CCC (Closed Group) CORRECTED - WEEK #5



  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    CW 185
  • adrehe
    adrehe Posts: 36 Member
    Bust: 38
    Waist: 40
    Hips: 50
    Arm: 15
    Thigh: 28
    CW: 223.5

    I am definately guilty of slacking and I need to really get in gear I am sorry my measurements are late it has been a horible week! I have been keeping my colories in check but I have to get my excersie in. No more excuses lets get rid of this extra weight I have had enough!!!!
  • jackelyn14
    CW 219... in the right direction at least.

    Bust - 43
    Waist - 43
    Hips - 47
    Thigh - 24
    Arm - 14
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    I have absolutely NO idea what happened and I just want to bawl my eyes out.

    Cw: 191.8

    I somehow had a 7lb GAIN this week. That doesn't seem possible....

    Apparently I was.wrong. I still gained but not as much.

    Cw: 186.6

    Measurements are exactly the same.
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    TOM still hasn't started. *sigh* I think I'm starting perimenopause. I have the hot flashes, night sweats, and have had them for years, but this week was pretty very tough. I didn't lose anything. In fact, I gained a pound. I was flat exhausted, ate too much, and still worked out like crazy, but the eating choices were not good. My own fault! So, I've really got to get back on it. Today is a new day, and that's how I've started it. Here's where I'm currently at:

    CW: 174

    Current Measurements (in inches):
    Stomach: 36
    Hips: 42
    Bust: 41
    Thighs: 21
    Arms: 12.5

    Now, for the even better news. My blood pressure 1 month ago was up to 140/90 (and yes, I'm on bp meds). However, when I took it the other day, it was 130/70!! I couldn't believe it. This had to be my best results!

    I'm not sure how much I lost/didn't lose as far as measurements are concerned. I'm just going to keep at it, but I think I'm going to switch it up now. I've been doing Zumba for 1 month, and I saw some great effects from it, and it's fun, so that was a huge plus. However, I think I'm going to try out the 30-Day Shred this month. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun. I'm going to go purchase it and switch between Zumba, yoga, and 30-Day. We'll see how it goes!

    Hope all is well with everyone, especially those that were stuck in Irene!

  • chrisraem
    chrisraem Posts: 31 Member
    CW: 190.0

    It not much I'm just happy I didnt gain after the emotional last couple of weeks. Going thru a break up and school starting, but not emotionally eating so that one thing positive..I guess... I'm just ready to get re-focused on myself and my own goals, taking things one day at a time.
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    Well....I don't know if I complemented...but I tried to encourage. Was entering a rest stop building to use the bathroom when I noticed an older couple...she was very frail and he was helping her in...using a gait belt to help. I heard him say..."I'm sorry are going to have to come into the men's room...I think that is better than me going into the women's". She looked I went over and told them I was a nurse and could help her in and out of the ladies. She was relieved....explained that they had been on trip and fallen and had to have hip pinned. Now they were on a 5 hour trip home and she really needed the rest room. She was really discouraged about being weak. I told her she was doing great and to hang in there...that rehab would be hard...but would get her back to being independent. She was a perfect stranger...but today I'm wondering about her and hoping that she is staying encouraged.
    this is so perfect,so heart waRMING !!!!! :drinker: totally awsome!!!

    BUMP x's100* :flowerforyou:
  • LoriSteib
    LoriSteib Posts: 12 Member
    CW 171.4 Took last Prednisone dose this morning so am hoping the munchies go away now!!
  • leslyta
    leslyta Posts: 70
    Weight.. 202
    Bust: 38.5"
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    We can add 15 more plie kicks to mine... 45 done so far... may do another 15 tomorrow, unless a new challenge is up by then. I'm trying though. :D
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    OMG - I am sooooo hungry today!!!!:mad: I don't know what to do!!! I have logged in everything I have eaten. All of it good, protein, fruit & veggies, only about 500 calories left for the day!!! I have tried drinking water, chewing gum..... I am working from home and avoiding work.... I have to focus :sad: I just made myself a big glass of ice coffee with a splash of vanilla soy milk. It's pretty good, maybe that will help:indifferent:

    I start my running class tonight...maybe I'm nervous eating :huh: Thanks for listening...I'll be fine :ohwell:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Well, my stepson left our house today and he's leaving for College on Friday. This will be the last time we see him for a while. Feeling a bit emotional today. My stepdaughter left our house this summer, because her mother suddenly decided she wanted her again. I guess this is what they call empty nest syndrome... either way, I don't like it.
  • gennybunny1
    Well, my stepson left our house today and he's leaving for College on Friday. This will be the last time we see him for a while. Feeling a bit emotional today. My stepdaughter left our house this summer, because her mother suddenly decided she wanted her again. I guess this is what they call empty nest syndrome... either way, I don't like it.

