
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Viv Aubrey is gorgeous and so is his setting!
    Machka that information would have come in very handy when Mama was turning off my music while I was doing homework ;) Your accomplishments and attitude are amazing. Bravissima!
    SuziQ Chocolate hummus? Really? ground chickpeas with chocolate?
    Tina in Ca that smoke is way too close. Hope you get just enough rain to reduce fire danger and not enough to cause slides. How well I remember the 5 seasons of California: drought, wildfire, pineapple express, mudslide and quake.
    Tracey learning a new job is exhausting, but I'm sure you'll have it down in no time. Meanwhile how about a stress relieving 10 minute walk break with that water alarm?
    Amber tell us about that picture?
    Ginny yes there are some nasty colds going around.
    NYKaren so sorry its had you down 11 days. Hope it's well and truly gone, and you and your DH are cheerful about your future.
    Okie looking forward to pics of you and your hubs in Halloween costumes.
    Connie hope your cold eases quickly, good for you getting your mom out to walk in the park.

    Joe bought a chainsaw on a stick (pole trimmer) and limbed up three of the worst trees this morning. We dragged the branches to piles near the burn barrel but didn't inaugurate it as it was just too rainy. Then my friend came and discovered we have lobster mushrooms, chanterelles and one king bolete. She was ecstatic and I was just glad we had something she could enjoy in gratitude for all her dance leading and now mushroom knowledge sharing. There are a few “baby” chanterelles that I'll check on again Wednesday and if they've grown will cut for her. There were many different ones she didn't recognize, but one that might be white matsutake. If new ones come up, will take a sample to the mushroom festival for expert verification, don't want to confuse with Amanita!

    This afternoon went with friends to the movie Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Enjoyed it more than I expected to. Now I'll have to check out the first one and watch it. ;)

    Joe wants to do the burning in the early morning. I understand, that's my most energetic time too. But alas, tomorrow I'm on hospitality committee at Church and Monday morning is BB&B. If he'd wait til after BB&B Monday, I'd postpone my walking date with a friend I need to catch up with. Better would be to wait til Tuesday, but ...patience?!? :noway:

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for October: get up and do it!
    Steps=6783 today so far, vits=19 log=19 CI<CO=17 CI<250<CO=10 Tumble=10 mfp=19 AF=16
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Slept well. :D
    Getting myself mentally ready for the three to arrive in a whirlwind. :D Want to wash my hair first, after breakfast.
    I would like to go out to lunch, with a short bus trip thrown in, but I'm sure family friendly restaurants will be packed on a Sunday. Getting there early is a must. DH is amenable, but I do have loads of food in the house as a fall back. Sometimes they just love to stay in, but it is not easy on the nerves for six hours!
    Thankfully, the weather is looking good. :D If it stays that way a picnic on the beach is a possibility. Plus ice cream?

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited October 2019
    exermom wrote: »
    M – whenever we go somewhere (Vince and I), I always take my food with me. While he’s ordering his food, I’m usually getting my sandwich prepared. The interesting thing is that I have a lot more food than he has and it’s usually better for me and less calories. But I am anxious to try that thing that’s like a burger at Burger King.

    Michele in NC

    I haven't eaten at a fast food burger place in ages. I remember getting a sundae at Hungry Jacks (Australia's name for Burger King) when my husband was in the hospital rehab because it was a nearby walk away. That was well over a year ago. And we might have stopped at a burger place when we were in Canada in 2017.

    When we eat out, the closest we'll get to fast food is Subway or Zambreros.

    Otherwise we eat in a restaurant or cafe ... but not frequently. Usually only when we're travelling.

    The last two days we've spent the day driving all over the countryside checking the cycling routes for a couple 200 kilometre events coming up soon. About halfway through yesterday, we stopped in a little town which fortunately had a Banjos Bakery and had lunch there. http://banjos.com.au/ That was nice, but today, we just picked up a couple things at a small grocery. :)

    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Barbara - getting out of my chair to walk might not be a bad idea either. I have been walking more to get things signed and such down in the resident wings. It makes for a leisurely walk as most of our residents are wheelchair bound, out hallways get congested a lot. We currently have 97 residents and only 2 are mobile.
    I hope Joe allows you to wait until Tuesday.

    Heather - I agree six hours in the house with the Grands is a long time to keep them occupied. I always try to have an adventure of some kind on the agenda too.

