What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Lotsa rehab and a lower body exercise video
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    edited November 2019
    Somewhat short today. I hit new PRs today though!

    5 min helix lateral machine
    5x5 bench press (PR: 60 lbs)
    5x5 squats (PR: 90 lbs)

    I was the only woman in the weight room this morning and some guy stopped me halfway through my bench sets to give unsolicited advice on my form and then proceeded to sit on a machine behind me for the rest of my workout after I gave him a clearly not interested in what he thinks response. It really frustrated me and put me in a funk so I wasn't as efficient with the rest of my workout and cut out early. I don't lift a lot of weight in comparison to the guys but I'm out there giving it my all and unless you're my trainer or I asked for it I don't want to be mansplained at the gym. I wish I could afford a good women only gym because the dynamics of a commercial gym can really be frustrating sometimes 😭
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Same ol' 3 x 10" on rowing machine, but as 3 separate workouts (morning, afternoon, evening) because of schedule nonsense, each with 2" easy CD. Average 2:27.4 @ 22spm, 2:23.1@ 24spm, 2:21.5 @ 24spm. First mostly Z3, last 2 mostly Z4.

    I really didn't want to do the last one, but did.

    Followed by a couple of sets of swiss ball roll-outs, and some side planks on the ball (done very poorly :lol: ).
  • StatChicBayes
    StatChicBayes Posts: 362 Member
    Cardio day - 55 minute spin class + 5 minute stretching. Active calories 275; no power summary available on monitor unfortunately.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    edited November 2019
    Workout number 2: evening erging - 2 x 18'/3' off with a ladder in terms of rate from 20 to 28. The ergs at school vs the ones that my club owns? Night and day. Funny what happens when you don't do any real maintenance on a piece of equipment (all three need new chains and the fan housing needs vacuuming).
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Skipped yesterday's workout. Had my dog's water therapy at lunch (my usual time to workout) and then just didn't feel like it in the evening. Still feeling rough a bit.

    Did 50 minutes of lighter SS today -- 30 on the rower @ around 2:17 and then 20 on the Assault Bike (really easy, around 130 Watts). Over these last several years of harder training, I've come to believe that, often, it's the ability to handle training load that separates good from great athletes. Whenever I've gotten really close to highly competitive, my body seems to break down at certain training thresholds. I'm not complaining, just more of an observation. I've noticed that those that don't seem to break down have taken better care of their bodies over time than I have and have also remained somewhat competitive over the years (always active).
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Another leg day cause it's all I can do and rehab
    It's like a full time job
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    I had a cold, so had two days off exercising. (I am pretty sure it was bubonic plague.)

    I seem to be recovered, so went climbing for 100 minutes. After I got warmed up, I became obsessed with a route that was new for me. I spent 40 minutes on it, but sent it at the end. So not too bad a session.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,008 Member
    today: full body weight training, 35 min spin bike
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Day 0014:

    Stretching - Keep same
    10:00 Minutes

    Elliptical - Keep changing it up
    02:22 Minutes - 0.25 Miles

    Chest Press Machine - *Less Weight, full rep sets*
    01 x 15 Reps - 150lbs - Fast/Full Set
    01 x 15 Reps - 150lbs - Had to pause at 10 and slow lift the last 5 reps.
    01 x 15 Reps - 150lbs - After 05 Reps, had to single rep until 15.

    Tricep Press - *Keep Same*
    03 x 15 Reps - 120lbs - Felt tired during last set at Reps 10 through 15.

    Hanging Leg Raise - *Keep Same*
    03 x 15 Reps - Bodyweight - Set 01 was hardest. Probably needed longer cooldown from Tricep Press.

    Row Machine - *Keep Same*
    01 x 15 Reps - 115lbs
    01 x 15 Reps - 115lbs - Had to single rep the last 05 Reps.
    01 x 15 Reps - 115lbs - 05 Reps then single push until 15. Pull, Pause, Pull, Pause, etc. I was meant to do this at 55lbs, but I misread the weight as the Cable Row's weight and set to 115lbs.. I meant to split those two exercises up to avoid this anyway. Regardless, 115lbs from 55lbs on Tuesday is gains.

    Closed Grip Shoulder Press - *Keep Same*
    03 x 15 Reps - 55lbs - Easy enough, gets tired with fast reps. Last 05 Reps on final set had fatigue. Did these in a row with a 10 second pause.

    Abdominal Machine *Keep Same*
    03 x 15 Reps - 60lbs - Could have done more. Played it safe. Good interrupt of the tricep/bicep workouts.

    Deltoid Raise - *Replace Exercise*
    01 x 15 Reps - 100lbs - Horrible set. This machine feels so wrong.
    01 x 15 Reps - 95lbs - Dropset - Machine just felt wrong.
    01 x 15 Reps - 90lbs - Dropset
    Machine just did not feel like it was a good workout. Everything about it felt clunky and off. Will replace with freeweights or cable next time.