    Poor thing. I imagine that it is hard to deal with an empty house when it has been so full. Luckily my daughter is only 11 so I don't have to experience that yet, but when I do I can just see myself having a breakdown. We are all here for you and if you ever need to chat or vent, don't hesistate. I guess I really suck at giving advice in this area because I know nothing about it, but I just wanted you to know that we are here. :)
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    Well, my stepson left our house today and he's leaving for College on Friday. This will be the last time we see him for a while. Feeling a bit emotional today. My stepdaughter left our house this summer, because her mother suddenly decided she wanted her again. I guess this is what they call empty nest syndrome... either way, I don't like it.

    I am sad for you. :brokenheart: I hope they are close enough by so you can see them occasionally.
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    OMG - I am sooooo hungry today!!!!:mad: I don't know what to do!!! I have logged in everything I have eaten. All of it good, protein, fruit & veggies, only about 500 calories left for the day!!! I have tried drinking water, chewing gum..... I am working from home and avoiding work.... I have to focus :sad: I just made myself a big glass of ice coffee with a splash of vanilla soy milk. It's pretty good, maybe that will help:indifferent:

    I start my running class tonight...maybe I'm nervous eating :huh: Thanks for listening...I'll be fine :ohwell:

    Maybe it is. Good luck with your class.
  • Butterbuns30
    Butterbuns30 Posts: 31 Member
    Well, my stepson left our house today and he's leaving for College on Friday. This will be the last time we see him for a while. Feeling a bit emotional today. My stepdaughter left our house this summer, because her mother suddenly decided she wanted her again. I guess this is what they call empty nest syndrome... either way, I don't like it.

    I feel for you. I know what its like. This summer I had my 15 y/o son who lives with his father, my 12 y/o n 10 y/o nieces, my 8 y/o nephew n my 2 y/o son plus my 36y/o brother n my 33 y/o sister staying with us. My son left then a week later my sister, 12 y/o niece n 8 y/o nephew moved to NY (we are in florida) n then my 10 y/o niece went back to Alaska two days later. Its been a tough three weeks with tons of highs and lows but I finally decided this weekend that I have to keep it moving...if I don't I will go insane from missing them all so much. If you need someone to converse with, I'm always here and definitely feel your pain.
  • Butterbuns30
    Butterbuns30 Posts: 31 Member
    Today was a big achievement for me. I actually got up n got my butt in gear. This is very hard for me, especially after the weekend I had. I logged all my calories, paid attention to what I ate and drank, did some housework as well as worked out a lil bit. Now for most 20 minutes is no big deal but for me 20 min of zumba is a HUGE feat. I actually did the whole 20 min!!! reason I'm so excited??? Well I have no true rhythm n get very embarrassed to dance, am a creature of habit, hate to fail n tend to be lazy about trying new things. Last time I tried zumba I kept saying ” o I can't do that” and just stood there. Mind u, I bought my WII just to get this zumba game so I could lose weight and it took me four weeks to open it up and try. So for me to do a full 20 min class, well that's a big deal...and I'm proud of myself. And I intend on replaying today tomorrow. My motivation right now??? My ticker to read ” lost ____ pounds” and for the numbers to be in the double digits. reading some posts earlier, I saw 30 day shred...what is this? Can anyone tell me more?
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    YAY!!!! Great job. Keep it up:)
  • woodyschic
    Still bailing out my basement :explode: I will check in sometime tonight... Love you all! :heart:

    hope you're quickly recovering from irene!!! take care!!
  • gennybunny1
    Options reading some posts earlier, I saw 30 day shred...what is this? Can anyone tell me more?

    The 30 day shred is Jillian Michaels (from the biggest loser)'s One month work out DVD to a much stronger body. I bought my dvd at walmart for $10 and it is quite the work out. I just finished Day 6 level 1 today and I feel great. It is a great work out that is quick. 27mins with warm up and cool down. I highly recommend it.

    If you want more info let me know :) Cheers