Lose 5lbs + in December 2019



  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,024 Member
    edited December 2019
    •Lose 5 lbs in December 2019•

    Original starting wgt: 253
    December starting weight: 184.6
    December goal: 180
    ❄Updating every day through December.

    •Monday Updates•📌

    12/01 - 184.6 - My personal forbidden carbs (cookies, tortilla chips, chocolate) causing the uptick.
    📌12/02 - DNW
    12/03 - 185.6 - Needing some elimination 😟 and more water than I've been thirsting for. Indoor heat is really dehydrating me. Gonna have to force it for a few days.
    12/04 - 185.6

    12/05- 185.4 - I REALLY need to force a breakthrough on my water consumption. Lately, I can't get past 80-96ozs. Yesterday was only 72ozs. A couple of times a year this happens. I need a gallon a day for about a week to rehydrate.

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,628 Member
    Female, 59, 5'3"
    MFP start weight Oct 28.18 - 191
    December goal: 152.6
    May goal: 130.0
    Ultimate goal: 112-115

    November total: Loss 0.2

    December 01 - 157.6
    December 02 - 157.6
    December 03 - 158.4
    December 04 - 158.0
    December 05 - 156.8

    December running Loss/Gain: Loss 0.9
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    62 years old; 5'2"
    Original starting weight - 158.5 (12/30/2018)
    November 30 ending weight 145.6 November loss 1.7 lbs)

    December starting weight - 145.5
    December goal - 143.5/140.5

    Ultimate goal - 135.0

    I have found Monday (M), Wednesday (W), Friday (F) weigh-in accountability works best for me. I've pinned the weekly weigh-in days for the challenge.

    Graph use showing a small fluctuation yesterday and a whoosh from today's weigh-in. Imagine it will balance out somewhere in the middle by Friday.

    📌 1st (S)- 145.5 (Trend Weight 145.8)
    2nd (M) - 145.0 (Trend Weight 145.7)
    4th (W) - 145.2 (Trend Weight 145.6)
    6th (F) - 144.8 (Trend Weight 145.3)
    📌 8th (S) -
    9th (M) -
    11th (W) -
    13th (F) -
    📌 15th (S) -
    16th (M) -
    18th (W) -
    20th (F)
    📌 22nd (S) -
    23rd (M) -
    25th (W) - 🎄
    27th (F) -
    📌 29th (S) -
    30th (M) -
    📌 31st (T) - 🎉

    December Loss ~

    Thoughts: I'm way off on my workouts. Need to get moving again. I'm almost out of fresh produce too 😳

    December Game Plan & Goals: (Use stats from Fitbit 7 Day Summary)
    • Continue Meal Planning
    • Log meals & exercise daily in MFP
    • Focus on daily 500 calorie deficit goal
    • No calorie intake after 8pm.
    • Hit Fitbit step goal of 5000 - 2572 ⬇
    • Hit active minutes goal of 20 minutes daily - 27 ⬇
    • Hit strength training goal of 3 days on & 1 rest day

    Strength Training or Aerobics:
    Squats, lunges, push-ups (elevated), arm circles, side bends, & tricep lifts.
    • 12/1-4 - missed, missed, aerobics, Rest ✔
    • 12/5-8 - missed, 50, 50, Rest
    • 12/9-12 - 50, 50, 50, Rest
    • 12/13-16 - 50, 50, 50, Rest
    • 12/17-20 - 50, 50, 50, Rest
    • 12/21-24 - 50, 50, 50, Rest
    • 12/25-28 - 50, 50, 50, Rest
    • 12/29-31 - 50, 50, Rest

    30-Day Progress:

  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    •Lose 5 lbs in December 2019•

    Original starting wgt: 253
    December starting weight: 184.6
    December goal: 180
    ❄Updating every day through December.

    •Monday Updates•📌

    12/01 - 184.6 - My personal forbidden carbs (cookies, tortilla chips, chocolate) causing the uptick.
    📌12/02 - DNW
    12/03 - 185.6 - Needing some elimination 😟 and more water than I've been thirsting for. Indoor heat is really dehydrating me. Gonna have to force it for a few days.
    12/04 - 185.6

    12/05- 185.4 - I REALLY need to force a breakthrough on my water consumption. Lately, I can't get past 80-96ozs. Yesterday was only 72ozs. A couple of times a year this happens. I need a gallon a day for about a week to rehydrate.

    Your post here did a lightbulb thing for me. About water consumption. Many people here on MFP are quick and I do mean quick to say there is no such thing as a water guide for drinking water while working on losing weight. They just drink water for thirst, and check the color of their urine. And as long as remains a light straw color or lighter all is good. I do not push back, I do not disagree because if it works for them fine.

