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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Last month's water challenge was a real eye-opener for me. I told a co-worker that I've been drinking water, ONLY, since July 24! I never used to drink water, now it's what I do. No more iced tea! Strange. I don't really have a desire to drink anything else. Plus, I'm drinking at least 64 oz daily!! Yea me!!
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Exercise challenge: I'm going to start doing stairs at work. I usually don't have a need to take stairs because everything I really need is on one floor. Soooo, stairs it is. Plus,I hate stairs, which is more reason for me to do it.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @sweetypie1- I understand about the no motivation part. Maybe start simple with something like body groove videos. I also didn’t realize how fast things added up when I first started.
    @dustyspal- congrats on drinking more water.
    @karen and katrena- thats for the dog comments. He is a handful due to me lack of follow through. The behavioralist gave me great tips and seen a big improvement when walking.
    @happygirlxxx- You got this and your story is reality not a discouragement.

    My Fitness Challenge: sit ups
    I Hate them cuz I can’t do them.
    I will do crunches (40) or ab machine at gym each day (80).
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys! Just a quick check in. I waited until 8 pm to eat that ice cream, but then after having one serving of my planned flavor (Ben & Jerry's Brewed to Matter), I caved and tried a bit of the other seasonal flavor I bought (Glampfire Trail Mix). Both were delicious BTW. So I was 180 over my allowance. Today has been much better--I'm already over 100 grams of protein and I still have plenty of calories for an evening snack.

    I also made it to the first of my 3 gym visits for the week.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 49
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 196 (7/6/19)

    7/6/19 = 196
    7/13/19 =196
    7/20/19 = 194
    7/27/19 = 194
    8/3/19 = 195
    8/10/19 = 195
    8/17/19 = 195
    8/24/19 = 195
    8/31/19 = 194

    Exercise Challenge Goal:
    Gym visit or run outside 3 times/week
    9/1-9/7 = 1/3
    9/8-9/14 = x/3
    9/15=9/21 = x/3
    9/22-9/28 = x/3
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    @happygirlxxx I think we have all been there. You can do this, you did it before you can do it again.

    Welcome back everyone who has been away. It is good seeing all the posts on this board.

    I am excited about the challenge. I plan to workout or go for walks/runs three times a week. I am actually up to two miles now. OK most of it was walking, but it is a step in the right direction. Everytime I run a little further and the overall distance is getting longer. I think I should be able to handle the 5K by the 14th, especially if I'm only walking the whole thing not running.

    Name: Catherine
    Age: 53
    Height: 5’3"
    Highest Weight: 264
    Starting Weight: 222.8
    Current Weight: 218.4 (8/31)

    8/26/19 - 222.8
    8/31/19 - 218.4

    weight loss: -4.4 lbs

    Exercise Challenge:
    9/1-9/7 = 1 of 3
    9/8-9/14 =
    9/15-9/21 =
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @catherine- positive steps towards the 5k.
    @karen- Glampfire love that one.

    To the group ideas on how to get more protein but keep sodium down? I have never hit my protein goal.

    Wednesday Wish-
    I wish all repair people with very poor follow through had better follow through. If you offer to do house repair and never come to give estimate but text weekly saying you will come the next week...ugh! just say you can’t do it. Sorry for rant.
  • PorfforBat
    PorfforBat Posts: 23 Member
    Hi am another newbie.
    I've today come to the stark realisation I am in the 100lb to lose camp.

    I've lost 40-50 lb in the past. Never this much.
    I'm on mental health medication that can lead to diabetes, heart disease. And Weight gain.. I've gained 56lb or more since I started on them.

    I'm hiding from the camera and my 9 year old is picking up on my self consciousness. I hate that. Makes me so sad.

    I have a date in November I would like to feel a bit better for. So that is an initial focus.


    Name: Jane
    Age: 47
    Height: 5’3"
    Highest Weight: 249
    Starting Weight: 249
    Current Weight: 249
    Mini goal: 225
    Goal Weight: 140
  • raindogmaa
    raindogmaa Posts: 205 Member
    Hey Gang!

