JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Thurs

    I wanted to ask you all a question, when you were at your heaviest did you get more problems with your digestion? I quite frequently have stomach problems, mostly trapped wind and bloating, heartburn and feeling nauseous leaving me feel very uncomfortable.
    But I'm pretty sure it's not IBS or any medical condition, I'm pretty sure it's not an intolerance. I can't really seem to pin point it to anything other than maybe eating a few to many unhealthy snacks or eating late at night (even though they fit in my calories)

    Will losing weight help this do you think?
    I'm not really one for going to the Drs.

    I swear when I was eating well and exercising my body ran like a well oiled clock. When I started adding back empty calories and massive quantities of carbs I felt it. I don't know that it is the weight as much as the nutrition, but I have more tummy issues now than ever before.

    I also have digestive issues when I eat badly and that tends to be linked to when I'm heavier!

    One of the things that can happen is that if you don't eat good food and don't drink enough is that you can get constipated and that leads to pains and discomfort.

    I had that about seven years ago and the doctor said you can be constipated without knowing it as you can seemingly be 'regular' but it can be not 'good quality movement' (I didn't ask for details on that).

    I still notice that now, when I eat junk and don't drink enough for a few days in a row I start feeling clogged up and then pains often follow.

    A motivation to eat better! Maybe....
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,370 Member
    Been away for a little bit. Got another year older and attended 19,000 activities that my kids are partaking in. Goals have been few and far between. I feel like making a goal is just another opportunity to fail. I feel horrible and I struggle to do the simplest tasks. I didn't even shower before work yesterday or today. Just threw on a ball cap. Even still I was late for work. Now I feel like a whiny b!tch that every one thinks is looking for sympathy. To be honest, I'm tired of sympathy. I just want to figure out how to do better in all aspects physical, mental & spiritual.

    In your best non-condescending, unsympathetic tone, tell me how you pick yourselves up when you think you have nothing left to give.

    On an up note her is a picture of my beasty girl rowing Saturday.


  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,099 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Goals for Thurs

    I wanted to ask you all a question, when you were at your heaviest did you get more problems with your digestion? I quite frequently have stomach problems, mostly trapped wind and bloating, heartburn and feeling nauseous leaving me feel very uncomfortable.
    But I'm pretty sure it's not IBS or any medical condition, I'm pretty sure it's not an intolerance. I can't really seem to pin point it to anything other than maybe eating a few to many unhealthy snacks or eating late at night (even though they fit in my calories)

    Will losing weight help this do you think?
    I'm not really one for going to the Drs.

    I swear when I was eating well and exercising my body ran like a well oiled clock. When I started adding back empty calories and massive quantities of carbs I felt it. I don't know that it is the weight as much as the nutrition, but I have more tummy issues now than ever before.

    I also have digestive issues when I eat badly and that tends to be linked to when I'm heavier!

    One of the things that can happen is that if you don't eat good food and don't drink enough is that you can get constipated and that leads to pains and discomfort.

    I had that about seven years ago and the doctor said you can be constipated without knowing it as you can seemingly be 'regular' but it can be not 'good quality movement' (I didn't ask for details on that).

    I still notice that now, when I eat junk and don't drink enough for a few days in a row I start feeling clogged up and then pains often follow.

    A motivation to eat better! Maybe....

    Haha "a good quality poo!!"
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Greetings my fellow sojourners! I have been awol for a while due to other stuff taking its place. Drove out to our future retirement home three weeks ago--finally got internet and have been painting rooms. I am so not a painter---how I can get paint on the carpet even though I've got heavy-duty drop cloths everywhere is beyond me. One room down, and two to go. Just painting the rooms that were too dark and gloomy for me.

    I have managed to gain back 7 lbs and am wanting to finish the year back down to 148. I could get down about that but choosing to not do so---because that is one reason that causes me to regain my weight---I become discouraged. So, I have been focusing on what I HAVE accomplished: It has taken a year to regain those 7 lbs---and those 7 lbs have come and gone and come again throughout 2019 so I feel good that I can get them off again. In the past, I have generally gained all the weight back by now. I am still exercising consistently! I am still journaling! I am still in contact with my two accountability partners and still holding one another accountable! I am still reading my Bible consistently and practicing gratefulness throughout each day. I am still being mindful of the quantity of food I am eating.

