(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I got everything moved for both myself and grandma, and we're settling in to our home now. With that, I did forget to weigh in before I ate breakfast and drank a soda, so I'm going to weigh in tomorrow because I think its a little skewed. I tried three different times and got three different numbers on the scale.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning!

    Wanted to report quickly this morning :)

    Challenge Starting Weight: 219.9
    Current Weight: 219.9
    Difference: 0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 199
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 483 minutes = 8 hours
    Highs of last week: Swam 5,000 yards before work (1,000 yards more than normal) because I knew we were having a dessert contest at work and I wanted to plan ahead
    Lows of last week: I've been doing really well having just 2 Tbsp of dark chocolate chips at night as my "dessert" of the day, but last week for some reason I decided it was okay to branch out. I think my weight loss of ZERO for the week is indicative that no matter how much I work out, I have to limit the sweets.
    How to Improve (the lows): Stick to my 2 Tbsp of dark chocolate chips for a treat or use fruit's natural sweetness as a dessert
    Tips or Tricks: Eat enough at meals to ensure I don't get hungry and go on a scavenger hunt for junk.

    *Side note - I started my weight loss journey in June and have consistently lost every week until this week. It's so easy to eat right and lose weight when you see results on the scale/in the mirror, but the real challenge is when the scale doesn't move. I was pretty bummed this morning and the old me would eat all day and say "I'll get back on track tomorrow." But I'm on track right now and have a great food day planned.*
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Week 2: Heather

    Challenge Starting Weight: 200
    Current Weight: 198.4
    Difference: 1.6
    Christmas Goal Weight: 169

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 45 per day 5-6 days per week
    Highs of last week: Dipped below 200 for the first time in 3 years
    Lows of last week: Had a couple of food fiascoes
    How to Improve (the lows): Stick to what's good for me
    Tips or Tricks: Weigh yourself first thing in the A.M. after you go to the bathroom (and take off your pants, know it sounds silly but you shed a few ounces when you do)
    Ultimate Goal: To wear a size 8 Current size: 16
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Week two: Natalie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 145.6
    Current Weight: 143.4
    Difference: -2.2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 135
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 200
    Highes of last week: Saturday morning I got up and went for a run, walked for about a mile AND did my Jillian Michael's DVD. Felt great!
    Lows of last week: Well, it was my birthday so I did eat some naughty food... and my knee starting hurting when I ran on Sat.
    How to Improve (the lows): Good thing my Birthday is only once a year! I think I need to hit the pool - if my knee is bothering me I think I need to take it easy on the running for a while.
    Tips or Tricks: Drink more water!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • officernorton
    officernorton Posts: 38 Member
    Week 2- Brandy

    Challenge Starting Weight: 236
    Current Weight: 234
    Difference: -2
    Christmas Goal Weight: 200
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 120 +
    Highes of last week: Stayed on track and am feeling GREAT!
    Lows of last week: No lows ONLY HIGHS :)
    How to Improve (the lows):Stay MOTIVATED and keep my eye on the PRIZE!
    Tips or Tricks: NOTHING taste as good as being fit and healthy feels!!

    Stay motivated guys!! How bad do you want it?!?!?!?!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Trying to figure out the ticker thing. Do you have to copy the address every time you post?


    Click on Community and then click on "Signature" you copy and paste it there =)
  • bcolburn289
    Week 2- Brooke

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220
    Current Weight: 224
    Difference: +4 gaaaahhhhh!
    Christmas Goal Weight: 195
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: HAHAHA
    Highes of last week: Parties for my daughter's birthday....cake...ice cream....uggg...
    Lows of last week: See above! PLUS not much exercise!
    How to Improve (the lows):Get RID of the cake in the house!!!
    Tips or Tricks: Not allow any more birthdays? ;)

    BACK AT IT TODAY, though!!!!!!! Going to hit the track at the park tonight for some serious running!
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    Week 2: Julie
    Challenge Starting Weight : 174.2
    Current Weight: 171.6
    Difference: -2.6
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Mission Sexy Boots (piece of clothing I'm dying to get into): 2.5 inches too small around calves
    Aprox. Minutes of Exercise: 230
    Highs of last week: Found some new salad recipes that the hubby loves too!
    Lows of last week: Skipped lunch on Wednesday which made me feel drained & couldn't make up the calories
    How to Improve (the lows): Pack a lunch or snack when going out (over to other people's house). Is that rude?
    Tips or Tricks: Read "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. It will change the way you think about what you put in your body
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    WEEK TWO: Melissa