    I have not been posting my stats weekly like I should... but I have been enjoying reading about everyone's progress, goals and motivations. What a great group!

    Welcome back to @happygirlxxx !!! I hear you, Girl. I am fighting like mad not to regain weight but it seems like I am starting to let all the bad habits seep into my daily routine. I am up in weight and gonna try again to put my motivation in the right place. Today... it's almost 4pm and I've stuck to the program pretty well. Hope to make it through the rest of the day.

    Name: Cyndy
    Age: 62
    Height: 5’3"
    Highest Weight: (Oct 15, 2004) 250
    Re-Start Weight (Sept 1, 2018): 221
    Goal Weight 140

    Jan 22 191
    Jan 28 189.5
    Feb 4 190.0
    Feb 13 190.2
    Feb 18 187.4
    Feb 25 187.3
    Mar 19 185.8
    Mar 25 188.2
    Apr 5 188.1
    May 25 184.17
    Jun 5 184.8
    Jun 19 186.95
    Jun 29 186.36
    Jul 02 187.8
    Jul 16 188.7
    July 22 187.0
    July 23 187
    Aug 6 189 - Back from Colo celebrations
    Aug 12 - 188.8 .2 down... I'll take it.
    Aug 17 - 187.6
    Sept 3 - 190!!! Yikes

    Week (+/-) = +2.4
    Since Re-Start = 31
    Since First start = 60
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member

    New to the thread. 5'1"
    Restarting weight: 252 (Never weighed at my highest, but I think this is pretty close.)
    Current weight: 242
    Goal weight: 140 (Hoping to get there in 2 years, but if it takes 10, I don't really care anymore.)
    "Healthy weight": Somewhere between 98-132 pounds supposedly (though I will likely weigh more if I get back into strength training).

    Hit rock bottom, still kinda hanging out there, but getting more and more health problems, so here's to trying to get back on this train. Never have hit 150 as an adult (I honestly haven't spent much time below 180 in the past either), so it would be kinda neat to make goal. Don't feel a ton of motivation or excitement at present, but maybe that's OK. Have to start somewhere/sometime.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Strrggling to meet goals. Have been super busy. Dr's apptmts for phsical theraphy and school two nights a week. Today I had to sit in on juvenile court cases as part of my training to be a volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children who have been removed from their homes. My job is to make sure they are receiving all the services they need and to provide support and work towards possible reuniting them with their families or seeking permanent placement with them so they do not remain in the foster system. I'm excited about being able to make a difference, but the training is much more detailed and involved than I imagined.

    Have to follow a low fiber diet (no raw foods) until after Monday when I have a colonscopy. I am using this as an excuse to cheat big time. Silly isnt it?
    My friends took me out for my birthday tonight since I'll be at hosital Monday.

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member

    @PorfforBat- welcome. hope you find this group helpful.
    @MelodiousMermaid- welcome. Best way to start getting motivated is to set small goals at first and remember it is one day at a time.
    @katrenaj- Your job sounds interesting and challenging all in one. That was great of your friends.

    AFM: Friday
    I am trying to eat at home more to get healthy. It is hard to cook for one. Weekend is usually my cheat day so I really don’t prepare much.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hello All!

    @KATRENAJ how interesting and rewarding what you are doing! Hope everything goes well with your class and soon you are helping those families.

    @mnwalkingqueen I am there with you cooking for 1 is hard … I try to cook and freeze to have something ready for those days that I didn’t feel like cooking … I always had some type of crustless quiche as well as a soup … easy to reheat and flavorful. Also, I keep frozen dinners for emergency days … not super healthy, but at least I have something that in less than 5 minutes is ready and that I can control the calories.

    Also, you asked about protein / low sodium … all I can think of is chicken and turkey grilled or baked.

