3-Month Weight Loss Challenge: Pick Your Difficulty (Starts: November) [4th ed.]



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member

    Start date: November 1st, 2019
    Challenge Starting Weight: 188.0
    Challenge Level: ✴✴✴✴ (16 lbs.) Pretty ambitious during all the major holidays!
    Challenge Goal weight: 172.0

    November 01: 188.0 Good Luck Everyone!
    November 06: 186.0 Happy with the progress for this week. I can see that the right choices combined with some movement really does pay off. Just a little slower at my age than it used to be, but still so rewarding. I am traveling on the 11th, which will likely set me back. So I'm feeling a little trepidation about my next weigh in, but I'll do my best to recover quickly!
    November 13: 188.6 Emotional eating related to health issues and worries. I am going to focus on the positive and give it my very best efforts!
    November 20: 184.6 I worked hard this week. Especially in the calorie burning category. I am trying not to let things get to me in regards to my test results. Still waiting for more news since the last call 1 week ago today. No news is good news, right?
    November 27: 187.8 This is the morning after a travel day where I had lots of sitting in the car & a restaurant meal. I practiced portion control but the mashed potatoes & gravy & dinner rolls apparently had carbs. Seriously though, I did expect an increase this morning but yikes……. Working on it today. My Thanksgiving dinner is not until Saturday so that will affect the December weigh-in. I’ve got a few days to make November a little better!
    November 30: 182.4 Happy with weight but tomorrow is my Thanksgiving Day Feast so my weight will not likely be a number I’m proud to post!

    Total Loss for November……………… -5.6
    Total Accumulation of Weight Loss for Challenge………… - 5.6 lb Loss

    December 01: 187.4. Thanksgiving dinner last night with my family was wonderful. I ate child-sized portions but I did sample a few desserts. Even very small samples add up. But 5 pounds overnight when my calories in were less than my calories out? Humph! Okay, carbs hate me and I hate them right back so the real battle begins. My weight will be back down very soon!
    December 04: 182.6 Okay, that’s better! Only 0.2 lbs over my lowest weight before the Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration. Travel this upcoming week. Lots of car sitting, but lots of walking & shopping involved too. There will be restaurants but I am going to knock down every pound that pops up as a result of my travels. No worries. I feel pretty strong.
    December 11: 188.8 I guess I wasn't so strong afterall!
    December 18:
    December 24:
    December 31:

    Total Loss for December…………..
    Total Accumulation of Weight Loss for Challenge…………

    January 01:
    January 08:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:
    January 31:

    Total Loss for January……….
    Total Accumulation of Weight Loss for Challenge………..

  • glouis4
    glouis4 Posts: 174 Member
    Start: 197.0
    Nov 8: 196.2
    Nov 13: 192
    Nov 20: 191.3
    Nov 27: 187.6

    Dec 4: 187.6
    Dec 11: 185.6
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    edited December 2019
    MFP Starting Weight: 140 lbs - February 2011
    Current Starting Weight: 147.4 lbs - November 2017

    Challenge Starting Weight: 125.2 lbs
    Challenge Level 2 - 10 pounds ★★
    Challenge Goal Weight: 115.2 lbs

    Ultimate Goal: 115 lbs
    Maintenance Goal: 110 to 115 lbs

    Weigh-In Day: Friday and Monday
    Height: 5ft

    November Starting Weight: 125.2
    November Goal Weight: 122.2

    Nov 1: 125.2
    Nov 4: 124.6
    Nov 8: 123.2
    Nov 11: 122.2
    Nov 15: 122.2
    Nov 18: 120.8
    Nov 22: 121.4
    Nov 25: 121.8
    Nov 29: 122.2

    November Weight Loss: 3 lbs - Goal Met!
    November 2017 to November 2019 Weight Loss: 25.2 lbs

    December Starting Weight: 122.2
    December Goal Weight: 119.2

    Dec 2: 123
    Dec 6: 121.8
    Dec 9: 120.8
    Dec 13:
    Dec 16:
    Dec 20:
    Dec 23:
    Dec 27:
    Dec 30:

    Challenge Weight Loss: 4.4 lbs
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,805 Member
    edited December 2019
    I have started building up my strength workouts, so will have to focus on getting my protein in.

