Anyone else overindulge on Thanksgiving?



  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    We had had dinner at my sister's yesterday and I felt so good only bringing home that 1 big piece of pumpkin pie to devour last night, knowing I was right back at it today. So my sister shows up today with fudge and peanut butter cookies, plus extra stuffing and squash, because she 'forgot' to give them to us yesterday. No dear sis, didn't you hear me refusing all leftovers except the pie and some turkey?? There was a reason for that. :/ But I handled it like a true MFP'er, ate the squash for lunch and told dh if he didn't plan on eating the fudge and cookies they would go directly into the trash. :) And the stuffing isn't calling my name because there isn't a big turkey dinner left to go with it. :)

    Now onto the next holiday...Oye
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thoroughly enjoyed what I ate. Went a bit over calories. Back under today. Left overs, including deserts, will hit trash tomorrow. Everyone took home what they wanted. None of us are much into deserts any more. Briefly felt guilty about what will go in trash, but would feel more guilty if I ate everything that is left.
  • MelissaPlusEight
    Yes. I planned to indulge without counting, thoroughly enjoyed my one plate with everything I wanted, and then I felt physically miserable later on. I think I could have restricted portion size more but still not skipped anything. Back on track today with lots of vegetables and leftover turkey. I weighed Thanksgiving morning just in case of getting a high reading for my normal weigh in the 1st, and I'm quite pleased with my progress.
  • stephie_nyc
    stephie_nyc Posts: 96 Member
    I was so busy. I didn´t even think I´d get a Thanksgiving dinner. My boyfriend and I made it to the store before it closed at 5 pm. We had salmon and instant mash and stuffing. I honestly think I overindulge more often than I did yesterday.
  • jasamjak67
    jasamjak67 Posts: 1,421 Member
    Im not liking myself so much right now. I ate wayyy too much and had one too many deserts. Of course I didn’t track. So my goal is to get right back on track, counting everything this next week. And I’m going to stay off the scale for a couple days. 😬

    My weight scale is a *kitten*! 🤪🙃🙌
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,580 Member
    OK, folks: For those of you who did eat an big meal, for an over-maintenance total (logged or not) that day, how's the afternmath so far?

    * Did you jump back on your healthy routine right away, or stumble a bit?
    * Are you back on track now?
    * How did the scale treat you (recognizing that it's early days, still)?


    Context is that I'm in maintenance after decades of obesity, but eating a bit below TDEE most days to indulge sometimes, and perhaps continue to lose slowly (like half a pound a week or less). Age 64, if that matters, and 5'5"' ; sedentary but regular exerciser.

    Thanksgiving was at least 2x TDEE (I didn't count, but I'm pretty good at estimating at this point), probably around 5,000 calories or more.

    Friday I was on target despite an indulge-y restaurant breakfast. Saturday I was probably a little over maintenance (maybe a couple of hundred calories, not major, but much higher carbs than usual). Sunday on target. Ate back exercise calories throughout, as usual.

    I weighed 134.4 pounds on Thursday morning before the festivities, skipped Friday because not at home, 136.0 Saturday, 135.4 Sunday, 134.2 today. I slept late this AM, so that may be a bit dehydrated, but overall I think NBD as predicted.

    Anyone else care to share their aftermath experience?
  • sugarcakes38
    sugarcakes38 Posts: 80 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    OK, folks: For those of you who did eat an big meal, for an over-maintenance total (logged or not) that day, how's the afternmath so far?

    * Did you jump back on your healthy routine right away, or stumble a bit?
    * Are you back on track now?
    * How did the scale treat you (recognizing that it's early days, still)?


    Context is that I'm in maintenance after decades of obesity, but eating a bit below TDEE most days to indulge sometimes, and perhaps continue to lose slowly (like half a pound a week or less). Age 64, if that matters, and 5'5"' ; sedentary but regular exerciser.

    Thanksgiving was at least 2x TDEE (I didn't count, but I'm pretty good at estimating at this point), probably around 5,000 calories or more.

    Friday I was on target despite an indulge-y restaurant breakfast. Saturday I was probably a little over maintenance (maybe a couple of hundred calories, not major, but much higher carbs than usual). Sunday on target. Ate back exercise calories throughout, as usual.

    I weighed 134.4 pounds on Thursday morning before the festivities, skipped Friday because not at home, 136.0 Saturday, 135.4 Sunday, 134.2 today. I slept late this AM, so that may be a bit dehydrated, but overall I think NBD as predicted.

    Anyone else care to share their aftermath experience?

    Yes! Believe it or not, as of this morning I’m back exactly the same weight a week ago before I totally went haywire. I really, truly thought I’d gained at least five pounds on thanksgiving and even the day after.

    Side note; I really appreciate all the help you give people on here with your experience and your knowledge. I actually screenshot one of your posts the day after thanksgiving just to read when I panic a little and yes, it helps keep a lot in perspective 🤗
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    OK, folks: For those of you who did eat an big meal, for an over-maintenance total (logged or not) that day, how's the afternmath so far?

    * Did you jump back on your healthy routine right away, or stumble a bit?
    * Are you back on track now?
    * How did the scale treat you (recognizing that it's early days, still)?


    Context is that I'm in maintenance after decades of obesity, but eating a bit below TDEE most days to indulge sometimes, and perhaps continue to lose slowly (like half a pound a week or less). Age 64, if that matters, and 5'5"' ; sedentary but regular exerciser.

    Thanksgiving was at least 2x TDEE (I didn't count, but I'm pretty good at estimating at this point), probably around 5,000 calories or more.

