

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @mswatson0777, I'm not sure how you get time for yourself and enjoy the holidays when you are traveling and having to spend it with family. I think for many people you just have to do the best you can and know that the New Year is coming. :)

    @retiredandlovingit, my DH was the same about getting glasses after his cataracts and I'm just like you and think that not having to wear glasses would be awesome! Yikes, Peanut M & M's couldn't live in my house or they would all be in my belly! :D

    @theslightedgeforever,People think it's motivation that leads to success but really it's success that leads to motivation. Truth!! I'm thinking of my exercise and how it was so hard for me to get started on being consistent but once I started seeing results, I'm now much more motivated to do my workouts. I just Googled Bosu ball and that looks like I would break my leg! :D See below to what I'm going to do about my eating. ;)

    @trooworld, well I certainly hope that all your Christmas money doesn't have to fix up damages that you didn't create! But if you do, I know that you can get creative and make the most out of Christmas and enjoy the time off from work and hanging out with your DH. But I really hope you get to go shopping! ;)

    Good morning! So, the movie Frozen 2 was super cute and we all enjoyed it. Dinner at Cracker Barrel was fun and even with what I ate and having popcorn at the movies I was shocked that my weight was down a pound this morning. :o

    Speaking of my diet. I have been thinking about this for a while and going back and forth on what I want to do in the New Year. Keto isn't working for me. I can't stick to it strict enough and being thrown in and out of ketosis isn't helping me lose weight and in fact, I'm up 5 lbs since the first of November. I've tried to blame the weight gain on the new workout schedule that I'm doing, which might play a small part in it but that isn't the only reason. Then there is my DH who finally admitted that he hates Keto and all the high-fat dinners that I make. He misses my chili! :D So, I've been reading about carb cycling, Mediterranean, Paleo, etc. and the truth is that I don't want to do any of those. I want to just eat regular healthy foods with an occasional indulgence thrown in, like dinner out or a church potluck. So, I'm going to stop trying to fit myself into a certain "diet" and go back to the basics. That means I'm going to focus on my intermittent fasting, which I love and believe in. I'm going to start tracking my calories and not focus so much on the macros. I'm going to make sure to drink my water, exercise, and use common sense. I feel at peace with this decision and it will take a bit of time to switch my mind off that all carbs are the devil, but I'm already looking forward to eating an apple with some peanut butter! <3
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi, thought I would try to keep up, lol

    @theslightedgeforever Sorry to hear about your falling, hope you heal quickly. Thinking about it, I think it was 10 years ago today that I fell & broke my arm & leg! Yes, I use Trendweight to see a long term trend, but also on paper average my week, too. I have Happy Scale on my Ipad, but don't remember to enter my weight. My Fitbit transfers it to Trendweight automatically. Maybe Fitbit would, too? I resisted wearing bifocals as long as I could, but started giving wrong info at work, so decided I better wear them, lol.

    @trooworld Hope the test on the windows comes out OK & I really hope someone else will cover the cost of repair. I like cornbread with chili, but never made vegetarian chili. Dh likes the hamburger in it!

    @mswatson0777 Sorry about the car & hope it is nothing serious. Hope, too, you get to spend some of the holiday with your Mom. Dh still had glasses coming from our insurance for this year, so he ordered some that are pretty much plain glass on top, with his bifocal prescription on the bottom. Wore them for 60 years, so thinks he will be more comfortable with them on all the time. Dh & I do the traveling, also. We will spend Christmas Eve & Christmas Day with dd & family here, and then go to OK to spend New Years with dd & family there. Also helps her with babysitting during the break for the kids. We will also spend some time with my brother & wife while there. Neither dh's nor my siblings have a holiday get together anymore since our parents are all gone. We are the "old generation", lol. We prefer to drive to dd's so she & the kids are not on the road in winter, & if there is bad weather, we can stay longer since retired. But it still makes me a little sad that our dds & gkids & us cant all be together. Oh well, whatever works, lol. I'm still very thankful that we can spend time with each of them.

    @TeresaW1020 Yup..the M&Ms are gone, unfortunately too many made their way to my belly also. Guess that is why I don't usually get the big jar...but such a good bargain! ;):) We saw Frozen 2 last time we were in OK. It was a cute movie. I like your new plan, it is pretty much the same thinking I have, although not sure I could do as long of a fasting period as you do. Good Luck to both of us to start & follow through with it! I am thinking of setting my calorie goal for what MFP calculates for maintaining my goal weight & hopefully will just settle down to it.