    Wide Grip Shoulder Press - *Change Machines to Leverage Press*
    01 x 15 Reps - 55lbs - Needed a break on this muscle group. Moved on

    Cable Row - *Increase Weight*
    03 x 15 Reps - 104lbs - Felt great, strong, power hungry and able to do more with this machine. I really enjoy the movement and muscle targets the Cable Row gives me. Did fast sets with nary a pause between them. Felt great.

    Bicep Curl Machine - *Change to Bar Weights*
    03 x 15 Reps - 55lbs - Exhausted. Machine feels wrong at my size. Returning to barweight curls.

    Wide Grip Shoulder Press Leverage Machine - *Replace Machine with this*
    02 x 15 Reps - 60lbs - Felt better on this version with more weight. Smoother motion. Easier for larger/wider guys to get into and use as well.

    Lat Pull Down - *Keep Same*
    03 x 15 Reps - 115lbs - Added 5lbs to this. Felt exhausted doing sets. End of workout stretch though. Nothing to be done but power through.

    Assisted Pull Ups - *Continue to try and improve*
    01 x 10 Reps - 220lbs - Did a full 10 rep set with this. Felt awesome. Nearly 2 weeks of this and I did my first (assisted) 10 reps of pull ups. Long term goal to do these unassisted and in my 03 x 15 Rep Sets.

    Tricep Rope Press - *Continue to do*
    03 x 15 Reps - 44lbs - This sucked. Tail end of the workout. Just exhausted physically and mentally. But I muddle through.

    I'm really please with my progress over the soon-to-be two weeks that I've been hitting this gym. Going to continue on muddling through this horrible stuff until I hopefully look like a decently in-shape person in a year or three.

    Leg Day tomorrow. Good luck to everyone else!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    Spin class (I was late for it :( ), plus the usual high-ish rep, low-weight strength stuff.
  • surfbug808
    surfbug808 Posts: 251 Member
    Rest day. 45 min foam rolling/stretching, 30 min walk to get groceries, and a massage :smile:
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    30min session with PT, a horrid mini circuit comprising of a shuttle run, then 3xsquat and press/1xburpee repeated for as long as the shuttle took, all repeated for 20min (plus warm up and cool down/stretc)

    Leg day, still working at relatively low weight/high rep, adding 1 rep for each set above what I did last week. Up.to 9 reps for the deep barbell squats and 14 for all other exercises. Will up again next week and then the week after will add weight on and drop the reps back down.

    45min tabata class plus 15min abs.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member

    1hour stair workout with personal trainer. She had absolutely no sympathy for the fact it was the day after leg day and the doms is in full swing.

    Pull up work, I'm slowly but surely seeing progress. After using the lat pull down to activate my lats I managed 3 sets of 4 band assisted pull ups. Moving on to the assisted pull up machine, I added reps to each set in pull ups and chin ups, plus managed a single rep at level 15 of 17, which I failed at last week. Finished the pull up work with 5xnegatives. Then did some assisted dips, fairly easily managing 3x10 at level 12 (level higher than last week).

    Mini tri
    1km row
    7km cycle
    2km run

    10min deep stretch.

    3xdead hangs - still cant hold these for long, but I will get there
  • jhanleybrown
    jhanleybrown Posts: 240 Member
    45 min powerzone ride on spin bike. First time in new zones on new spin bike. It's great. I've got my zones dialed in now so it was very hard, but also achievable

    Main sets were 3x9 minutes. Sets were
    6 min zone 4, 3 min zone 5
    7 min zone 4, 2 min zone 5
    8 min zone 4, 1 min zone 5

  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited November 2019
    Such a nice day that I brought the rower outside and put on the back deck so my dogs could play and see the sunshine instead of being in a small room with me while I row (one of the few times they are in their crates).

    The one is Floyd, my son's Pug/Bichon Frise mix. He's staying with us until my son settles in after a recent move to San Diego. I saved the wrong pic, he was actually smiling in the one. Can't see them really well, but the Tortolita Mountains are in the background. We see them from one side (they are a smaller range North of Tucson) and from a different angle, we see the Catalinas (much more dramatic range that Tucson is known for). The valley is really green for miles below us. I don't have water access but at least I have some lovely views I'll take advantage of this Winter.

    Did a 30 minute row, wiped off, then a 25 minute one after. Around 12K total meters.

  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    90 minutes' bouldering.