    Challenge Starting Weight: 172.6#
    Current Weight: 172.0#
    Difference: -.6
    Christmas Goal Weight: 149#
    Current Size: 14
    Goal Size: 10
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 60 minutes of walking during my lunchbreaks last week, I definately need to figure out how to up this number.
    Highs of last week: Ate well and took a walk on my lunch break for the first time ever
    Lows of last week: Eating well all week and not seeing the scale budge a single ounce. It finaly dipped on Sunday morning due to hardly eating the day before. I then had a horrible binge on cupcakes last night and brought the scale right back up again.
    How to Improve (the lows): I need to learn to control emotional and boredom eating. There are always going to be hurdles in life, it's how you get over them that make you who you are.
    Tricks: Continue to keep my goals in sight. Keep my eyes on the prize!! I've got a great mentality right now, I just need to hang onto it for dear life. Time to cut Diet Pop back out of my life. I have allowed myself 1 glass a day for so long and it's slowly creaping back into more than 1. When I allow myself to drink pop I don't get nearly enough water in the day.
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: My size 12 dress pants, I have a ton of them and can't wear any of them!
  • serendipitydoda
    serendipitydoda Posts: 15 Member
    Time to cut Diet Pop back out of my life. I have allowed myself 1 glass a day for so long and it's slowly creaping back into more than 1. When I allow myself to drink pop I don't get nearly enough water in the day.

    I hear you!! I have been falling back on diet pop to fill me up lately too & need to lay off it.

    I know you said you want to cut it out to drink more water, but I have a replacement (healthier alternative to pop?) to share if you're interested in trying something different.

    I like the *fizzyness* of pop, which is why I find it hard to cut out completely. It feels like a "treat." So I drink soda water (NOT tonic water) over ice with lemon &/or lime slices squeezed in. You can add a little bit of Splenda if you absolutely need the sweetness but I don't bc I'm used to the taste.

    Technically it IS water....There's no (or very few) calories; no caffeine, sugar, or aspartame to spike your blood sugar or dehydrate you; and it's very refreshing on a hot day!

    Let me know what you think : )
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Okay, I'm considering adding 'Green Smoothies' to my diet. Maybe two or three a week. I'm not a big fan of veggies and I'm getting really tired of salads. Has anyone had any experience with these, any suggestions? Any advice would be appreciated!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Starting Weight 158.9
    Today 157.2
    Difference -1.7
    Christmas goal 126
    Excercise again not a lot, went swimming for a few hours at the beach, wasnt bad just a lot of waves and strong current, surfed most of Saturday
    Current size dont know since Ive only been wearing scrubs and excercise clothes
    Highs of week---- eek eek, Im dating someone.... pretty big deal ok, it has been over a year, so we havent done anything in bed but it was nice when I took a look at myself for serious this week and wasnt all that embrassed, my tummy still bulges more than before my pregnancy but it definatly has motivated me to make the view as nice as I can
    Lows- irrelevant to weightloss but my sons got some kind of mite exposure at his sitters, joy, also have been eating more at one time than spread out

    Tips and Tricks- so last week I said run around naked, this week I say run around almost naked at the beach, I know thats not practical for everyone, I live a hour from and go year round and generally go to a nude one if my son isnt with me, something that works well for me is routines, like very morning I get out of bed and do abs, I do push ups up the stairs so everytime I go up them I work my chest, but attach excercises to activities
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Okay, I'm considering adding 'Green Smoothies' to my diet. Maybe two or three a week. I'm not a big fan of veggies and I'm getting really tired of salads. Has anyone had any experience with these, any suggestions? Any advice would be appreciated!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I will not lie, I hate salad, so much, never have liked it, never will, will never incooperate it in my diet, I prefer my veggies hot or blended
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    Week 2 - Jlishey