    Kelly - I literally laughed out loud at you making a wreath for your son, my husband used to do things like that for our daughters too. I did not paint the monopoly board rocks, I saw them somewhere online and they reminded me of Rebecca. I hope Tim sees the difference in time and doesn’t become too grumpy with you for not helping.

    Rodger cut wood most of the afternoon yesterday so that I can start baking it to dry it. We are going to do some craft shows this year, but probably not as many as the last two years. With me working full time I won’t have the time to paint and colour like I had previously. I do think I’ll be able to sell some at work though to coworkers.

    Had a fairly decent eating day yesterday, now to do it again today.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello one and all.

    I hope everyone is having or had a wonderful Sunday. I have yet to start my meal planning and have been having a somewhat lazy weekend. I am catching up with various chores today.

    Work has been busy which makes the days fly. Before I know it, it is Friday again.

    Luci – Sorry to hear you’re in pain after a long day. I hope you were able to get some quality sleep.

    Viv – I am sure you’re excited about the new kitchen. Hope the work starts as planned and stays within budget. Cannot wait to see the pictures. Glad to hear Maggie is OK after her adventures to the vet.

    Machka – You must be thrilled to have a break in coursework. I believe music is extremely healing in all of its forms. It’s a darn shame most of the schools in the US no longer offer music classes. I feel it is certainly limiting the education of the majority of the children in the US. I also bring lunch to the office. Not only does it control my eating, but is a big money saver! I do treat myself once in a blue moon as it is nice to go out and have lunch with my favorite co-workers.

    Heather – It must feel wonderful to feel better. I hope DH is on the mend too. I submit my taxes via paper too. It’s more of a protest than anything else with me. I actually like putting them together. Sorry to hear about DH’s younger daughter. It’s terrible knowing you will be made redundant but not knowing when. I think it makes one feel safer when the time continues to pass and you are still employed. Looking forward to seeing the fun you will be having on your next cruise! DH looks so happy with the grandkids.

    Rho – I hope the mechanic finds the issue with your vehicle. Terrible to put out such a large amount of funds and it’s not properly fixed. I also “love” when people blame technology for their errors. I would demand to speak with the manager.

    Lisa – Thank you for sharing the pictures. You have a lovely family. And, Egg is back. He probably slept for 3 days straight!

    Amber – Wow you are so ahead of the holiday rush! Congratulations on the inch and weight loss!

    KJ – Love the fig gift card idea! LOL!

    Debby – Congratulations on the new stove and great savings. Just in time for the holidays!

    Margaret – Yes, nature is humbling. Thank you for sharing the pictures. I certainly miss the fall foliage.

    Amber – The War of the Racoons. There is food somewhere…….. Have you tried sprinkling cayenne pepper? It seems to help with the pests here.

    Cathy – Happy birthday to your mom. What a beautiful cake!

    Terri – Thank you for sharing the pics from your garden.

    Kim – Oh, nooooooo. Certainly not normal for anyone at any age. She needs to get to the doctor’s office asap.

    Viv – What a handsome horse. He looks like he has some personality!

    Tracey – Love the Monopoly board. Very creative!

    Connie – I hope you feel better soon.

    Barbara – Yes, chocolate hummus. You have to try it to believe it. My boss shared some with me one day and I was amazed. It is a healthy alternative to a chocolate craving. At least one is getting some fiber with their treat. My problem is I love it so much it’s hard to control myself. The next time I purchase it I am going to immediately portion it out. It has a custard-like consistency. Wonderful by itself or with fruit.

    Michelle – Yes, beets. Scared myself too not too long ago. I have a wonderful roasted beet salad recipe. I must have eaten approximately five large beets. The next day I thought I had bleeding ulcers or something.

    JulieDee – Welcome.

    Hugs and support to all. SuziQ
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Heather, your adventures with your grands sound delightful.

    :)Suziq I love your positive attitude. I found MFP at age 62 and lost the 50 pounds that had plagued me for years and have kept it off. I see being active as one of my hobbies and have greatly reduced baking and knitting which kept me back.

    :) Big windstorm yesterday and last night so there are branches and stuff everywhere. I agreed to get out the leaf blower and work outside and Jake is staying inside to do the floors.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    I have run to the store, and picked up a few things.. I downloaded audible and am listening to all creatures great and small. enjoying listening to a book , with pups on my lap..