Lose 5lbs + in September 2019



  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    So we are both at our September starting weight now.
    Getting older is fantastic in so many ways, but losing weight is really difficult.
    One day I will be at your 147.3 : - )

    Yes you will, Dawn. You're at where I started this round. And I've bounced up against the 190's before. It takes every ounce of determination and tenacity we can muster. Especially when we run into the naysayers, the sabatogers, and the "you look great where you are" crowd.

    My sister in-law just told me last week, "You're at your goal from the last time we did weight watchers! You can stop now! You don't want to lose too much!" Nope. But I still want to get into a healthy range.

    In my spare time, I work with people who use drugs and those who are in recovery. I'm not making a correlation here, but this effort certainly makes me more empathetic with their journey. Mind/body changes are not easy.

    We've got this. We're going to be the healthiest 70 year olds on the shuffle board court 😂
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    edited September 2019
    61 years old; 5'2"
    Original starting weight - 158.5 (12/30/2018)
    August ending weight 147.5 (August loss 0.7 lbs)

    September starting weight - 147.3
    Spetember goal -142.3 (Same as July)

    Ultimate goal - 135.0

    I generally do a Friday (F) weigh-in and am adding a Monday (M) and Wednesday (W) weigh-in for accountability. I've pinned the weekly weigh-in days for the challenge.

    📌 1st - 147.3 (Trend Weight 147.8)
    2nd (M) - 148.1 (Trend Weight 147.8)
    3rd (T) - 149.0 Ouch! (Trend Weight 147.9)
    4th (W) - 148.8 (Trend Weight 148.0)
    6th (F) - 148.1 (Trend Weight 148.0)
    📌 8 th - 147.5 (Trend Weight 148.0)
    9th (M) - 147.3 (Trend Weight 147.9)
    11th (W) - 147.2 (Trend Weight 147.8)
    13th (F) - 146.9 (Trend Weight 147.6)
    14th - 146.8 (Trend Weight 147.5)
    📌 15th - 147.3 (Trend Weight 147.5)
    16th (M) - 147.5 (Trend Weight 147.5)
    18th (W) -
    20th (F)
    📌 22nd -
    23rd (M) -
    25th (W) -
    27th (F) -
    📌 29th -
    📌 30th -

    September Loss - ??

    Thoughts: Didn't expect to be up this morning. Onward.

    September Game Plan & Goals: (Use stats from Fitbit 7 Day Summary)
    • Move to 2-week meal plans 👀
    • Log meals & exercise daily in MFP
    • Focus on daily 500 calorie deficit goal
    • No calorie intake after 8pm.
    • No calorie intake before 10am, edging towards noon for a 16:8 IF
    • Hit Fitbit step goal of 5000 - 3325 ⬇Seriously? I hit 5000 4 out of 7!
    • Hit active minutes goal of 20 minutes daily - 38 ↔
    • Hit strength training goal of 3 days on & 1 rest day Nearing end of round 4

    Strength Training: (with accelerated reps)
    • 9/1-4 - 20, 25, 30, Rest ✔
    • 9/5-7 - 30, 35, Rest ✔
    • 9/8-10 - 35, 40, Rest ✔
    • 9/11-13 - off with a 2 mile walk on the 12th
    • 9/14-17 - 40, 45 ✔ Next: 50, Rest (Haven't done today yet)

    3-Month Progress: (need to see big picture)


  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    edited September 2019
    Female, 5'3", 58 years old for 04 more days.
    I will be weighing daily, it keeps me accountable and motivated and shows trends.
    Starting weight October 28.18 - 191
    September start 158.6
    September goal 153
    Ultimate goal is 115

    August goal was 155 (Same as July goal) - lost 1.4 pounds for the month of August, lost 2.0 pounds in the month of July, lost 0.7 pounds in the month of June. Slow going, but going.
    4.1 pounds lost in 3 months, and 30 lost in 10 months so happy with that. It would be great to have lost 40 by October 28.19 - 2 months to lose 10 pounds, a girl can hope and try ; - )