    I saw a quote on here the other day---"Once my brain was right, the rest was easy" Think that is key no matter what plan we all follow.

    Well, haven't gotten much done today, suppose I should go do something. Also need to do my treadmill walking. Have been lazy with it, so time to get with it!!

    Hope all have a good day!!

  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    @its_cleo I didn't think to check MFP recipes 😜

    @renaergy take care of yoursef.

    @theslightedgeforever I'm kind of experimenting with food to get more protein. Miserable fail today but I'm not stressing. Too much else going on next 4 days. I'm just trying. Ouch! Hope you're OK.

    @trooworld yup- busy sorting at work this morning & more tomorrow. Hope you get sorted soon.

    @TeresaW1020 I'm not bringing any homework home. I have marking I could catch up on but not working my holidays. I've brought about 1.5 hours admin home tonight & I'll need to do my normal weekly planning but that is it. If not done by 12:45 tomorrow it can wait! Sounds like good night out! Enjoy.

    @mswatson0777 since DH left teaching he works during festive period (although off Christmas Day, 26th & New Years Day). I'm planning on getting to gym with youngest (eldest can go to hers) and maybe baking in new kitchen. My nephew arrives from Luxembourg tomorrow so we want to spend as much time with him as possible. Big hugs. We've got DH's Dad's funeral on Friday. I am dreading it. We've been so busy & stressed with the house improvements and work, I've personally not thought about it too deep. It was about this time 12 years ago we began to realise my Dad was unlikely to recover (he died 13th Jan- 12 years) and the list of how things went is all too similar. Big hugs to you, it's never easy. Every year I feel like he should still be here. We made a point of changing our routine the 1st year. This year, by chance, we're changing again with my cousin & her kids being here.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt The grammes of protein aren't that high it's more % of macros. The protein makes you feel fuller for longer. I'm tempted to try it in overnight oats- not sure I want chocolate flavour!

    One half day left with 2 Y11 lessons (Sophomore- we only go up to 16 years at my school). I love this class. They were hard work last year but we have a good laugh now & I rarely have to reprimand.
    My nephew arrives tomorrow morning. DH & my cousin picking him up- local airport this time.
    I'm going straight to meet them after work & we're surprising my niece- she's singing in school nativity play. (Never done it before as lived in countries which have secular only schools- religion being taught at home only). Then in the evening we're all going to my girls' school for the Advent Concert. Youngest moved up to senior choir & just join Jnr Orchestra with her cello!!!!!
    Friday is FiL's funeral. DH been pushed out by older sister so we've not been involved. We do know he's being piped in to church (bagpipes- not Scottish but have links), his Choral Society offered & are now singing from The Messiah & the Parachute Regt Association contacted MiL about providing flag for coffin, Guard of Honour with standard bearers & trumpeter for the Last Post! So it will certainly be a sight to see!
  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    @joannadavison Sounds like lots of choirs and plays! I hope you enjoy it all. I like thoughts will be with you for the funeral. I'm sure it's difficult to have a death this time of year. ...and yes it will bring everything up from the past. I hope you and your family can get through it ok.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt it sounds like your plans are set, I hope you enjoy it all! Lol at being the old generation now. I feel like that too, and I'm only 43. At our family dinner one of my cousins was there. she is 21. No other young people were there and I thought this poor girl has got to be bored out of her mind.

    @mswatson0007 so sorry about your car and the heartache that went with it! I hope you can find some time to talk care of yourself and remember your dad peacefully, or feel the grief that is there and be kind to yourself. Christmas brings up a lot of feelings for a lot of people.

    @TeresaW1020 Yay on your plan! I think it is a great approach. And that’s great about the weights. Yesterday I saw my trainer and he was going to teach me the clean and jerk- a barbell move. I was so excited but my wrist is messed up and it hurt my wrist. I was soooo disappointed. I’m going to get my wrist looked at Saturday simply so I can do a clean and jerk.

    @theslightedgeforever – sorry to hear about your fall! But you’re in good company with the rest of us. Hope your knees and back heal ok.

