In your 60’s



  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    @annliz23, some days are just difficult to get through aren't they? So sorry about your Mum, a difficult time for your family and of course losing a pet is always terrible. Try to stay positive and find the bright side of things, it might be hidden but it's there if you search for it.

    @annliz23. It sounds like it was a sad day for you. It’s hard when our parents are struggling. We love them so much and want things to be easy for them as they age. I noticed visiting my dad that occasionally we would have a moment or a memory and those helped me. And I’m a dog lover, too. They really become family. Prayers for you to have a brighter day soon.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,459 Member
    A good day today walked the dogs and getting ready to go on a caravan holiday next week, weather looks dodgy but we will work around that and try to do as much walking as possible when we can.
    Trying to add a few more strenuous exercises into my routine so here goes the big push onwards and iowards!
    Good luck everyone with your aims , goals wish you every success.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,425 Member
    Welcome new members. @swim777 I'm similar in eating, breakfast around 11-12 after I walk my dogs, lunch around 2-3 & dinner around 7. I maintained 50lb weight loss for over a year till I quit smoking, gained 10 which includes going up a pant size & am down 2lbs so far. I gained it mostly by snacking in the evenings & less exercise due to babysitting my 2yr old grandson. By the time I'm done, I don't feel up to exercising, but his mom is actively looking for another babysitter! yay. I also started eating sunflower seeds in the evenings, around 30g & it keeps me busy for over an hour. I've had a good 2 days. I just can't eat 1200 cal/day to lose 1 lb/wk so I put it up to 1/2 lb wk today & that gives me 1500, which I think is doable. I've had many falls, including being hit by a car. What has helped me a lot is exercising so the muscles around my injuries get stronger & taking turmeric. I've been walking my dogs more, as opposed to taking them to dog park, where I do walk but not fast because I'm afraid of falling stepping into a hole, which i've done, so I've been getting my 10,000 steps in most days & going to gym class 2 days a week. The gym instructor for the step + class I loved has gone & I don't really like the new one so I don't know if I'll be going to that but if not I'll be working out on my own like I used to
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,459 Member
    Off on holiday tomorrow so may not be able to get any internet but good luck everyone for next week!😀
  • fitlulu4150
    fitlulu4150 Posts: 1,371 Member
    annliz23 wrote: »
    Off on holiday tomorrow so may not be able to get any internet but good luck everyone for next week!😀

    Have a great time and get lots of walks in! Hopefully you'll have some nice weather!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Back home yesterday after a quick adventure to Oakland. "There's no place like home." Heard that somewhere :D and it's true for me.

    I see you all have been busy here. Have an awesome weekend, everyone! I'm sure the pup will drag me off for a couple of walks!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,425 Member
    Have a great time @annliz23 and be safe. @alteredsteve175 I agree, there IS no place like home. I grew up in the bay area, Ca. Tonight at our monthly meeting, where we always have a pot luck first is going to be a mystery. Our hostess told us not to bring anything. Wonder what we're having? I made delicious meal last week with cubed up chicken & a bunch of veggies all roasted together in one pan so today I'm making the same but using small pieces of pork, yum. I don't eat any different on weekends than during the week, I work every weekend anyway. Hope everyone has a good weekend
  • fitlulu4150
    fitlulu4150 Posts: 1,371 Member
    Agree with all of you............hope it's a great weekend and a great vacation annliz. We're having a fairly quiet weekend other than having dinner with friends tomorrow night. We're going to their house and TBH my girlfriend is an awful cook............bless her heart, but she can bake the heck out of cookies, a cake, or bread. Meal wise, it's kind of dodgy though...LOL

    I'm making appetizers and dessert though and they want to play Yahtzee and a card game we call Golf so it will be fun, as matter what we have for dinner!

