Pregnancy – August 2011



  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Good luck Rachel !!!

    As for good foods. Pretty much what common sense tells you. Fruits, veggies, whole foods .. no refined sugars and sweets, etc ... Get your protein in there, limit carbs and get some exercise.

    Nothing new here. Leaving tomorrow evening to stay at my moms place and having the baby shower on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it. Never thought in a million years I'd be having another baby. Strange how things play out, lol.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome mrsgrovester! And congratulations. I agree with caperfae, lots of fruits and veggies and whole grains. Also don't forget the dairy (unless there's a specific reason you can't) for calcium and vitamin D and lean meats for protein and iron. And a good vitamin supplement (I was taking a generic OTC women's daily with Dr's okay until this month, when I switched to pre-natals so insurance pays for it). If you set your MFP goal to maintain weight, it should give you a good idea of where you want to be. Most of us found we didn't need to add the extra calories until the 2nd tri, and then it's only 300 more, not much at all. And listen to your body, don't let yourself become over-hungry!

    Rachel - good luck today. I'm sorry you didn't get to go into labor on your own. Hoping for a healthy little one in your arms soon.

    AFM - I noticed last night that me feet are starting to swell, especially in the evenings, and my hands too. Not so bad this morning. Hoping it's not a sign of anything other than just normal end of pregnancy. Looking forward to hitting the pool again today, hoping it helps.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Rachel, I never went into labor with my first and it looks like I won't be with this one either..and I feel totally bummed about it too. I really wanted that whole surprise element of my water breaking. or contractions starting, and to see if my body was going to do what it was supposed to do. Nevertheless, the end result is the same..and the most important part get to meet your beautiful baby today!! Yaaaay! Can't wait to see pictures, and can't wait til next week when I am on my way to the hospital to meet mine! :love:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Julz – whenever I wake up in the middle of the night and I don’t feel her move I get freaked out. I normally can’t fall back asleep until I can feel her again. Good idea to wait to talk to your regular OB, I wouldn’t want to schedule an induction before 40 weeks either especially if the NST says baby is ok.

    Mrsgrovester – welcome and congratulations! I’m eating pretty much the same I just try to get in more fruits, veggies and whole grains. Drinks lots and lots of water too.

    Rachel – thinking of you!!!!

    Caperfae – have a great shower on Sunday!

    Really quick appointment today (I’m taking that as a good sign) I was in and out in less than 10 minutes. Kathryn is still breech. :grumble: :grumble: When I go back in two weeks I’ll get an ultrasound to determine her exact position and my strep B test. The doctor said he’s not concerned right now and we’ll discuss it more after the u/s.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Wow you girls really make me happy that I live in a province where our daycare system is regulated. Every person working in a daycare even the secretary needs first aid(CPR) training. There is a maximum children per caregiver ratio allowed, and if there are kids with allergies that food item isn’t able to be offered to any child (incase). Actually the food regulations are very strict they even need to provide the parents with the menu for the next couple months to be sure the parents can arrange for a supper that complements what the child ate that day (they even offer suggestions with the menu’s). Oh and the days off are provincially regulated too, so you get the list the year before.
    This is my first, but I know all this because my mother in law and almost all her sisters are early childhood educators, and work in Government run daycares. So on top of all the benefits for the mommies sending their kids off like $7 a day cost (yes you read it right Ronya) the daycare workers get paid really well too (and fantastic benefits), and happy workers means happy children!

    Ronya, Why are you back to work in January? I know that women in the U.S. get less time off for Maternity leave but that seams really sudden.

    Best wishes Rachel!

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Wow you girls really make me happy that I live in a province where our daycare system is regulated. Every person working in a daycare even the secretary needs first aid(CPR) training. There is a maximum children per caregiver ratio allowed, and if there are kids with allergies that food item isn’t able to be offered to any child (incase). Actually the food regulations are very strict they even need to provide the parents with the menu for the next couple months to be sure the parents can arrange for a supper that complements what the child ate that day (they even offer suggestions with the menu’s). Oh and the days off are provincially regulated too, so you get the list the year before.
    This is my first, but I know all this because my mother in law and almost all her sisters are early childhood educators, and work in Government run daycares. So on top of all the benefits for the mommies sending their kids off like $7 a day cost (yes you read it right Ronya) the daycare workers get paid really well too (and fantastic benefits), and happy workers means happy children!

    Ronya, Why are you back to work in January? I know that women in the U.S. get less time off for Maternity leave but that seams really sudden.

    Best wishes Rachel!

  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Wow you girls really make me happy that I live in a province where our daycare system is regulated. Every person working in a daycare even the secretary needs first aid(CPR) training. There is a maximum children per caregiver ratio allowed, and if there are kids with allergies that food item isn’t able to be offered to any child (incase). Actually the food regulations are very strict they even need to provide the parents with the menu for the next couple months to be sure the parents can arrange for a supper that complements what the child ate that day (they even offer suggestions with the menu’s). Oh and the days off are provincially regulated too, so you get the list the year before.
    This is my first, but I know all this because my mother in law and almost all her sisters are early childhood educators, and work in Government run daycares. So on top of all the benefits for the mommies sending their kids off like $7 a day cost (yes you read it right Ronya) the daycare workers get paid really well too (and fantastic benefits), and happy workers means happy children!

