40 and older with 10lbs or less to lose



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Good Luck tonight Gnastro - Those type of events are always hard to deal with while watching what you eat. I've started making up snack bags of craisins and walnuts (about 150 calories) the sugar and fat seems to help me deal when I'm surrounded by the yummy smells of junk food.

    My sister-in-law and her family are visiting this weekend so I will use Saturday as my cheat day. Not planning to go overboard with calories but will be making some dishes that aren't necessarily the healthiest although I'm trying to make them as healthy as I can. I decided not bake there are ice cream sandwiches in the deep freeze so if people want something sweet I will steer them toward those. I actually plan to use their visit as an excuse to empty the house of a lot of junk food that is still here. She's bringing 3 teenagers so it shouldn't take long.:laugh:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi duffyzmom,
    I made it through the event. I brought a protein bar and 16 oz of water. When i got home I had an egg white omlet with a low fat cheese stick and a multi grain muffin. Made it another day without being unhealthy.I just have to keep this up.
    Thanks again.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Good Morning All! I'm in a great mood this morning. The Scale moved WOOHOO! I know I shouldn't let it affect my mood but can't help it. Today's weight 137 I also have reached my waist measurement goal. 28 inches I've made it a whole week eating clean and have really noticed an increase in energy. (Could also be partly due to the spring like weather we've had the last couple days:glasses: )
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning! Another Friday reporting day. Pretty clean diet this week. 10 workouts. Clothes fitting better, getting stronger. No weighing, no measuring, just a mirror as my guide. Overall, well pleased with my progress.
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    hi: I weighed on Monday (I don't have a scale at home - so no weigh in today) - and had lost 1 kg in 2 weeks so am only 4 kg from my goal. I have also had a good week. I gave up wine for Lent - but that is only since Wednesday. I took a new yoga class that I enjoyed (and felt the next day). My schedule is different every week so I have a hard time taking classes that are not on a 'drop in' basis but found a place near my house with a wide variety of yoga, pilate classes throughout the week - and you pay class-by-class. Am off to the gym now.....
  • Hi All,

    Is it too late to join in? I am almost 52 years old and I have about 20 pounds to go. I am post menopausal l and am really struggling with my weight. I had joined WW about 7 years ago and kept my weight off for almost 6 years. Then it started creeping back up. Jan, 08 I was determined to take off the last 9 pounds. I was doing fairly well, the I was diagnosed with depression and had to start taking Effexor. Let the fun and games begin. I immediately strarted gaining 1.5 to 2 pounds a month. I was totally freaked out and went to see my doctor in Aug, 08. She said it was because of the HRT that I was on and needed to talk to my GYN about going off HRT. Well, I stopped taking HRT in October, 08 and have continued to gain weight at approx 2 pounds a month.

    I work out at a gym 5 days a week at 5am. I take a beginner spin class on Monday (mostly to support the spin instructor since her class number has dropped) and an advanced spin class on Tues, Thurs. I do weight training on Wed, Fri. Saturday is my day off, then on Sun, my husband and I ride our bikes about 20 miles.

    Something else I have done is to start going to a Nutrition Class on Tuesday evenings and of course keeping my food journal. My nutritionist said that my body was in starvation mode since I was still eating between 1,000 and 1,100 cals a day via WW program. I've increased my calorie intake to at least 1,200 cals a day every other day and as much as 1,800 cal a day on days that I do the high intensity spin class. While I am losing inches a little at a time, my weight has actually gone up another 4 pounds. :noway:

    So, back to the doc I go and told her I wanted OFF the antidepressant because I was more depressed about my weight gain. She relented and is weaning me off the Effexor, but has now put me on Wellbutrin to see if I can lose weight now..........

    I could go on and on, but I think you all will get the general idea. Hope to be talking to all of you soon!

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!!!!

