
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    I feel like the only things that would be missed if I were gone is the income and the cooking and cleaning.No one hears a word I say and I feel like I have No value at all in any aspect of my life.
    Debby In Va

    Have you been to see your GP to talk to him/her about this? That might be a good starting point.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    It’s tomorrow where Heather is, so. Happy birthday 🎂🎊🎉Heather!
    Welcome Wendy in Boston. Dashing to dance class so later, lovelies!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Just skimming. Grieving today. Had to put Chewy down yesterday after he started having seizures.



    So sorry!!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    SuziQ – I must have missed it. Would you please post again M’s link for meals?

    Michele in NC

    Third post.

  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Oh,I Love my home and especially when it’s clean.Mopped,vacuumed,and steam cleaned.Dusted and sparkly fresh.My poor little doggies go back and forth with me all day I clean and they’re exhausted by the time I’m done.5 minutes after everyone is home,it’s slowly destroyed.But...I have the knowledge and memory that it Was clean
    Debby In Va
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I almost forget to post my October goals!
    October Fitness Goals
    • Weight Loss = Minimum of 5 Pounds
    • Cardio = Minimum of 3 Days/Week – 1 Hour/Session
    • Weights/Calisthenics = Minimum of 2 Days/Week – 0.5 Hour/Session
    • Plank Challenge = Goal is 60 Minutes of Planks During the Month of October

    October Personal Goals
    • Continue Downsizing Project – Get Back on Track
    o Take Apart Desk in Guest Room and Get Rid of It
    o Move Master Bureau Downstairs and Call Veteran’s for Pick Up
    o Take Stock and Decide Next Steps
    • Finish Financial Plan

    Rewards for Hitting Goals
    • Sense of Achievement
    • Weighing in the Low 170s
    • $100 Clothes Shopping Spree – I have not purchased a piece of clothing in over a year. It’s time to get a few pieces. I know $100 doesn’t seem like a spree but I am a bargain hunter.

    October Mantras
    • There have been tougher days than this one.
    • The only way to receive the love I desire is to love myself just a little bit more.
    • Don’t worry, be happy.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited October 2019
    Newbies Welcome! Welcome! You have found a great group of supportive women here. I am still fairly new, but have really enjoyed getting to know everyone better. Someone had mentioned making a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone. That might not be a bad idea!

    Re-introductions Maybe we could have a short introduction by everyone just to catch up on who we all are? Have you ever done anything like that? (Names, ages, goal weights and original weight, a bit about ourselves and our lives etc??). Since the group moves so quickly, it is hard to go back to re-acquaint ourselves. I don't know if it's something everyone could use, but since my brain injury, I could really use a refresher!! I will include a quick one in a spoiler in case others like the idea and want to follow along:
    I'm Luci which is short for Lucinda. I will be 63 in December. I am married, have 3 children and 3 step children (the Brady Bunch - only with 5 boys), 2 grandchildren and a new one on the way in December. I joined MFP in January when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I am controlling the diabetes with diet and exercise so far. Original weight 215 pounds (had been up to 235 at times) and current weight 179 (I'm 5'7"). I was a professional violinist, licensed massage therapist and licensed esthetician. I also worked with youth and adults with developmental disabilities and profound mental health disabilities. I was in a severe auto accident 11 years ago and have been unable to work a regular job since then. My husband is also retired. We currently have our second set of 2 retired greyhounds who I spoil relentlessly. I am an avid University of Michigan football fan after having been raised in Ann Arbor and my siblings and I attended the University (although I have met wonderful Ohio State alumni here and am opening my mind to stopping the hate...lol). Love to all, and looking forward to another great month!!
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, do you have a notion of how many people are on this thread?
    In the past I've been on threads with 4-10 people or so. It seems like way more here. It seems like some of you guys know one and other really well. It'll take a while to get to know everyone.

    In the interests of getting to know each other ... (we haven't done this in a little while) ... a question for everyone here ...

    Who are you?

    I am Machka.

    Machka is actually a nickname I've had for about 17 years and I use it on and off forums. When I was going through my divorce from my first marriage, I wanted to create something of a new identity for myself and so I chose a name to use on cycling forums. I'm Serbian and love cats, so Machka is the Serbian word for cat ... I also liked the name because it includes parts of my birth names. For reference, Machka is pronounced something like: Match-ka. It's a hard "ch".

