Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Ahhh good idea - I don't normally do two weigh-in's a month - but makes sense to have final weight for Aug challenge and start weight for September challenge on the same day....there is hope!! Great plan of yours to use it as motivation for not over-indulging on Wed night, but great job at hitting the 5lbs, I'm sure you can keep that if not improve on that in the next 3 days :)

    Congrats Stephy too - great achievement!!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    8/01/11 = 207.2lbs (then i went up to 210 a few days later! ughs)
    8/08/11 = 205.4lbs (was 202.8 on the 9th)
    8/15/11 = 203.8lbs (got to 199 then went up)
    8/22/11 = 202.6lbs
    8/29/11 = 202.4lbs
    8/31/11 =
  • cjheath
    cjheath Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in!!!
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    August 1: 182.8 lbs
    August 8: 181.2
    August 15: 180.0
    Aug 22: 179.4
    Aug 29: 178

    Weekly Loss: 1.4 lbs
    Total Loss: 4.8 lbs

    So close, maybe I can do it in the next couple days!
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,130 Member
    01/08/11 = 220
    08/08/11 = 219
    15/08/11 = 217
    22/08/11 = 220
    29/08/11 =219

    think i missed this one...
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    1 Aug: 190.4
    8 Aug: 187.6
    15 Aug:186.8
    22 Aug:184.6
    29 Aug: 183.2
    31 Aug:

    Woo Hoo think that's the 5! But I'm off on holiday at the end of this challenge so need to keep losing :O)
    I'm so happy, would love to break through 182 before we go on holiday 1st Sept :O)
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member
    08/01/2011: 189.9
    08/08/2011: 188.4
    08/15/2011: 187.2
    08/22/2011: 186.8
    08/29/2011: 186.9 :(
  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    8/1 142
    8/8 143.6
    8/15 142
    8/22 137.6
    8/29 137.4
    Total loss so far 4.6 lbs.
  • I totally forgot to check in this month. Wow. I actually lost 13.8 pounds this month, so I'm quite happy with my progress. I hope to continue and lose two pounds a week.
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Bumping to find the September 5 lb challenge when it's time. Missed ya'll
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    well another week and I STILL Weigh 160!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    August 1: 119
    August 8: 116
    August 15: 115
    August 22: 112
    August 29: 112
    August 31:

    Total: 7lbs or 5.9% of my weight in 3 weeks.
    I think last week was a false low because I appeared to gain 1-2 for most of the week and re-drop it.
  • achasnis
    achasnis Posts: 119 Member

    Maintained, but no loss. Oh, well, there's always next month!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Well, I feel like I'm repeating myself, but I'll have to run today for sure. I didn't run yesterday after all - the evening kind of got away from me (we had MIL over for supper since her power was out due to the storm) and it was already dark by the time the kids were in bed. :angry: And then I was too grumpy / stubborn to do anything else, such as treadmill or 30DS.

    I've also noticed that I've been having to work really hard for the last day or two at not putting junk food in my mouth. Some days I don't even think about it, but the last few days it has been getting harder and harder. Maybe it's from not exercising, or maybe it's PMS. Another good reason to exercise - to see if it will help with my cravings. But it is also PMS time, and I feel a headache starting up - funny how you can try to convince yourself that junk food will help fix a pain in your head. But instead, I've eaten a healthy lunch, had baby carrots and a cheese string for snack (along with an Advil), and I'm having a cup of green tea to try to relax... This too shall pass.

    I ended up going to bed early last night so I wouldn't EAT. And no, I was not hungry, this was simple stress / emotional eating. When I mentioned to hubby that I wanted to stress eat, he said 'no, don't do it - you're doing so well' - which if you knew my DH, is a HUGE compliment (especially where he is normally a part of my sabotage eating). I politely asked my husband to eat the chocolate cupcakes we were given by his brother's gf. I noticed today that he ate one of them, but there is still one hanging around to tempt me tonight. Might be another early night. :ohwell:

    Fran, let me know if you decide to do a final weigh-in this week.

    Hey Ice - only 0.2 more to go this month - you can do it!! I like that we have similar goals - to be in the normal BMI range for our birthdays. It's funny how just looking at it as "this is a gift I am giving myself for my birthday" has changed the way I'm approaching this and my willingness to stick with it. It's been about 3 weeks now that I'm around the 150 mark, and I haven't zinged back up to 155 yet, which is always what happens to me. That's why I'm fighting this month's cravings so badly - if I come out on top, I know I will have defeated the 150's for good!! Do you find it's helped with your motivation?

    Robin and Moya - you're both so close to your 5lb loss this month! Keep going, and you'll get there!

    Bubbles, you're still 1 pound down this month - better than a gain or maintain. Stick around for next month's challenge and keep at it. Trust me, I've been trying for the same 5 pound loss for many many months.

    Mumma, wow - over 7 pounds lost already this month! Great work! Enjoy your holidays! You deserve it - but don't overindulge too much, otherwise you will have to work twice as hard when you get back!

    Ivy, down 3 pounds! Keep going! Slow and steady!

    Drunk - down over 13 pounds this month? you must have a secret weapon!! :laugh:

    Randi - so glad to have you back!! I hope you enjoyed your summer.

    55 - we're both finally out of the 150's, but honey you've gone the wrong way! Now listen to me very carefully: TURN AROUND. Come follow me - the 140's are so nice. (For those of you who don't know - 55 and I had a very friendly challenge going on in previous months with a few others to see who could reach 150 first; BJ kicked our *kitten*, and Jen was right behind. I promised to drag you with me, 55, so drag, drag, drag - you're coming with me... :laugh: )

    Mili - great work losing those 7 pounds! So tough to do when you get closer to goal!

    achasnis - no gain - that's something to celebrate. And you're right - there is always next month. But don't forget, there's also today. Stay on track!

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    It is so great to see so many of you still here at the end of the month.

    For those who made the challenge or lost more congratulations. Keep up the good work!

    For those who are like me who did not meet the challenge, YOU ARE STILL WINNERS. You may have not met the goal but since you did not throw in the towel and give up you are a winner. You will never get to your goal if you quit before you make it to your goal, so keep pushing onward.

    I am waiting for my final weigh-in till Wednesday. It looks like I will be down about 2 pounds this month. I did get out the measuring tape and I lost around 1 inch from each thigh. Check out my ticker below. I made my walking challenge for the month. I am thinking that is what helped take off those 2 inches. My goal for next month is get back into running and by the end of the month be able to run a 5k without walking. It will be slow but I will work for fast times once I can do the actual run.

    So my reward for making my goal

    I am getting my hair stained on Saturday. Time to make the gray go away and make my hair look great.

    Make it a great day!

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Forgot to post the link to the September challenge


    See you all there!

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Argh 3lb this month

    SW 143
    W1 140
    W2 139
    W3 140
    W4 140 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Thank you dm : ) I seem to have lost my direction and it sucks. I will find my way again... I plan on not being very good in vegas but there is a gym and a pool so im definately getting some exercise while im there!

    I will see everyone for the september thread have fun!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Finally! I did get out for my run tonight!! YAY!! I did a 20 min run, plus 5 min each warmup / cooldown for a 30 min workout. I am so relieved to finally get it done. :bigsmile:
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    dmg - good for you on the run and glad you're feeling better for it :)

    I have decided I will do a final weigh-in for August tomorrow morning and this will double up as my start weight for the September challenge. I'm thinking slim thoughts for tomorrow !!

    Fran :)