    Scoobs, welcome!! :drinker: If I were you I would be frustrated myself!!! :noway: I am glad to see that you are taking control of the situation. I've heard a lot of people say wellbutrin has helped them not only to lose weight but to feel great. You exercise a lot already. Maybe change some of the workouts or the intensity. I think now that you are eating more you will see changes. Just try to stick to healthy foods and ocassional treats. :happy:

    Well, down 2 lbs!! I could feel I had lost but not that much!! The only thing I could credit it to would be zig zagging and of course eating pretty clean most of the time, I would say 85-90% of the time. I have also lost 3 inches overall. Singfree, I know you always say it is not about the weight, etc so I feel great, I look great, the mirror says it :laugh: :laugh: When I come back from my trip I am going to make an appt to get a complete panel done. Last time I had it done, less than 2yrs ago, everything was good. When I went last year the doctor suggested I skip it because my previous tests were perfect. She was also judging it by how I look. I was a little upset about that because you never know what is going on inside your body but that day I did not feel like arguing with her. But I will have it done by the summer no matter what she says. You never know...

    I already logged in all my food for today. I did all three levels of Shred, 80mins, 610 cals.

    Have a great Friday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • msujdak
    msujdak Posts: 141
    Nice job on the 3 levels of shred Alf!! Yesterday I did Jillian Michaels NoMoreTRoubleZones - all old school mat work. I sweat up a storm-410 cal for 50 min! Today I dance for 90 minutes.

    Rock on on already logging your food for the day. Makes it easier to stick to your plan and not cheat if you have it planned out. Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thanks!! Yes, I am packing everything in a little cooler to leave in the car. I am going shopping for some shorts for my trip so I will be on the road looking for bargains :laugh: :laugh: Not going to work today...I'd better get going!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Morning all! It's been a pretty busy few days, but I've managed to get all of my workouts in AND keep my diet clean. I had kind of an ice-breaker event last night and managed to skip all of the wonderful looking fried shrimp and egg rolls! That wasn't easy. Tonight I have a catered dinner, so that will be another challenge. But my willpower remains strong. I keep telling myself this isn't about denying myself, it's about creating a better me! Somedays that works better than others. :tongue:

    I'm down 2.2 pounds from last week (to 128.5), and down a half an inch in my waist (to 26.5). I'm pleased!! I have an hour of lower body strength training to do today, and then I think I'm going to end my week of working out with a very long stretch.

    Enjoy your day everybody!!
  • ontheedge50
    ontheedge50 Posts: 31 Member
    Holy cow! I see so many big numbers lost! You guys are great. I'm still struggling but did manage to drop one pound. Working out 5 days a week. Trying to make my time at the gym more intense with more calorie burn. Eating right and eating less. Work Work Work!!!
    Kudos to all of you for hard work and determination! :happy:
  • ontheedge50
    ontheedge50 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All,

    Is it too late to join in? I am almost 52 years old and I have about 20 pounds to go. I am post menopausal l and am really struggling with my weight. I had joined WW about 7 years ago and kept my weight off for almost 6 years. Then it started creeping back up. Jan, 08 I was determined to take off the last 9 pounds. I was doing fairly well, the I was diagnosed with depression and had to start taking Effexor. Let the fun and games begin. I immediately strarted gaining 1.5 to 2 pounds a month. I was totally freaked out and went to see my doctor in Aug, 08. She said it was because of the HRT that I was on and needed to talk to my GYN about going off HRT. Well, I stopped taking HRT in October, 08 and have continued to gain weight at approx 2 pounds a month.

    I work out at a gym 5 days a week at 5am. I take a beginner spin class on Monday (mostly to support the spin instructor since her class number has dropped) and an advanced spin class on Tues, Thurs. I do weight training on Wed, Fri. Saturday is my day off, then on Sun, my husband and I ride our bikes about 20 miles.

    Something else I have done is to start going to a Nutrition Class on Tuesday evenings and of course keeping my food journal. My nutritionist said that my body was in starvation mode since I was still eating between 1,000 and 1,100 cals a day via WW program. I've increased my calorie intake to at least 1,200 cals a day every other day and as much as 1,800 cal a day on days that I do the high intensity spin class. While I am losing inches a little at a time, my weight has actually gone up another 4 pounds. :noway:

    So, back to the doc I go and told her I wanted OFF the antidepressant because I was more depressed about my weight gain. She relented and is weaning me off the Effexor, but has now put me on Wellbutrin to see if I can lose weight now..........

