

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Just a quick note for now......

    Kim - I have had much practice being without power for days on end being that I have live in Florida for over 30 years. When I know a hurricane is coming I immediately start freezing containers of water. Not only do they keep the freezer colder, but can be used in coolers and eventually for drinking water if water is kept in the container. Also, I invested in 2 smaller 5-day coolers and use one for drinks (opened frequently) and one for food. If the storm is really coming I made sure some food prep has been completed and cool salads (macaroni, potato, etc.) so things are ready for no-cook meals. I also attempt to purchase ice (can be a challenge around here during a hurricane watch) about 3-days out and start loading up the coolers. Make sure you have lots of batteries and flashlights (candles are very dangerous especially around young ones and pets). Charge all chargeable items and keep them charged. The hardest thing is keeping one entertained so some board games, cards, books, hand hobbies, etc. are also prepped. You may want to look at some hurricane preparation articles online - they will be a big help for non-electricity periods. Prayer to no fires!

    I hope everyone is doing well and sending positive thoughts to all.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    edited October 2019
    @auntiebk Oops! popcast was a typo. It should have been to be popcorn. Sometimes autocorrect does peculiar things! 😂

    Just a few minutes to touch base with you all.
    Mille Failte to all our new friends. This lively group always have excellent support and advice to offer.

    My heart goes out to those of you going through trials and tribulations. May providence grant a positive resolution to your problems.

    Love the colourful 🐢 figure.

    Until DH had his knee problems in May, and moved into our front room, we slept in a kings size bed in the master at the back of the house, despite our divergent sleeping habits. He now sleeps in our old bed, which is a queen size. He keeps most of his clothes downstairs near the shower room. My current closet is in our master bedroom. We talked about our arrangements a couple of weeks ago, and agreed that we would continue with the separate rooms a while longer, as we are both sleeping better. It may become permanent, but neither of us seems ready to declare that permanence just yet.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,027 Member
    Currently at 112 pages for this assignment.

    At the same time I'm also writing an instruction manual for a massive process I do 4 times a year. I'm at 70 pages and counting with that one.

    I don't have the knack of writing novels instead I write research papers and instruction manuals.

    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Decided to hold off on surgery one outlined same I had only 50% effective.The newest surgery is in final trials will be out soon enough it’s 95% effective.
    Yes Luci I need to start cranberry tablets again I keep forgetting to get back on them but don’t think they stop bacterial infections like what I got recently.I started getting infections after my 1st pregnancy seemed to clear up after Bam pregnancy 🤰 then bam it’s back over y over again. Bacterial Vaginitis also has a lot of myths out there it’s caused by genetic, (virgins can get it) soap y douching messing up the balance, y hormones,y sex with partner even 1 for your whole life . All other reasons you find on the web are old wives tales still being perpetuated like the one it’s from sleeping with certain races they were started by racists still are listed as a reason on many sites! Shame on them in my opinion for not realizing that! Others out there is that it’s a sluts disease yet a child can get who’s a virgin that ones old out dated needs scrapped too. Mines Genetic poor mom had chronic yeast,bladder,bacterial infections.

    4oz Steak 🥩 steamed today with veggies 🌽 y Crystal light tea Mango 🥭.

    Snacks not till night time- Bryers 70cal ice cream ,toasted Cher it’s,y yougurt the one Machka uses cause it’s tools it light half the calories my store only caries 2 flavors it’s hidden!

    Amber Tx

    Christmas decorating y gift bags (reusable better for the environment than wrapping paper no tissue paper just a big bag y tiny ones. A giant y regular stockings reusable. Only u can prevent paper waste lol picturing a Bear 🐻 while saying that with a fire helmet ⛑.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    Home!!!! Long car ride as two other stops on the way. Took about 2hrs 40 minutes.
    A nap is in my near future.
    Haven't even looked inside the cases, but my jug I bought in Malmo is on the windowsill. :smiley:
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited October 2019
    Christmas Rules I changed too to make it less stressful y smoother we’ll stop the keeping up with the Jones nonsense!

    Bag (no papers) with from Your Family written on it (no more from mom then another from Sis etc if you can only afford 2 gifts that’s fine cause someone else over bought they go into the same bag!) If it’s something super special like wedding ring to ornament from grandma to grandkid the keep sake it’s handed in a box by that person to them early or at the tree time (not placed under my mom gave us stuff then died the 23rd of December).

    If someone working theirs no Rule that says a holiday has to be held on that day only! If working 25th the 24th or 26th same thing! Go by a day everyone has off even if it’s a week later (well for school kids they can write we’re having it late this is what I think I’ll get)

    Practical gifts! If someone needs socks 🧦 get them socks if someone else needs a watch for work get that I ask what they Need they can add wants if they want to will get what we can any gift cards can buy what was missed later at after sales!

    Dollar tree,swap shops,guy on side of a road making some much needed money for his family,online stores,in stores,All allowed if someone asks for a Tiffany lamp too bad so sad their getting what they get!

    No prices set so 1c to a lot is fine up to you. At time of opening if someone asks who bought it you can take credit answer their questions lol 😂.

