JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @bex953172 - Comodore 64
    When our girls were little there were times that we only bought them the Santa gift, one gift from us and their stockings. They got so much from everyone that they never noticed. I took advantage of that as long as I could.

    @AJB1014 - I hope you got some rest today.

    And yea Commodore 64! That's what he had lol!! New it was something like that haha I was close!
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Monday
    1. Log all food
    2. Gym or workout at home
    3. Drink 150oz water
    4. Meditate
    5. Journal
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Had a nothing good to eat weekend. I got some stuff done though. I finished cleaning out the cabin finally so Mom can move in and turn it back into her art studio. I know she's really excited about that.

    All of our bills are finally caught up! There's nothing in the red right now. I know talking about finances is taboo but it feels amazing to only have to pay this months as opposed to this months and last months, ya know? And it's the holiday season now so Matt is working a lot of hours so the money should be nice. The problem with my jobs, as much as I love them, is that they are per diem. So if I don't work I don't get paid. But oh well. Lol. I still love my jobs!

    Okay, need to jet! I'll be back later.

    JFT, 11/18/19

    1. Log all food
    2. Drink 64+oz of water
    3. Tidy up laundry
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Had a nothing good to eat weekend. I got some stuff done though. I finished cleaning out the cabin finally so Mom can move in and turn it back into her art studio. I know she's really excited about that.

    All of our bills are finally caught up! There's nothing in the red right now. I know talking about finances is taboo but it feels amazing to only have to pay this months as opposed to this months and last months, ya know? And it's the holiday season now so Matt is working a lot of hours so the money should be nice. The problem with my jobs, as much as I love them, is that they are per diem. So if I don't work I don't get paid. But oh well. Lol. I still love my jobs!

    Okay, need to jet! I'll be back later.

    JFT, 11/18/19

    1. Log all food
    2. Drink 64+oz of water
    3. Tidy up laundry

    Well done on getting your bills on track!
    Me and Ash know how hard that one is! We're still paying off a few things BUT we're all up to date with them and you're right it is a good feeling just paying what you owe for that month and no arrears!
    Once you get out that trap you don't really get in it again unless something happens or unexpected cost for something like car repair.
    But it's a nightmare trying to juggle bills isn't it?
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey ladies,

    Had a nothing good to eat weekend. I got some stuff done though. I finished cleaning out the cabin finally so Mom can move in and turn it back into her art studio. I know she's really excited about that.

    All of our bills are finally caught up! There's nothing in the red right now. I know talking about finances is taboo but it feels amazing to only have to pay this months as opposed to this months and last months, ya know? And it's the holiday season now so Matt is working a lot of hours so the money should be nice. The problem with my jobs, as much as I love them, is that they are per diem. So if I don't work I don't get paid. But oh well. Lol. I still love my jobs!

    Okay, need to jet! I'll be back later.

    JFT, 11/18/19

    1. Log all food
    2. Drink 64+oz of water
    3. Tidy up laundry

    Well done on getting your bills on track!
    Me and Ash know how hard that one is! We're still paying off a few things BUT we're all up to date with them and you're right it is a good feeling just paying what you owe for that month and no arrears!
    Once you get out that trap you don't really get in it again unless something happens or unexpected cost for something like car repair.
    But it's a nightmare trying to juggle bills isn't it?

    OMG it is! And now that we've moved our rent is more than twice what it was. We're still trying to figure out a new budget for it all.
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all,

    Is there such a thing as a TV-binge hangover? Because I watched quite a lot of TV this week and am feeling run down...on second thought it's probably the staying up late and eating crap that went along with it. It sucks that the motivation and energy you need to get back on track is just what you get AFTER. Anyway, I'm going to focus on what I want to do over how I feel. Hauled out my sun lamp today as the weather has just been miserable here-I need some sort of sun, even if it's artificial!

    log food/exercise 3x a week
    post on JFT 3x a week ✅ ✅
    80 oz. water
    social time
    cook 2x ✅
    bed at 9, lights out 9:30

    log food/exercise 3x a week
    post on JFT 3x a week ✅
    80 oz. water
    social time
    bed at 9, lights out 9:30
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    5 lb challenge
    Starting 189.0
    Today 188.0 wrong direction

    JFT - Sunday Nov 17
    2L of water - 🤨 close 1.5
    Log all food - 🙂 and for the first time since June was under 1200
    Exercise 15 minutes - 👿
    Gratitude Journal - 🙂

    JFT - Monday Nov 18
    2L of water
    Log all food
    Exercise 15 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    Checking in this morning before my day starts. I’m at work and normally start working as soon as I get here, but thought I would take time to do this.