    So, today, I am recording my food (haven't done that in ages)
    Drinking 6 cups of water/herbal tea
    Exercising (reading your posts has pushed me to do that today, thank you)
    Reading the Word
    Connecting with Accountability Partners

    Peace and joy, People!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited October 2019
    I just want to comment on something I have observed while catching up on y'all's goings-on. I feel a definite shift in our little world! I feel an air of positivity and hope that hasn't been here for a while. A sense of steely determination and success in those scales moving in the right direction. It fills me with excitement on what we are going to accomplish by the end of the year!

    And that doesn't necessarily mean reaching any weight loss goals we set---but to continue moving in that direction and to end the year well. I hope to join the next 5lb challenge.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,099 Member
    Been away for a little bit. Got another year older and attended 19,000 activities that my kids are partaking in. Goals have been few and far between. I feel like making a goal is just another opportunity to fail. I feel horrible and I struggle to do the simplest tasks. I didn't even shower before work yesterday or today. Just threw on a ball cap. Even still I was late for work. Now I feel like a whiny b!tch that every one thinks is looking for sympathy. To be honest, I'm tired of sympathy. I just want to figure out how to do better in all aspects physical, mental & spiritual.

    In your best non-condescending, unsympathetic tone, tell me how you pick yourselves up when you think you have nothing left to give.

    On an up note her is a picture of my beasty girl rowing Saturday.


    Haha I wish I had the answer! I sometimes go a couple of days with out showering too, it's kinda gross but sometimes it's just like, I don't even know, I don't even have the energy?

    My way, personally, is to be selfish. I stop giving my all to everyone else and I take care of me. I get some space, I run a bath and pamper myself, I do things I enjoy like playing games on my phone and I just take time out!

    When you've got nothing left to give, stop giving and replenish yourself! It's not a bad thing to be a little bit selfish sometimes! You've got to do it so you can continue to give to others without burning yourself out!!

    I'd say it's near impossible to have a perfect balance between physical mental and spiritual. Because every day is different and that changes the course of your day sometimes. (Hope that makes sense)

    When I keep "failing" my goals I stop posting them, but do it anyway if I can. That way it's not written in stone but I'm being aware of it. Kind of gives you a bit of flexibility. And you won't feel so bad if you don't quite achieve it!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,099 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    I just want to comment on something I have observed while catching up on y'all's goings-on. I feel a definite shift in our little world! I feel an air of positivity and hope that hasn't been here for a while. A sense of steely determination and success in those scales moving in the right direction. It fills me with excitement on what we are going to accomplish by the end of the year!

    I can sense it too! I feel like we're all doing just that little bit better and the positivity is shining through!

    Also, are you standing in the paint that you drop on the cloth and walking it around? Cause that's what I do LOL!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Been away for a little bit. Got another year older and attended 19,000 activities that my kids are partaking in. Goals have been few and far between. I feel like making a goal is just another opportunity to fail. I feel horrible and I struggle to do the simplest tasks. I didn't even shower before work yesterday or today. Just threw on a ball cap. Even still I was late for work. Now I feel like a whiny b!tch that every one thinks is looking for sympathy. To be honest, I'm tired of sympathy. I just want to figure out how to do better in all aspects physical, mental & spiritual.

    In your best non-condescending, unsympathetic tone, tell me how you pick yourselves up when you think you have nothing left to give.

    On an up note her is a picture of my beasty girl rowing Saturday.


    I remind myself of the times I've screwed up before and how picking myself up meant that the failure wasn't permanent. (I have a poster at the front of my classroom that says "Neither success nor failure is final." I believe it with everything that's in me!) Until you give up and quit trying, you haven't truly failed.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex, we had a big ol lab that would jump on people. We saw immediate results by simply turning our back to her and giving her no eye contact. As soon as I would see her about to jump on me (still no eye contact just peripheral) I would turn my back. Because I was not responding to her or even looking at her she wasn't interested. When I turned around I would still not give eye contact. If she started to jump I would turn back around. Usually, I didn't have to repeat it.