    I could go on and on, but I think you all will get the general idea. Hope to be talking to all of you soon!

    I feel your pain! I've NEVER had to work so hard to loose weight. Something to due with our age? I Hate It! Sure makes me appreciate my youth now that it's gone. lol:cry: Sounds like you've been working really hard. You're loosing inches! That's great!!!! Sometimes the scale doesn't know it all.
    I found out that I have Thyroid issues along with menopause. Have you had yours checked? If not it might be something to look into.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    hi all,
    I just found you and wanted to join in. I am 42 and understanding how hard the journey to this goal is. I have been reading a bit about you all and keep hearing you talk about "shred?" can someone tell me what this is? I am beginning to think I will neeed to up my workout if I am to ever get to my goal, but being a full time mom of a 2yr old and a 14yr old with Cerebral palsy makes it hard for me to go to a gym. I run 4 to 5 times a week -2 miles each, and do a strength training routine at home. This worked fine for me a few yrs ago, but I'm beginning to wonder if it will this time. I've been slowly getting into a routine of eating healthy and exercise, about 8 weeks, I gained a few lbs at first but I think they just came off this week., so I will give mfp a fighting chance.:smile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome Kimss and other newbies!

    The Shred is Jillian's 30 day Shred - it's a DVD with three levels. I found mine on Amazon and finished my 30 days earilier this week. I lost 9 lbs and 2.5 inches from my waist during that 30 days. If you like DVDs it is easy to find cheaply. I only paid around $8 for mine.
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    thanks, I will be looking into that dvd tomorrow. I'm guessing its tough? I hope it doesn't take alot of balance or coordination, I also have almost no rhythm either. But, I'll try my best. thanks for the help duffyzmom.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello again!!!!

    Welcome Kimss!! :drinker: The shed video is not hard at all, it is not a dance, aerobics video....actually a lot of the exercises are pretty basic. You will like it!!! Yes, it is tough but hey it might be something that will make a difference for you. I just want to suggest that you do not do it every day. You may do it every other day. Also stretch longer than what is done in the video. If you think just one level is not enough for you, you can do two or three at a time. Also you move to the next level when you feel like it...there is really no strict rule on how it is followed. I read your post earlier, another thing that might help you would be to increase the distance of your runs or increase the intensity, run faster. Also you might want to change your strength trng routine or increase the weight. Take care!!! :flowerforyou:

    I went out shopping today and I passed by a Marble Slab creamery twice. The waffle cones smelled soooooo good. And I have a coupon for a free ice cream with a mixin from there in my purse...I thought hey maybe I can make it a higher calorie day today instead and then I said "Annette, focus, focus, you cannot have it now!!!!" I didnt!! :drinker: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Amazingly.... I am down .5 pound this week! :bigsmile:
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    I am thinking of buying a video to take with me when I travel and cannot get to a gym - would the shred video work for this - it would be used on and off as I travel (which is at least once a month and sometimes for as long as a month). I also want to buy a yoga video if anyone has any recommendations. Thanks and have a good week end:smile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Wolfena, good to hear from you!!!! You were MIA!! :laugh: :laugh: Glad you are doing fine.

    hoamai, that is a great idea. After I read your post I thought I could take the shred video with me when I go to Puerto Rico next week. I will not have my weights but hey at least I am doing something...I am also taking my jump rope and resistance band. Sorry I dont have any yoga video recommendations.

    How is everyone else doing???? I'm getting ready to prepare some burgers following a recipe in the biggest loser cookbook. I can't wait to try them!!

    Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!
    My wife & I celebrated our wedding anniversary with a night at a hotel and a romantic dinner at a colonial era inn in Gettysburg, PA. I really thought about what I was eating (filet mignon, baked sweet potato, salad, red wine). We even got some good work in on the treadmill. Now, back to eating clean again. I am having some blood work done at the end of the month. This will be a great indicator of how I am doing internally.
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