    My husband and I "met" on a cycling forum first, and then in person on a very long bicycle ride in France called the Paris-Brest-Paris in 2003. So he knew me as Machka first, and still calls me Machka.

    I am Canadian-Australian. I was born in Canada and lived all over western Canada, and then moved to Australia in 2009. I became a citizen on April 2, 2016. My husband is Australian and we met in person in France (as I mentioned above), started our relationship in 2005, then had a long distance relationship until I moved in 2009. However we were married in Canada in 2008 in a very quiet ceremony on a dock on Lake Annette near Jasper, after cycling a century (100 mile ride). :)

    I was nearly finished my Bachelor of Education, so I stayed in Canada, and he returned to Australia.

    Unfortunately, in early 2009 there was a massive bushfire in Victoria, Australia and my husband's home and many of the surrounding places were wiped out. About 175 people died in that fire. It was devastating! My husband narrowly escaped with his life ... he left his place as it was going up in flame. 3 months later I moved into the area. There were no places to live, but fortunately his boss offered us a very rustic shack on the back of the orchard property ... so we lived about 2 km off the grid for my first year in Australia. I learned to cook over an open fire! And to haul water and firewood and everything. When I was able to get a job, it was in bushfire recovery.

    When the area had more or less "recovered", we were a bit burnt out, so to speak, so we popped everything into storage and did a Round-The-World trip for 8 months in 2012. Then in 2013 we moved to Tasmania where we've been since.

    I work full time, attend uni part time working toward my Master's degree in IT, and am my husband's carer after his workplace accident in 2018.

    I'm also a long distance cyclist (although there hasn't been much of that in the past year), and love being active: walking, running, rowing, weights, etc. etc. etc. :)

    So that's me in a [rather large] nutshell.

    Who are you? :smiley:

    Lots more, from others, in May ... :):)


    Starting on p4 in May: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10741585/women-ages-50-for-may-2019/p4

    Machka in Oz

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,057 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.47min, 137mhr, 12.2amph, 1.58mi= didn't record
    apple watch- 90c
    ROWING MACHINE- 40min, 56aw, 106ahr, 135mhr, 6516meters= 253c
    apple watch- 298c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.55min, 133mhr, 15.1amph, 1.48mi= 64c
    apple watch- 65c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 15.50min, 152mhr, 11.6amph, 3.06mi= 178c
    apple watch- 169c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.11min, 152mhr, 9.56min mi, .52mi= 66c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.24min, 9.42min mi, 148mhr, .45mi= 61c
    apple watch- 51c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.48min, 7.7amph 145mhr, 2.53mi= 200c
    apple watch- 191c

    total cal 912
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited October 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Newbies Welcome! Welcome! You have found a great group of supportive women here. I am still fairly new, but have really enjoyed getting to know everyone better. Someone had mentioned making a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone. That might not be a bad idea!

    Re-introductions Maybe we could have a short introduction by everyone just to catch up on who we all are? Have you ever done anything like that? (Names, ages, goal weights and original weight, a bit about ourselves and our lives etc??). Since the group moves so quickly, it is hard to go back to re-acquaint ourselves. I don't know if it's something everyone could use, but since my brain injury, I could really use a refresher!! I will include a quick one in a spoiler in case others like the idea and want to follow along:
    I'm Luci which is short for Lucinda. I will be 63 in December. I am married, have 3 children and 3 step children (the Brady Bunch - only with 5 boys), 2 grandchildren and a new one on the way in December. I joined MFP in January when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I am controlling the diabetes with diet and exercise so far. Original weight 215 pounds (had been up to 235 at times) and current weight 179 (I'm 5'7"). I was a professional violinist, licensed massage therapist and licensed esthetician. I also worked with youth and adults with developmental disabilities and profound mental health disabilities. I was in a severe auto accident 11 years ago and have been unable to work a regular job since then. My husband is also retired. We currently have our second set of 2 retired greyhounds who I spoil relentlessly. I am an avid University of Michigan football fan after having been raised in Ann Arbor and my siblings and I attended the University (although I have met wonderful Ohio State alumni here and am opening my mind to stopping the hate...lol). Love to all, and looking forward to another great month!!
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, do you have a notion of how many people are on this thread?
    In the past I've been on threads with 4-10 people or so. It seems like way more here. It seems like some of you guys know one and other really well. It'll take a while to get to know everyone.