    For it to be permanent (so that eventually you don't have to turn your back)

    When Ash's back is turned and completely ignoring the dog, Ash tells him to sit. You may have to help Biggie to obey. When he sits then Ash turns and quietly praises him, pats him on the head. If Biggies gets excited again, and starts to jump up, Ash immediately breaks eye contact and turns back around and start the process. Biggie is wanting to be lavished with love by Ash. He will quickly figure out how to get what he wants.

    The key is to be consistent. And to practice. And quietly praise (meaning that you don't want to be exuberant and get the dog all excited).

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,099 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex, we had a big ol lab that would jump on people. We saw immediate results by simply turning our back to her and giving her no eye contact. As soon as I would see her about to jump on me (still no eye contact just peripheral) I would turn my back. Because I was not responding to her or even looking at her she wasn't interested. When I turned around I would still not give eye contact. If she started to jump I would turn back around. Usually, I didn't have to repeat it.

    For it to be permanent (so that eventually you don't have to turn your back)

    When Ash's back is turned and completely ignoring the dog, Ash tells him to sit. You may have to help Biggie to obey. When he sits then Ash turns and quietly praises him, pats him on the head. If Biggies gets excited again, and starts to jump up, Ash immediately breaks eye contact and turns back around and start the process. Biggie is wanting to be lavished with love by Ash. He will quickly figure out how to get what he wants.

    The key is to be consistent. And to practice. And quietly praise (meaning that you don't want to be exuberant and get the dog all excited).

    Thanks! I did briefly try this as we did this with the old family dog, he had aggressive anxiety so to assert ourselves as "top dog" we had to not make eye contact at first and ignore any attempt he had to say hello and then pet him when he stopped. But if someone didn't do that and came straight up to him that's when he got anxious and tried to snap. He had to be put down eventually, hard decision but with the abuse he suffered he wasn't going to get much better than that despite my parents efforts.

    Anyway, tried it with biggie but he didn't stop, his claws hurt as well. But he was a lot younger then, he's 3 this year so still basically a toddler lol!!
    He also gets INSANELY jealous of me and ash cuddling lol!

    He knows sit, paw, get down, on your bed and p*ss off LOL

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    I didn't get my goals set this morning, but total failure today. I did great all day until hubby made me a small margarita. I ate a very healthy dinner ... then I saw the opened bag of Halloween candy corn. Finished the bag off!!

    THen, my daughter had 2 frozen pieces of cheesecake in the freezer .... I ate one, then so mad at myself, so what do I do ... but eat the other one so it would be gone!! Now, does that make any sense at all!!

    But, I turned the evening around, and cleaned and cleaned from 8 pm until 10:30. So the house is cleaned at least. I am still upset with myself for giving in and eating all that junk. I know I'll feel awful tomorrow, but at least it is a new day.

    So my goals for tomorrow, Saturday, Oct 12
    1. GO TO THE GYM
    2. work in the yard
    3. taking daughter out for breakfast, but I will eat my eggs here, and just get a diet soda
    4. going to the mall with my daughter .. going to the Yankee candle store!
    5. get out halloween decorations
    6. clean garage so we can paint garage door
    7. dig up ornamental grass for my neighbor, and plant some in another neighbors yard (this neighbor is 80, and needs help).
    8. clean up our yard (it is suppose to be near 60 out!)
    10. WATER
    I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!! Had to say that first.. (just for a laugh) I'm coming to kick you in the shin for not getting us in on the margarita and cheesecake 🤗🤗🤗

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    The key thing is to be patient and not worry about losing those last 4 pounds too quickly. Focus on keeping the other 25 off, having good habits - wherever you can, we can't be perfect all the time - and they WILL come off!

    I listened to this Half Size Me podcast the other day where a lady was aiming to lose 10 pounds in 10 years. It sounds like ages, but you know what? If she does it, at the end of it she'll be 10 pounds lighter - a great place to be. As opposed to trying to lose 10 pounds in 10 days (I'm exaggerating), getting disillusioned, eating your feeling, and ending up 10 pounds heavier.