    But it made me stop and wonder, because every plan I have ever tried, and I have had Dr's as in Primary Dr.s, my Enodcrinologist (diabetes amongst other things they treat), and dieticians make a point of drinking water to me.
    The two online places that I personally put lots of faith in what they state are WebMD, and Mayo Clinic.

    Because both of them do discuss water consumption good and bad.
    One of their suggestions for water consumptions I found interesting, because in some ways it looked much like what I have seen about protein.
    Here it is say if you weigh 168 (I picked I want to weigh weight), You should consider drinking .8 of an ounce for every pound you weigh. So that would be 84 ounces per day. Or if you were very active and did cardio and or strength training every day you would shoot for the full ounce per pound. Except they suggest not going over a gallon, as that is not needed for almost anyone.

    Of course if you have a kidney function problem, and have been told differently by a Dr. one should follow that.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,024 Member
    edited December 2019
    @maureenkhilde, Thank you for being concerned.❤ I don't think there is much information about water consumption that I'm not aware of, but of course, I could be wrong. I have done 8 glasses a day, half my bodyweight, drink 8ozs of pure water to compensate for each cup of coffee or tea consumed, etc. Now, I drink water according to my thirst, unless I am at a point where I don't want to drink much or any water at all. I reach that point twice a year, so I have to force myself to drink it and by force, I don't mean choking it down until I am ill. Maybe force was not the word to use. I strive for a gallon a day until I feel fully hydrated, then I back off. Two days ago, I drank 136ozs. I needed it. Felt great. Yesterday was 96ozs. Today, probably won't be that much. 80 ozs is my normal. Low for me is 48ozs and under. I know a lot of people are very opinionated about a lot of things on MFP. I don't worry about that. I have been in tune with my body all my life. I know what works for me.

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,628 Member
    I am liking this discussion about water.
    Until February of this year I only drank 1 glass (8oz, 1 cup) of water per day, first thing in the morning, and that was it. I never was a water drinker.
    Now I am never under a litre (4 cups) and mostly average 6 cups. I have had the full 8 cups a few times only, I am usually pretty happy if I get 6 or 7.
    I have started counting herbal tea as water, that makes it more palatable for me, and I try to get 16oz of that per day to up my water intake.
    So half of the body weight? 157/2 = 76 ounces = 2250ml or 9.5 cups.
    Geez, I already pee too much.
    I try to have it earlier in the day or I will be up all night.
    I actually got 2250ml today. Can't imagine getting that much in every day. I will try.

    @LisaW57 was doing "Quench" this week, so I will be interested in her take on the water consumption.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,628 Member
    Congrats on the 20 pound loss!
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    Drinking water is something I am really bad about! I know what you mean @dawnbgethealthy about peeing so much!! Lol!! So if I’m going somewhere I’m even worse about drinking very much water. Going to try and do better this week!! I know how important it is!!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,024 Member
    edited December 2019
    •Lose 5 lbs in December 2019•

    Original starting wgt: 253
    December starting weight: 184.6
    December goal: 180
    ❄Updating every day through December.

    •Monday Updates•📌

    12/01 - 184.6 - My personal forbidden carbs (cookies, tortilla chips, chocolate) causing the uptick.
    📌12/02 - DNW
    12/03 - 185.6 - Needing some elimination 😟 and more water than I've been thirsting for. Indoor heat is really dehydrating me. Gonna have to force it for a few days.
    12/04 - 185.6
    12/05- 185.4 - I REALLY need to force a breakthrough on my water consumption. Lately, I can't get past 80-96ozs. Yesterday was only 72ozs. A couple of times a year this happens. I need a gallon a day for about a week to rehydrate.

    12/06 - 186.8
    12/07 - 186
    12/08 - 185.6

    Just found this hydration chart:

    Here's another link:
    8 glasses of water a day?

    @dawnbgethealthy, I count coffee, tea and herbal tea as extra fluids.

    A few years ago, I came across some information on needing 8 cups of water a day not being true. The truth~ 8 cups of FLUID a day, which includes, pure water, other fluids and fruits/vegetables with a high water content. So, whatever you consume during the day, pure water, tea, coffee, veg/fruit, soup, counts towards your total daily fluids. Even meat and poultry have water content. So bottom line is, drink water and eat a healthy diet.

    I drink a lot of water. I like water. I don't have opinions about anyone's water consumption. I DO know MY body and it's needs.

  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I’m 42 years old and 5’1” tall

    Original starting weight - 145
    December starting weight - 144
    December goal - 138
    Ultimate goal - some place between 122-125

    1st - 144.2
    8th- 142.6
    15th -
    22st -
    29th -

    Total loss for December -
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    edited December 2019
    I am liking this discussion about water.