    @HEGoddard0928 - I have been juggling bills for years it is a pain in butt. You always feel broke and you never get ahead. I feel your pain.

    As a matter of fact I have to call a friend today to see if I can borrow 100 to get me through until payday or we’ll be paying NSF fees.

    @littleblackskirt - nice that you had some time with your Grandson. He’s growing fast. I hope you can get more of those days.

    Ok I guess my day should get going. Have a great day everyone.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,366 Member
    Discard 5 lb Challenge
    Name: Nikki
    SW: 152.0
    GW: 147.0
    11/12: 151.8 -0.2
    11/13: 151.8
    11/14: 151.6 - 0.4
    11/15:151.4 -0.6

    JFT Friday
    - Work on time :smiley:
    - Protein bar for breakfast :)
    - Log everything :smiley:
    - Stay green :smiley:
    - Work on CTS submissions :smiley:
    - Likely leave early :smiley:

    I was a MIA over the weekend. Started back on one of the meds I'd gone off of and stopped taking one med I was taking (per doc order). Net result was that I slept all weekend, and ate poorly when I was up. Didn't weigh in this morning, because I really wasn't up to seeing the damage. Today isn't starting out great, but I haven't given up on it yet.

    JFT Monday
    - Up at 6:00 and get blood work done :( I was up, but didn't get up
    - On time for work :neutral: - On time for me
    - Try to get it together and be productive
    - Maybe leave early
    - Counselor at 5:00
    - Log all food GBU
    - Aim for Green

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    1. Log all food ✔
    2. Waters 👎
    3. Assemble wood rack, stack one more rack today 👎 moved wood and covered it but didn't stack, still got some exercise in though!
    4. Prep baked chicken breast ✔
    5. Cook lunch at home ✔ such a success, had to go out and really wanted KFC but ate before i left to resist temptation
    6. Cook dinner at home ✔
    7. Empty/fill dishwasher ✔
    8. Sweep/vacuum ✔
    9. Rest!!!!!!! ✔ ✔ ✔ success!!! Finally took a nice nap!
    10. Dont take everything so personally ✔
    11. Daily reminders to carry until completed; pay tolls bill, thanksgiving farm order, pick paint colors, order bear rug, order diaper cake centerpieces, quote mushroom cupcakes, pay oil budget bill, replace kitchen light bulbs (DH), switch cell phone plan to prepaid, change name on work/bank/credit cards, update w2, tour g hospital.

    Finally successful on rest! Took a nap til noon and kept chores to a minimum. Had to go to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things but that was kind of nice to go by myself and just putz around. I even picked up some nail polish and did my nails! I dont remember the last time i did that! I could definitely use some practice, but the self care felt nice anyway. Back to work today. Cannot believe Thanksgiving is sneaking right up on us! Not terribly stressed about that since were not hosting this year, I knew it would be too much for me being pregnant and I'm thanking myself for it now for sure! I managed to prep two days of salads for both me and DH, but pickings are getting slim for food and i need to really plan the next few days for dinners. But I'm seeing it as a good thing that im actually using up all our groceries not letting anything waste...we rarely ever get thru a large box of spinach and have done it twice now. Its the little victories!

    1. Log all food
    2. Water
    3. Eat packed lunch
    4. Cook dinner at home
    5. Empty/fill dishwasher
    6. Load of towels
    7. Sort recycling
    8. Put out trash tonight
    9. Snuffle box for dog
    10. Two daily essentials, cat/cow and inversion
    11. Bed by 9, lights out by 930
    12. Daily reminders to carry until completed; pay tolls bill, thanksgiving farm order, pick paint colors, order bear rug, order diaper cake centerpieces, quote mushroom cupcakes, pay oil budget bill, replace kitchen light bulbs (DH), switch cell phone plan to prepaid, change name on work/bank/credit cards, update w2, tour g hospital.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,512 Member
    Another weekend I stayed (mostly) offline. Started Fri. evening since hubby took day off work & we went out for a rare weeknight dinner date at a local cafe. So nice!