    September 01 - 158.6
    September 02 - 160.2 - Holiday weekend festivities caught up with me a bit. Hopefully I can get rid of that in a few days. Gained 1.6 in 1 day, took me almost 2 months to lose that much. It comes back way faster than I can lose it.
    September 03 - 161.7 - ouch. I am sure that tomorrow will be better.
    September 04 - 159.6 - still up, but heading in the right direction
    September 05 - 159.3 - I will try to get in extra workouts today.
    September 06 - 159.8
    September 07 - 159.7 - So the first week of the month is a bit of a bust so far, but I am determined to push through.
    September 08 - 159.5 - I have been really "good", so am hoping to get out of the Gain column and into the Loss column soon.
    September 09 - 160.3 - no comment
    September 10 - 159.3
    September 11 - 159.3 - Ice skating today : - ) It is early in the season for that, so one session only this week. It will ramp up in October as will my muscles associating with it.
    September 12 - 159.6 - Thursday
    September 13 - 158.7 - Almost back to September starting weight. So much hard work, seemingly without results. I have to stick with it. Really due for a woosh.
    September 14 - 160.4 - More gain, but not stressing about it. I had a sore shoulder this week, so didn't do Zumba for 4 days. It feels better today, so I will get in a good session. I really have to burn 500 calories per day and keep to 1200-1400 consumed in order to lose 1-2 pounds per month. 2 skating sessions this coming week will definitely help with calorie burn. Nowhere near throwing in the towel even though my results have sucked this month (and pretty much every month except for April lol). Very slow, but I will get there eventually.
    September 15 - 158.2 - Yay, I am finally below my September start weight for the first time this month. Thank you Zumba (Fitness Marshall hip-hop) for squishing all of the water out of me.
    September 16 - 157.6 - Woohoo finally lost 1 pound : - ) That was a lot of work.
    Sore shoulder again this morning, I woke up laying on it funny. I didn't do Zumba for my cardio yesterday so I am happy to not blame those movements since it I love and can stick with. I will have to think about the supporting muscles around my shoulder. Any exercises that would do that I am open to hearing about please.

    September Loss/Gain: Loss 1.0 lb
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    Okay, this number looks more normal, lol. I am happy that I did not eat past 8pm last night - even though I was a bit weary sitting close to 1200 calories for the day. I ended yesterday at 1162 calories, not bad.

    Birthday festivities took place on Saturday and I attempted to watch what I ate but I ended Saturday at 1791 calories.
    Days like these just exist - I had fun, ate delicious food, and over the years I have learned to not be so hard on myself when these days happen because they will keep occurring. Thankfully, unlike before, they no longer occur frequently. I'm sure those high calorie repeating days are how I got up to 150 lbs at my highest weight a few years ago.

    I have been tracking calories since the beginning of July and it certainly has helped my weight loss.

    Previous post:
    I have noticed that I am losing a bit of muscle in my arms so I will step away from cardio a bit and add strength exercises again. Initially, I started with a mix of strength exercises and cardio which I have learned leads to slow weight loss [10 lbs in 7 months] but I do love my small muscle gains.

    Have a good September everyone!

    MFP Starting Weight: 140 lbs - February 2011
    Current Starting Weight: 147 lbs - November 2017
    September Starting Weight: 127.4 lbs
    September Goal: 124.4 lbs

    Height: 5ft

    Ultimate Goal: 115 - 120 lbs

    Weigh-In Day: Friday and Monday

    September 2: 126.8 at 7am [ I am off to the races because I was standing for 2 hours on Sunday evening at a concert. ]
    September 6: 127.8 at 7:30am
    September 9: Unknown - I had no scale this morning
    September 13: 125.2 at 7am
    September 16: 126 at 7am
    September 20:
    September 23:
    September 27:
    September 30:

    Total Loss for September: 1.4 lbs
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    @amya71006 and @syreina
    Y'all look alike!
  • amya71006
    amya71006 Posts: 26 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy I noticed the same thing. @syreina kinda looks like my daughter (11 yrs old) which is a bit freaky lol.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,603 Member
    I'm only aiming for 1 lb weight loss per week so not sure why lost 2.6lbs this past week. I had to go on clear liquids for a few days at the beginning of the month for health reasons, so maybe it just caught up?

    I also stayed at 206.6 for a couple weeks so maybe was just holding onto weight for a bit. I've started using Happy Scale to track daily. I know weight loss isn't linear so interested to see the pattern over time.

    Weight loss is not linear. It has little ups and downs for several reasons. This is why I weigh every morning under the same conditions and track it over time. I use a couple trending apps that show what's really going on. A simple one is a ten-day moving average. Another one that's more realistic is a weighted moving average that gives more value to today and yesterday than it does to a week and ten days ago. Look a few post up at what @LisaW57 wrote. She's using that trending weight graph, too. I posted a chart on September 7 which is early in this discussion. No need to repeat it here. See you next week!
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy check online for shoulder range of motion exercises commonly used for rotator cuff - any of those should help with supporting shoulder muscles. I have found, over time, that the inclined push ups are helping where I carry tension in my shoulders. I, seriously, started at 5 and increased gradually. I do have to pay particular attention when I increase the number as to whether I am feeling muscles getting sore from higher reps or if I am experiencing real pain. When I first started, there was a lot of pain. As a result of googling, I discovered if I stretch my neck like I am peering over a fence, it prevents the shoulder and neck pain that seemed to be coming from bad form.
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    edited September 2019
    @dawnbgethealthy I can see that - we have similar facial structure and glasses, lol.