    @MelodiusMermaid … we all have been where you are now … one step at the time and not self-punishing when there is one or more setbacks … what is important is that you are here and realizing that you need to make the change … and from experience it will not be a linear journey … but with each turn you will learn something to help you move forward and you will see when the lbs disappear how much better you will feel … I remember when I realized I could go up the stairs at home without looking like I have run a marathon … win! Step by step!

    @raindogmaa no no … do not let the bad habits into routine … then you allow yourself one here and one there and soon enough the fries and ice cream becomes dinner.

    @porfotbat welcome to the group! and I know how it feels to be so uncomfortable with the camera … my facebook account looks like it belongs to my dog, but reality is that I don’t want all my rolls in display … I am not 100% happy how I look, so I don’t need the reminder … however I think we are too harsh sometimes with ourselves … but as I said above, step by step we will loose the weight!

    AFM - 7 days of logging and I think I was within my calories most days, so well done to me :wink:
    Also, I am super proud with myself because instead of my usual junk food binge I controlled my emotions and ate healthy when I was a told that my work contract will end soon … therefore will be unemployed. I have no clue why the sickening relationship with food … stress - eat; bored - eat; sad -eat; happy - eat … but learning to control it.

    Ok this post is getting loooongggg …. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, until next time!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly-- I often have to cook for one since my husband and I have different tastes in food. I tend to make enough for a couple of meals and divvy it up into single serving tupperware containers. As far as protein, I also struggle to get enough. I don't have issues with sodium, but my go to protein sources other than meat are eggs, cottage cheese, hummus, and greek yogurt. I also like to buy protein rich versions of the snacks I tend to crave. For example, I buy the protein version of nature valley bars (peanut and dark chocolate is my fav), and instead of regular ice cream, I try to buy halo top.

    @ana-- sorry to hear about your work contract. Are you in a field that has a lot of other opportunities in Chicago? Good job not eating your feelings!

    @katrena-- the volunteer work you are training for sounds wonderful. Good for you!

    @MelodiousMermaid --welcome! Yes, you have to start somewhere, and honestly, small steps are probably more sustainable than jumping in head first and fizzling out quickly.

    @cyndy-- I hear you. I'm struggling to stick with it for more than a few days at a time. I was doing so well, and finally saw 194 again; then I bought that stupid ice cream, and it reinforced why I can't have real ice cream in my freezer. I ate both pints in a couple of days, going over my calorie allowance in the process. Today the scale said 199--yikes! I haven't seen that number in months. Today I'm over again, but I'm going to do a workout tonight to try to minimize the damage.

    @jane-- Welcome to the group! I don't have children, but I really want to be a good role model for my two nieces. I don't want them to have the body image issues I had growing up.

    @catherine-- I have no doubt that you can complete your 5k next week if you are fine doing the 2 miles. Another 1.2 miles isn't much. You will crush it!

    AFM-- Having a pretty bad day foodwise. I went out with a friend to grade and ate hot wings. I've been having a craving for days, so I figured I would just eat them and be done with it. Well, that was 700 calories I didn't need to eat. At least they are high in protein. On the plus side, I took Gunner for a second walk tonight, but I will need to work out some more to try to reduce my overage. I haven't done a strength training workout in ages, so now seems like a good time to start that up again.

    Last week I only got in 2 of my 3 workouts as I feared would happen. This week I will make my goal--Monday, Wednesday, Saturday are my scheduled gym days.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 49
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 196 (7/6/19)

    7/6/19 = 196
    7/13/19 =196
    7/20/19 = 194
    7/27/19 = 194
    8/3/19 = 195
    8/10/19 = 195
    8/17/19 = 195
    8/24/19 = 195
    8/31/19 = 194
    9/7/19 = 196

    Exercise Challenge Goal:
    Gym visit or run outside 3 times/week
    9/1-9/7 = 2/3
    9/8-9/14 = x/3
    9/15=9/21 = x/3
    9/22-9/28 = x/3
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Happygirlxxx - Good job on not eating your feelings. I have the same relationship with food. Thanks for protein options.
    @Karen - I do eat a lot of egg whites, high protein yogurt. Love cottage cheese but haven’t found a low sodium version in my area. Thanks for snack information. I als haven’t done strength training in awhile.