    @trooworld I’m glad you don’t lose too much of your pay over the holidays. I hope they figure out who pays for the damage soon.

    I’m tired but wanted to pop in. Still working a lot, may have to work on the weekend, not sure. Cals I am slightly over. My goals this week I’m about half on track. I did some mobility work, just not as much as I wanted to. I did my extra calf/bicep/tricep work once so far. Tomorrow not sure how much free time I will have.

    Working up until Dec 24.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld Good words of wisdom to mswatson. Put it on the calendar. That's how to get things done.

    @mswatson0777 When my parents were alive and I used to visit them I would take walks twice a day. Had no problem getting in 10000 steps daily. lol I like alone time and so do they. Part of it was thinking I don't see them that often so I should spend every minute I can with them, but then I really need to decompress too. I was much happier (I'm sure they were too. lol) when I would say right after breakfast, OK I'm going for my walk. Sometimes I would even sit in my room reading or checking emails for a bit before I went out and joined them in the mornings. Sorry about your car. Grief comes out of nowhere. I stood in a store sobbing because I picked up a picture in a Home Goods store. It reminded me of my mom. I was taught to be stoic in public. Important thing is to find other avenues to relieve stress other than eating.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited December 2019
    @teresaw1020 Yaaay on a lb gone. May the tradition continue. Good choice on your eating plan because you are going to follow Teresa's plan. That's the best one of all for you.

    @retiredandlovingit I loved your quote and it's so true. Did you get in your treadmill? I could have resisted the yellow bargain treats you just ate but now the brown ones? I love those. I haven't bought them in a while but I think I could do it now and count them out. I can eat anything as long as I plan it. You would see me with my calculator deciding how many I could eat. lol

    @joannadavison Funerals can be trying times for family. Plus this time of the year is harder I think. So I hope you are taking some "me" time for yourself somewhere in that busy schedule. Keep your eye on the prize which is non-fatty liver. Just keep trying til you find something that works for you.

    @its_cleo So now shoot for 3/4 of your calories since you got that 1/2 part down. Little tweaks here and there work. I used to watch people on TV do the "clean and jerk". I hope your wrist gets better so you can accomplish that goal.

    Red Day-Stayed OP 99/100 carbs 33 minutes of walking

    I don't remember if I mentioned it but I lost 1.6 lbs this past week so that's cool. Any and all losses are appreciated and celebrated. I finished up my 100 day book and during this next two weeks I will be doing the Rachel Hollis Girl Wash your Face workbook along with listening to the audio version of each chapter. Found that on youtube. I have to start thinking about my January habits as I will be starting my new 100 day book then.

    December goals: Step class and strength training 2 times a week. 4.5 glasses of water.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Morning all, I tried to catch up on reading the post, but just don't have enough time. I will be trying to get on here every day really is much easier to stay on top of the post. It seems that you all are doing well considering it's the holidays and if you aren't you are at least in a good mind frame. I had an emotional day yesterday and want ing 2020 to be so much different. I have been writing in my journal and I called it my rode to Freedom. So far things are really the same as in the beginning of the year, with minor tweaks...however I am reading a book my John Maxwell, I read it earlier and must have forgotten what I read...LOL . Dare to Dream. Arnold Palmer says that "Good golfers don't dwell on bad performances, not if they want to remain good golfers." So I am going to dwell on the positive changes to my "freedom" and keep moving forward.

    On the whole, it seems like we are all or have dealt with grieve this holiday season. So I love the fact that we each try to encourage and build each other matter what our "weight" is, we all also need to be whole in our please know each of you are thought of and prayed over during this season. I pray each of you get a blessing in your stocking and not coal this year.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    Hello gals! Today is my work's Christmas party. Actually, I have two Christmas parties at work today: my department's and the whole company's. I won't get any work done today lol.

