am working with women now and for the last 25 years worked in a male dominated industry. It’s an adjustment in more ways than one!
    I was thinking I should buy some makeup maybe.

    Rori - I hope you get some sleep and find some help for yourself.

    Kelly - sounds like a wonderful week.

    I know there was more I wanted to comment on but now can’t remember. Today the Grands are coming for a visit, it seems like forever since they have been here and I haven’t had a pile of things to do. We cancelled them last weekend because I needed a couple of down days after the wedding and company.

    The new bride and I are taking Jonah to see Toy Story 4 tonight. We were going to take the Groom and Michaela, but the only one playing is in 3D which gives Brodey migraines and Lauryn wants to take Michaela to her first theatre movie in November to see Frozen 2.

    I’m looking forward to it. I have enjoyed the first three since my girls were little. That makes me feel ancient!

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited July 2019
    Joaquin y JR would get along great lol. Daughter was very smart would show off too like yours,but 2yr old JR won’t speak in public so Doctors to others don’t believe me.I have to tape it in my cell phone sneakily!

    Apart of Summer is slips y falls on diet we’re out of our elements got to conquer it! Kids with snacks to family BBQs ooooh so dangerous for a dieter! I’m still struggling to get where I was before Daughters visit . What a struggle I can be under calories to moving up a storm I go down 0.2 then go over calories by 100 cal bam up 0.4! Grrr after 2 days of loosing that much one day causing it to come back makes you want to 😱 scream!

    Girly Girl 👧- Never was one but Daughter even less of one.I used to let her play football 🏈 or dive in a creek in her Sunday dress lol. She’s in the Navy so still not girly girl. Hubby doesn’t understand never has after all these years buys her makeup to purses to music gift cards his family too! Then their feelings are hurt when she well tosses it in a dark corner of her room or gives it to me or a friend lol. She carries a Wallet in her pocket with a chain,short hair, hates music unless it’s gaming kinds,Well she’s a Tom boy. I try to explain if you wouldn’t buy it for JR please don’t buy it for her!
    They look confused 🤷🏽‍♂️. Well it’s not hard she loves lemon 🍋 soaps to baby powder smelling ones. If it smells like Roses she’ll hate it. She likes a guy she’s the poor girl who they slap her back says man your the Best Guy I know. Yup poor Daughter will find a guy for her someday who also doesn’t want kids will be a special young man. If not she’ll be true to herself with a good career. Win/Win
    Amber Tx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,269 Member
    Up to page 68.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,085 Member
    Hello ladies!
    My brother's funeral is past. I ate double my 1200 calories, but the scale seems to be extra kind to me. Have to admit I was thinking about giving up until I got on the scale and saw the damage was minimal. It works in mysterious ways!
    The service was perfect, and allowed lots of friends and family to support my parents. Lots of people came. Then we had more food at the house. My college buddy and his wife came, and my boyfriend David got introduced all around. He said he felt like a sideshow!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    I love makeup. I don't wear it if I'm not going anywhere, or just locally, which is most days, but if I've got to face the public I feel naked without it. My unadorned face reminds me of my mother and makes me depressed. Plus I look sick without blusher.
    I rarely wear dresses because I hate my legs. Winter is better because of leggings. I seem to spend most days in my exercise clothes. That way I can easily get on a machine in the afternoon, or go out for a run.
    I do like to scrub up occasionally though.
    Don't think I have a feminine /masculine bias. I seem to straddle both sides.
    Glad about that.

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member

    220cal 6 fish sticks

    Salad is 0 cal chipotle ranch Walden farms , spinach,mixed lettuce 🥬,tomato,cucumber,y purple onion

    Tea 4oz y water

    Amber Tx

    Not sure about Dinner yet but craving chicken lunch meat sandwich so will see.