    AFM: Sunday Intro
    My name is Holly I started on MFP in 2011 weighing 283 and lost 43 pounds. Slowly started gaining back in 2013 and than lost a few pounds again. 2015 lost my son went into depression ate away my life. 2018 started here again weighing 290 was up a down for a year. I currently weigh 255.
    I’m from Minneapolis where me and Riley enjoy our small house. I love to walk but not a speed walker. I read alot and the book “Such a Pretty Fat” started me on my weight loss journey. I work from home for medical insurance company.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    My sucess this weekend was not eating myself into a comma. I found out Friday that my dad has 6-12 months to live. It took a few days to process. I am doing mentally good with the news he has been sick for a few years now.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly-- I'm sorry to hear about your dad, and good for you for not turning to food for comfort.

    AFM-- I had a really good work out today--did my usual rowing and elliptical plus 25 minutes on the stationary bike--and did much better with nutrition. Last night I did 20 minutes of strength training, but I was still over my calorie allowance by about 270 calories. At least I was under maintenance... :smirk:

    Tomorrow some of my fellow English teachers and I are going to the movies to watch the livestream from London of Margaret Atwood's release of her new novel, Testaments, which is a sequel to The Handmaid's Tale. We are such nerds!! But seriously, we teach Handmaid's Tale in our junior honors class, so at least we have that as an excuse. :smile: Before the theater, we are going to dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants. The food is delicious (Italian), and they have the BEST strawberry basil martinis. I need to really plan my breakfast and lunch to leave myself enough calories to enjoy that outing.

    One reason I did a bit more at the gym today is that our wristbands for Ohana Festival came in the mail. I'm so excited!!! I think I will put them somewhere very visible--if I see them every day, maybe they will continue to motivate me to work out harder...

    Name: Karen
    Age: 49
    Height: 5’7"
    Highest Weight: 247
    Current Weight: 196 (7/6/19)

    7/6/19 = 196
    7/13/19 =196
    7/20/19 = 194
    7/27/19 = 194
    8/3/19 = 195
    8/10/19 = 195
    8/17/19 = 195
    8/24/19 = 195
    8/31/19 = 194
    9/7/19 = 196

    Exercise Challenge Goal:
    Gym visit or run outside 3 times/week
    9/1-9/7 = 2/3
    9/8-9/14 = 1/3
    9/15=9/21 = x/3
    9/22-9/28 = x/3
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen sorry about your dad ... can only imagine how hard it must be. But well done not using food as coping mechanism!

    @skinnyjeanzbound good workouts! Have fun with the theater and dinner ... strawberry basil martinis sound delish!! I must be the only person in this planet that has not read / seen Handmaid Tales ... I have some serious catch up to do!

    AFM - during the weekend I went over my calories ... went to dinner on Saturday with some friends and of course at least a cocktail it’s needed :wink: but at least tried to compensate with walking so I ended up loosing some lbs this week.

    I have started looking for a new job, so met with agencies and it seem they have a couple leads on potential opportunities so we will see ... the market is active, but I suck at interviewing ... so fingers crossed!

    SW: 229.6
    GW: 130

    08.26.19 - 200
    09.02.19 - 197.8
    09.09.19 - 194.0

    Walked x 3

    Have a great rest of the week!
  • raindogmaa
    raindogmaa Posts: 205 Member
    @happygirlxxx Thank you for your words of encouragement. I know that long plateaus are the hardest... and I'm trying my best not to give in to temptation. I am now barely under 190 and I intend never to see that number again! I realize from my weigh-in report... I have been hovering around 184-190 since January. It's September! I think I will delete the top part of the "list" and concentrate on the NOW. I am so sorry you have the job issue going on. I am proud of you for not stress eating your way through it. I know you will find a good job in Chicago! It will be an even better job and you will look back and say that things happen for a reason!!!

