

  • sassbag
    sassbag Posts: 162 Member

    October Start Weight: 170.4 lbs
    October Goal Weight: 163.0 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155 lbs

    Oct 1: 170.4 lbs
    Oct 8: 171.4 lbs
    Oct 13: 170.4 lbs
    Oct 23: 173.4 lbs totally ok with this as had a lovely week all inclusive holiday 😀
    Oct 29: 172.4 lbs
    Oct 31:

    Still losing the holiday weight😀
  • sassbag
    sassbag Posts: 162 Member
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Really wanting to get to my goal and maintain between 135-138 by Thanksgiving. I am losing so slow these days though and it may take me till Christmas. My weigh in days will be Wednesday and hopefully I can finish the month at least 2 pounds down (which will be at the top of my maintenance weight). Not aiming for huge losses these days, just trying to make life changes that I will be able to sustain in the long run.

    October Start Weight: 140.9 = 9/30 weigh in
    October Goal Weight: 138.5 = this will put me at a 40 lb loss
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135

    Oct 1: 146.5 Monday weigh in so doesn't really count. I also started a new medication on Saturday and am retaining a ton of water. I was just at 140.9 on Friday and Saturday.
    Oct 2: 143.9 already getting back to normal. Hate water retention
    Oct 9: 143.6 lower, but was really hoping for more. This is after a 3 day weekend and a bit of a fall. So I will take it.
    Oct 16: 140.9 back down to my end weight last month. Now hoping for some progress in the next 2 weeks
    Oct 23: 143.9 sore so I think this is water retention

    Oct 30: 140.7 I have lost an entire 2/10 of a pound in the month of October. Not my greatest, lol.
  • QoLmatters
    QoLmatters Posts: 708 Member
    October Start Weight: 100.2 kg
    October Goal Weight: 97 kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 70 kg

    Oct 1: 100.2
    Oct 6: 100.5 Having some digestion issues and didn't exercise as much as I usually do.
    Surgery- recovering then got flu.
    Oct 23: 99.9 Still have flu and not exercising but not hungry either.
    Oct 31: 100.1 Haven't been dieting this last week just concentrated on getting better. Will go back on diet Monday 4/11. Too much to do this weekend.

    Only lost 100g for the month - at least I didn't gain :)
  • thumbalina81
    thumbalina81 Posts: 12 Member
    October Start Weight: 70.4 (155.2 lb)
    October Goal Weight: 69.4 (153 lb)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 58 (125 lb)

    Oct 1:
    Oct 8:
    Oct 15: 70.4 kg
    Oct 24: 69.6 kg (153.4 lb)
    Oct 29: 68.5 kg gooooot it!!! Just dont want to gain it back! As i am being very strict with the food and that goves me a bit of grumpiness and anxiety
    Oct 31: 68.1 kg (150.1 lb) :)
  • xtinaluvspink
    xtinaluvspink Posts: 12 Member
    October Goal Weight: 200
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 180

    Oct 1: 206.8
    Oct 8: 203.4
    Oct 15: 201.6 (dress fits even better, only .5" gap before it closes. Need 1" for it to fit really well)
    Oct 22: 199!!!
    Oct 29: 199 (same weight, but also I ran my fastest ever half marathon - by 10 min - on 10/27 and feel AMAZING about it!)
    Oct 31: 199.6 but I hit my goal! November, Here I come!

    My goal is to fit into my wedding dress (again - it fit in July!) for my January 24 wedding :blush:

  • jamfullhouse
    jamfullhouse Posts: 292 Member
    Original Starting weight 178.5
    October Start Weight: 171
    October Goal Weight: 167
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135

    Oct 1: 171
    Oct 8: 170
    Oct 15: 172.5
    Oct 22: 168.9
    Oct 29:170 Not to bad considering 10 hours of driving to visit family and Halloween parties over the weekend. I thought it would be much worse.
    Oct 31: 171

    Ended the same as I started. Ugh! At least I didn't gain. I spent to much of this last week in the car and not working out. I will have to switch up somethings for November.
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    October Start Weight: 125.2
    October Goal Weight: 122.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: maintain between 120-125

    Oct 1: 125.2
    Oct 8: 125.0 – Lost during the week, but slacked up this weekend and the scale is showing it
    Oct 15: 126.8 – Bad week
    Oct 22: 124.4 – Back down in my maintenance range
    Oct 29: 124.6 – Up a little, but I haven’t been as strict with what I have eaten the last few days. Still within maintenance range.
    Oct 31: 124.2 – 1 lb loss for the month. I have spent most of the month within my maintenance range, so I am happy about that.
  • jmsspring
    jmsspring Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight: 282.3 9/24/19
    October Start Weight:276.6
    October Goal Weight:269
    New October Goal Weight: 266.3 (16lb total)
    Ultimate Goal Weight:170