    JFT M 11/18
    1) X-trained (circuit/weights) before work = :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    3) Eating up leftovers today / prelogged food so stick w/ plan / net calories zero / 14c water
    4) Conflict of Interest forms / email records request / verify 2019 CPE report / clear up Inbox backlog / Cognos training? other?
    5) To-do's: 5:00 parade meeting / calculate 2020 FSA w/h & submit form / put away clean dishes / fold line-dried laundry & take upstairs / call Breadsmith w/ Thanksgiving order / meal plan & grocery list / other?
    6) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / bed & tv off 10:20 (rest day T)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,512 Member
    edited November 2019
    Name: Carmela
    Start Date (for me): November 13

    SW: 165.5
    GW: 160.5
    CW: 165.0
    change -0.5 lb
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,512 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In = When I'm active I eat back calories. My weaknesses: I love food... my sweet tooth, especially chocolate... portion control... FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Saturday a.m. is my MFP weigh-in logging day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. No goal dates set ~ this is not a diet but my lifestyle.

    Age 62, 5'4.5"
    GW #1: 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    GW #2: 145 normal BMI
    UG maintain: 145 - 150 [Need to be realistic! Revised from 140 - 145]

    11/5/15 = 195.0 joined MFP with no real plan except It's. Not. A. Diet.
    1/10/17 = 185.5 clearly not a regular on MFP / joined JFT, best group ever! :smiley:
    5/31/17 = 180.5 two end of month celebrations / committed to posting weekly weigh-in
    06/03 = 177.5
    06/10 = 179.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before
    06/17 = 179.5 numerous meals away from home, several occasions w/ alcohol, happy no gain
    06/24 = 178.0 fluctuated during week, but ended ok
    07/01 = 176.0 Yay!!! Achieved June goal to stay <180
    07/08 = 177.5 oops
    07/15 = 176.5
    07/22 = 175.0
    07/29 = 174.0 saw at least one daily w-i below 174
    08/05 = 174.5 dined out for Girls Day Out & ate Dad's cooking & baking
    08/12 = 173.5 scale flirted with even lower numbers on daily weigh-ins
    08/19 = 173.5 had couple of high calorie days
    08/26 = 172.0 kind of a surprise
    09/02/17 = 170.0 Woohoo! Officially overweight, not obese :smiley:
    09/09 = 171.5 backsliding, ack!
    09/16 = 169.5 yay, the middle number is a six!
    09/23 = 168.5 have lots challenges in upcoming week
    09/30 = 167.0 met Sept goal to stay under 170
    10/07 = 166.0
    10/14 = 166.5 dined out 2 days with adult beverages plus wine & cheesecake at spa
    10/21/17 = 166.5 dined out 2 days plus food day in office / no gain is good [joined Just Give Me 10 Days challenge (daily w/i)]
    10/28 = 164.5 very active week & watched CICO / reached October goal of 165
    11/04 = 163.0 wow, really surprised at this, daily fluctuations very up and down this week
    11/11 = 164.5 this is temporary b/c very high sodium yesterday
    11/18 = 162.0 big surprise, especially b/c I weigh myself daily and didn't see this all week
    11/25 = 163.0 no surprise after 2 no-logging-food days (parade day and Thanksgiving), just glad not worse
    12/02 = 161.0 Jingle Bell 5K day / 44:37 chip time & ave. pace 14:22 & very happy!
    12/09/17 = 158.5 surprised to say the least / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything! :love:
    12/16 = 158.0 no work parties or food days & stuck with CICO