    Never give up! Never give in!

    This will take me to my lowest weight in 40 years. I'm doing it 5 lbs at a time!
    It has taken me almost 5 years to get here!
    Discard 5 lbs by February 1. I weigh every day so will post every Friday .
    OSW: 227
    CSW: 151.7
    CL: 🌟
    CGW: 146.6
    01/11: 151.7
    02/11: 152.2: tsk! tsk! Over-indulgence on 🍫 and complacency! Must stick to my new habits.
    08/11: 151.0
    15/11: 150.3
    22/11: 150.5 Had a bounce up because of DED’s birthday last weekend, but almost back down again.
    29:11: 149.2
    30/11: 149.8
    November Weight Loss = - 1.9
    Accumulated Weight Loss: - 1.9
    01/12: 150.0
    05/12: 149.6: -0.2
    12/12: 147.8: -1.8
    17/12: xxx:
    25/09: xxx:
    26/12: xxx:
    31/12: xxx:
    December Weight Loss =
    Accumulated Weight Loss =
    January Weight loss =
    Weight on 01/02:
    Accumulated Weight Loss = lbs
    This Challenge has given me the impetus to actually keep going, when in the past I have slipped back each time I got near to my goal weight. Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. It has been invaluable to me.

  • SchmancyName
    SchmancyName Posts: 37 Member
    Original Starting Weight: 274.5
    Challenge Starting Weight: 248.5
    Challenge Level: 5 (25lbs)
    Challenge Goal weight: 223.5

    11/1: 248.5
    11/8: 248.3 (0.2 lost)
    11/15: 244.6 (3.7 lost)
    11/22: 241.3 (3.3 lost)
    11/30: 241.5 (0.2 gained)
    Lost in November: 7.0 lbs

    12/6: 242 (0.5 gained)
    12/13: 239.5 (2.5 lost)

    Lost in December: 2.5 lbs

    Hopefully back on track now.
  • Illusent
    Illusent Posts: 228 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 255
    Challenge Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Challenge Goal weight: 230

    Nov 01 - 255
    Nov 08 - 246
    Nov 15 - 245
    Nov 22 - 242
    Nov 29 - 242
    Month 1 -/+ (-13 lbs)

    Dec 06 - 239
    Dec 13 - 240
    Dec 20 -
    Dec 27 -
    Month 2 -/+

    Jan 03 -
    Jan 10 -
    Jan 17 -
    Jan 24 -
    Jan 31 -
    Month 3 -/+
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    Original starting weight: 271.9
    Challenge Starting Weight: 243.8
    Challenge Level: 5 stars (24 lbs)
    Challenge Goal weight: below 220 (218.8)
    Ultimate goal: 160

    Nov 1: 243.8
    Nov 8: 240.2
    Nov 15 239.0
    Nov 22 237.4.
    Nov 30: 241.2
    Month 1 stats: down 2.6 this challenge, best this month was down 6.4. Carrying about 4 lbs of excess water right now, so fun.

    Dec 5 (traveling this weekend starting early tomorrow morning, so doing this a day early) 237.6. Back to my pre-thanksgiving weight and feeling good. It was a rough week at school, but there seems to be some fixes in motion, so there’s that. Had almost no alcohol this week, so that helps too. Gonna have to keep my head on my shoulders this weekend doing Christmas with my in-laws, which may be tough in the city that invented deep dish pizza...

    Dec 13 240.2. Was 239.8 yesterday. Actually did pretty good in Chicago last weekend. 14k steps walking around downtown on Saturday and even went on the viewing ledge on top of the Willis (sears) tower. Did not overdo the tapas friday night or the deep dish on Saturday, but definitely had my share of wine at my in-laws and snacks on the drive back to iowa. Bouncing around these 5lbs is getting a bit old, but at least i am maintaining, not gaining. I have a full week until my next Christmas, but my husband’s birthday is this week and it will be too cold to go running in sunday, i bet. Hoping for a small loss this coming week, then another small loss of maintenance over the holiday.