    Thank you ... and you are so right. But this is always when I get into trouble ... so close to goal, and get more slack on what I eat. This also is the worse time of year for me (and many others)... between halloween and christmas. SO I think I just want to get to goal... thinking I will work even harder to keep it there. But ... I have to first not gain back what I have lost.
    I will have to listen to Half Size Me ... I used to do that. Have to get back to listening to her, and also, getting out my Beck Diet Book ... and follow what I know I need to do .. my own self talk!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Maybe, you could try that thing again, where before you eat anything, ask yourself how you will feel afterwards.
    So for example, you allowed yourself one cookie, and you thought that because it would probably fit in your calories AND you'd feel good because you've done well and you deserve a treat.
    That's fine.
    But you should of asked (before you ate the first one) but how would I feel if I ate more than one, or the whole pack.
    Maybe stick a post-it note on the cupboard saying "How many will make me regret it?" To remind yourself to think before eating!

    Bex -- thanks so much! You know, I completely forgot about this. I think this is also in the Beck Diet Solution. After I read your post, I made myself a index card reminding me of how awful I would feel ... even with just one cookie. Since April, I have given up a lot of sweets, and I feel so much better. This past week though... I find myself getting back into the ice cream, cheesecake, candy corn, and yesterday cookies. I know if I keep this up, I will be back up to where I started, and I don't want that. So ... tonite I am getting out the Beck Book, and making myself do a chapter at a time again. I am determined to get to my goal weight!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    I just want to comment on something I have observed while catching up on y'all's goings-on. I feel a definite shift in our little world! I feel an air of positivity and hope that hasn't been here for a while. A sense of steely determination and success in those scales moving in the right direction. It fills me with excitement on what we are going to accomplish by the end of the year!

    And that doesn't necessarily mean reaching any weight loss goals we set---but to continue moving in that direction and to end the year well. I hope to join the next 5lb challenge.

    Glad to see you back. And yes, I think we are all rooting for each other so much more now. Bex started the 5 pound weight loss goals, and I think this is also helping all of us.
    Losing weight is not easy.. in fact.. it is very hard to change a lifetime of habits. And even when we get to where we want to be.. it is still not easy. Because those bad habits that gave us comfort all these years are so quickly wanting to come back. This has been my week ... giving into sweet 3 x this week alone! So I need to turn this around quickly, and remember, like Bex said, how awful you feel when you give into eating poorly. Why can't we remember this sooner!

    Anyhow, happy to see you back!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    10. WATER
    I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!! Had to say that first.. (just for a laugh) I'm coming to kick you in the shin for not getting us in on the margarita and cheesecake 🤗🤗🤗


    We all love you so much also Mary!! You are the best cheerleader, inspirational poster, etc! Yes ... I should have shared that cheesecake and margarita!
    Last nite, hubby opened the refrigerator .. and we had a huge bottle of margarita sitting in the door. Well, the bottle feel out ... broken glass all over, margarita spilled all over the floor!! So ... guess I can't drink anymore margaritas for awhile! :D
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I'm so glad to be able to read your posts... I missed the LOVE.
    Nothing like a good family and that's what you all are to me.
    AWAKE AT 5 😁
    BUS CAME AT 8:05
  • RunStart34
    RunStart34 Posts: 164 Member
    Just for today. go exercise 30 mins of any kind.
  • CocoLoris
    CocoLoris Posts: 115 Member
    JFT Wednesday 16/10/19
    Workout A 🧘🏼‍♀️
    Finish cv 🏋🏼‍♀️
    Send email + cv to R 🧘🏼‍♀️
    Send email + cv to A - putting it off till tmrw
    Rummage through pictures to find « wall worthy » ones 🏄🏼‍♀️

    Pretty happy with this. I have been working for 2 days on some of these goals and I just wanted to go for a long walk as a way to reward myself and that in itself is a win. The bad weather prevented this but tomorrow I shall go and walk to the beach :-)

    I am being more mindful by the day and loving it