    @mswatson0777 They have scheduled the test for next Monday, so that's progress? I'm sorry about your car, and I'm sure it's got to be hard, the first year without your father. I hope spending time with your mother helps. ((( HUGS )))

    @TeresaW1020 Unfortunately, DH has to work the whole time, so it will be me hanging out with myself! :( But I honestly don't think we will have to pay for this. If anything, we will have to temporarily pay for it and then get the original contractor to pay us back. But still, we don't have the money to temporarily pay for it!!! Congrats on the loss! Good for you for finding something that will work for you and your DH. I thought we would do the Mediterranean diet, but we ended up doing what you are doing: just a general healthy sensible diet. Enjoy your apple with peanut butter! :)

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Me too! I prefer chili with hamburger in it, too lol. I like the quote you shared. So much of my eating problem stems from my brain. :/

    @joannadavison Thanks, I am making progress, I hope you do too! Your FIL's funeral sounds like it would be interesting and quite the send-off. I hope it goes well.

    @its_cleo Me too! I hope work goes by quickly for you and you get to relax soon.

    @theslightedgeforever Yes indeed. I learn from the best! :) Congrats on the loss, WTG!

    December goals: track 5 days a week, drink 50 oz of liquids a day, go for a walk 2 times a week, lose 1 lb
  • mswatson0777
    mswatson0777 Posts: 290 Member
    @trooworld sounds like you have a fun day at work ahead. I'm expecting today to be pretty low key here as well. It's nice to have a lull around the holidays. And thank you for your kind words. Christmas was his birthday so it almost feels like a double hit this year, but hopefully it will be filled with good memories and good tears.

    @Cbabie Hugs to you! If you don't mind sharing, what are your freedom goals for 2020? I love that you have a journal and are using it to make small tweaks towards your goal.

    @theslightedgeforever Congrats on the loss!!! And I loved that book so I hope it's as helpful to you as it was to me. I still listen to her podcast frequently and it really helps to fire me up when I need a kickstart in the morning. And I so relate to your story in the store. Sometimes those grief waves are huge, but I figure it just reflects our level of love.

    @its_cleo Thank you for your kind words. So sorry to hear you may have to work the weekend before the holiday. I hope you're able to take some time off during the holiday week.

    @joannadavison Your FILs funeral sounds like it will be a beautiful remembrance. Adding a funeral during the holidays is definitely a layer of stress, I'm glad you've been able to compartmentalize. And hugs to you as you remember your Dad during this holiday season as well. I hope you have a wonderful time at the school productions and a great time with your nephew in town!

    @RetiredandLovingIt It sounds like you have a packed holiday season. I'm so glad you're able to see both of your kids/grandkids even though it's not all at once.

    @TeresaW1020 Congrats on the loss! And I am really looking forward to the new year. I get 4 days entirely to myself before I go back to work and I can't wait for that reset. I love your idea of getting back to basics on weight loss. I've never tried low-carb/keto because I know that it's not how I want to eat for the rest of my life, but hopefully the change back to basics will help you to stay on track for the new year.

    I didn't have my car back in time to make it to jiu jitsu class (whomp whomp) which means I won't get to train with my team til the New Year. I have been fitting in youtube workout videos in the morning so I'm at least not using it as an excuse to skip working out all together, but it doesn't bring me joy in the same way.

    I'm feeling better about the whole family Christmas dynamic now that we're coming back a day early. It feels less rushed (and less time for me to be on my best behavior). I've downloaded lots of books I'm excited about and I made a list of all the places I can go when I need a break (hello thrift stores, second hand bookstores, coffee shops, and the gym!). And I'm giving myself permission to take that time, I don't need to be there 100% of the time, (I will be a much better person if I don't!). Thank you all for your fantastic advice, I appreciate you!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi all--

    @itscleo Lol about being old at 43!! Glad you are getting some exercise in, but too bad about having to work the weekend. But probably thankful for working & having a job.

    @cbabie Hope things will settle down for you in 2020.

    @theslightedgeforever Even though I ate the M&M's, I did log every one in my food log. Somedays over, some not. Yes, I did do the treadmill for 30 minutes, over 14,000 steps for the day with my other activity.

    @mswatson0777 Glad your plans have changed a little & will be more relaxing for you. Wow, you are getting a lot of exercise in.

    @trooworld Have fun at your work Christmas parties. That is one thing my work never had. :(

    @joannadavison Hope you have a little time to yourself to relax. Dd is a teacher, some weeks are packed.