    Enjoy the Fall weather if you're getting that and begin to look forward to the is the time to cut back on calories (that's what I do) in preparation for the Christmas Cookies!!! lol

  • karlschaeffer
    karlschaeffer Posts: 1,506 Member
    Agree with all of you............hope it's a great weekend and a great vacation annliz. We're having a fairly quiet weekend other than having dinner with friends tomorrow night. We're going to their house and TBH my girlfriend is an awful cook............bless her heart, but she can bake the heck out of cookies, a cake, or bread. Meal wise, it's kind of dodgy though...LOL

    I'm making appetizers and dessert though and they want to play Yahtzee and a card game we call Golf so it will be fun, as matter what we have for dinner!

    Enjoy the Fall weather if you're getting that and begin to look forward to the is the time to cut back on calories (that's what I do) in preparation for the Christmas Cookies!!! lol

    Christmas Cookies! Oh Yum! You’re right! Need to get ready for all that!

  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    Agree with all of you............hope it's a great weekend and a great vacation annliz. We're having a fairly quiet weekend other than having dinner with friends tomorrow night. We're going to their house and TBH my girlfriend is an awful cook............bless her heart, but she can bake the heck out of cookies, a cake, or bread. Meal wise, it's kind of dodgy though...LOL

    I'm making appetizers and dessert though and they want to play Yahtzee and a card game we call Golf so it will be fun, as matter what we have for dinner!

    Enjoy the Fall weather if you're getting that and begin to look forward to the is the time to cut back on calories (that's what I do) in preparation for the Christmas Cookies!!! lol

    Truthfully, (and I don't see myself exposed to all that much season temptation), if folks stay in the same fitness "groove" then as they are now, they need not any holiday preparations, only continued mindfulness. "Happy Holidays"! Let me be first to wish you all that which we will begin hearing over and over again any day now! 😉
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    texmarti wrote: »
    64. I’m starting Day 1. Tried another online app and gained weight. Think I just wasn’t ready. It’s good to see others my age getting healthier.

    My issues have always been self sabotage and drinking wine and hence binge eating. Have about ruined my health. On meds for cholesterol, high blood pressure and blood sugar.

    I feel like I am ready to focus on myself and feel better. Hoping we can encourage each other.

    You're in the right place. The mutual support and encouragement here is the best feature of MFP. Keep checking in and logging everyday. That will help you to stay on track.

    I hear you regarding alcohol and binge eating. The loss of inhibition lends itself to overeating. I still drink, but only with others at social gatherings. I plan ahead so that I can fit the drinks into the daily calorie target.
  • Bobette52
    Bobette52 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 68 in January, really struggling to lose weight. I work in an office, at a computer all day then take work home, too much sitting! Suggestions?
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    texmarti wrote: »
    64. I’m starting Day 1. Tried another online app and gained weight. Think I just wasn’t ready. It’s good to see others my age getting healthier.

    My issues have always been self sabotage and drinking wine and hence binge eating. Have about ruined my health. On meds for cholesterol, high blood pressure and blood sugar.

    I feel like I am ready to focus on myself and feel better. Hoping we can encourage each other.

    Are there any "motivators" in your life beyond wanting to lose weight and get healthier? If so, lock on to them and let them push you. I am the example in this question. I remain convinced had I not gotten my hips replaced earlier this year, I would not be in my current situation where things are getting better and better. Much of that is (probably unfounded) fear that if fail, I go back to that life of discomfort and poor mobility. I've decided that's not happening! I too am on blood pressure and cholesterol medication with the added motivation to remain free of AC1 or blood sugar meds. I am confident of my chances. I have been on the other meds for sometime and even in my worst condition health wise those have helped alot. Unless, there is an extra range a doctor looks for in blood test results, I am not sure how much of the improvement will be from my diet and exercise as opposed to meds. I have a similar fear about living with increased risk if I stop the meds, so I am not I will "go there" when I next see doctor in Nov. I do know one thing though; I WILL be considerably lighter than the last timeI saw her in May.
    Stay with it, find your "groove" and check in. People are a responsive here!
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Welcome Sandy and textmarti ! Hope you have a great holiday annlz23! Evamutt, we sound similar except you gained less than I did! I’m trying to lose 25 lbs! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! It’s cooled off here finally, and we are loving it in nc!
  • fitlulu4150
    fitlulu4150 Posts: 1,371 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to all the new people and honestly, this is really your big chance to improve your health. We're all still young enough to realize the benefits of exercise, a bit of weight loss, longevity and mobility. Find your WHY and keep plugging away at it, some days will be better than others but it's pointless to give up.

