Women - do you wear makeup?



  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I occasionally wear make up, but it's not a habit. I feel so much more myself when I'm baring my real face. After a couple of months of not wearing makeup, and the mood strikes me to wear it, I feel like a clown. Everyone says I do makeup really well ("Why don't you wear it more often? You look so PRETTY!"....Um...because I feel gorgeous without it?), but I still don't prefer to spend my money that way. :smile:
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    I wear it everyday. RARELY will I venture out without it. I wear BareMinerals so it has the sunscreen, which I need as I work outdoors. I mostly wear it to cover up the redness in my face, which is getting better. I love to play with eyeshadows & love when someone comments on how my eyes look. Lipstick is not my thing though, even though I keep trying (the drawer full of "hate'm's" will attest to that! ) I usually stick with a lip gloss. Love Bonnie Bell! I never out grew that! lol
  • cmonskinnylovee
    Not really, and if I do it's because my boyfriend has a thing for eyeliner. I love the way my face looks without makeup, i look so... innocent. haha
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I love makeup...I look okay without it, but it's fun to play with eye makeup, and get the looks that correspond with my fashion.

    I don't wear foundation, though.

    I sometimes wear lipgloss and a tiny bit of eyeliner to the gym. It makes me feel a little better, plus there are some hot guys there. Makeup is pretty fun.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Well, I used to be uncomfortable going out of the house or even having friends over without at LEAST mascara and eyeshadow on. I've grown more comfortable with myself though, and I feel beautiful enough now to know I don't NEED the make up (which is kinda funny, because I'm a good 80 pounds heavier than I was then!) I mostly don't wear makeup anymore, but sometimes I have days where I get bored and feel like getting dolled up and slap some on (see profile picture.)
  • ximacloudx
    ximacloudx Posts: 14 Member
    I normally wear make up in instances where it's appropriate - going to work, going out to bars, going out on dates. When it comes to little day to day things - going to class, going to the grocery store, sitting around in my house doing nothing, I don't wear it.

    Even when I do it's very little. Eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lip gloss. I'm mixed, so finding concealer/foundation/etc is normally really difficult and not worth the trouble, plus my skin isn't that bad anyway.

    That being said, I feel like a lot of girls don't need as much make up as they use - both of my roommates take a lot longer to get ready than I do, but they look beautiful without going through the trouble. I dunno.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    During the week, I rather spend my time in the morning getting my lunch bag packed and things around the house situated so for work, I generally don't wear makeup. On occasion I will bring some makeup to work with me to put on if I have a meeting or presentation. I do that because I just feel more confident as my dark circles are covered and I look more awake and refreshed.

    I also will throw it on if going out with friends to dinner or to specific things like a concert, dance club, etc.

    Other than those few exceptions, I like my skin to be free to breathe! (though i always have on some sort of lip product)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I always wear makeup before I go anywhere. I have a splotchy complexion and it evens out my skin tone. I can't stop with just putting on foundation. I've tried but I always feel like I'm not complete if I don't wear all my makeup. It consists of foundaton, loose powder to set it, eye shadow, mascara, eyebrow liner and lipstick. I wear it for myself because I think I look better with it. It doesn't look overdone though because my son can't even tell when I'm wearing makeup and when I'm not.
  • lucythinmint
    I think I would go into shock and die if I did not have my makeup!!

    I have a small one inch port wine stain (aka birthmark) on the side of my cheek so ever since I was old enough to use makeup I covered that bad boy up. I had part of it removed but there is still some noticeable so I wear the foundation and concealer no matter what, jogging, weight lifting, cleaning the house. I even wear it just around the house.

    Now, my eye make up is where I go nuts! I love it, not because I have to cover up something but because I love what I can do with it!! I LIVE for my eye make up! I don't care who likes it :D other females do not phase me (I believe I am coated in an anti-female substance anyway) and I've been married so long he doesn't notice when I wear it or not.

    I do it for me and I feel better about myself when I have it on. I'm also pretty self conscious so its like putting on some confidence.
    I love to think of the face as a canvas that I can only improve on, but I am kind of warped :P
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    i always wear makeup...no foundation i cant stand the stuff...but eyeshadow(earth tones), mascarra, eyeliner, light lipliner and chapstick or gloss..and sometimes some blush if i am feeling pale.

    if going to the gym i just wear a bit of eyeshadow,mascarra, and chapstick...i used to go without but my gym is in the grocery store so i have to go through lots of people to get to it..and i feel ugly ..and sometimes i need to buy a bag of milk or whatever .

    i told my sister if the day comes when i start going out without makeup and not caring about my appearance to shoot me!

    i do it because it makes me feel good, i wear makeup even on days i am not going out .