    Not much going on today, need to take gson to an appt this afternoon, so need to go do the treadmill first. Also grocery shopping will give me a few steps. Made a little Christmas candy yesterday, so need to be mindful around it. Do have the calories figured & will log all that I eat. Been eating at maintenance for about 6 weeks, have lost a little. Lowered my calories to what the maintenance will be for my goal weight. (actually 5# lower), so am going to try that for awhile.

    Have a great day!
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    To all.
    Thank you for comments & sympathy.
    I finished work at 12:45 today, left cover "work" for tomorrow- quiz for Y9, Y7 are in Christmas talent show, Explain how NORAD track's Santa for Y11 (just finished topic that will fit with this) & Christmas Quiz & party for my tutor group! So none of really work! Last day tomorrow but we are all at funeral & MiL's.
    Lovely afternoon with cousin & nephew at Nativity with niece. Then we all piled into Advent concert to see my youngest. Getting sorted for tomorrow now & then bed. So tired. Wierd as part of feels like Christmas & part of me can't get my head around it because of tomorrow- very strange.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @cbabie Nice to see you on here. Think of us like an AA meeting. When you're having a bad day, you can always come for support to help you through. Any progress is progress. Always remember this too shall pass.

    @trooworld Did you make good choices at the Christmas parties?

    @mswatson0777 My mom's bday passed three days ago. She would have been 82. So cbabie and I know what that's like. I chuckled at the "be on my best behavior" line. I so get that. Getting together with family sometimes is like "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. I wish family was loving and accepting of who we are and not who they wish we would be. I'm on the other end of that equation now with adult children. So I have room to grow too. That's great you have a plan B for your exercise. I just found a Christmas youtube video I'm going to try tomorrow.

    @retiredandlovingit My daughter told me the other day Mom, I'm getting old. She's 28. I said yeah, ok. lol I said wait til you hit my age then. Of course I couldn't help myself by saying age is a matter of mind. My kids probably don't understand half of what my little sayings are. Then they'll probably quote them to their children. Please God let them have children so i can have some grandchildren. lol Wow you did so great on your steps. Keep it up. Tracking and balance is the key. I have been flirting with buying Reese's cups for weeks now. you know my mantra, I can have it if I plan it. So I bought a package yesterday. I ate one cup today and I can have two more over the next 2 days. I ate it slowly and mindfully taking little bites to make it last longer until dh came up and sat next to me talking. Then it suddenly disappeared. i don't know if I was being unmindful or if he saw it sitting there and popped the last little bite into his mouth. :s All I know is that I went back to eat the last bit and it was gone. Tomorrow I will eat it all by myself. lol Just keep tweaking those calories and you'll eventually get there and it will be a breeze to stay there.

    @joannadavison It's probably a good thing you are so busy to keep your mind off of tomorrow. I agree with someone here who said what a great send off. His life should be celebrated. How is your hubby? Hard to lose a parent.

    High yellow day-Stayed OP 153/164 carbs Exercise-rest day
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    Hi ladies! Last day of work before a full week off woo hoo!!! The parties went well.

    @mswatson0777 Yes, it was fun. It is nice to be lowkey at work around the holidays since everything else is so hectic. I do hope you think of the good times with your father. It sounds like you are all ready for your trip, good luck!

    @RetiredAndLovingIt I did have a good time, thanks! I'm sorry your work didn't have parties, that's a shame! :(

    @theslightedgeforever Not really. I didn't eat at the later party, but at the first party, I didn't make good choices. I ate whatever. :/

    December goals: track 5 days a week, drink 50 oz of liquids a day, go for a walk 2 times a week, lose 1 lb
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning! :) I'm just popping on to say hi. I read all your post but don't have much time today for personals. My goal for today is to get as much work done as possible so that on Monday I only need to work a couple of hours and then be off until January 2, 2020! B) I'll write more tomorrow!! ;)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @trooworld So glad to hear the parties went well. Well, there's always next party to make better choices. That's the great thing about our journeys. We are only one meal away from getting back on track. So make some notes and try and figure out how to do better at next years Christmas party. Celebrate the fact that you did make good choices at the later party. You could have eaten at both but you didn't.

    @teresaw1020 I hope you got all your stuff done because playtime is right around the corner. As always, make good choices.