    Friday I was on target despite an indulge-y restaurant breakfast. Saturday I was probably a little over maintenance (maybe a couple of hundred calories, not major, but much higher carbs than usual). Sunday on target. Ate back exercise calories throughout, as usual.

    I weighed 134.4 pounds on Thursday morning before the festivities, skipped Friday because not at home, 136.0 Saturday, 135.4 Sunday, 134.2 today. I slept late this AM, so that may be a bit dehydrated, but overall I think NBD as predicted.

    Anyone else care to share their aftermath experience?

    I always planned to eat maintenance from Friday through Sunday. I am back in a deficit today. The scale is back down 2 pounds of the 6.2 uptick. The rest will fall off in a few days.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    OK, folks: For those of you who did eat an big meal, for an over-maintenance total (logged or not) that day, how's the afternmath so far?

    * Did you jump back on your healthy routine right away, or stumble a bit?
    * Are you back on track now?
    * How did the scale treat you (recognizing that it's early days, still)?


    Context is that I'm in maintenance after decades of obesity, but eating a bit below TDEE most days to indulge sometimes, and perhaps continue to lose slowly (like half a pound a week or less). Age 64, if that matters, and 5'5"' ; sedentary but regular exerciser.

    Thanksgiving was at least 2x TDEE (I didn't count, but I'm pretty good at estimating at this point), probably around 5,000 calories or more.

    Friday I was on target despite an indulge-y restaurant breakfast. Saturday I was probably a little over maintenance (maybe a couple of hundred calories, not major, but much higher carbs than usual). Sunday on target. Ate back exercise calories throughout, as usual.

    I weighed 134.4 pounds on Thursday morning before the festivities, skipped Friday because not at home, 136.0 Saturday, 135.4 Sunday, 134.2 today. I slept late this AM, so that may be a bit dehydrated, but overall I think NBD as predicted.

    Anyone else care to share their aftermath experience?

    1. Yup, I jumped back in just fine. I'm actually kind of surprised at how easily it happened. I did prepare properly, though, making my normal stuff easily accessible by shopping earlier that week. I did have a maintenance day yesterday, but that's not unusual for me and more had to do with boredom eating. I think too much vacation with not enough planned can be a bad thing sometimes.
    2. I am back on track now. I only weigh once a month and the time happened to fall right before Thanksgiving, so chances are I won't even see the "damage done" on the scale.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,668 Member
    I went back to eating my goal but haven't been working out as much, I'm up 2lbs.
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    OK, folks: For those of you who did eat an big meal, for an over-maintenance total (logged or not) that day, how's the afternmath so far?

    * Did you jump back on your healthy routine right away, or stumble a bit?
    * Are you back on track now?
    * How did the scale treat you (recognizing that it's early days, still)?


    Context is that I'm in maintenance after decades of obesity, but eating a bit below TDEE most days to indulge sometimes, and perhaps continue to lose slowly (like half a pound a week or less). Age 64, if that matters, and 5'5"' ; sedentary but regular exerciser.

    Thanksgiving was at least 2x TDEE (I didn't count, but I'm pretty good at estimating at this point), probably around 5,000 calories or more.

    Friday I was on target despite an indulge-y restaurant breakfast. Saturday I was probably a little over maintenance (maybe a couple of hundred calories, not major, but much higher carbs than usual). Sunday on target. Ate back exercise calories throughout, as usual.

    I weighed 134.4 pounds on Thursday morning before the festivities, skipped Friday because not at home, 136.0 Saturday, 135.4 Sunday, 134.2 today. I slept late this AM, so that may be a bit dehydrated, but overall I think NBD as predicted.

    Anyone else care to share their aftermath experience?

    Thanksgiving I didn’t count calories at all. I’m sure I was way over maintenance. The next two days I ate at maintenance to be able to enjoy leftovers. Sunday and today I’m back in a deficit.

    Weight was 147.6 on Thursday morning. It’s down to 146.7 today. I also had some TOM bloating happening going into Thanksgiving which is most likely why I’m down almost a pound despite my heavier eating days.
  • fromhailey
    fromhailey Posts: 14 Member
    I over indulged for Thanksgiving for a week :(
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,580 Member
    fromhailey wrote: »
    I over indulged for Thanksgiving for a week :(

    Not too late for a switchback! :flowerforyou:
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Two days out of 10 I backslid so bad, didn't count anything except my breakfasts both those days just because I thought I could hang in there. :/ Before those 10 days I weighed 138, yesterday when I weighed again I was at 137.5. So right back at it is my mantra. At least until cookie season starts. :( Then all bets are off.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,005 Member
    edited December 2019
    I sampled everything my Sister made including 2 huge pieces of pie and lots of homemade whipped cream. I stayed at her home for entire weekend but continued to work out. It was Thanksgiving and my birthday in same weekend, so I also went out for a huge ribeye steak dinner. This morning was first time I weighed myself since before Thanksgiving and was shocked I was still at my lowest weight from last week! I need to do this more often! haha!
  • Jomotive
    Jomotive Posts: 16 Member
    I definitely overindulged >.< plus, I continued to overindulge until today. I'm determined today I will stop going over cals! Let's get it!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,580 Member
    Jomotive wrote: »
    I definitely overindulged >.< plus, I continued to overindulge until today. I'm determined today I will stop going over cals! Let's get it!

    No time like the present: You've got this!

    I hope others' post-reports above will encourage you to believe that the scale will give you good news after a few days of getting back on track. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    It's a holiday...and a feast day at that. I don't concern myself with overindulging on traditional feast days...they aren't everyday occurrences.