  • e1izab3th2
    e1izab3th2 Posts: 148 Member
    I wear make-up most of the time. Most of the time I wear my bare minimum which is mascara and chapstick. I like to wear mascara because I look tired without it. I wear it because I feel more attractive, not necessarily for anyone else..unless it is date night with the hubby! :love:

    Occasionally I wear eyeliner, eyeshadow, and bronzer. Two or three time a year I will wear foundation (special occasions only).
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    And if you do wear makeup, do you wear it because you want to look attractive to men or because you just like it?
    I only wear make-up about 5 times a year and that is for special occasions.

    Or do you feel like you wear makeup for other women? (because we all know women judge other women way more than men do)
    Nope when I normally wear make-up for special event and that is because I know pictures will be taken and I was to look good in the pictures for me:)

    Do you leave the house without makeup? How much makeup do you wear?
    Yes all the time. When people see me with make-up on I get asked what the special occasions is. When I do wear make-up it's very little.
  • vanezache
    vanezache Posts: 18 Member
    For under the eyes...it looks like im well rested, and a little blush .....it makes ME feel more beautiful ..but then I forget about it ..either way I can deal with it but I think every gurl needs under eye and a little bronzer
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    yup, I wear and love make up. Its fun to me and I like looking my best. I will go out without it or be seen without it but I prefer to be in it as that's how I feel happiest / best. I probably wear make up 5-6 days of the week. I wear it for me, I don't really think men notice that kinda thing so much and I don't care if other women care lol

    I have really pale lashes and brows so I consider my must haves to be mascara-ed lashes, filled in brows and I feel very weird/ uncomfy without lipstick or gloss on my lips. I wear a tinted moisturizer or a light foundation about half the time too. I like either "natural" look make up or smokey eyes. Always have a shade of pink on my lips. I DO NOT wear bronzer or red lips.

    I'm also really into skin care and nail polish.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    yes, but I have a short attention span when it comes to getting ready so wouldn't ever spend more than a couple of minutes applying it. Lately have discovered tinted moisturisers which mean I moisturise and apply a foundaton all at the same time, result!
    lately i don't apply mascara so much as unless i am seeing anyone (I work from home) its just a waste and you have to take it off for the gym
    I'm a sales rep so have to apply makeup to look polished for work.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i wear it every day, even if im just around the house on my own. I dont feel dressed without it.
    I dont wear a lot. Bit of foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I have had it done once for a trade fair and liked it but just never wanted to wear it again even if I thought that I would be beautiful with it. My boyfriend doesn't like it but then again I never seem to get compliments off him anyway. :(
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I wear makeup, but not everyday and definitely not a lot of the days that I do wear it.

    It has nothing to do with looking good for men, other women, etc. For me, I just feel pretty wearing it. It's the same feeling when I am wearing a new pair of shoes or something. I am not trying to look good for anyone else, but it boosts my confidence when I feel like I am pretty.

    Not that I don't like the way I look without makeup, but sometimes it's like the difference between wearing a nice pant suit versus jeans and a shirt. I can look great in either, but the former makes me feel prettier than I would normally look since I don't wear it all the time, and it just feels good to treat myself to a bit of confidence here and there.

    Anyway, when I do wear makeup, I usually accentuate my eyes with shadow, liner, and mascara and wear a little lip color. I don't like a lot of foundation, but I do use some powder because I tend to have uneven skin tone. I hate heavy foundations, and the last time I wore it was for my bridal portrait...I even skipped it on the wedding day, lol.

    I just personally think that anyone who wears makeup solely to look good for other people rather than themselves is doing themselves a disservice. I mean, there's a time and place for it, but if that's the only reason they you are leaving *you* out...and doesn't that suck?
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I have a makeup addiction. I love it and have tonnes of the stuff. I enjoy experimenting with different looks and playing around with different colours, shapes and textures. I find taking the time in the morning to do my makeup is quite relaxing and eases me into the day :)

    I almost never leave the house with NO makeup. For work I do a full face: Foundation, concealer, powder, blush, eyebrows, around 4 different eyeshadows, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick (and maybe gloss), and sometimes highlighting or contouring powder if I have time. If I'm just popping round the corner to the shop or something then I'll probably just dab some concealer under my eyes and wear a lick of mascara.

    If I'm just at home with my husband then chances are I won't put any makeup on. I like the feeling of a clean face from time to time and it's good to let my skin breathe.