    Potluck dinner from a restaurant I cook what I cook to go with it or not at all or what I feel like no one can complain it’s usually a BBQ meat combo holiday pack with a salad to teas I made a few things I thought would be fun to make in advance I DO Not cook on Christmas Day! It is reheated y restaurant only! If can’t afford restaurant it’s reheated cooked a day before like corn on cob to salads to baked chicken...not cooking traditional meal expected! If mother-in-law makes tamales we buy some eat those too . Leftovers for days live with it lol.

    Decorations go up little at a time for months I start before or after Thanksgiving doesn’t matter I have a theme (Fall) so it’s suitable for both with some Christmas ones.

    Tree goes up a week before if real but anytime if fake. This year baby safe now ornaments this will be his 1st tree. No rule that says have to put a choking hazard up for the 1st one! Needles of a tree are number one cause of hospital 🏥 visits to glass.

    Same old decorations after sales will but up to $20-$50 worth to add to the collection as we go so ones that are looking bad slowly get replaced but we keep sentimental.

    Gift bags stored away for next Christmas again unless the one that tore. Bows from others gifts goes back too reusable.

    Gifts from others go under the tree 🌲as is or gift bag

    Cards are now email or a call lump it!

    Birthday gift is separate! So 1 will be wrapped in Birthday gift bag no combining.

    Amber Tx

    Mean family members will not be invited they can learn to behave!

    If someone wants to do something crazy y new for the holidays instead of coming that’s allowed too
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,027 Member
    I was just suddenly reminded ... it's Thanksgiving on Monday!!

    If I were really energetic I'd bake a pumpkin pie and take it into work for my coworkers who have likely never had pumpkin pie. :grin:

    Pumpkin is not a "dessert" vegetable here ... it's a ... well, a vegetable.

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Amber ~ You sure are starting Christmas early! :)

    Machka ~ Glad you are getting your glasses. I would be blind as a bat without mine.

    Katla ~ Have a safe and fun visit.

    Pumpkin: In my family, we have no desire to eat the beloved pumpkin and can't understand why so many people adore it. Instead, we love sweet potatoes in pie and casseroles. Another strange thing about me is that I love fruit cake and mince meat pie at Christmas.

    Carol in GA

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    edited October 2019
    Exercised, stopped at the Salvation Army (got a M&M cookie jar for Vince), Big Lots didn’t have his bread, they think PF has stopped bringing it to them since that guy for PF hasn’t been there for months, then went to WalMart.

    I'd heard that the new instructor was good, personally, I wasn't impressed. She wasn't in the water, kept wanting us to do things that are good on land but almost impossible in the deep water (because you don't have a floor), I wish she did more cardio (I had to constantly push myself), just about everyone didn't like her music, her voice was very soft. But I suspect part of it is that she has to get used to the members who take the class. We're not youngsters so that's why we weren't impressed with the music. I guess give her time. To be honest, I really don't know if she's going to be the permanent teacher.

    NYKaren – feel better fast

    Amber – I’m maintaining a Christmas list of things that I want. I’d forget them when I’m making my list, so that’s why I’m keeping it now.

    M – happy Thanksgiving. Wish ours was earlier, it’s just so much having Thanksgiving and then Christmas right after.

    Cat – welcome back

    Vince and Steve went to Waffle House for a waffle, I was at exercise. Not that I mind missing going.

    Michele in NC
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    edited October 2019
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    I do wish that PG&E would be working on underground lines and other things that would be a long term fix, but knowing folks burned out by the Napa fire 2017 the camp fire 2018 makes me appreciate anything anyone can do to help keep us safe. Including turning off the power. Someone asked about hospitals, they all have 5 days of generator power to cover for an earthquake, and we have a robust mutual aid system in the greater San Francisco Bay area to allow for help. Neighbors have been chatting about how we’ll handle this. In some ways it could pull people together. Tomorrow at 4 am is when the window starts – the power could go off anytime between then and Saturday and then be off for up to 5 days… I’ll post so everyone knows. So far the wind is light to none, and that is good!

    Kim from N. California

    Thinking of you this morning, Kim. I hope you are well and safe.

    ETA: Just saw your update. So happy that you got a reprieve.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I was just suddenly reminded ... it's Thanksgiving on Monday!!

    If I were really energetic I'd bake a pumpkin pie and take it into work for my coworkers who have likely never had pumpkin pie. :grin:

    Pumpkin is not a "dessert" vegetable here ... it's a ... well, a vegetable.

    Machka in Oz

    I agree. I think it's a vegetable, too. I mean, pie and muffins and lattes are fine, as I sit here right now drinking a Starbucks pumpkin spice latte, but pumpkins are veggies.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,574 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) The season has changed. It was 36 F (2 C) this morning when I took the dogs out for the before breakfast walk. I wore my "winter in Maine" coat and the dogs wore their coats (first time since April). When we got home, Jake had a fire going in the wood stove in addition to the heat pump/furnace that was busily heating the house.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    I know!!! Ach. I have been rotating my aloes in the house at night and outside during the day, but I did not put them out this morning. And I heard on OPB driving into work this morning that somewhere had snow and there was a road closure??? I was only half paying attention, so I missed where exactly, but could it have been I-84? Or one of the mountain roads that is only open seasonally?

    I am not ready for this. Just not ready.

    Felicia, dreaming of Puerta Vallerta
    Willamette Valley, Oregon