    Ronya, Why are you back to work in January? I know that women in the U.S. get less time off for Maternity leave but that seams really sudden.

    Best wishes Rachel!


    I can’t speak for everyone but most of the daycares in my area regulated to a point. I worked in child care for 4 years and was required to take a CPR/first aid class every year along with other education/child development workshops. The food menu is available each month (some places food is included in the cost, others it’s extra) so parents can plan for allergies and likes/dislikes. The down side is that the pay and benefits are horrible! The push for the last several years is for all the daycare teachers to have a degree in child development and/or education, which is great but it’s hard to stay at such a low paying job with a college education. I when I left child care I was the head kindergarten teacher and working on my masters degree and still only getting paid $8.50 an hour, I made more than that working at the mall. :grumble:

    Three months is pretty much the normal leave that most women take here. My job doesn’t offer any maternity leave, so I have to use the vacation/sick/personal time that I have saved up. (You’d think working for the state government that I’d get better benefits in that area.) They will hold my job for 6 months once I reach unpaid status but we can’t afford to go without my income for that long. That’s why I’m planning to work up until I got into labor, the longer I’m here the longer I’ll get paid when I’m home. If I can make it to my due date I’ll be paid for 11 of the 12 weeks that I’ll be home. We could probably make it with me staying out for another month but then we’d really have to dip into our savings and neither of us wants to do that. I’d like to stay home longer, but my co-worker who is due in December is only going to be home for 6 to 8 weeks, so I’m thankful that I’ll be home for that long. :ohwell:

    Wow, that was a long response!!! :laugh: :blushing:
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Doctor appointment today went well. My blood pressure was still elevated, but lower than it has been which is great! Its the first appointment in 3 weeks that I haven't gotten sent to the hospital! :bigsmile: Even though I'm having a planned c-section, I had the doctor check me today for any progress. She said the baby definitely dropped (I could really tell..lots of pressure when I walk and
    my tummy feels much heavier) and that my cervix is soft but no dilation yet. I was happy to hear that my cervix is least that shows me that my body is actually starting to do what its supposed to do :happy: I've had more contractions today, but with no type of pattern at all. I wish she would decide to pick her own birthday and come a few days early, but at least I can say I only have one week left! I have a pre-op appointment scheduled for Wednesday..does anyone know what that entails or how long I might expect to be at the hospital? I didn't have one for my first daughter, so not too sure what to expect. After that, last doctor appt is Thursday at 11, and then c-section is set for Friday at 930am! This week needs to fly!! Hope eveyone is having a nice day, and hope Rachel has her little one in her arms by now!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ronya, Why are you back to work in January? I know that women in the U.S. get less time off for Maternity leave but that seams really sudden.

    Most women in the US go back to work 6-8 weeks after birth (6 weeks for vaginal delivery, 8 weeks for c-section) because there is no federally mandated paid maternity leave in the US and doctors release women to return to work after 6-8 weeks. I handle maternity/sick leave at my agency and last year we had a woman return 3 weeks after her baby was born because she couldn't afford to be on leave without pay any longer. :frown:

    If you have enough personal leave/sick time saved up or if you can afford to go on leave without pay, you can take up to 12 weeks.

    Ronya -- If your state regs are anything like ours, they'll only hold your job for 6 months if you have a serious illness, otherwise you're expected to return after your 12 weeks of FMLA are up or you can be terminated. It wouldn't surprise me if your state is more liberal than South Carolina though! :laugh:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Had another appointment yesterday which went well. the scales said i hadn't put on any weight since the last appointment which was abit strange as i've been eating as usual and exercising less. Im 31 weeks tomorrow and have gained 18 pounds so far, which for my height i think is average (but i really have no idea :tongue: ).

    It is restaurant week in boston so my fiance' and i went out for a super romantic dinner at 'the fireplace'. honestly the best food ive tasted in a long time! Ive also planned a trip to motherhood maternity to get a nice outfit for a few things we have coming up. I literally have only brought one piece of new clothing since ive been pregnant so i think i deserve it:wink: Then i plan on hunting around for a second hand electronic breast pump, does anyone know where its best to find these???

    The shingles are starting to disappear (thank goodness). I have officially lost my all-day energy boost and am now finding that 9pm is my 'late night' :cry: oh well, i guess its what my body needs.

    Im so glad its friday!!!!!! anyone feeling the same???
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    GOOD LUCK RACHEL!!!cant wait to hear your stories :flowerforyou:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Melissa - I'm glad it's Friday, too (and now the weekend, yay!). I've had friday as my extra day off class all summer, now it's thursday, but hubby still has friday off :sad:

    Day care - it is regulated here in Utah, too, but that doesn't mean there's a lot of variation in quality. In-home care with fewer than a certain amount of kids doesn't have regulation, and some bigger centers can get away with being lax because I don't think there are enough people to check up on all of them regularly. It often comes down to a report of a problem before inspectors go in. I remember looking for day care for my then-4-year-old and the headache it was to me. Hope I don't have to go through that at all this time.

