Keto made me sick as a dog!

Ugh never again! I was throwing up, diarrhea,dizzy and just sick from eating this way,I'll never do it again, anybody else not have this WOE work for them?


  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    edited October 2019
    mmapags wrote: »
    to me, KETO is just a another fad and miserable for most, diet of the year. The failure rate is HIGH compared to a balanced approach that doesn't require miserable restrictions. Find me a cardiologist that would say it is a safe diet for the heart? Only a quack would say that.

    The failure rate for all diets it high. Keto is a dietary modality that can be very effective for some and not do for others. For some, it can lower blood glucose levels and blunt hunger signalling. That being said, many studies and meta analyses have demonstrated that there is no metabolic advantage for fat loss and, after the initial water weight loss, is no more effective at weight reduction that any other dietary modality. It all comes down to energy balance no matter what dietary modality you employ.

    OP, keto is not necessary and sounds like it's not for you. My question would be though, were you intentional about electrolyte intake when starting? That can be the source of many issues for those embarking on a keto way of eating.

    FTR, I am not a practitioner of a keto diet. I eat a balanced, mildly low carb diet with a focus on protein and fibrous fruits and veggies. I have done just fine losing almost 40 lbs with this method.

    that is fair...that being said, my Doctor put me on 100 carb diet (I'm sure she got this basic info from her 2 nutrition classes) and said nothing about staying at a calorie deficit.. I did this and even went lower to around 50-75 carbs. and put myself on deficit. 77 lbs later and still losing, I am now eating 150-250 carbs a day and my A1C dropped from 6.1 last april to 5.2 just two weeks ago. Cholesterol went from 228 to 151! can't imagine anywhere near the success on KETO and a high fat diet, let alone being miserable as hell on such low carbs!

    Nice work! Many get the same BG reduction and blood lipids improvements from just lower carb without going full keto, but the most important things is the weight/body fat reduction.

    I typically eat between 100 and 150 grams of carbs. Not necessarily with any intention. It's just my preferred dietary makeup that is most satisfying.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    i think we are all different, I get sick on weight watchers, never heard anyone else do this but I think I did not have enough fat in my diet and probably ate my points in not so healthy foods. I started throwing up thinking maybe it is my gallbadder, No, when I started eating regularly again I was fine. I ate too regular and put 40 lbs on but I went low carb 100 gr and it suited me fine. I dont do keto or whole30 like my friend, too restrictive for me
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    It makes me very sick too. Truthfully it's not sustainable for me anyway so I shouldn't have even tried it. I also have no gall bladder so I bought ox bile tablets and they didn't help. The only people who should use this diet are those who need it for medical reasons or those who feel they can sustain the eating style indefinately. I was romanced by the quick weight loss promises. In my heart I knew I couldn't keep it up forever even if it had not made me sick. Over the years I tried pretty much all the low carb diets and lost on most of them until my gall bladder was removed but I never sustained the loss. I have managed to lose and keep most of it off on low calorie.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,227 Member
    That was exactly my experience with keto. One day of higher fat eating left me with a week of nausea, vomiting, was horrific!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    edited October 2019
    I love fat, but too much of it and I feel nauseous.

    I like moderate carbs, fat, and protein, so have no interest in trying keto.

    I may do an experiment with limiting added sugar for a month just to be able to comment on statements like this from my own n=1:
    gemiller87 wrote: »
    ...If you weren't low sugar before, don't forget that sugar is one of the most addicting substances in the world and removal of it truly can feel like withdrawal.