    12/23 = 157.5 no "workouts" but shoveled snow & snowshoed, busy with Christmas preparations
    12/30 = 159.0 Christmas Day no food/beverages logged
    01/06/18 = 159.0 New Year's Eve hubby & I splurged on treats & beverages (at home), and I did not log...totally worth it!
    01/13 = 157.0 big surprise! Yesterday evening, walked in Frenzy on the Fox 5K in 47:26 & pace 15:19. Very happy with my time, wore layers of clothes in 10 degrees & NNW 12 mph wind, fun event.
    01/20 = 156.5
    01/27 = 156.5 maintaining / not a bad thing
    02/03 = sick / no weigh in
    02/10 = 152.5 unhealthy loss due to illness / I know weight will go back up & I'm totally fine with that
    02/17/18 = 153.0 thrilled with annual physical on 2/15/18: BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14 :star:
    02/24 = 154.0 little out of control last week, but at goal for the month
    03/03 = 155.5 oops / still lower than before I was sick
    03/10 = 153.5 back on track
    03/17 = 152.5
    03/24 = 153.0 evening snacks & two days straight of 8 hr seminars (+ lots of sitting)
    03/31 = 153.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before / Badger State Brewing 10K 1:30:28.82 and average pace 14:35 :smiley:
    04/07 = 154.5 ack ~ ate Easter candy most evenings
    04/14 = 153.5 Day 1 of record-setting blizzard ~ yuck! Followed by day 2 of blizzard, then snow day (no work / still shoveling & plowing) on Monday ~ in APRIL ~ yikes! :p
    04/21 = 153.5 after such weird week & daily weight fluctuations, happy to maintain
    04/28 = 152.0
    05/05 = 153.5 kinda stalled three months + feeling hungry more often ~ since w/i 10# of goal, changed MFP setting to lose 1/2 lb. per week & see how it goes
    05/12 = 153.5 ok with this ~ think changing my MFP setting, and having more net calories to play with, is agreeing with me ~ I'm not so hungry all the time
    05/19 = 154.0 drinks (2 margaritas) & dinner w/ BFF night before + enjoyed everything!
    05/26/18 = 153.0 Health Risk Assessment 5/15/18 ~ BMI 25.6 :star:
    06/02 = 153.0 basically in maintenance for now ~ I'll take it!
    06/09 = 152.5 Bellin Run 10K 1:28:12 split time 45:03 ave. pace 14:12 ~ beat goal of < 1:30 :star:
    06/16 = 152.0
    06/23 = 156.0 end of vacation week & lots of eating out
    06/30 = 155.5
    07/07 = 156.0 post-vacation w/i net calories not. so. much. Ack!
    07/14 = 154.5 prelogging & sticking w/ plan helps
    07/21 = 154.5 Packers 5K 44:50 ave pace 14:26 min/mile ~ beat goal < 45:00 :star:
    07/28 = 157.5 peanut M&M attacks (eek) + dinner out w/ SIL/niece (yum!) + staff luncheon (ick)
    08/03 = 155.5 started Evening Snack Challenge on JFT
    08/11 = 158.0 stressful week (job crap ~ hubby's & my own) >:) , Chinese buffet 1 evening & Feast with the Beasts (so worth it!)
    08/18 = 157.5 saw 156.0 during week ~ evening snack challenge not. so. good.
    08/25 = 156.0 prelogged as much as possible & CICO getting better
    09/01 = 154.5 included Taste on Broadway & office relocation so packing & moving boxes ~ very pleased
    09/08 = 157.5 too many office bday indulgences / City Stadium 5K for Veterans 44:27 & ave. pace 14:16 ~ beat goal of < 44:30 :star:
    09/15 = 156.0
    09/22 = 155.5 maybe lower if not for Pizza Ranch prairie pizza & wine at BFF's the night before
    09/29 = 154.0
    10/06 = 155.0 may include water retention in muscles b/c resumed home version of weights & circuit-training day before
