November 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Dory_42 wrote: »
    I need some accountability in working on my fitness so this looks like a great option. I use running as one of the ways to keep my fitness up for my Jiu Jitsu training (grappling martial art), but this has been a crazy year and I have been out of action for 8 months and am only on limited training now. Broken radius and ulna (opponent landed on the arm at competition) then transplant surgery (I donated my kidney) with a collapsed lung. Cleared from both of those to find I had a frozen shoulder which is thankfully healing well. So as I increase my time on the Jiu Jitsu mats gradually, I need to work on my fitness in other ways, like running.

    I run once or twice a week, outside because I hate treadmills. Summer is coming to South Africa so it's normally morning which means beachfront runs before work or hills around home on off days. I am currently getting back to the point where I can run for the full 30 minutes without having to walk, then I'll check my distance and work on increasing that. (30 minutes is long enough for me!) My goal is 5km in under 30 minutes, but I've never done that in my life so don't think I'll get there this year, hopefully this summer though.

    I don't do races because I'd rather spend money on Jiu Jitsu competitions and park run clashes with open mat or work. I occasionally so the MyRun (same idea as Park run but on a Sunday) if I'm not working. I do want to do a big obstacle course race one day (I do a local short one with my nieces every year) but that will hopefully be done with the guy who has my kidney so I need to give him at least a year to get back to full health after kidney disease and transplant before we start looking at options.

    Welcome! I have studied American Freestyle Karate, Aikido, Tai Kwan Do, and several other fighting arts including Jiu-Jitsum though only AFK and Aikido with seriousness. Aikido remains my favorite, but I have been out of it for a while. There are several others in this thread that have studies similarly.

    The endurance that long-distance running builds will help you in matches. You can defeat superior opponets merely by holding your own until till they are too tired and made a mistake.

    I remember one fight, as an example, when I fell back into a sidekick-ish pose and waited for the guy to come at me. Any time he came close I fired off kicks fast enough that he kept falling back away (Not what I would have done against me, but hey, I did not complain).

    He actually said "You can't keep that up much longer!"
    And I was like "Watch me." ( I did not say anything, I just smiled)


    Ah I miss those days. Sorry about your lung, shoulder, and arm, but cool about the kidney! Good luck in your climb back!
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the kind words about my race report. After a day of reflecting I’m making a mental note of what I want going forward. I have shoulder and neck pain on a daily basis and struggle with my posture. My coaches encouragement regarding my form during the 5k race to relax my shoulders helped me realize I need to focus on my upper body during training and find ways to improve my posture. (Perhaps an anti-trex plan is in order as @PastorVincent would call it). Other than that, the 5k training plan we used in class left off at a taper of 2 rest days after having built to 20ish weekly miles. I think this is a good place for me to continue building weekly mileage while training for a longer race. I’ll likely do a Thanksgiving 10k of some sort and consider it my warm up race for a future half marathon. There are at least 3 Thanksgiving 10ks in my area available. I’ll keep up with the speed work and hills once a week. Unfortunately Houston doesn’t have much in the way of elevation. But I’ll use the tools I have available.

    @katharmonic Wow! Thanks for the great descriptions of the Spartan races. I often see them advertised on Facebook and am too chicken to check them out. I’m 52, so seeing you out there close to my age encourages me to step outside my box.

    @Dory_42 welcome! It sounds like you’ve been through a very challenging season of life. I’m glad you decided to join us.

  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    @kirstymn Great race report and congrats on a great time! The view in your photos looks like it was a beautiful place to run. What a nice surprise that your mom came to cheer you on!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,504 Member
    I have shoulder and neck pain on a daily basis and struggle with my posture.
    Not that you are seeking advice here, but specifically "Iyengar" yoga specifically targets posture, proper alignment, and awareness of posture.

    A certified Iyengar teacher would be a great person to speak with on overcoming this.

  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I have shoulder and neck pain on a daily basis and struggle with my posture.
    Not that you are seeking advice here, but specifically "Iyengar" yoga specifically targets posture, proper alignment, and awareness of posture.

    A certified Iyengar teacher would be a great person to speak with on overcoming this.

    Thanks! I was just looking at some yoga videos through my health insurance’s wellness app. I’m thinking yoga definitely needs more emphasis in my cross training.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    zeesparrow wrote: »
    @PastorVincent You too!! AND MrsPastorVincent!