    In the interests of getting to know each other ... (we haven't done this in a little while) ... a question for everyone here ...

    Who are you?

    I am Machka.

    Machka is actually a nickname I've had for about 17 years and I use it on and off forums. When I was going through my divorce from my first marriage, I wanted to create something of a new identity for myself and so I chose a name to use on cycling forums. I'm Serbian and love cats, so Machka is the Serbian word for cat ... I also liked the name because it includes parts of my birth names. For reference, Machka is pronounced something like: Match-ka. It's a hard "ch".

    My husband and I "met" on a cycling forum first, and then in person on a very long bicycle ride in France called the Paris-Brest-Paris in 2003. So he knew me as Machka first, and still calls me Machka.

    I am Canadian-Australian. I was born in Canada and lived all over western Canada, and then moved to Australia in 2009. I became a citizen on April 2, 2016. My husband is Australian and we met in person in France (as I mentioned above), started our relationship in 2005, then had a long distance relationship until I moved in 2009. However we were married in Canada in 2008 in a very quiet ceremony on a dock on Lake Annette near Jasper, after cycling a century (100 mile ride). :)

    I was nearly finished my Bachelor of Education, so I stayed in Canada, and he returned to Australia.

    Unfortunately, in early 2009 there was a massive bushfire in Victoria, Australia and my husband's home and many of the surrounding places were wiped out. About 175 people died in that fire. It was devastating! My husband narrowly escaped with his life ... he left his place as it was going up in flame. 3 months later I moved into the area. There were no places to live, but fortunately his boss offered us a very rustic shack on the back of the orchard property ... so we lived about 2 km off the grid for my first year in Australia. I learned to cook over an open fire! And to haul water and firewood and everything. When I was able to get a job, it was in bushfire recovery.

    When the area had more or less "recovered", we were a bit burnt out, so to speak, so we popped everything into storage and did a Round-The-World trip for 8 months in 2012. Then in 2013 we moved to Tasmania where we've been since.

    I work full time, attend uni part time working toward my Master's degree in IT, and am my husband's carer after his workplace accident in 2018.

    I'm also a long distance cyclist (although there hasn't been much of that in the past year), and love being active: walking, running, rowing, weights, etc. etc. etc. :)

    So that's me in a [rather large] nutshell.

    Who are you? :smiley:

    Lots more, from others, in May ... :):)


    Starting on p4 in May: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10741585/women-ages-50-for-may-2019/p4

    Machka in Oz

    Oh also ... stats ...

    I'm 52.
    Second marriage.
    No children of my own.
    Highest weight = 83 kg which I reached about 6 months ago.

    I have remained slim and fit most of my life, but I gain weight when there is a combination of moving house and a fairly serious illness, injury, surgery or something similar. Those two mean that I can't exercise as I would like to do ... and moving house usually means that my dinners consist of the half box of cereal we have left in the cupboard plus a cake made from the mix I meant to use 6 months ago. Or quick take-away stuff.

    At 48, I hit my highest weight prior to 6 months ago (82.6 kg) and for a moment or two I thought I might just simply be "dumpy" for the rest of my life. And then I decided to join MFP and lose the weight. I joined in February 2015, a few weeks before my 49th birthday. 16 weeks later, I was down 15 kg, and then over the next few months, I lost another 10 kg, bringing me down to 57 kg. :)

    Then I got measles in late 2016, which created a domino effect of illness over several months, and gained about 8-10 kg, which I didn't lose in 2017, but that was OK because I was still within my normal BMI range. Then my husband had his accident in early 2018 (severe brain injury). Eating well and exercise went out the window and I gradually gained again over the next year to my highest weight.

    I have lost a little in the last 6 months, and now that summer is on its way, I hope to be more active and lose more. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Barbie, thanks for the phone update. My mother called me last night with the exact same problem. I took her phone in today. I had to wait over an hour for my turn. The customer service rep spent about 3 minutes with it and fixed it at no charge. For Mama’s, she said there was something stuck down in the phone that was preventing the charger from going in properly. It now works fine.

    :) Since we didn't buy our phones locally, we didn't have a place to take the phone for the help you described. When we changed phone companies last year, I was concerned that I wouldn't have a place to take my phone for help. Glad your mother's phone is OK, :)

    <3 Barbie