    Dec 20
    Dec 27
    Month 2 stats
    Jan 3
    Jan 10
    Jan 17
    Jan 24
    Jan 31
    Month 3 stats
    Overall stats
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Original starting weight: 212.3
    Challenge Starting Weight: 193.4
    Challenge Level: 5 stars (25 lbs)
    Challenge Goal weight: below 168

    Nov 1 - 193.4 (might be a little fast off the beginning as I went a little crazy for a couple of weeks!)
    Nov 8 - 190.4
    Nov 15 - 186.2
    Nov 22 - 184.1
    Nov 29 - 186.5 (DNW so this is a guess)
    Month 1 stats: -6.9lbs

    Dec 6 - 185.1 Recovering from a 4 day binge. Oops!
    Dec 13 - 182.5
    Dec 20
    Dec 27
    Month 2 stats

    Jan 3
    Jan 10
    Jan 17
    Jan 24
    Jan 31
    Month 3 stats
    Overall stats
  • susanteic
    susanteic Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Aim: To lose the belly before my cousin’s wedding in India in February 2020.
    Challenge Starting Weight: 10 st 6 on Sunday 24th Nov
    Challenge Level: ⭐️
    Challenge Goal weight: 10 st 1

    1st week / Dec 2: 10 st 4
    2nd week / Dec 10: 10 st 4
    3rd week / Dec 15: 10 st 3

    Learning lessons: not much, feeling very low at the moment. Can’t seem to get to the gym like I used to with my new job and the horrendous commute. Can’t motivate myself to do home exercise...maybe I need to treat myself to some new DVD!

    Hope everyone is doing better than me!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member

    Start date: November 1st, 2019
    Challenge Starting Weight: 188.0
    Challenge Level: ✴✴✴✴ (16 lbs.) Pretty ambitious during all the major holidays!
    Challenge Goal weight: 172.0

    November 01: 188.0 Good Luck Everyone!
    November 06: 186.0 Happy with the progress for this week. I can see that the right choices combined with some movement really does pay off. Just a little slower at my age than it used to be, but still so rewarding. I am traveling on the 11th, which will likely set me back. So I'm feeling a little trepidation about my next weigh in, but I'll do my best to recover quickly!
    November 13: 188.6 Emotional eating related to health issues and worries. I am going to focus on the positive and give it my very best efforts!
    November 20: 184.6 I worked hard this week. Especially in the calorie burning category. I am trying not to let things get to me in regards to my test results. Still waiting for more news since the last call 1 week ago today. No news is good news, right?
    November 27: 187.8 This is the morning after a travel day where I had lots of sitting in the car & a restaurant meal. I practiced portion control but the mashed potatoes & gravy & dinner rolls apparently had carbs. Seriously though, I did expect an increase this morning but yikes……. Working on it today. My Thanksgiving dinner is not until Saturday so that will affect the December weigh-in. I’ve got a few days to make November a little better!
    November 30: 182.4 Happy with weight but tomorrow is my Thanksgiving Day Feast so my weight will not likely be a number I’m proud to post!

    Total Loss for November……………… -5.6
    Total Accumulation of Weight Loss for Challenge………… - 5.6 lb Loss

    December 01: 187.4. Thanksgiving dinner last night with my family was wonderful. I ate child-sized portions but I did sample a few desserts. Even very small samples add up. But 5 pounds overnight when my calories in were less than my calories out? Humph! Okay, carbs hate me and I hate them right back so the real battle begins. My weight will be back down very soon!
    December 04: 182.6 Okay, that’s better! Only 0.2 lbs over my lowest weight before the Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration. Travel this upcoming week. Lots of car sitting, but lots of walking & shopping involved too. There will be restaurants but I am going to knock down every pound that pops up as a result of my travels. No worries. I feel pretty strong.
    December 11: 188.8 I guess I wasn’t so strong afterall!
    December 18: 188.2 Not doing well at all. Just standing in the same spot wrapping most of the time, or doing year-end paperwork required for my business. No exercise in sight. This is seriously depressing!
    December 24:
    December 31:

    Total Loss for December…………..
    Total Accumulation of Weight Loss for Challenge…………

    January 01:
    January 08:
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:
    January 31:

    Total Loss for January……….
    Total Accumulation of Weight Loss for Challenge………..
  • glouis4
    glouis4 Posts: 174 Member
    Start: 197.0
    Nov 8: 196.2
    Nov 13: 192
    Nov 20: 191.3
    Nov 27: 187.6

    Dec 4: 187.6
    Dec 11: 185.6
    Dec 18: 185.1
  • laraberrycross
    laraberrycross Posts: 15 Member
    I started this with my husband in August. He is just doing his own thing, mostly eating less. He lost 30#. Granted I have had some medical fatigue and other health issues pop up plus 8 years older. I am a little jealous of him. I just have to keep going. I am thinking I will binge watch fun shows and walk on my elliptical machine. Hard in real life, but going places sweaty and thin is sounding really good. I am taking the lead from him and eating a less and more green. The pounds are moving! Not as young as I used to be, but not an excuse, a reason to exercise moderately and finish my day! Looking at my overall life, not just a piece of it. You know?
    Start Weight: 217
    Challenge Level: ***
    Challenge Goal weight: 195
    Life goal: 150

    Nov total loss: 2 lbs. 215
    Dec 19: 213.4 (-1.6)
  • s_rivera_92
    s_rivera_92 Posts: 92 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 188.4lb
    Challenge Level: Level 3 ★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 173.4lb
  • mustangem82
    mustangem82 Posts: 45 Member

    Starting weight: 152
    Challenge level: ★★★
    Goal weight: 137

    I know I've missed a ton of weigh ins.
    12/17. 154.4

    Basically starting fresh now and hoping for 145 by end of January.

  • SchmancyName
    SchmancyName Posts: 37 Member
    Original Starting Weight: 274.5
    Challenge Starting Weight: 248.5
    Challenge Level: 5 (25lbs)
    Challenge Goal weight: 223.5

    11/1: 248.5
    11/8: 248.3 (0.2 lost)
    11/15: 244.6 (3.7 lost)
    11/22: 241.3 (3.3 lost)
    11/30: 241.5 (0.2 gained)
    Lost in November: 7.0 lbs

    12/6: 242 (0.5 gained)
    12/13: 239.5 (2.5 lost)
    12/20: 239 (0.5 lost)

    Lost in December: 3.0 lbs

    These Christmas treats are not helping.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Original starting weight: 212.3
    Challenge Starting Weight: 193.4
    Challenge Level: 5 stars (25 lbs)
    Challenge Goal weight: below 168

    Nov 1 - 193.4 (might be a little fast off the beginning as I went a little crazy for a couple of weeks!)
    Nov 8 - 190.4
    Nov 15 - 186.2
    Nov 22 - 184.1
    Nov 29 - 186.5 (DNW so this is a guess)
    Month 1 stats: -6.9lbs

    Dec 6 - 185.1 Recovering from a 4 day binge. Oops!
    Dec 13 - 182.5
    Dec 20 - 180.8
    Dec 27
    Month 2 stats

    Jan 3
    Jan 10
    Jan 17
    Jan 24
    Jan 31
    Month 3 stats
    Overall stats
  • Illusent
    Illusent Posts: 228 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 255
    Challenge Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Challenge Goal weight: 230

    Nov 01 - 255
    Nov 08 - 246
    Nov 15 - 245
    Nov 22 - 242
    Nov 29 - 242
    Month 1 -/+ (-13 lbs)

    Dec 06 - 239
    Dec 13 - 240
    Dec 20 - 235
    Dec 27 -
    Month 2 -/+

    Jan 03 -
    Jan 10 -
    Jan 17 -
    Jan 24 -
    Jan 31 -
    Month 3 -/+
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 242 Member
    Original starting weight: 271.9
    Challenge Starting Weight: 243.8
    Challenge Level: 5 stars (24 lbs)
    Challenge Goal weight: below 220 (218.8)
    Ultimate goal: 160

    Nov 1: 243.8
    Nov 8: 240.2
    Nov 15 239.0
    Nov 22 237.4.
    Nov 30: 241.2
    Month 1 stats: down 2.6 this challenge, best this month was down 6.4. Carrying about 4 lbs of excess water right now, so fun.