    Maternity leave - It would be nice to not go back to "work" (school for me, but similar) until January :laugh: But I can't afford to miss more than a week of classes, or I'll be too far behind to understand the rest of the semester. I have to pass everything to keep my scholarship & financial aid. But, at least it's only 3 hours a day in class with breaks in between most days, and I might be able to take baby with me part of the time. But then, taking classes this semester was somewhat my choice (but necessary to keep scholarship), so I can't complain too much!

    Baby shower is tomorrow. I think we've finally gotten it all together. I hope. It's funny that only about 1/4 of the people we sent paper invitations to RSVP'd, while more than half on facebook did. Maybe just because it's easier to click the button. So I'm guessing at how many will come and hoping I'll be close.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    This is an interesting read for those of you who think Kegels are good for the pelvic floor.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Just got home from my baby shower. Fun! My daughter did so well with it- and my husband is such a good sport for coming and setting up and then coming back and cleaning up after.
    Lots of super cute clothes, blankets, burp cloths, etc. Baby bather, bouncy seat, baby swing (used but in good shape). I'm debating on the carseat - it's also used, and the base isn't there, so I'm thinking it might be better (safety wise especially) to get a new one instead. But I feel so loved right now :happy:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Just got home from my baby shower. Fun! My daughter did so well with it- and my husband is such a good sport for coming and setting up and then coming back and cleaning up after.
    Lots of super cute clothes, blankets, burp cloths, etc. Baby bather, bouncy seat, baby swing (used but in good shape). I'm debating on the carseat - it's also used, and the base isn't there, so I'm thinking it might be better (safety wise especially) to get a new one instead. But I feel so loved right now :happy:

    Yay for the baby shower. I'm glad it went well. Mine is this afternoon.
    I am an advocate against used car seats ... unless you know who it came from and can guarantee it's been well looked after and not in an accident and of course NOT expired. I saw one yesterday in a thrift store and cringed when someone bought it .. not knowing the history.


    Any updates on Rachel yet? I hope all is well!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Just got home from my baby shower. Fun! My daughter did so well with it- and my husband is such a good sport for coming and setting up and then coming back and cleaning up after.
    Lots of super cute clothes, blankets, burp cloths, etc. Baby bather, bouncy seat, baby swing (used but in good shape). I'm debating on the carseat - it's also used, and the base isn't there, so I'm thinking it might be better (safety wise especially) to get a new one instead. But I feel so loved right now :happy:

    Yay for the baby shower. I'm glad it went well. Mine is this afternoon.
    I am an advocate against used car seats ... unless you know who it came from and can guarantee it's been well looked after and not in an accident and of course NOT expired. I saw one yesterday in a thrift store and cringed when someone bought it .. not knowing the history.

    I know who it came from, but I don't think it was new to her (her husband has big family and passes things around). It looks a bit older, but not as old as the one I used to have (from my daughter, she's almost 13, lol). Still we're thinking we want a travel system, so it will be easy to tell her that it came with the set if she sees the new one :wink:

    So now we need the stroller/carseat, a crib, and some other smaller things. Not bad. Hope your shower goes well, too.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Just got home from my baby shower. Fun! My daughter did so well with it- and my husband is such a good sport for coming and setting up and then coming back and cleaning up after.
    Lots of super cute clothes, blankets, burp cloths, etc. Baby bather, bouncy seat, baby swing (used but in good shape). I'm debating on the carseat - it's also used, and the base isn't there, so I'm thinking it might be better (safety wise especially) to get a new one instead. But I feel so loved right now :happy:

    Yay for the baby shower. I'm glad it went well. Mine is this afternoon.
    I am an advocate against used car seats ... unless you know who it came from and can guarantee it's been well looked after and not in an accident and of course NOT expired. I saw one yesterday in a thrift store and cringed when someone bought it .. not knowing the history.


    Any updates on Rachel yet? I hope all is well!!

    Never, never ever take in a used carseat! Unless you really know how it was taken care of and have the manual with all the parts, do not use a used carseat. Sounds like you made out pretty well on your baby shower! I loved having my baby shower with my first!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Any updates on Rachel yet? I hope all is well!!

    I hope she doesn't mind me sharing -- Baby Avery Elizabeth arrived yesterday. Mom & baby are doing well and we'll hear more once they're released from the hospital (likely Tuesday, according to Rachel).
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Any updates on Rachel yet? I hope all is well!!

    I hope she doesn't mind me sharing -- Baby Avery Elizabeth arrived yesterday. Mom & baby are doing well and we'll hear more once they're released from the hospital (likely Tuesday, according to Rachel).

    Yay! Glad to hear it! It sounds like maybe in Canada they keep mom in the hospital longer than here in the US. Congrats Rachel!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Rachel-Congrads on the baby! Can't wait to hear your story. Wishing you and your family all the best! :flowerforyou: