Lose 5lbs + in July 2019



  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    edited July 2019
    61 years old; 5'2"
    Original starting weight - 158.5 (12/30/2018)
    June ending weight 148.3 (June loss 1.3 lbs)

    July starting weight - 148.2
    July goal -145.2 (adjusted)

    Ultimate goal - 135.0

    I generally do a Friday weigh-in. I've pinned the weekly weigh-in days for the challenge. Friday/Monday weigh-in will be interesting :wink:

    📌 1st - 148.2 (Trend Weight 149.2)
    3rd - 148.7 (Trend Weight 149.1)
    4th - 148.1 (Trend Weight 149.0)
    5th - 148.1 (Trend Weight 148.9)
    6th - 148.3 (Trend Weight 148.8)
    📌 8th - 147.8 (Trend Weight 148.6)
    12th - 148.2 (Trend Weight 148.5)
    13th - 149.3 (Trend Weight 148.6)
    14th - 150.6 (Trend Weight 148.8) UGH!
    📌 15th - 149.5 (Trend Weight 148.9)
    19th - 148.5 (Trend Weight 149.0)
    📌 22nd - 148.3 (Trending 148.8)
    26th - 149.0 (Trend Weight 148.7)
    📌 29th - 148.5 (Trend Weight 148.9)
    📌 31st - 148.8 (Trend Weight 149.0)

    July Loss - 0.6 GAIN

    Thoughts: Flat month. Scale weight up, trend weight down a tad. I've been off my game plan all month. Hit with a stomach bug over weekend. All things considered, happy to still be in the 140's. Onward!

    Congrats to those hitting their July Goals, and "hang in there" to the rest!

    July Game Plan & Goals:
    • Continue weekly meal planning Still off my game here.
    • Log daily in MFP - focus on daily calorie deficit goal of 500
    • No calorie intake after 8pm
    • Hit Fitbit step goal of 5000, then increase to 6000 - 7 day average 2005 ⬇
    • Hit active minutes goal of 25 minutes daily, then increase to 30 - 7 day average 10 ⬆
    • Hit strength building exercise goal of 6 days, then increase to 7 - 7 day average 1 ⬆

    July Progress:


    Progress to Date:


  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,805 Member
    Female, 5'3", 58 years old
    I will be weighing daily, it keeps me accountable and motivated and shows trends
    Starting weight October 28.18 - 191
    July goal (since I hit 160 3 times in June) is 155
    Ultimate goal 115

    July 01 - 163.1 - Still up from eating ribs in June, I will have to lay off those for at least a few months
    July 02 - 165.6 - !!! that is more than I was at the beginning of June. Hopefully just a blip.
    July 03 - 162.0
    July 04 - 160.8
    July 05 - 162.5 - oh well, 25 more days to hopefully get out of the 160s
    July 06 - 162.5
    July 07 - 162.2
    July 08 - 163.5 - Not sure why or how, but I will stay the course. I have been "good", and I don't feel heavier : - )
    July 09 - 163.2 - Hoping for a woosh this week, staying determined.
    July 10 - 161.0 - I actually was 162.0 at 5am, but went back to bed and lost a pound lol. Not sure which one is right, I usually weigh very early in the morning, but I will take it for now. Seeing the scale move down keeps me motivated.
    July 11 - 160.9 - Flirting with that number again, hit it in May and June, expected to get into the 150s back in April. Really trying hard.
    July 12 - 161.7
    July 13 - 162.5 - Really feeling leaner for the most part this month, but have had quite a bit of stomach bloating over the last few weeks, with nothing but water so I am not really sure what to attribute it to. One glass of water to start the morning and I can blow up like a beach ball, and it is not soft. I have been drinking more than one glass of water starting in February, I get in 2 litres minimum a day now - although I still do not like water at all. I definitely do not like the bloating. Our bodies are made of salt and water, so it doesn't really make sense.
    July 14 - 162.7
    July 15 - 163.4 - Dang
    July 17 - 161.9
    July 18 - 161.3 - getting hopeful : - )
    July 19 - 162.1
    July 20 - 160.4
    July 21 - 159.9 - Well, that is a first! I fluctuate quite a bit usually, but I am very happy to have touched this number.
    July 22 - 159.7
    July 23 - 161.2 - No reason for the gain, I have been on track. Maybe just too early in the morning.
    July 24 - 160.3 - Okay. I'm sure that I went through this trying to get out of the 180s and 170s. I feel close to getting out of the 160s, but it sure is work.
    July 25 - 160.6 - 161 was the 30lb loss mark, so far to go still, and jumping all around, I was around this weight on July 4th.
    July 26 - 160.2
    July 27 - 160.8
    July 28 - 161.3 - Expected even more, but I will take it. Farmer's market goodies and samples, out to lunch, cocktails and snacks with friends - I did work out first, danced, walked lots. Tomorrow's weigh will really tell how much damage that I did. I have to do normal things once in awhile, but did try to have only half of what others were having.
    July 29 - 162.0 - 2 more weigh days for the month. Planning on extra workouts the next couple of days to end the month with a better number.
    July 30 - 161.4
    July 31 - 161.0 - Same weight as on July 10th. Another month still not into the 150s. Getting tired of working so hard and seeing minimal results. I went out to the market and lunch once in the month , and had only half a sandwich. Stubborn fat! Grr

