August 2019 Check in Thread



  • missperfectpitch
    missperfectpitch Posts: 580 Member
    Name: missperfectpitch
    Height: 5'4"
    Total weight lost: About 43 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 1 year and 2 months
    How long in maintenance: I hit my goal weight in the beginning of January 2018, but officially started maintenance in mid-March 2018 after figuring out my calories for a couple of months.
    Maintenance weight range: 108-111.5
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 109.8

    Average weight recorded from January: 111
    Average weight recorded from February: 110.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 110.6
    Average weight recorded from April: 110.0
    Average weight recorded from May: 109.9
    Average weight recorded for June: 111.2
    Average weight recorded for July: 111.9

    Week of..
    Aug 3: 112.5 (trend 112.2)
    Aug 10: 112.5 (trend 112.4)
    Aug 17:
    Aug 25:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: About the same weight as last week (with trending weight slightly higher), though I did eat out for a couple of meals this week, so it might just be water weight fluctuations from that. I'm trying to keep my activity level (steps) up, as my motivation to do other workouts has been pretty low lately.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Name: Faebert
    Age: 40
    Height: 5’6
    Total weight lost: about 50lbs
    Time it took to lose: on and off 3 years. First 30 in 4 months and then gradually reduced goal weight
    How long in maintenance: Since May 2017
    Maintenance weight range: 115-120
    Average weight recorded from 2017: 121
    Average weight recorded from 2018: 114.6

    Average weight recorded from January: 117.4
    Average weight recorded from February: 117.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 117.8
    Average weight recorded from April: 116.9
    Average weight recorded from May: 114.9
    Average weight recorded from June: 115.8
    Average weight recorded from July: 116:5

    Week of 4 August: 115 (but on bf’s analogue scale so not sure of accuracy!)
    Week of 11 August: 117.75
    Week of 18 August:
    Week of 25 August:

    Successes/struggles: Weight is up a but I suspect it should have been higher last week anyway. Prob ate a bit too indulgently after the half marathon last week and then TOM meant I’ve seen some high numbers on the scale this week. But have kept calm, managed some good runs and training sessions and am overall happy to be in the middle of my range. Hope to stay consistent for the next couple of weeks of the summer break.

    Have a good week everyone x
  • ItsAJourny
    ItsAJourny Posts: 69 Member
    edited August 2019
    Name: Bella
    Age: 61
    Height: 5'5"
    Total weight lost: 44 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 6 months for the first 37 and slowly dropped 7 pounds after that.
    How long in maintenance: 6 months
    Maintenance weight range: 125-130
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): NA

    Average weight recorded from January: 134 (was not in maintenance yet)
    Average weight recorded from February: 131.8
    Average weight recorded from March: 130.7
    Average weight recorded from April: 130.4
    Average weight recorded from May: 130.8
    Average weight recorded from June: 130.0
    Average weight recorded from July: 128.5

    Week of...
    Aug 4: 127.6
    Aug 11: 125.8
    Aug 18:
    Aug 26:

    Success/struggles of the week: Hard week with some unexpected medical issues. Chose to give up all sugars and dairy for a while until my health comes back 100%. It is just what I need to do for now. Have a great week everyone!
  • reversemigration
    reversemigration Posts: 168 Member
    Name: Ben
    Age: 51
    Height: 6'
    Total weight lost: ~55 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 8 months
    How long in maintenance: Since ~ December 2018
    Maintenance weight range: 166-171...ish

    Average weight recorded for December:165.8
    Average weight recorded for January: 167.3
    Average weight recorded for February: 167.2
    Average weight recorded for March: 166.5
    Average weight recorded for April: 162.9
    Average weight recorded for May: 161.5
    Average weight recorded for June: 160.9
    Average weight recorded for July: 160.5

    Week of...
    August 3rd: 160.2
    August 10th: 160.2

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: It was a good week, weight- and health-wise. I did a biometric screening through work as part of their health promotion program, and my numbers were very good. I found the 11% body fat reading through the hand-held bioelectric impedance reader to demonstrate how inaccurate they can be, even if it was ego-stroking. :lol: I also realized that I first hit GW about a year ago, which is a happy milestone.