    Dec 5 (traveling this weekend starting early tomorrow morning, so doing this a day early) 237.6. Back to my pre-thanksgiving weight and feeling good. It was a rough week at school, but there seems to be some fixes in motion, so there’s that. Had almost no alcohol this week, so that helps too. Gonna have to keep my head on my shoulders this weekend doing Christmas with my in-laws, which may be tough in the city that invented deep dish pizza...

    Dec 13 240.2. Was 239.8 yesterday. Actually did pretty good in Chicago last weekend. 14k steps walking around downtown on Saturday and even went on the viewing ledge on top of the Willis (sears) tower. Did not overdo the tapas friday night or the deep dish on Saturday, but definitely had my share of wine at my in-laws and snacks on the drive back to iowa. Bouncing around these 5lbs is getting a bit old, but at least i am maintaining, not gaining. I have a full week until my next Christmas, but my husband’s birthday is this week and it will be too cold to go running in sunday, i bet. Hoping for a small loss this coming week, then another small loss of maintenance over the holiday.

    Dec 20: 238.2 for 2 days in a row. Down 5.6 this challenge, down 2 since last friday. Starting winter break as of 3 hours ago, and planning to gomout running 9-10 or the next 12 days. Like summer all over again, excelt with full length leggings and a long sleeve shirt. Not starting out great though, drinking Hard lemonade instead of hard seltzer tonight. But sometimes you just need a treat. Especially with the week I’ve had.

    Dec 27
    Month 2 stats
    Jan 3
    Jan 10
    Jan 17
    Jan 24
    Jan 31
    Month 3 stats
    Overall stats
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,805 Member
    edited December 2019
    I have started building up my strength workouts, so will have to focus on getting my protein in.

    Never give up! Never give in!

    This will take me to my lowest weight in 40 years. I'm doing it 5 lbs at a time!
    It has taken me almost 5 years to get here!
    Discard 5 lbs by February 1. I weigh every day so will post every Friday .
    OSW: 227
    CSW: 151.7
    CL: 🌟
    CGW: 146.6
    01/11: 151.7
    02/11: 152.2: tsk! tsk! Over-indulgence on 🍫 and complacency! Must stick to my new habits.
    08/11: 151.0
    15/11: 150.3
    22/11: 150.5 Had a bounce up because of DED’s birthday last weekend, but almost back down again.
    29:11: 149.2
    30/11: 149.8
    November Weight Loss = - 1.9
    Accumulated Weight Loss: - 1.9
    01/12: 150.0
    05/12: 149.6:
    12/12: 147.8:
    19/12: 147.2: It's a bit up and down at the minute because of festive social events, but I'm holding it together much better than I have in a very long time.
    26/12: xxx:
    31/12: xxx:
    December Weight Loss =
    Accumulated Weight Loss =
    January Weight loss =
    Weight on 01/02:
    Accumulated Weight Loss = lbs
    This Challenge has given me the impetus to actually keep going, when in the past I have slipped back each time I got near to my goal weight. Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. It has been invaluable to me.
  • susanteic
    susanteic Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Aim: To lose the belly before my cousin’s wedding in India in February 2020.
    Challenge Starting Weight: 10 st 6 on Sunday 24th Nov
    Challenge Level: ⭐️
    Challenge Goal weight: 10 st 1

    1st week / Dec 2: 10 st 4
    2nd week / Dec 10: 10 st 4
    3rd week / Dec 15: 10 st 3
    4th week / Dec 23: 10 st 5

    Doing terribly. Going to take a break over the holidays and come back hopefully with a fresh attitude.

    Merry Christmas everyone!