    @LisaW57 was doing "Quench" this week, so I will be interested in her take on the water consumption.

    Thanks @dawnbgethealthy. The "Quench thing" has been interesting. And it's something that I believe it's going to be sustainable for me, so I will be working it into all of the healthy lifestyle changes I am making.

    I'm not a water drinker by nature, so all of "the rules" are discouraging to me. So is the peeling. It's nothing if not inconvenient.

    I'm going to be careful here, because there are lots of firmly entrenched opinions. My take? Water is important. Do what works for you and your lifestyle.

    What I'm learning is that water is only a small part of healthy hydration, and that there are immediate benefits to increasing efficient hydration. Part of the function of healthy hydration is to flush waste and toxins from our systems. That means peeing, too. Apparently, we should be peeing every 2-3 waking hours.

    My observation is, yep that's happening. Initially, it seemed it was much more. But it seems to have levelled out to that frequency. I suppose I will get used to it. (It was happening with age anyway, and at this point it's truly not much different.)

    I've been posting about the book Quench all over the place. I've pulled all my notes together for anyone that's interested. To keep this post from being too long, I'll put each "section" in a spoiler.

    The Book & Review. (With links)
    I started reading the book, "Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration" by Dana Cohen & Gina Bria on 11/10/19 which sheds more light on the science of hydration. Link to book on Amazon

    Nice review at this link.

    Key Points (from my perspective).
    I'm not a water drinker by nature. I'm a coffee fiend. Before discovering coffee, I was a soda fiend. As a southerner, sweet tea was integral to every summer.

    There are a number of formulas for adequate water intake. Ounces by weight. 8 glasses a day. Some advise an extra 8 oz for every cup of coffee, tea, or soda consumed.Yeah. Not happening. Not when I typically consume 4-6 cups of coffee per day, often supplemented by sweet iced or hot tea.

    The best I could get was a bottle of water through the day and taking a bottle to bed with me, because I would wake up thirsty at night. Then I could finish that bottle while brewing my morning go juice.

    Ignoring all of the scientific and anthropological information presented in the book, the Quench Plan does not harp on quantity. Nor does it harp on giving up coffee or tea unless you wanted to pay for that with extra water. Soda? Sweet Tea? Well, you want to reduce your intake of processed sugars. No one can argue with that. But the plan does not "punish" you for it by demanding penance in the form of more water.

    From the book, "And you’ve had it drummed into you that hydration requires eight glasses a day, or half your body weight in ounces. Indeed, the widely known eight-glasses-a-day recommendation has been traced to original government recommendations, which gave hydration guidelines based on total ounces.1 The surprise is that in those original guidelines, 45 percent of those ounces came from food. Over the years urban legend has morphed it into ounces from liquids only, and finally water only."

    The Premise.
    From the Thyme is Honey review, "Gel water is what forms around the chia seed when it comes in contact with liquid, but gel water is present in a lot of our food. This gel state of water is 10% more viscous than the liquid state. Not a major difference, but the way this water benefits our bodies is significant.

    Gel water has two major benefits: it is more hydrating than plain water, and it conducts electricity more efficiently. The health benefits of being optimally hydrated are obvious: it prevents disease. Conducting electricity is also vital because it is how our brains send signals to every other part of our body. The more efficient this system is, the faster and clearer we are able to think and function."

    So the goal is to add more gel water (plant based hydration) and healthy fats to our daily diet. The plan is simple in theory ...

    The 5-Day Plan.
    It's not a plan on terms of a diet's quick start that most of us think about. It's simply a well thought out guide to implement all of the key points in the book into a full 5 days - without you having to think about or plan it. Lots of variety and room for accommodating personal preference - or trying something new. It's laid out in a familiar format to anyone who had ever followed a diet - shopping lists, recipes, daily menus, and quick reference. But it is not a diet, it is simply a way to increase efficient hydration and absorption. It will easily work into any diet you are following with minimal effort.

    Have a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning. Simply squeeze a bit of fresh lemon in your water and add a pinch of sea salt. The salt enhances the flavor of the lemon and helps create the ideal electrolyte exchange to keep water balanced inside you. (Sea, Celtic, Himalayan, or Rock salt all provide more trace minerals to facilitate this than table salt.)

    Add (or substitute) a smoothie to breakfast. Use water. You are adding fruits and vegetables that are a source of gel water. Throw some chia seeds in. In addition to their nutritional benefit, they increase moisture retention by twofold - without the bloat. If you are dieting, many of the smoothie recipes in the book are less than 100 calories.

    Add a hydrating "Afternoon Delight" between lunch and dinner. Water, a pinch of sea salt, some chia seeds, and a couple of tablespoons of fruit juice.