    I did struggle with getting in my usual amount of exercise and had a couple of days without runs. I joined the fitness center at work Friday and hope it will allow me to fit some exercise in even on those 14 hour days - though the frugal side of me chafes at belonging to two gyms. I also need to trend a bit upward in weight, so I'm going to stop guesstimating and just change my settings to account for it.

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,972 Member
    Name: Kathryn
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Total Weight lost: ~80 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 2 years 3 months
    How long in maintenance: I called maintenance in July 2016, but I continued to slowly lose until December of 2017. I have been in maintenance since December 2017
    Maintenance weight range: 115 - 120 lbs

    Average weight recorded from 2018: 118.8

    Average weight recorded from December: 116.9
    Average weight recorded from January: 115.9
    Average weight recorded from February: 115.4
    Average weight recorded from March: 117.2
    Average weight recorded from April: 116.8
    Average weight recorded from May: 116.2
    Average weight recorded for June: 116.2
    Average weight recorded for July: 115.5

    Week of..
    Aug 4: 114.0 scale/115.0 trend
    Aug 11: 114.0 scale/ 114.4 trend
    Aug 18:
    Aug 26:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: I had a kind of low week this week. My trend is a little lower than I want it to be. And all of my scale and trend weights were under range last week. I'm feeling good though and my energy is fine. I think a lot of it is just that the heat kind of dulls my appetite. I know I need to eat a little more, it is just so hot and nothing really sounds good and I don't want to cook much. We are supposed to hit 105°F today with a feels like of around 110°F. I've been getting my runs in in the mornings, but it has been in the 80's already. I'm just really ready for some cooler weather.
  • Spencerport
    Spencerport Posts: 270 Member
    Name: Spencerport
    Age: 39
    Height: 6’1”
    Total weight lost: 105lb
    Time it took to lose: April 2014 - October 2016
    How long in maintenance: October 2016 - Present
    Maintenance weight range: 195-200lb

    Week of..
    August 3: 197.8
    August 10: 200.6
    August 17:
    August 24:
    August 31:

    Successes/Struggles: Impromptu picnic late in the week that I wasn't able to accurately track food, so went overboard. Paid for it on weigh in day. Hope to get the weight back down this week.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 10,972 Member
    ]Name: Maddie
    Height: 5’9”
    Total weight lost: 75.3
    Time it took to lose: 3-1/3 years
    How long in maintenance: since 4/25/18
    Maintenance weight range: 153-155
    Average weight recorded from 2018: 168.4

    Average weight recorded from January: 153
    Average weight recorded from February 152
    Average weight recorded from March: 154
    Average weight recorded from April: 153
    Average weight recorded from May: 154.3
    Average weight recorded for June: 154.85
    Average weight recorded for July: 155.95

    Week of..
    Aug 4: avg wt: 157.17. Trend: 157.3
    Aug 11: avg wt: 156.87 Trend: 156.3
    Aug 18:
    Aug 26:

    Weight is with 0.6lb of my 153-155 Maintenance Range!!
    I’m feeling leaner. Wt lifting & HIIT happily & more vigorously. Cooking & eating at home happily AT LAST!

    In the Groove. Took months to get back to this place; I never take it for granted.

    Struggles: some insomnia (possibly from meds) - I’m workkng on better sleep routines.

