You guys, I found pasta that's GASP....HEALTHY!



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,905 Member
    windra06 wrote: »
    I've tried the black bean, soya and edamame noodles from Aldi and personally didn't like the texture but my bf loves it.
    I've seen edamame pasta in both ASDA and Costco.
    Id eat it more if the texture was better because ratio of fibre and protein to carbs is much much higher Than regular pasta so It fits better in my calorie allowance.
    Personally red lentil pasta is my favourite it's really cheap from morrisons and although not massively high in protein and fiber like soy it tastes great and still has more than double the protein and fiber than wholewheat pasta for the same calories. Morrisons also does pea pasta too.

    I really don't know why the OP got so much abuse, the composition of basic pasta is far different than these alternatives and for those like myself who are on low calorie diets it's nice to have an alternative. I usually eat legumes and veggies and choose my grains carefully as for me the calories are too high in things like basic pasta for the serving size and amount of fiber and protein you get.

    Stuff like "alternative faux food" and claims that something with the same calories but fewer protein/fiber grams is "just as nutritious" are not abuse. They're just people being laughable about their personal preferences and prejudices. ;)

    So laughing is the right response, if you ask me, not feeling abused and beleaguered.

    (snip other sensible stuff, for reply length)

    So people can discuss traditional pasta and alternatives with various pros and cons and no need for hyperbole.

    Yup, preferably on all sides. ;)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,905 Member
    edited January 2020
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    So OP did not get "abused," and I would also disagree that the responses were "laughable." Let's remember that the title of this thread is "I found pasta that's-gasp!--healthy"


    This will be one of those cases where we disagree.

    I agree with most of your post. I agree that most responses were entirely reasonable. Pasta, including white, refined wheat pasta, is a fine thing to eat, though as usual I'd be looking at context and dosage (for either pasta).

    Implying that soy pasta is an "alternative faux food" is laughable, IMO. Soy flour made into shapes is no more a faux food than wheat flour made into shapes. It's food, with pluses and minuses.

    That was about as close to "abusive" as anything I saw (ETA I don't think it is abusive, either), and it's as hyperbolic (so as laughable) IMO as the over-dramatic OP and some subsequent responses ("soy is poison" "white pasta is a simple carb", etc.) that I'd also call laughable.

    JMO, as always.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Whole wheat pasta, chicken breast, hot rotel tomato and chicken broth for dinner tonight. Yummm.
  • tontondam
    tontondam Posts: 7 Member
    What's unhealthy about traditional pasta?

    High carb without protein. For some people that will cause t2 diabetes in the long run, even whole wheat pasta. It can cause high triglycerides too that will after that increase LDL. Not everybody has those responses, I think it's about 40% of the population. If your blood lipids and glucose are fine, then you're part of those who are not affected. Enjoy!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,096 Member
    Re no 3 - am not aware of such a connection.

    But I would think the biggest medication factor would be long term use of prednisilone.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited January 2020
    Re no 3 - am not aware of such a connection.

    But I would think the biggest medication factor would be long term use of prednisilone.

    My Psy D is the one who brought that up re: antidepressants. She has seen it in her practice and it is on the warning literature of many SSRI's as a risk factor. Same with statins.

    I will correct myself on one thing. I should have said that the list is "Risk Factors" not "Causes". Diabetes (both T1Dm and T2Dm) is caused by the body's inability to handle the glucose in the blood stream. The actual mechanism determines if it is T1 or T2.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    nuzziek wrote: »
    Didn't read all the back and forth.. came here to say.. I AM OBSESSED with this pasta too! I've been eating it ~3x a week for a few months now. I enjoy it served like traditional pasta with marinara sauce, or in a variety of other/more creative ways. Right now I'm eating it plain on top of a giant salad as my protein source. I'm vegan and love the protein this packs. I understand many of you enjoy regular pasta, and it should not be demonized, but I agree that this is a great replacement because it has so much more protein! I'm surprised anyone doesn't enjoy the taste. Doesn't really taste like anything distinct, pretty plain (and very filling). Just my two cents.

    Do you think it is similar to traditional pasta taste and texture-wise?
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    nuzziek wrote: »
    Didn't read all the back and forth.. came here to say.. I AM OBSESSED with this pasta too! I've been eating it ~3x a week for a few months now. I enjoy it served like traditional pasta with marinara sauce, or in a variety of other/more creative ways. Right now I'm eating it plain on top of a giant salad as my protein source. I'm vegan and love the protein this packs. I understand many of you enjoy regular pasta, and it should not be demonized, but I agree that this is a great replacement because it has so much more protein! I'm surprised anyone doesn't enjoy the taste. Doesn't really taste like anything distinct, pretty plain (and very filling). Just my two cents.

    Do you think it is similar to traditional pasta taste and texture-wise?

    Not really.. it's chewier and not as soft. The taste is pretty plain but I guess it also has a bit of a black bean taste. The same brand makes an edamame version that has even less taste though, with very similar nutrition profile. I don't eat much traditional pasta anymore so it's hard for to compare.