    @amya71006 I have always been told I look younger than I actually am. I'm 30 and my profile pic is a couple of months old (Dec 2018).
  • lalabank
    lalabank Posts: 1,009 Member
    2017 Starting Weight - 242
    September 2019- 151.8
    September Goal - 146.8
    Ultimate goal - 121 (1/2 of my former self)
    5th- 151.8
    12th- 157.6
    15th- 152.4
    16th- 151.4
    17th- 150.4

    Really, Really working to get back into my groove. It would be super encouraging if I could get into and stay in my next decade by the end of the month.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,647 Member
    Female, 5'3", 58 years old for 04 more days.
    I will be weighing daily, it keeps me accountable and motivated and shows trends.
    Starting weight October 28.18 - 191
    September start 158.6
    September goal 153
    Ultimate goal is 115

    August goal was 155 (Same as July goal) - lost 1.4 pounds for the month of August, lost 2.0 pounds in the month of July, lost 0.7 pounds in the month of June. Slow going, but going.
    4.1 pounds lost in 3 months, and 30 lost in 10 months so happy with that. It would be great to have lost 40 by October 28.19 - 2 months to lose 10 pounds, a girl can hope and try ; - )

    September 01 - 158.6
    September 02 - 160.2 - Holiday weekend festivities caught up with me a bit. Hopefully I can get rid of that in a few days. Gained 1.6 in 1 day, took me almost 2 months to lose that much. It comes back way faster than I can lose it.
    September 03 - 161.7 - ouch. I am sure that tomorrow will be better.
    September 04 - 159.6 - still up, but heading in the right direction
    September 05 - 159.3 - I will try to get in extra workouts today.
    September 06 - 159.8
    September 07 - 159.7 - So the first week of the month is a bit of a bust so far, but I am determined to push through.
    September 08 - 159.5 - I have been really "good", so am hoping to get out of the Gain column and into the Loss column soon.
    September 09 - 160.3 - no comment
    September 10 - 159.3
    September 11 - 159.3 - Ice skating today : - ) It is early in the season for that, so one session only this week. It will ramp up in October as will my muscles associating with it.
    September 12 - 159.6 - Thursday
    September 13 - 158.7 - Almost back to September starting weight. So much hard work, seemingly without results. I have to stick with it. Really due for a woosh.
    September 14 - 160.4 - More gain, but not stressing about it. I had a sore shoulder this week, so didn't do Zumba for 4 days. It feels better today, so I will get in a good session. I really have to burn 500 calories per day and keep to 1200-1400 consumed in order to lose 1-2 pounds per month. 2 skating sessions this coming week will definitely help with calorie burn. Nowhere near throwing in the towel even though my results have sucked this month (and pretty much every month except for April lol). Very slow, but I will get there eventually.
    September 15 - 158.2 - Yay, I am finally below my September start weight for the first time this month. Thank you Zumba (Fitness Marshall hip-hop) for squishing all of the water out of me.
    September 16 - 157.6 - Woohoo finally lost 1 pound : - ) That was a lot of work.
    Sore shoulder again this morning, I woke up laying on it funny. I didn't do Zumba for my cardio yesterday so I am happy to not blame those movements since it I love and can stick with. I will have to think about the supporting muscles around my shoulder. Any exercises that would do that I am open to hearing about please.
    September 17 - 159.3 - Hmm, up almost 2 lbs since yesterday. I had 1116 calories left over yesterday so hoping it is a blip only.

    September Loss/Gain: Gain 0.6 lbs
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Original starting weight - 167 lbs April 2018
    September starting weight - 148.8 lbs
    September goal - 146 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 144 lbs

    1st - 148.8 lbs
    10th- 149.8 lbs
    17th - 149 lbs
    24th -
    30th -

    Fighting a bit of a cold currently. Have a crossfit team competition on saturday, so will definitely have a few days at maintenance to make sure I perform my best. Probably won't hit 146 this month, but that's ok. My weight is still trending downwards and that is what matters.
  • amya71006
    amya71006 Posts: 26 Member
    @syreina you definitely look younger than 30. I'm 30 too and my pic is about the same (Dec 2018) but I look 30 lol. We're roughly the same height I'm 4'11" and your ultimate goal is pretty realistic I'm sure you can do it so keep up the hard work. My ultimate goal should be the same but for now I'll be happy if I can get to 135 and decide from there if I should go lower.
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    @amya71006 You do not look 30. You look younger than 30. Believe it.

    The goal weight is just a number - depending on where you feel good at especially since we all have different body types. My mom was a critic of my weight growing up (who's mom isn't, right?) and once I hit 130 last month, she said "You look good, stay there. Do not lose anymore weight or it will be too much." Her words surprised me!

    In the past, she said I needed to lose a little more, or I was a little chunky or too thin (I reached 112 lbs once many years ago). I always love my mom no matter what she says. <3
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    edited September 2019
    Highest weight: 192.2
    September Start Weight: 134.8
    September Goal Weight:132.2
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130.0

    I weigh in on Mondays.

    09/01 - 134.8 at 7:00 a.m.
    09/02 - 134.8 at 4:00 a.m.
    09/09 - 135.4 at 5:30 a.m.
    09/16 - 136.0 at 4:00 a.m. I have no idea what happened to my other posts... so strange.
    09/23 -
    09/30 -