    10/13 = 157.0 birthday treats & adult beverages / walked in Run for the Hill of It 5K in 48:13 pace 15:32 & hill 2:01 ~ beat both time (part unpaved trail with sloppy conditions due to 5" rain over preceding week) & hill (finish is UP a steep sledding hill) from last year :star: and learned only 25 out of 267 participants finished the hill < 1 min.
    10/20 = 155.0
    10/27 = 158.0 oops... lots of leaf-raking the evening before + too. much. snacking.
    11/03 = 156.5 better planning / stopped evening snacking (mostly)
    11/10 = 156.0 basically stuck in maintenance mode ~ not the worst thing
    11/17 = 157.0
    11/24 = 159.5 Thanksgiving week & paid time off with hubby ~ def going in wrong direction ~ oops
    12/01 = 157.5 Jingle Bell 5K 45:38 & ave. pace 14:42 ~ not bad
    12/08 = 157.0
    12/15 = 156.5 clearly in maintenance mode all year ~ not exactly the plan but I'm ok with this for now ~ really happy to stay 1-5-anything
    12/22 = 155.5 surprised by this ~ maybe due to much later than normal weigh-in (late start to the day)
    12/29/18 = 159.5 stayed 1-5-anything over holidays & vacation days at home
    01/05/19 = 157.5
    01/12 = 158.0 Frenzy on the Fox 5K 1/11 with friends ~ not timed / MapMyWalk 54:19
    01/19 = 158.0 maintained even with evening snacking & skipped workouts
    01/26 = 157.5
    02/02 = 158.5 hubby's traditional bday dinner + leftovers + evening snacking ~ oops
    02/09 = 158.5 ok with no gain / Seroogy's Valentine 5K 48:34:89 & ave. pace 15:89 in below zero temps & icy mile 2
    02/16 = 158.0
    02/23 = 160.0 oops... deserved, net cals & sodium def red prior 3 days. Annual physical 2/26 159.6 fully clothed.
    03/02 = 159.5
    03/09 = 157.5
    03/16 = 158.0 feeling unwell & no workouts all week
    03/23 = 157.5 finally feeling better
    03/31 = 160.5 posting Sun. month end w/i ~ too many days, net calories RED. Badger State Brewing 10K 3/30 in 1:28:14 & ave. pace 14:12 and beat goal < 1:30 :star:
    04/06 = 160.0 saw 158.5 during week
    04/13 = 159.5
    Hiatus from MFP 4/17 - 4/29 (Easter 4/21)
    05/04 = 161.5 logging again starting 4/30
    05/11 = 163.0 ack
    05/18 = 163.0 no gain
    05/25 = 163.0 could be worse
    06/01 = 162.0
    06/08 = 162.0 pre-race spaghetti night before / Bellin Run 10K 1:29:54 split 44:13 ave. pace 14:29
    06/15 = 164.0 ate at fast food, cafe (brunch), pub (happy hour), seminar (lunch), dinner at BFF's (sangria)
    06/22 = 162.5 better eating & tracking
    06/29 = 163.5 two days of conference food
    07/06 = 162.5
    07/13 = 163.5 two out-of-town family parties + diner food + drinks/dinner at Mexican restaurant
    07/20 = 166.0 cousin's funeral luncheon (one whole table w/ family desserts) + restaurant week lunch w/ hubby + pizza supper w/ hubby
    07/27 = 165.0
    08/03 = 164.5 happy to see any loss at all... I am the tortoise :D
    08/10 = 167.5 high sodium & emotional eating
    08/17 = 167.5
    08/24 = 165.5
    08/31 = 169.5 staycation week & ate whatever I wanted
    09/07 = 167.0 flushed sodium & water weight / City Stadium 5K for Veterans 45:12 (goal < 45:00) & ave. pace 14:33
    09/14 = 166.5
    09/21 = 166.0
    09/27 = 165.5
    10/05 = 167.5 pre-race food ~ Pink Pumpkin 5K 44:06 :star: (goal < 45:00) & ave. pace 14:12
    10/12 = 165.5 eating back on track ~ Run for the Hill of It 5K (trail event) 48:06 & hill 1:58 :star: (goal < 2 min.)
    10/19 = 165.5
    10/26 = 165.0 slowly but surely... my lifestyle is NOT a diet :D
    11/02 = 165.5 party (Maru & Jack) food night before
    11/09 = 164.5 few days of staying at zero net calories works!
    11/16 = 165.0 rare Fri. night dinner date w/ hubby at local cafe ~ totally worth it!

