Labor Day Mini Challenge!



  • lorimill1973
    lorimill1973 Posts: 22 Member
    SW (6/1/19): 228
    CW: 204.5
    Labor Day GW: onederland
    GW: 175 then re-evaluate


    8/1: 204.5
    8/8: 204 (-0.5)
    8/15: 204
    8/22: 202 (-2)

    Additional goal for Labor Day: Complete the None to Run program (currently on week 9 out of 12)
    8/8: completed week 9
    8/15: completed week 10
    8/22: completed week 11

    The scale decided to move! I know the number on the scale isn't everything, but it sure is a psychological boost to see a shift in the right direction.

    We can all do this! One more week. Let's finish strong and crush it.

    Hope you're on the mend, SuzOh.
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    7/26 - 187.2
    8/2 - 187
    8/9 - 188.6
    8/16 - 187.2
    8/23 - 185.6
    8/30 -

    Challenge loss: 1.6

    A teeny tiny step forward.1 more week, finish strong!

    Happy Friday
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Here's my weekly weigh-in:

    SW: - 168.5
    7/26 - 168.7
    8/2 - 169
    8/9 - 167.8
    8/16 - 162.5
    8/23 - 166.1
    8/30 -

    Ugh the scale was not my friend this morning. I knew I'd be up from last week because I'm actually eating again, but it really went up. I contribute that to an over indulgence of my husband's delicious pasta last night. I have to make next week really count.

    Challenge loss so far: 2.4 pounds.
  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    Weekly Goal Check-In:
    1. Plan backups for bedtime/midday snack cravings and weekends and fit snacks/treats into calorie targets -
    NOT ACCOMPLISHED :( This is a tough one for me... I might have to think of a different way to set goals around this that are more concrete. I had 4 (FOUR!!!) occasions this past week where I went overboard some: 2 potlucks in one day for family/friends visits, one morning out to breakfast and one night a work event. The work event and out to breakfast only went a little bit over my targets, but potluck day definitely went off the rails. It was fun though, I enjoyed everything I chose to eat!

    2. Go to at least two exercise classes per week OR two long walks outside OR combo of the two -
    ACCOMPLISHED! Did another PiYo this week, one yoga in the park, and going to another cycle class tonight so that's three, AND I rode my bike 3 times this week! My deal for the out to breakfast day was that I rode my bike there. Also rode my bike to the work event so I at least feel good about that.

    3. 5-6 minute ab/core routine every other day -
    ACCOMPLISHED! Bumped it up to 6.5 minutes and am doing 2 days on, 1 day off pattern now

    4. Weigh in and post -

    5. Go the entire month of August without stopping for high calorie expensive coffee drinks -
    ACCOMPLISHED! Not even tempted this week. Bought some new workout pants and a new sports bra (have had the same one for 8 years, barf!) with the money I've saved

    I'm 36 and 5'4"
    SW 7/25: 151.9
    8/1: 148.8
    8/8: 148.9
    8/15: 148.0
    *CW 8/22: 150.0

    Still holding at/under 150 which is my Labor Day Goal and still down from where I started. Been using "Happy Scale" and weighing in daily so today's post is my running average. I tend to bounce around about 4 lbs, been interesting to see. This week I feel really great about my exercise goal - I can finally feel some strength building results, especially in my core. In cycle class I'm able to stand on the bike a lot longer and keep up with the instructor a bit more. Another ultimate goal of mine is to consistently sit up straight with good posture and core strength building is my plan to get there!

    Mini GW (Labor Day): 149 (Finally get and stay under 150 for more than 3 weeks in a row, I've been on the yo-yo)
    GW by End of Year: 139 (top of healthy BMI range)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 127 (Mid Range Healthy BMI) and keep it there!
  • StayFocused01023
    StayFocused01023 Posts: 60 Member
    SuzOh wrote: »
    After dealing with an injury for 2 weeks, now this week I've been sick with a cold/virus. I swear I RARELY get sick and haven't had an injury for a long time, but when I'm in a 5 week weight loss/fitness challenge they both decide to visit. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Just a little frustrated, but 1 more week, looking to finish strong.

    *And I'm awake at O'dark thirty posting because this cold/virus wakes me up every couple of hours.

    Happy Thursday! Positive vibes for a fresh start no matter what happened yesterday!

    Hope you're feeling better this week SuzOh!
  • pdo27789
    pdo27789 Posts: 120 Member
    Original starting weight 276
    Challenge starting weight 259
    Challenge goal 249 (by Aug 24th)
    July 25 - 259
    August 1 - 256
    August 8 - 255
    August 15 - 254
    August 24 - 253

    2.3% in 4.5 weeks. Could have done better, but I am very happy to be back in the habit of tracking :)
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    Spending the weekend in bed sick, hoping to be back up and at it soon. August has been a little tough, but I'll bounce back.