    Challenge starting weight: 226
    Current Weight: 225
    Difference: - 1.0
    Christmas Goal Weight: 175
    Aprox. minutes of Exercise: 325 minutes
    Highs of last week.. I bounced back like a rubber ball after last weekend. worked out everyday
    Lows of last week: none
    How to improve: Continue to do what I did last week.
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    SW: 200#
    CW: 199.7#
    GW: 150#
    Deficit: -0.3#

    I may have not of lost much from my original weigh in weight but I sky rocketed up to 206.4# during the week, so I'm damn proud to be back down to 199.7#! What works for one, doesn't always work for another. My husband has lost a TON of weight with by just eating breakfast and a decent lunch (granted he works his *kitten* off at work for 12 hours a day too!) and I tried it to no avail. I lost VERY slowly to say the least. I've started eating much smaller (more like snacks) "meals" every few hours and the weight has been dropping off - even without much exercise! So, hopefully next week it'll be a bigger loss! Good luck to you all this week! If you actually read all this, do 20 push-ups or sit-ups, NOW! =)
  • maygs
    maygs Posts: 63 Member
    WEEK TWO: Mayra
    Challenge Starting Weight: 230.2
    Current Weight: 228.8
    Difference: -1.4
    Christmas Goal Weight: 199
    Current Size: 18
    Goal Size: 16
    Aprox Minutes of Weekly Exercise: 368 (6hours 13 minutes)
    Highs of last week: I did an hour on my bike, 17 miles, non-stop felt great!
    Lows of last week: Ate too many carbs :(
    How to Improve (the lows): Learn how to eat less carbs even though I love them so much.
    Tricks: I have a pair of jeans and a dress on my closet door so every time I go into my room I see them and they make me want to keep at it
    Piece of Clothing I'm dying to get into: A pretty turquoise dress that is hanging on my closet door for insperation
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    ! If you actually read all this, do 20 push-ups or sit-ups, NOW! =)

    HAHAH I will do them when I get home ;) but I will have to do girl push-ups on my knees. SOMEDAY I will do 20 real pushups!!!!
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Week 1 Christina
    Challenge Starting Weight: 264
    Current Weight: 261
    Difference: 3
    Christmas Goal Weight: 245
    Current size: 22W
    Goal size: 18W
    Minutes of Weekly excersise last week: at least 180 minutes
    Minutes of Weekly excersise goal this week: 180 minutes
    High's of last week: Still had energy!!
    Low's of last week: Wanted to work out more and couldn't because of scheduling
    How to improve: Set a goal to be in bed earlier, I want to start working out in the mornings so I have more time for the family in the evenings.
    Tricks: Surround myself with supportive people, set weekly goals and keep them!!!
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    WEEK 2 - Stephanie

    Challenge Starting Weight: 220

    Current Weight: 215

    Difference: - 5 pounds

    Christmas Goal Weight: 185

    Pounds to go until my Christmas Goal Weight: 30

    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 45 min a day + the 2 extra 30 min. = 330 min. for the week

    Highes of last week: Got in 2 extra 30 Min. walks at 2.0 MPH

    Lows of last week: Was hungry a few times in the evening before bedtime.

    How to Improve (the lows): Eat more at dinner and less for a snack or eat more filling foods like beans, rice, etc...at dinner.

    Tips or Tricks: Lavash Bread Chips to eat with salsa = a low cal snack. Lavash bread has 100 calories for 1 bread. Spray a cookie sheet with Pam, preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place lavash bread on cookie sheet and slice in to 2x2 squares, about 24 squares (I think). Then sprinkle with salt and bake for 2-4 minutes, according to Hungry Girl. Cool and use to dip in your favorite salsa, instead of chips. YUM! You can also make a sweet crispy snack if you use cinnamon & splenda instead of salt. Kind of like cinnamon crisps. YUM!
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    Week 2- Sheila

    Challenge starting Weight: 318

    Current Weight: 317.6

    Difference: 0.4

    Current size: Very baggy 24

    Goal size: 14/16

    Highs of last week: Did well on watching my calories and never went over. Worked out with my daughter and we made smarter choices with my meals.

    Lows of last week: Didn't get outside as much as I would have liked to.

    How to improve the lows: GET OUT THERE!!!

    Tips or Tricks: WATER WATER WATER!!!

    Inspiration: That sexxy little dress that Iw ill wear at Christmas time