    “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Francis of Assisi
  • mmartin7613
    mmartin7613 Posts: 37 Member
    Drink water
    No Pringles
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Is there such a thing as a TV-binge hangover? Because I watched quite a lot of TV this week and am feeling run down...on second thought it's probably the staying up late and eating crap that went along with it. It sucks that the motivation and energy you need to get back on track is just what you get AFTER. Anyway, I'm going to focus on what I want to do over how I feel. Hauled out my sun lamp today as the weather has just been miserable here-I need some sort of sun, even if it's artificial!

    Lack of sunlight can make you feel just miserable! I just got put on a high dose of Vitamin D and I think I'm going to start tanning again. I can feel my mood go down when the sun does! It's going to be a long winter. I've had the TV-Binge hangover before...it sucks! LOL! xoxo
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    J4T / Sunday
    • Journal every bite - good, bad & ugly :)
    • Drink 80+ oz of water >:)
    • Run Errands :)
    • Quilting :)
    • 15+ minutes of cardio >:)
    • 15 minutes of strength training >:)
    • Prep for tomorrow: clothing / lunch bag packed / coffeemaker set :)
    • Early bedtime with evening routine: Skin care >:) / Gratitude journal >:) / DO reading >:) / JM podcast :) / SA daily reading >:) / pick a book to read (still haven't found a new book to read yet...) --FIND A BOOK! SERIOUSLY!!! JUST PICK ONE! >:) I STILL have not picked a new book to read! I've been watching old collections of Great British Bake Off instead until I fall asleep. I'm hopelessly addicted to this show.... :mrgreen:

    Was sick all weekend, fighting off a cold. So, didn't make very good choices! Planning to go to bed early tonight also. Counting the minutes until I'm done with work today.

    I started a work challenge today. It runs from 11/18 through 12/22. Any employee who wants to participate can register. Basically, we need to get 150 minutes of exercise every week between these dates, and if we succeed, we are entered into a drawing to win PTO (vacation days)! C'monnnnn Tracie! :smile:

    Discard 5 lbs Challenge #5
    Name: Tracie
    SW: 184.4 lb
    CW: 186.6 lb +2.2 lb gain
    GW: 179.4 lb

    J4T / Monday
    • Journal every bite - good, bad & ugly
    • Drink 80+ oz of water
    • Errands
    • Quilting
    • 15+ minutes of cardio
    • 15 minutes of strength training
    • Prep for tomorrow: clothing / lunch bag packed / coffeemaker set
    • Early bedtime with evening routine: Skin care / Gratitude journal / DO reading / JM podcast / SA daily reading / pick a book to read (still haven't found a new book to read yet...) --FIND A BOOK! SERIOUSLY!!! JUST PICK ONE!

    Word of 2019: TENACITY I will NOT give up!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    @PackerFanInGB hope you feel better soon and good luck with the work challenge.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Monday 18 November

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Water :)
    Fitbit exercise goals :)
    Attend to Happy scale trend - eat below maintenance. :) Lost 0.2 kg in last 7 days. First time in 6 weeks that I’ve not shown a gain! (Gained 1 kg in last 30 days and 3 kg in last 90 days so lots of work ahead of me to regain the lost ground).

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member

    I started a work challenge today. It runs from 11/18 through 12/22. Any employee who wants to participate can register. Basically, we need to get 150 minutes of exercise every week between these dates, and if we succeed, we are entered into a drawing to win PTO (vacation days)! C'monnnnn Tracie! :smile:

    Word of 2019: TENACITY I will NOT give up!

    You can do it Tracie!!! That is 21 minutes of exercise everyday!! And for free vacation days ... great incentive!!! Find that fun music video, walk around the block, Leslie walking videos, ..... I know you'll get there!! Plus for me, with this crappy winter-like weather, and no sun, excercise so far is what has really been helping me from getting really depressed and down in the dumps!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,314 Member
    edited November 2019
    The only failure is giving up!
    #1: - 5; #2: - 5.2; #3: -1.4; #4: -4.8
    NAME: Terri
    SW: 150.8 (11/11)
    GW: 145.8
    18/11: CW: 150.8: Back to starting weight! 😂

    Daily Goals
    • Food: log All food and drink; stay under goal; balance macros/micros; Hydrate adequately; NLNS!!!
    • Exercise: Knee Physio; 7,500+ Steps daily; 30 + minutes intentional exercise
    • Other: Daily Mindfulness Practice/Meditation; Practice Self-care; Positively reframe thoughts; Learn something new; 15 mins Daily Declutter session
    JFT: Mon 18 Nov
    Goals: 🌻 Back on track 👍🏻
    • 10.30am: Creative Writing Group 🌻
    • 2pm: Monday Painters 🌻
    • 6.30pm: Library Poetry🌻

    JFT: Tue 18 Nov
    • 10.30am: Patchwork Group

    Calorie Goal Challenge ~|~ Start Date: 4 Nov
    Stay under goal until Thanksgiving
    Days Under: 15/15