September 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    kirstymn wrote: »
    @Teresa502 The Scotland pics are gorgeous!

    @Avidkeo Yay for Spring! Good luck with the move on Friday

    @shanaber My worst trip was probably to Mykonos, Greece. We came back to our hotel room after a day out and found we'd been robbed. When we complained to management we were accused of telling lies to get the staff in trouble. They confiscated our passports and made us wait in some dodgy office for hours. We finally managed to convince them to give our passports back after enduring hours of verbal abuse. Once we had our passports we ran out of there and straight to a pay phone to call the police. The police told us we were in the wrong and we should go back to the hotel and pay for anything we still owed! We hung up that phone and ran as fast as we could straight to the ferry and took the first boat off that island!

    @ContraryMaryMary I hope you feel better soon

    @PastorVincent As I've gotten older I'm less of a fan of real camping too! Glamping is basically a cabin made out to look like a tent - the important part is you get a real bed!

    @polskagirl01 WTG on the hill repeats! Also, you're awesome for picking up rubbish on your run :)

    @Elise4270 I hope your day gets better. I find baking soda and some white vinegar and a little dish soap can be good for scrubbing/cleaning things like that

    That's Glamping with a capital G!!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited September 2019
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Random, anyone else have any lumps about where their laces come to?

    I've been wearing old running shoes for work for the last 6 weeks, and just spotted this lump on both ankles. Doesn't hurt or anything, pretty sure they are just lipoma but thought I'd check if anyone else has any.

    Are you lacing too tight? I’ve never encountered this before or heard any runners speak of it.

    I think im lacing my work shoes too tight. Loosened them off today and they are feeling better. Didn't realise how they felt until I loosened them.
    They were smaller this morning and I was on my feet all day yesterday so I think it was that.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    ---MTD: 10 miles running, and 0KM resting

    Upcoming Races
    Fly By 5k - September
    EQT Pittsburgh 10 Miler - November 2nd

    202? - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)
  • Lazy_Bones_85
    Lazy_Bones_85 Posts: 132 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    monthly question #2 weight loss goal by December? And how do you plan on making that happen?

    And my cat barfed wet salmon cat food on the cloth couch. Any suggestions how to un-fish it? Gross.

    Maybe vinegar? I'm lucky- my cat, the two times a year she does puke, does it right in front of her litter box. But my parents had a cat who puked all the time. My Mom swore by vinegar and then running the rug shampooer over it (they had carpet in their bedrooms).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2019
    @kirstymn @shanaber @Scott6255 @quilteryoyo @JMNagain , I miss any one???? Thanks for the salmon barf suggestions. DD suggested it'd wear off, eventually. Nope. I can't do it. So I was desperate enough to put vinegar and baking soda on a damp cloth (overlooked the addition of dish soap) and OMG. It's not fishy. It smells like detergent, I assume from the clean towel I used. So wow. I'm going to clean so much with the combination now! Thanks @kirstymn ! And wow, so sorry about that horrible vacation!

    Eta and @lazybones85 @katharmonic ! I do have the nature's miracle stuff. I didn't try it, I did try the Jackson Galaxy odor remover- nothing. (Love the no woo! ) Finally.

    This cat (snake charmer), only barfed because he eats the other cats food. He wasn't hungry just territorial. There's always kibble out, he just wanted to eat all his wet food and then some. Doodoo bird.

    And thanks for mentioning the protein powder. I decided it was something I need to get back too. I have to watch soy, but will have a look!

    We bought a home security camera wireless thing today. It doesn't work. So maybe tomorrow dh will get it sorted with tech support. I tried to offer help but the guy on the end (tech support) acted like my boobs were brains. Fine. Y'all have at it. I'll go clean something. Once that's up and running at least we'll know if anyone comes by to help themselves to our stuff. (Ya, don't trust #1 son... )

    No run... 💃
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    Have you all noticed that they got rid of the 'Woo' button finally?

    OH, Yeah!! I knew the bottom of the posts looked different, but couldn't put my finger on it!
    I wonder if they are taking suggestions for a replacement button?
    I vote for something like "hilarious" 😂
    Yes! Me too!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    Have you all noticed that they got rid of the 'Woo' button finally?

    OH, Yeah!! I knew the bottom of the posts looked different, but couldn't put my finger on it!
    I wonder if they are taking suggestions for a replacement button?
    I vote for something like "hilarious" 😂
    Yes! Me too!

    No, but Yay! The need bring back the LOL button :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    I'll sign up for 160 miles this month.

    9/1 (yesterday) was the Tupelo Marathon. I thought I had my bile acid mal-absorption under control, but not so much in the 2 days before the race. So the morning of the race was no exception. :( They did not have chip timing at the start, so everyone had the same start time. I was in the porta-pot and lost a couple min. before even getting across the start line. Then lost about 10 more min. throughout the race in porta-pots. Of course, this also means I was losing a ton of water and electrolytes. That caused cramps later in the race. In the end, I finished with my 2nd worst time of 5:55:57. But at least I finished within the 6 hr. cut-off, and that means it still counts.


    Hey, you got it done! That is what matters in the end! You will get the rest under control eventually. :)
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Scott6255 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    Have you all noticed that they got rid of the 'Woo' button finally?

    OH, Yeah!! I knew the bottom of the posts looked different, but couldn't put my finger on it!
    I wonder if they are taking suggestions for a replacement button?
    I vote for something like "hilarious" 😂
    Yes! Me too!

    I think they said they are planning to go with “disagree,” with the goal of preventing pile-ons (when 42 different people post that they disagree and why) but not being confusing in the way that woo was. In the meantime it’s like the Wild West, you can say whatever you want without consequences! I say that drinking apple cider vinegar while standing on one leg under a full moon cures gout!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    I'm controversial and kinda likes the woo button. But mostly meh

    The problem with the woo button is that it was too vague. Some people insisted it was as strongly positive, others a strongly negative and neither side would budge so the button became meaningless. 🤷‍♂️

    I think they said they are planning to go with “disagree,” with the goal of preventing pile-ons (when 42 different people post that they disagree and why) but not being confusing in the way that woo was. In the meantime it’s like the Wild West, you can say whatever you want without consequences! I say that drinking apple cider vinegar while standing on one leg under a full moon cures gout!

    I rather see "Funny" come back than another attempt at a negative button. Ah well.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    I'm controversial and kinda likes the woo button. But mostly meh

    The problem with the woo button is that it was too vague. Some people insisted it was as strongly positive, others a strongly negative and neither side would budge so the button became meaningless. 🤷‍♂️

    I think they said they are planning to go with “disagree,” with the goal of preventing pile-ons (when 42 different people post that they disagree and why) but not being confusing in the way that woo was. In the meantime it’s like the Wild West, you can say whatever you want without consequences! I say that drinking apple cider vinegar while standing on one leg under a full moon cures gout!

    I rather see "Funny" come back than another attempt at a negative button. Ah well.

    I agree with woo being too vague, but I think either funny or hilarious will get used in a negative way (Apple Cider Vinegar, HAH!), so I'd rather go with something clear like disagree.