Who's this Fitness_Chick



  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Rats! Tried that quote thing and missed. My posts are a work in progress!
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709

    You said it yourself, "I am who I am and your approval is not needed."

    Glad you changed your ticker back. What others say that is insensitive and hurtful is just nonsense noise, "la la la la la la la" you can't even hear it. Good for you. You're always upbeat, kind, generous ot all posters alike. MFP would not be the same without you. So, just ignore those who treat you with unkindness and I hope you'll have it in your heart to forgive them.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Are you kidding me??? You are AWESOME, FC!!! We love you! :heart:
  • sunflower8926
    sunflower8926 Posts: 485 Member
  • Pocketangel
    I am pretty new to the site and have not had the opportunity to meet FC... but this site is a support site for all who need and want the help to better their life. We are all here for different reasons and how we got here ( being overweight) is sometimes just as important as the support we are getting to get our lives back on track.

    I was married for 15 years to a very abusive ( emotionally) man.. He degraded me every chance he got, he controlled me in every way possible and he made me feel i was not pretty enough, smart enough for any other man to want to be with me. Because of that, I hid my feelings through food, it then became a way of life for me.. eat when your sad, eat when your stressed, eat when your hurt or even when your happy.. I finally was able to break away from the abuse and we divorced... Now.. i am working on breaking away from the addiction of food...

    I have read alot of comments supporting FC and how she is an inspiration to us all. I do not even know her , yet I admire the fact that she is someone people on here feel like they can go to for support.. and WOW.. Look at her accomplishments!! I know its hard FC.. the hurt does take so long to repair especially when they are talking about your weight.. but just Let God take over and KNOW ... HE pulls us through everything....So take the attitude of who gives a ***** what they think or say.. You have been and will be an inspiration to all that need it.. Maybe God put you on MFP for a reason... So.. keep on doing what you do best.. Give great support....
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    FC, you know we love you:heart: and respect you :bigsmile: as a person we can go to for help when we need it but I am sure we all want you to know that even though we look up to you for your weightloss and for showing us it really can be done, that we are also here for you.:flowerforyou: We realize that losing weight is one of the hardest things that anyone can do and that you face the same challenges and difficulties we do along the way so please use us when you need us. :heart: We love you and need your support, but we are also here for you when you need us!:flowerforyou: :heart: Don't worry about the mean ones stick with us we're here for you!:flowerforyou:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Okay for those of us who are pretty new to this, WE NEED YOU FC, just as you are!!!! I love your posts and I get some much from them. Almost all of us know how it feels to be on the receiving end of those nasty comments, but please don't let them scare you off.

    As you can see you have helped so many of us on our journey's and to do that is awesome. You are a true inspiration to those of us on this site. Don't change for anyone else, only yourself to what you desire to be.

    Just know that you are helping more people than you know.:love:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I wanted to say you are an encouragement to people who need to loose a significant amount of weight. I was thinking I can't loose 100lbs now I know I can. I see your ticker. We probably started about the same time and you have been on the ball. I have been slack as all get out but I still have managed to lose the weight.

    It is sad to hear that some people have the unmitigated gall to question your progress. That really made me pimp-slapping mad.:mad: If they don't believe you then they need not read your posts or take your advise/comments into consideration. I don't know you but I can tell from you comments that you are a thoughtful, compassionate person.

    I am happy you have not let ignorant folk run you off! :flowerforyou:
    Are you serious? People were saying WHAT??!!@$^%(# :explode:

    I am sooooooo sorry. I hope someone reported those posts. Seriously, there is no place here for that kind of stuff. As I have said many times before, you are my hero. I came to this site needing to lose 266 lbs. I have been just sick at the thought of embarking on that kind of a journey. I KNOW it will take a long time and a lot of work. Then, I came to this site and one of the first things I saw was your comments in so many places - thoughtful, wise, supportive and wonderful. THEN, I noticed the ticker with 233 lbs lost. WOW. I was and am so encouraged by that. As I have said before, you are my hero! :flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey........ So happy CeFit started this thread. Way to go, my good man--

    Elizabeth has put up with significant garbage here-- it's amazing.

    We all have joined this site for ourselves, plain and simple. We want to get healthy, feel good, look better. I didn't join for Elizabeth, CeFit, or anybody else-- I joined for three people and three people only-- me, myself and I-- :wink:

    While I here I look to have some chit-chat fun and dabble now and then in a "topic" if it presents itself, that would be fun to jump into. I get support from a lot of you, and hope now and then that I may have something to offer which may lend some glimmer of support to someone else.

    However, if that happens, that's icing on the cake. I'm here for me.