    Red Day-Stayed OP-100/100 grams. Did not do any joyful movement today. Ugh.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,569 Member
    Hi all,

    Just popping in to say hi. My fitbit band broke a week ago and I really didn't have the money to buy a new one...then I said I can't keep going without I got it today!! I am so excited to have it back on my wrist. I use it mostly to track what little sleep I get and my steps, but it's that not knowing that gets me...I should have that mindset about tracking food.. I think that will be one of my tweaks for the new year.

    @joannadavison I am so sorry for you loss at this time of year. No matter what the cause or who, but at the holidays seems to be a hard time to lose anyone. I am glad you and your husband are a support for each other. When my husbands father passes away I took him up north in our state because he loves the outdoors. It was snowing and cold. I hate both, but knew he needed that to we went and had fun.

    @trooworld I love your comment...I didn't make good choices, ate whatever.. Just so a matter of fact..LOL made me smile.

    @theslightedgeforever Yea your my AA leader...LOL

  • its_cleo
    its_cleo Posts: 544 Member
    Have been working, doing ok with food. Have to work tomorrow. Should ease up after that.

    I had someone look at my arm/wrist/shoulder. I guess my arm is so tense or something it's causing wrist pain, and my shoulder doeant move like it should either. He said it's 'gummy'

    Not a major i jury or anything, but lots of soft tissue work is needed to release and acupuncture done too.....sitting working doesnt help!

    Hooe you have a great weekend, lots of busyness I'm sure. Will try to post more in a few days. When my report is done.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,220 Member
    @cbabie You know if I was the AA leader it would always be fun meetings. Yaaay on getting your new fitbit band. Now you have your new January goal: Tracking.

    @its_cleo Enjoy your time off. Did they tell you how your arm, etc. got gummy? So it doesn't happen again?

    So I hope the rest of you are planning ahead and making good choices. I'll be going out of town tomorrow. I may or may not check in, depending. What will you do without all my nagging? ;)

    High Yellow Day-Stayed OP 150/164 carbs Exercise 51 min walking

    December goals: Step class and strength training 2 times a week. 4.5 glasses of water.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,914 Member
    Good morning ladies! I see I disappeared yesterday whoops! I don't know what happened. I had a busy day yesterday so I guess time got away from me. This morning, I'm going for coffee with a friend and then for a short walk with her. Then at 1:30, I have to meet some people for a late lunch. I'm off until Dec 30th, so that will be nice.

    @TeresaW1020 I hope you get your work done so you can be off!

    @theslightedgeforever That's true. When the cat's away, the mice will play lol. Come back soon, we need you!!!

    @cbabie I'm glad you got a new band yay! re: my comment...sometimes you just have to say it like it was. ;)

    @its_cleo I hope your arm/wrist/should problem gets better soon. Gummy...that's a weird word to use, isn't it?

    December goals: track 5 days a week, drink 50 oz of liquids a day, go for a walk 2 times a week, lose 1 lb
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @cbabie, glad you got your Fitbit back. I love mine but I can’t sleep with it on, so I don’t get the benefit of tracking my sleep. Which is probably a good thing because I already know that I don’t get near as much as I should be getting. The joys of menopause! :/

    @its_cleo, ohhh my a gummy shoulder doesn’t sound good at all! Have you done acupuncture before? My right shoulder has been hurting a lot this past week. I think I favor that side when I’m doing planks. Did I mention that I really hate planks! :#

    @theslightedgeforever, what!! I NEED your nagging! You can’t leave me! :o I guess I will just have to go back and read your past post when you are giving me some of that famous tough love of yours. :p I hope you have fun!

    @trooworld, hope you have fun with your friends! <3

    Hello everyone! It’s a cold and rainy day here and I glad that I have all my shopping done and don’t have to be out in the traffic and weather. This morning was my church’s Christmas potluck and that went really well. Of course, I ate more than I should, but I felt that it was my duty to sample all three of my friend’s French toast casseroles. :D I did skip lunch today and did an extra-long workout to help balance the food that I ate. Tomorrow, I should only have to work a couple of hours. I just need to print the bulletin for the 29th and put together the candles for our Christmas Eve service. I volunteered to work nursery for that service, which made my children's director very thankful. :) I can’t wait for Christmas to get here and then I can’t wait for Christmas to be over so I can pack up my house and get it back to looking normal. I ordered some ornament boxes from Amazon yesterday and have all these great plans to be super organized for next year! :)