    Meals? There is no strict plan. Add hydrating foods to each meal. Lots of lists (and recipes) in the book. Fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouts, broths, soups. Cut back on processed sugars, grains, and sodium - all rob water from your body. Sound familiar? Healthy, whole foods.

    There's much more to efficient hydration in the book than just discussion of diet. There's a lot of detail about other factors - movement and light. And there's a lot of discussion about how our bodies process and use hydration. There is a whole chapter on new research into the function of the fascia.

    There are suggested micro-movements incorporated into each day's plan that will help you move all of this water to where your body needs it.

    You don't have to follow any plan. You can just work elements from the book into your daily habitats. Anything is better than nothing.

    5 Day Plan - My Take. (12/1/19 - 12/5/19)
    I love having the lemon water first thing. Yes! Before coffee! I've got the morning smoothies figured out to add to a light breakfast or replace breakfast and maintain my calorie range. The "afternoon delight" is good. I'm not consistent with it but will continue to work it into my routine. I had all but given up juice and missed it. Even with adding more fruit into my day. The tiny amount of juice doesn't add much to sugar and calorie intake and makes the water more enjoyable - almost a treat.

    I haven't changed my way of eating. Still fruit with breakfast, salad or handful of baby spinach thrown into whatever I'm having for lunch, and a healthy dinner. My water intake is up 8-16 oz a day and is more consistent.

    I'm down 2.2 pounds for the 5 days. With no eating changes. That's (way) up from my average 0.5 per week.

    The big change I see is the reduction of coffee. I had dropped from 4-6 cups to 2-3 when starting this weight loss journey again. Not to reduce caffeine, but because I use a sweetened creamer. The lemon water in the morning has me down to 1-2 cups, shaving more calories out of the day. And I'm not feeling the headaches or grumpiness that has been part and parcel of trying to cut back.

    Now. The reason I did this is because of the claim to be a form of more efficient hydration resulting in better cognition, more energy, better skin, and less overall dryness. That's hard to gauge. I don't "feel" any different (other than not jonesing for my morning coffee).

    Observationally, a dry scaly itchy patch on my shoulder is gone, the scaly elbows are healing, and my legs are not flaking as bad. The dark circles under my eyes are a bit lighter and less puffy. Correlation or causation? I have no clue. But increasing water intake, adding seeds, and ensuring I'm adding plant based nutrients & water to my way of eating certainly isn't hurting, and requires no additional planning or tracking than I'm already doing. No one can argue that it's not a healthy change, so why not? I think this is something I will keep doing 😊

    Hydrating Foods.
    Top 12 Hydrating Veggies (percent water):
    1. Cucumbers 96.7%
    2. Romaine lettuce 95.6%
    3. Celery 95.4%
    4. Radishes 95.3%
    5. Zucchini 95%
    6. Tomatoes 94.5%
    7. Peppers 93.9%
    8. Cauliflower 92.1%
    9. Spinach 91.4%
    10. Broccoli 90.7%
    11. Carrots 90%
    12. Sprouts 86.5%

    Top 12 Hydrating Fruits (percent water):
    1. Starfruit 91.4%
    2. Watermelon 91.4%
    3. Strawberries 91%
    4. Grapefruit 90.5%
    5. Cantaloupe 90.2%
    6. Pineapple 87%
    7. Raspberries 87%
    8. Blueberries 85%

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,628 Member
    Female, 59, 5'3"
    MFP start weight Oct 28.18 - 191
    December goal: 152.6
    May goal: 130.0
    Ultimate goal: 112-115

    November total: Loss 0.2

    December 01 - 157.6
    December 02 - 157.6
    December 03 - 158.4
    December 04 - 158.0
    December 05 - 156.8
    December 06 - 156.7 - Wow, almost on track to lose one pound this first week. Shouldn't jinx myself : - )
    December 07 - 156.9
    December 08 - 157.5 - Haha, all of that water : - P

    December running Loss/Gain: Loss 0.1
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,628 Member
    I am with @Connie7355 in that if I am going somewhere I stop drinking water, especially the theatre when you can't leave in the middle, and you don't enjoy the show if you are uncomfortable.

    I was up to pee 6 times overnight, so had a really crappy sleep after my banner 2250ml of water, my recommended amount which I rarely hit. You would think that I would be down in weight instead of up after all of that peeing!
    I drink about 750ml of coffee in the morning, and shudder at the thought of having to drink that amount of water to make up for its dehydrating effects.
    Another reason that I disliked water so much is that it used to (not so much anymore) blow my stomach up to the size of a beach ball with only one glass. My sister and I were in Jamaica and had our bathing suits on before drinking our morning glass of water, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

    Thank you at @LisaW57 and @tiabirdie56. I am going to read all of that.