    July total loss 2.0 pounds
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    July 31 - 161.0 - Same weight as on July 10th. Another month still not into the 150s. Getting tired of working so hard and seeing minimal results. I went out to the market and lunch once in the month , and had only half a sandwich. Stubborn fat! Grr

    July total loss 2.0 pounds

    I hear you, Dawn. (((Hugs))) It took me 6 months to get the 140's and I was lucky to stay there this month. I have had to drop weight before - I have never had such a hard time dropping it.

  • SarahGrace6288
    SarahGrace6288 Posts: 26 Member
    Original starting weight - 184
    July starting weight - 148.8
    July goal - 144
    Ultimate goal - 140

    1 - 148.8

    8 - 151.4 TOM day 1
    A bit loose with my calories the past five days. Was off work for the holiday, which always throws me off my schedule. A couple a dinners out and a few days at the pool/lake was all it took to take a hit. I’m super bloated today and generally not feeling well. Lots of Midol and working with a heating pad across my abdomen today. Tomorrow will be better! 😊

    9 - 149.6
    10 - 148.8
    11 - 148.2

    19 - 147.8
    It’s been almost 2 weeks since I checked in - the two weeks weren’t horrible, but I had way too many “don’t care, I’m eating what I want” moments. Summer is the hardest season for me and weight loss. I’ve found my second wind and my motivation has ramped back up. Thank goodness!

    I bought a dress for a wedding in 3 weeks and IT’S A 6!!! A true 6, and to be sure I tried on several labels. Gap is generous so those size 4 jeans - I figured they were really an 8. 😝
    I need to make sure that dress still fits in 3 weeks, so no more “don’t care” days.

    I wrapped up ChaLEAN Extreme/PiYo and started Turbo Fire, but I was not feeling that at all. Switched to 21 Day Fix Real Time and I’m loving it, which is surprising because when I tried the original I couldn’t get into it. It is kicking my butt - sore everyday in the best kind of way!

    Hope you guys are having a great weekend!

    22 - 150


    27 - 148.8
    31 - 148.2

    I’ve lost consistently for months, so this was bound to happen. I can’t cut calories any more than I have and be healthy, so I’m just going to stay the course. I am proud that I’ve made it to the last 10 lbs phase. I know it’s going to really slow down now, so my goal will be around 2 lbs a month going forward.

    See you all in August 😊

    July total: -.6
  • lalabank
    lalabank Posts: 1,009 Member
    edited August 2019
    Original starting weight -242
    July starting weight - 153.8
    July goal- 153.8
    Ultimate goal - 121

    8th- 151.6
    19th- 157.6
    22nd- 152.2
    29th- 152.6
    31st- 152.2
    Total loss for July- 1.6

    July was great! Enjoyed a relaxed month. Now I’m ready to kick some serious butt for August.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,929 Member
    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    June 30 starting weight - 148.2 (ten-day rolling average weight 145.5)
    July goal - 143
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight).