    I think I'm one of the oldest people here, at 69, so don't make excuses to me..............LOL If I can do it you can too. It's been a 6 year journey, about 60 lbs lost...............slowly, and I'm probably healthier than I was in my 50's.

    There will be bumps in the road, I'm facing one now. I managed to get my walk in with Penny (my 8 year old rescue dog), couldn't do it yesterday because my hip was killing me, and now it's killing me again. I'm pretty discouraged but still going to the gym tomorrow and will try to avoid hip-hurting exercises. I'm so glad I made an appointment for next month with my Orthopedic office and still hoping that it's inflammation and a cortisone shot will take care of it. In the meantime, I'm not sure how many walks I can get in with Penny...............that's the worst part of this. :'(

    I can't believe that 2 months ago I was hiking in the mountains of MT!

    I'm going to try the stationary bike for cardio because I read that that and swimming are the best heart healthy exercises for hip issues. I'll try anything except NSAIDS and Pain Meds...........LOL, too many negative reactions here from any of those.

    Anyway, do what you can, when you can and focus on your health. Your loved ones will appreciate it!

    Hope you all have a healthy successful week! Celebrate life!
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to all the new people and honestly, this is really your big chance to improve your health. We're all still young enough to realize the benefits of exercise, a bit of weight loss, longevity and mobility. Find your WHY and keep plugging away at it, some days will be better than others but it's pointless to give up.

    I think I'm one of the oldest people here, at 69, so don't make excuses to me..............LOL If I can do it you can too. It's been a 6 year journey, about 60 lbs lost...............slowly, and I'm probably healthier than I was in my 50's.

    There will be bumps in the road, I'm facing one now. I managed to get my walk in with Penny (my 8 year old rescue dog), couldn't do it yesterday because my hip was killing me, and now it's killing me again. I'm pretty discouraged but still going to the gym tomorrow and will try to avoid hip-hurting exercises. I'm so glad I made an appointment for next month with my Orthopedic office and still hoping that it's inflammation and a cortisone shot will take care of it. In the meantime, I'm not sure how many walks I can get in with Penny...............that's the worst part of this. :'(

    I can't believe that 2 months ago I was hiking in the mountains of MT!

    I'm going to try the stationary bike for cardio because I read that that and swimming are the best heart healthy exercises for hip issues. I'll try anything except NSAIDS and Pain Meds...........LOL, too many negative reactions here from any of those.

    Anyway, do what you can, when you can and focus on your health. Your loved ones will appreciate it!

    Hope you all have a healthy successful week! Celebrate life!

    If you've seen my posts, you know I have experience to back up the phrase "trust me on this". If your orthopedic finds that your best option is hip replacement, don't fear it or shy away from it! If you, as I was implored to and did do, "work hard in post-op PT because it's everything" then your future dog walks and hikes will be even more amazing. I didn't have the option of other treatments as you might have, as the condition my hips as I was told early and often was "most severe". I haven't made many decisions in my life that have made me happier and healthier than those two surgeries. Looking forward to your updates as you share them.
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    On post hip replacement pain: it was, at least for me was minimal and well managed so pain neds was easily terminated when appropriate. In fact many times, I would be asked what my pain level was and I would have to embellish because nurses and aides were not allowed to record zero. I am sure that is a testament to "robotically assisted" surgeries as my hip replacements were. Don't get me wrong, there was some pain but it was never much or for very long, again at least for me 😊