  • GregInORL
    GregInORL Posts: 232 Member
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'8"
    Total weight lost: 60 pounds
    Time it took to lose: 4 months
    How long in maintenance: 2 month
    Maintenance weight range: 150-155 (rough guess at the moment)
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): NA

    Average weight recorded from January: NA
    Average weight recorded from February: 214.75
    Average weight recorded from March: 204.04
    Average weight recorded from April: 187.42
    Average weight recorded from May: 174.18
    Average weight recorded from June: 164.21
    Average weight recorded from July: 158.2

    Week of August 6:155.3 (7 day not enough info)
    Week of August 13: 156.8 (7 day avg: 156.4)
    Week of August 20:
    Week of August 27:

    Back from visiting family. Unfortunately my step father passed away after a few years fighting Multiple Myeloma. I'm very happy to be in the same range as I was when I left. It was so tempting to just eat and cry with family. I poured myself into miles which was relaxing.
  • rysabel
    rysabel Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Rysabel
    Age: 51
    Height: 156 cm
    Total weight lost: 30.8 lb
    Time it took to lose: 6 months
    How long in maintenance: May
    Maintenance weight range: 116-118
    Average weight recorded from 2018:

    Average weight recorded from January: 123
    Average weight recorded from February: 119
    Average weight recorded from March:. 118
    Average weight recorded from April: 117
    Average weight recorded from May: 117
    Average weight recorded for June: 116.6
    Average weight recorded for July: 116.3

    Week of..
    Aug 4: did not weigh
    Aug 11: 115.2
    Aug 18:
    Aug 26:

    I went camping the first weekend of August and ate too much. Now I'm back on track but it seems hard to go back to my exercise routine...only walking but very little weight training.
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    Name: Existing Fish
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'0" (153cm)
    Total weight lost: 41.7lbs (18.9kg)
    Time it took to lose: 7 months
    How long in maintenance: 10 months
    Maintenance weight range: 112 - 118lbs (50.8-53.8kg)
    Average weight recorded from 2019: 117.4bs (53.3kg)

    Average weight recorded from January: 123.1
    Average weight recorded from February: 120.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 117.0
    Average weight recorded from April: 114.8
    Average weight recorded from May: 114.7
    Average weight recorded from June: 114.3
    Average weight recorded from July: 114.2

    August 1: 114.2lbs (t:113.6)
    August 9: 113.8lbs (t:113.8)
    August 16:112.2lbs (t:113.0)
    August 23:
    August 31:

    Successes/Struggles: Things have been going well. I've been tracking less, trying to transition to a non-tracking period of maintenance. I will still track some, to keep an eye on things. We'll see. Seems like the weight is trending down just a little. I'm not bothered by that, I know I still have plenty of leeway in the healthy weight zone, with as much work as I'm doing (physically) I know that there will be ups and downs.

    We are taking a new direction/longer deload/changeup right now. DH wanted to try calisthenics, and I've always wanted to give it a try, so we are doing a calisthenics program for 2-3 weeks (me), and while he loses the rest of his weight. He was finding lifting heavy too taxing to adequately recover while eating at a deficit, while simultaneously not eating at enough of a deficit to lose weight. So he decided to focus on cardio, flexibility, and skills. He's doing a beginner bodyweight routine, with cardio and a mobility routine. I've been doing an intermediate-mass routine, with a mobility routine. Don't get me wrong, I like it. It makes me feel really boss to do a lot of chin-ups an dips, but I miss weights already and we are only 1.5 weeks in. Next week I'm going back to lifting. Given my long term focus though, I may continue to incorporate a good bit of calisthenics and mobility work. I was under the impression that calisthenics were easier. They are not. Well, for the upper body. I don't feel I get the same impact as weights on the lower body, but on the upper body probably more.
  • amckholmes
    amckholmes Posts: 119 Member
    Name: AMcKH
    Age: 51
    Height: 5’3”
    Total weight lost: 47 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 7 months

    How long in maintenance: August 1, 2019

    Maintenance weight range: 115-119 (still uncertain if this is best for me!)