    June 30 - 148.2 (145.5)
    July 7 - 148.0 (147.9)
    July 14 - 146.4 (147.7) -- interpolated from July 11 and July 16 weight.
    July 21 - 145.2 (146.0)
    July 28 - 145.2 (145.1)
    July 31 - 145.4 (145.6)

    Total loss for July: From a synoptic view, my scale weight looks like it's 2.8 pounds. From an average weight, I'm up an insignificant amount. I wonder if this might be a good maintenance weight after all. It's my revised target, and I'm hitting it more easily than my older target that was such a small amount less weight. I'll just keep paying attention and revise my goals with experience. It's a work in progress -- a lifelong commitment. Ugh. And... Yes! If the data are correct, I am slowly making back up for some celebrations in late June and July.


  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,832 Member
    Thanks Samantha for the continuation of this challenge into August.
    Here's the link: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10757403/lose-5lbs-in-august-2019

    Good luck everyone!
  • kmfeig87
    kmfeig87 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Down to my last 5 pounds, so hoping to lose 2-3 in August.

    Original starting weight - 199 (June 2018)
    July starting weight - 134.5
    July goal - <=132
    Ultimate goal - 128

    1st - 134
    5th - 133.5 (did OK over July 4th!)
    7th- 133.5 (holding)
    11th - 132
    14th - 132.5 (chocolate cake has been on the menu...so not bad :) )
    19th - blipped up earlier in the week, but back down!
    21st - 130.5 New low today! :):)
    26th - 132
    28th - 131.5 Out to dinner last night, so happy to be here!
    31st - 133 Although today's number is high, fairly confident in being 132 in a few days and heading lower. One of the troubles with setting up for .5 pound loss per week is the daily fluctuations can mask the loss!

    End July loss: 1.5 pound

    8/1 Woohoo! Just realized my July start weight was 134.5, so actually lost 1.5 pounds. Plus I am at 132 today...which was the July goal!
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    edited August 2019
    OMG!! I can still say that I owe it to watching how much I eat, doing cardio a lot this month, increasing my water intake and sleeping a little more. Oddly, I got 6 hours of sleep on Sunday evening even after I could not sleep from 3am to 5am.

    Now, I can be totally over the moon for the month of July!!! The Korean BBQ on Sunday afternoon was delicious and I was happy that I did not eat until I was overly-full. *drool* The weight loss over the weekend was unexpected. I did attempt to watch how much I ate and we did walk outside in this heat on Sat and Sun for at least 30 mins.

    From Previous Post:
    Our local gym is having a cardio challenge so we are trying to go to the gym everyday in July.
    My cardio consists of body-weight exercises, bike and elliptical.
    We changed our workout time from 9pm to 5:30am. I'm curious as to how this will reflect on my weight. At the same time, I'm working on getting 7 hrs of sleep by going to bed at 9pm. So far, I've been able to be asleep by 10pm so it's a work in progress.
    Cardio Days Completed: 23 out of 31

    MFP Starting Weight: 140 lbs - February 2011
    Current Starting Weight: 147 lbs - November 2017
    July Starting Weight: 136.4 lbs
    July Goal: 133.4 lbs

    Height: 5ft

    Ultimate Goal: 120 lbs

    Weigh-In Day: Friday and Monday

    July 1: 138.2 at 8am
    July 5: 135.2 at 8am
    July 8: 135.2 at 5am
    July 12: 134.2 at 5am [ I haven't weighed this much since July 2016. ]
    July 15: 135.4 at 5am
    July 19: 134 at 5am
    July 22: 134.2 at 7am
    July 26: 133.4 at 7am
    July 29: 131.8 at 8am

    Total Loss for July: 4.6 lbs
    Total Loss since November 2017: 15.6 lbs
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    The Keto diet is like a marriage--it doesn't work if you cheat! Boy am I learning that the hard way! I haven't gained too much but every since the first week of July when I cheated/splurged for a few days, I haven't been able to get back to my lowest weight! I kind of regret it now. I was hoping to get back to my goal but my body is stuck at a plateau! So frustrating. I even completed a 7 miles hike! Oh well, onto the next month!

    7/1: 179.8
    Ups and downs....worked hard.
    7/31: 183.4
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    69 years old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion... :D...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    Heaviest: 192.2
    July GW: 138.0
    UGW: 132.2

    07/01 - 140.4 at 6:30 a.m.
    07/08 - 138.6 at 6:30 a.m. :o
    07/15 - 139.0 at 6:30 a.m.
    07/22 - 141.8 at 4:45 a.m. ...ugh!
    07/29 - DNW
    07/31 - DNW

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited August 2019
    In August thread.