    Oct 1:276.6
    Oct 7:274.7
    Oct 14:270.6
    Oct 21:268.4
    Oct 28:265.4
    Oct 31: 263.8

    October went better than I thought, lost 12.8lb this month, 18.5 overall since Sept 24. Stayed strict with 1400-1500kcal a day and walking 30m a day. Can't wait to lose the next 12!
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Original Start Weight: __ 218.6
    October Start Weight: __ 185.7
    October Goal Weight: __ 180
    Ultimate Goal Weight: __ 150 ish

    Oct 1: ___ 185.7
    Oct 8: ___ 184.0
    Oct 15: __ 185.3
    Oct 22: __ 184.5
    Oct 29: __ 183.6
    Oct 31: __ 183.6

    Didn't hit my goal but am happy with a loss. 😀

  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    October Start Weight: 148.4
    October Goal Weight: 144
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140

    Oct 1: 148.4
    Oct 7: 146.2
    Oct 14: 149.4
    Oct 21: 148.8
    Oct 28: 149.4
    Oct 31: 148.2 - I’m happy that I at least stayed in the 140’s for the whole month, but will really need to focus if I want to hit goal weight by the end of the year.
  • sophiechaw
    sophiechaw Posts: 67 Member
    Original Start Weight: 215
    October Start Weight: 204
    October Goal Weight: 194
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130-135

    Oct 1: 204
    Oct 8: 202.4 (-1.6 lb)
    Oct 15: 199.6 (-2.8 lb)
    Oct 22: 199 (-0.6 lb) I think I was retaining water that day 🤔
    Oct 29: 195.6 (-3.4 lb)
    Oct 31: 195.6 (-0 lb)

    Didn’t quite reach my goal for the month but that’s ok. Total loss this month was 8.4 lb and will continue this journey in November thread. Happy Halloween, everyone!
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    Original start weight: 271.9 (May 23, 2019)
    October Start Weight: 248
    October Goal Weight: below 240 (so, anywhere in the 239s)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Oct 1: 248.0

    Oct 8: 247.6 traveled to a different state for a wedding (at a winery) over the weekend and have been celebrating my birthday and our anniversary with my husband. Think this is a false high due to banquet food and wine.

    Oct 15: 244.4. Down 3.2 from last week, 3.6 somfar this minth, and 27.5 from official start. This weight is up a little after pizza night last night. And don’t worry about the 3lbs drop in one week, last week was a false high due to water weight, this weigh-in is right on the line for HappyScale. Still a little ways to go to be out of the 240s by the end of the month, definitely need to go out walking again...but when? After work is tough.

    Oct 27: 241.8 for a total loss of 30lbs and a challenge loss of 6.2. Back up today due to tailgating yesterday and 3 days of late night dinners screwing up my digestive patterns. But I survived back to back 13 hour days for conferences and have Thursday off and a 6 day “no students” weekend. The team has a bye this next weekend, so I will actually get to spend Saturday with my husband instead of standing in a parking lot in the cold. Looking forward to that!

    Oct 31: 242.6 Went out for Mexican last night, complete with margaritas, queso, guacamole, and chips. 10/10, will do again. 5.4 lost in October.
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Really wanting to get to my goal and maintain between 135-138 by Thanksgiving. I am losing so slow these days though and it may take me till Christmas. My weigh in days will be Wednesday and hopefully I can finish the month at least 2 pounds down (which will be at the top of my maintenance weight). Not aiming for huge losses these days, just trying to make life changes that I will be able to sustain in the long run.

    October Start Weight: 140.9 = 9/30 weigh in
    October Goal Weight: 138.5 = this will put me at a 40 lb loss
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135

    Oct 1: 146.5 Monday weigh in so doesn't really count. I also started a new medication on Saturday and am retaining a ton of water. I was just at 140.9 on Friday and Saturday.
    Oct 2: 143.9 already getting back to normal. Hate water retention
    Oct 9: 143.6 lower, but was really hoping for more. This is after a 3 day weekend and a bit of a fall. So I will take it.
    Oct 16: 140.9 back down to my end weight last month. Now hoping for some progress in the next 2 weeks
    Oct 23: 143.9 sore so I think this is water retention
    Oct 30: 140.7 I have lost an entire 2/10 of a pound in the month of October. Not my greatest, lol.

    Oct 31: 140.7 So I am finishing the month pretty much where I started. My moving average is down 2.2 pounds in the last 31 days, so there's a win and I am smack in the middle of a healthy BMI. The last couple of pounds may take me a long time to lose, but I will just keep working at them. I only have 2 pounds to lose to be at the top of my maintenance and 5 to be on the low end of it. Good job everyone!
  • sprez71417
    sprez71417 Posts: 5 Member
    October Start Weight: 170
    October Goal Weight: 160
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140

    Oct 1: 170
    Oct 8: 168
    Oct 15: 168 😐
    Oct 22: 166
    Oct 29: 163
    Oct 31: 164