    @mnwalkingqueen So sorry to hear about your Dad. That must have been a blow... so glad you are making the decision to really focus on this self improvement path you've chosen. Well done. You are an inspiration! I also have had to learn to cook for myself. I joined one of those vegetable/fruit farm to table services to get my veggies. If I go 2 weeks and have veggies left over in the fridge.... I know I need to eat more veggies! I purchased a little George Foreman Grill which is perfect for grilling a salmon burger or a chicken breast. Makes life a little easier.

    @skinnyjeanzbound Girrrlll! You have the concert coming up! That should be terrific motivation for you. I get it with your night of ice cream. Sometimes we get amnesia at night when faced with those foods we love.... that don't love us! That martini sounds amazing! Let us know how it tastes. We can live vicariously through you!

    @MelodiousMermaid Welcome to the thread. I love your user-name! The best advice I can give you is... baby steps. Whether you decide to increase the water you drink, log your food, get more exercise.... tackle one of these things at a time.

    @KATRENAJ How did your colonoscopy go? I hope all is well. I hate those things... especially the prep the day before. Ugh! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY by the way.

    AFM: Okay... so I need advice. I do really well all day long.... I log what I eat... I keep the carbs low... I drink water...yada yada yada.... then the sun sets and I turn into a snack vampire! I don't know what it is... but I can't stop thinking about what I can eat and where I can get the eats or what can I concoct from my pantry! It's hell. Last night I went to dinner at a friends house. We had a very healthy meal of pork roast and south-beach roasted veggies. I get home.... and proceed to eat the left over chicken and onions... take a break and dip into the veggie stew left overs... then FINISH the veggie stew left overs. Now granted, it was not sugar stuff or starchy stuff... but I don't even think I was hungry. Am I crazy? Well, we will see if I turn into a vampire tonight because I have had a stellar day of eating right. So if you have any useful tips to battle the nighttime munchies... I would love to hear them.

    Name: Cyndy
    Age: 62
    Height: 5’3"
    Highest Weight: (Oct 15, 2004) 250
    Re-Start Weight (Sept 1, 2018): 221
    Goal Weight 140

    Jun 5 184.8
    Jun 19 186.95
    Jun 29 186.36
    Jul 02 187.8
    Jul 16 188.7
    July 22 187.0
    July 23 187
    Aug 6 189 - Back from Colo celebrations
    Aug 12 - 188.8 .2 down... I'll take it.
    Aug 17 - 187.6
    Sept 3 - 190!!! Yikes
    Sept 10 - 189

    Week (+/-) = -1
    Since Re-Start = 32
    Since First start = 61
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    edited September 2019
    @raindogmaa what I do when I have cravings I dissolve in a big mug half cube of Knorr bouillon in hot water and drink that ... the saltiness, flavor and the warm broth its enough to satisfy me.

    I don’t like the bone / chicken / beef broth they sell in the supermarkets and I could not find the liquid bouillon from Knorr in the US so this is the best alternative I could get.

    I guess you can make broth from scratch with veggies and some meat ... but I am too lazy :wink:

    Hope this is useful :smile:
  • HazelMayes
    HazelMayes Posts: 187 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen I'm so sorry about your dad :(

    A good source of low sodium protein is nuts and seeds that are unsalted. I eat a lot of salad and unsalted sunflower seeds or walnuts on top replaces the crunch of croutons while helping me hit my protein goal. Plus they have the good fats. Also cooking from whole ingredients helps. There are so many herbs and spices to use instead of salt to season meat or veggies. My spice shelf is overflowing lol. I do have some premixed seasoning blends as well and many of them are no or low salt so the sodium is low. When I do buy something packaged, I look for brands with the best looking ingredient list because ones that use just a few recognizable ingredients tend to also be low sodium--when you get into products with lots of corn syrup and preservatives and such salt and sugar tends to be a major part of the flavor. Since I eat so much salad, i have the most experience right now with salad dressing labels--some of them are crazy!