    Just want to check in and say good luck to everyone this last week.of the challenge. 💜
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    swonn wrote: »
    I weighed in early this week because tomorrow is my long bicycle ride. My weight is back to 195.4. So far I’ve ridden 72 miles on my longest day. I had an NSV this week as well as weight loss. I am able to fit into a pair of jeans that at the beginning of the summer wouldn’t even go over mid thigh. I wore them all day yesterday comfortably!

    Always feels great to fit into a pair of jeans! Great job!
  • AKTipsyCat
    AKTipsyCat Posts: 240 Member
    SW: - 182.8
    7/19 - 182.8
    7/26 - 182.4
    8/2 - 184
    8/9 - 187
    8/16 -184.6
    8/23 - 180.4

    OK so it's coming down, just not quite at the rate I wanted and with a *slight* detour... ha ha. However I bought a new dress. Two of them actually - in a LARGE. I know that may not sound like a grand achievement, but not buying clothes from the *plus* section, and not looking for the XL is totally new to me. I tried the XL dress and was swimming in it. I may have literally let out a huge SQUEEE in the dressing room.
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    edited August 2019
    Its absolutely a big deal! Love it! You'll be in the 170's next week!
  • Nanalove2018
    Nanalove2018 Posts: 283 Member
    Is this just for labor day? Lol I'm late but I would like to lose 2 pounds by then 😝

  • Nanalove2018
    Nanalove2018 Posts: 283 Member
    SW (6/1/19): 228
    CW: 204.5
    Labor Day GW: onederland
    GW: 175 then re-evaluate


    8/1: 204.5
    8/8: 204 (-0.5)
    8/15: 204
    8/22: 202 (-2)

    Additional goal for Labor Day: Complete the None to Run program (currently on week 9 out of 12)
    8/8: completed week 9
    8/15: completed week 10
    8/22: completed week 11

    The scale decided to move! I know the number on the scale isn't everything, but it sure is a psychological boost to see a shift in the right direction.

    We can all do this! One more week. Let's finish strong and crush it.

    Hope you're on the mend, SuzOh.

    So excited for you!!!
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    Is this just for labor day? Lol I'm late but I would like to lose 2 pounds by then 😝


    I just read your story yesterday! Inspirational! Welcome to the challenge!

    *FYI, I'll be starting/posting a new Fall challenge the day after Labor Day!
  • lorimill1973
    lorimill1973 Posts: 22 Member
    SW (6/1/19): 228
    CW: 204.5
    Labor Day GW: onederland
    GW: 175 then re-evaluate


    8/1: 204.5
    8/8: 204 (-0.5)
    8/15: 204
    8/22: 202 (-2)
    8/29: 199.5 (-2.5) I MADE IT!

    Additional goal for Labor Day: Complete the None to Run program (currently on week 9 out of 12)
    8/8: completed week 9
    8/15: completed week 10
    8/22: completed week 11
    8/29: competed week 12 I MADE IT!

    Met both of my mini goals. Hooray! A few more days for those working to meet their challenge goals. Keep going! You've got this!

    Special thanks to @SuzOh for setting up the challenge and taking the time to support and respond to everyone!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,148 Member
    Happy onederland lorimill ! Great job setting a goal and meeting it. Fantastic!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,148 Member
    I have 1.5 pounds to go. Maybe!
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    SW (6/1/19): 228
    CW: 204.5
    Labor Day GW: onederland
    GW: 175 then re-evaluate


    8/1: 204.5
    8/8: 204 (-0.5)
    8/15: 204
    8/22: 202 (-2)
    8/29: 199.5 (-2.5) I MADE IT!

    Additional goal for Labor Day: Complete the None to Run program (currently on week 9 out of 12)
    8/8: completed week 9
    8/15: completed week 10
    8/22: completed week 11
    8/29: competed week 12 I MADE IT!

    Met both of my mini goals. Hooray! A few more days for those working to meet their challenge goals. Keep going! You've got this!

    Special thanks to @SuzOh for setting up the challenge and taking the time to support and respond to everyone!

    Wow, way to work for those goals! I love to see it!

  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    I have 1.5 pounds to go.

    Fingers crossed!
  • SuzOh
    SuzOh Posts: 262 Member
    My final weigh-in fornthe challenge is tomorrow. 😳 Who else still has there final weigh-in coming up this weekend?