    Week of..
    Aug 9: 119.0
    Aug 16: 117.4
    Aug 23:
    Aug 30

    Success of the week: Had a very busy week, weather was beautiful so I spent a huge amount of time working in the yard and flower beds almost every day. By looking at my weight this morning I guess I burned a lot of calories! I will continue my 100 calories a day increase, trying to find the elusive sweet spot!

    struggle(s) of the week: had dinner with friends several times this week, all people who know I eat low carb, so they try to keep that in mind when they menu plan. Bringing a giant mixed salad has become my contribution to dinners, then I just add whatever protein is being served. I have been asked so many times “when are you going to go back to carbs?” It seems to freak people out a bit when you answer “never”. I feel so much better without eating all the starches and sugars!

    Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!

  • umbramirror
    umbramirror Posts: 256 Member
    edited August 2019
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'6"
    Total weight lost: 110 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 15 months
    How long in maintenance: 2 months
    Maintenance weight range: 124-128 lbs
    Average weight recorded from 2018: 147 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 160 lbs
    Average weight recorded from February: 155.4 lbs
    Average weight recorded from March: 149 lbs
    Average weight recorded from April: 139.8
    Average weight recorded from May: 133 lbs
    Average weight recorded for June: 128.5 lbs
    Average weight recorded for July: 125.9 lbs

    Week of..
    Aug 4: 126.2
    Aug 11: 126 lbs
    Aug 18:
    Aug 26:

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: Water retention, bloating, and significant daily weight fluctuations are driving me crazy. It's difficult for me to note my progress if my weight keeps going up and down like this (even if I am watching trends through an app). I'm trying to find the root of this inflammation and eliminate it at the moment to see if I have to make some diet changes. I would rather be closer to the lower end of my range, so I'm working to get there.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,182 Member
    HEAVIEST weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Total Weight lost: 30 pounds
    Time it took to lose: ~6 months
    How long in maintenance: Since July 2018 -- but with some fluctuation outside of goal range.
    Maintenance weight range: 142 - 148 (and not sure that's the right answer)

    Average weight recorded from 2017 (12 months): 163.8
    Average weight recorded from 2018 (12 months): 150.7

    Average weight recorded from January: 148.4
    Average weight recorded from February: 146.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 143.2
    Average weight recorded from April: 143.0
    Average weight recorded from May: 144.1
    Average weight recorded from June: 145.6
    Average weight recorded from July: 146.5

    Average weight Week of...
    July 29 - August 4: 144.6
    August 5 - 11: 144.2 (only average of August 10 & 11 as I was away on a dive trip and nowhere near a scale most of the week)
    August 12 - 18: 145.6
    August 19 - 25:
    August 26 - September 1:

    Success of the week: My weight was pretty rock steady for most of the week, at least until this morning. My average weight this week is exactly my scale weight from a week ago. I put a couple pounds on after the dive trip, but then stayed steady and took it back down a bit, but this weekend....

    Struggle of the week: I was up less than half a pound yesterday, and today up over five pounds from that to damn near the top of my maintenance range. I'm guessing salt, so we'll see how I recover the next few days.

  • reversemigration
    reversemigration Posts: 168 Member
    Name: Ben
    Age: 51
    Height: 6'
    Total weight lost: ~55 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 8 months
    How long in maintenance: Since ~ December 2018
    Maintenance weight range: 166-171...ish

    Average weight recorded for December:165.8
    Average weight recorded for January: 167.3
    Average weight recorded for February: 167.2
    Average weight recorded for March: 166.5
    Average weight recorded for April: 162.9
    Average weight recorded for May: 161.5
    Average weight recorded for June: 160.9
    Average weight recorded for July: 160.5

    Week of...
    August 3rd: 160.2
    August 10th: 160.2
    August 17th: 159.7 (trend 161.1)

    Success(es)/struggle(s) of the week: It was a good week to start using a weight trending app, as is evident from the spread. Having six grams of salt one day followed by being a bit parched the next, etc, through the week made for some interesting swings. I'm aiming to gain half a pound a week until hitting the bottom of my range, but given my logging I'm undershooting it a little bit. I got in my daily workouts even when I really didn't want to, and my sleep schedule is slowly adjusting to being the opposite of everyone else in the house. Fun times.

    Have a great week, everyone!