    The absolute gall of people insisting for some "proof" shown so they can "trust" that my dear friend, Miss Chick's weight loss is on the up and up is truly staggering. Where do people get off? Were no manners taught? (oops...got in trouble once by questioning someone's upbringing.....my bad)

    Anyway-- glad to see so many good ones here, free with the positive and kind words, and condemning bad behavior. Nice to see--

    :heart: to all.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    be proud of what you have done and how far you have come. it is the hardest road ever traveled. i meet with "ruby" (pic in aviator) this morning and she is just the sweetest person. what a journey she has come. but, it had to have been a big decision to be on a tv show where the world gets to judge you on your weight loss. but, today there were tears from people who worship her. it showed how proud she was to use her stuggles and wisdom to help others. you are worshiped here. i look up to you and a few others. i learn from you. you have been where i am going. you have proved to me it can be done.

    :flowerforyou: ((((((((HUGS)))))))):heart:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I am truley shocked about this FC. I had no idea this was going on:noway: The nerve:angry: It's honestly none of anybodies bussiness what you look like or anything personal for that matter it's a privelage when someone shares there personal stories here. Ugh :grumble:

    Keep up the great job and never change anything about you...your fantastic:flowerforyou:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    oops sorry about the spelling errors... I was mad:blushing:
  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    Every post you have ever witten, that I have read, has been thoughtful and kind it breaks my heart that people would say things like that about you. You have alot of fans on this site and you've probally only talked to half of them :laugh: to all the negitive peole out there send them to this thread

    GO FITNESS CHICK:drinker:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    oops sorry about the spelling errors... I was mad:blushing:

    It does make you mad, doesn't it? :grumble: :explode: :grumble: :explode:

    Glad to see I am not the only one with anger errors!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    FC ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she is a drinker like me!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Water that is...:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    FC Get over it! You know we all :love: you :tongue:
  • sassyredgirl
    sassyredgirl Posts: 162 Member
    Oh yea almost forgot MEAN PEOPLE SUCK!!
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    oh wow some people can be so hurtful sorry that happened to you!!!!
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    I imagine that has a few people's attention!!! :laugh:

    FC I have enjoyed your support of others, your thoughtfull subjects and responses and most importantly the motivation that you have given me through my knowlege of your successes. That knowlege will be with me because I have been here for a while.

    I noticed that you have changed your ticker to just 75lbs to loose. For those of us who have followed your success I think it is awesome that you have made that change. For the Newbies who join when they see that ticker they may not give you the respect or your responses the respect that they deserve because they will not realize how much you have lost in total. Perhaps you could add a second ticker showing your total weight loss from the beginning?

    Once again thank-you. :flowerforyou:

    Ah what nice things you've said Ce-fit... I changed it for a couple reasons...one of the main ones is I was receivnig some very negative, very unkind :cry: remarks on having weighed so much in the first place, then some ppl were asking if I was bogus and only came on this site to show off my weightloss and if I had made it up:noway: , ah why would anyone join a fitness site if they weren't serious about it? Those comments had me bewildered big time....:frown: .

    I could never see myself saying such cruel things to folks that are on a sight like this, we all work so hard whether we have 9 lbs. to lose or 300lbs...there's simply no place for cruelty here on MFP, I don't think anyone of us deserves that... I cheer folks on because I'm proud of them for working hard toward their goals.:drinker: :bigsmile:

    So I changed it:blushing: ...and backed off the boards a bit hoping maybe that would save me the some of the negative attention... :ohwell:

    I didn't really do it for ME though:ohwell: , I began to think about it and realized I had done it for the thoughtless, which was not the right reason at all:blushing: ..so after reading all of your kind remarks...all of you that posted I might just change it back:wink::laugh: .Or add another one like you suggested. :wink:

    I am PROUD of all my hard work (and that was something I was always able to say) and was so hurt by all the remarks lately still has me a bit sad & perplexed that it would occur on a fitness site of all places.:ohwell:

    Oh well:bigsmile: it's in the past now in my mind after reading you guys' posts here, so time to move on from here you all sure helped me with that!!!.
    :drinker: :tongue:

    We're all on a tough journey and some days we might just not be thinking before we speak it can happen to all of us, guess as always we should give others the benefit of the doubt!:flowerforyou:

    You all simply made me night!:cry::flowerforyou: :heart:
    :heart: Thank YOU:heart:


    Wow, I read this thread early this morning. Fitness Chick hadn't seen it yet and her ticker was reading 75 to loose still. I knew she was in the know about losing weight and that she occassionally helped people out. I am still new and just like the man said, I had no idea she had been at this so long.

    Don't ever let the negativity of others decide how you live your life, Girl. And Kudos to the guy that started the thread!!:flowerforyou: It's so great to see you looking out for someone so special that has touched so many people.

    I'm tearing up. You guys are GREAT!!:sad: :laugh:
  • nwfamilygal
    nwfamilygal Posts: 635
    Fitness_Chick you are awsome. I'm so proud of you :flowerforyou: Those that are not nice to you are just jealous that you are where you are and they haven't gotten their yet. I for one know that you are an inspiration to a lot of folks and I am one of them so you keep up the great work and know that we are here for you.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:
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