    This was a great session - really fun. I got around 5 routes I have struggled with in the past. I didn't go up anything new, but it is the most v3s I've got in a single session.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    60 minutes of erging broken up into six 10 minute intervals with 90 sec rest. Steady state, variable rate, and the last two had 2 power tens each. I went to my rowing club's clubhouse to erg and they thankfully had this morning's workout up so I just followed that. Less fun by myself than with other people, but we're moving most of our ergs to a better facility, so today's morning erg session was capped and I wasn't willing to wake up early and potentially not be able to erg.
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Day 0015:

    08:00 Minutes

    Elliptical - *Increase to 0.5 Mile Sprint*
    01:45 - 0.25 Miles

    Perfect Squat Machine - *Reduce Weight and Hold 02 Weeks*
    01 x 15 Reps - 02(45) + 02(25)
    01 x 10 + 05 Reps - 02(45) + 02(25)
    03 x 05 Reps - 02(45) + 02(25)
    Felt this hard.

    Leg Press - *Reduce and Hold 02 Weeks*
    03 x 15 Reps - 06(45) + 167lb Machine Base
    Tired. Felt like a good bit of weight. Near my Year End goal fo 08(45).

    Glute Press - *Add, Keep, or Reduce Weight as needed*
    03 x 15 Reps - 150lbs - Left Side
    03 x 15 Reps - 150lbs - Right Side
    Slow and steady reps. This is one of the easiest exercises I do. Might increase weight on Tuesday, but not by much to be safe.

    Leg Curl - *Hold and Maintain for 02 Weeks as Needed*
    03 x 15 Reps - 110lbs
    Felt slight twinge at end 5 reps.

    Hanging Leg Raise - *Hold and Maintain Reps*
    03 x 15 Reps - Bodyweight
    Feels fine. Sometimes get a cramp twinge at end. My core is the worst part to work as a large guy.

    Leg Extensions - *Reduce to 150lbs and Maintain 02 Weeks*
    03 x 15 Reps - 160lbs
    Felt a bit much at this weight.

    Abdominal Machine - *Hold and Maintain 02 Weeks*
    03 x 15 Reps - 60lbs
    Started feeling the cramp twinge in at the end of 02 x 15 Reps.

    Standing Calf Lift - *Hold and Maintain 01 Weeks*
    03 x 15 Reps - 02(45lbs) + 2(25lbs)

    Deadlifts - *Reduce and Maintain 02 Weeks*
    01 x 08 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 05 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 05 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 05 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 02 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 05 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 05 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 05 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    01 x 05 Reps - 04(45lbs)
    Couldn't find 35lbs plates. Figured I could try and do 04(45) instead. Obviously a bit heavy for my 03 x 15 Reps standard. Switched more to a 05 x 05 rep set and then went on to hit my 45 Rep overall goal. Will reduce and maintain. Felt absolutely exhausted by these. Hands hurt from the grip. Wore me plum out. I think I need a weight belt for the abs for these sorts of things as well.

    Abduction - *Increase and Maintain 02 Weeks*
    03 x 15 Reps - 110lbs
    Odd exercise. Dunno if it's something I'll keep in the mix long term.

    Adduction Machine *Increase and Maintain 02 Weeks*
    03 x 15 Reps - 110lbs
    Odd exercise. Dunno if it's something I'll keep in the mix long term. Felt like it was doing more than the Abduction side.

    Vertical Leg Raise - *Continue to Attempt*
    02 x 05 Reps
    02 x 05 Reps
    Welp, another personal milestone knocked out. Grip was pretty sore after deadlifts so I had to stop at 05 reps and reset hands. Still, hanging leg raises on a bar full unassisted. Feels like progress.

    So, 2 weeks later and I'm 100% happy with my results and progress in the near term. Gonna basically repeat this and yesterday at the same weights or a little lower for the next 2-4 weeks until I feel confident to move on. Giving some thought to moving to a 5x5 program with 5 lift days. Who knows. Found some good CA Coaches Weightlifting Cirriculum that I'm gonna read over this weekend and incorporate into my workouts.

    Good luck to everyone else on hitting your goals
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,853 Member
    10' rowing machine with 2' CD before breakfast. Then I decided to go really radical and (instead of 2 x 10 at just under 2:30) do 2 x 2k on, at just under 2:30 ( <= that's both literally true, and a rower joke). As always, 2' off (final as CD, middle one as row out, drink, row in).

    I remembered that I like doing distance pieces (vs. time) because it's sometimes kind of fun to try to hit a certain number of meters per stroke and it's easier to do this (on my preferred C2 power curve monitor display) on distance pieces. This time, I was trying to hit the catch on the even zeros (1990m, 1980m, and so on down), and succeeding pretty well, especially on the last piece when I dropped the rating and really paid attention.

    Still mostly working technique/power (li'l ol' lady definition of power ;) ). Overall, 35:16 of rowing including the CD and row/in out on the rest interval; of which 13:19 Z3, 18:54 Z4, using Garmin's zones, ranges based on actual tested HRmax, not age-estimated. Splits 2:28.7 @ 22spm, 2:26.3 @ 23spm, 2:28.3 @ 20spm, all damper 3/DF 103.

    Friday night, odds of doing core work later are non-zero, but small. ;)