Over 200 New Year New Me Part 51



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Forcing myself to eat... someone in the office next door has on WAY too much cologne and it's making me feel really nauseated... Blech....

    Only up 3 pounds since my last check up with the doctor. Not great, but considering my less than shameful weekend of eating at my parents' house, I'll take it!! :)

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, yay on the 4 miles. Bed pilates never waited the full 6 weeks stitches and all. I know tmi :blushing:

    Heather your hike sounds like so much fun in the rain with all the gear

    Nice to see so many of you here!

    I am hoping to be back in full force soon. Ryan is still having a difficult time about big sister leaving. He asked me if I was his parent I said yes and this is your sister and so on naming each sister. When we got to Miranda he says "We lost her" Then I have to explain AGAIN that she is not lost just sleeps somewhere else and that she still loves him and is still his sister. Whoo the joys of Autism and trying to help a little one understand his sadness. Poor little guy:heart:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I am hoping to be back in full force soon. Ryan is still having a difficult time about big sister leaving. He asked me if I was his parent I said yes and this is your sister and so on naming each sister. When we got to Miranda he says "We lost her" Then I have to explain AGAIN that she is not lost just sleeps somewhere else and that she still loves him and is still his sister. Whoo the joys of Autism and trying to help a little one understand his sadness. Poor little guy:heart:

    oh, that's sad .... and sweet.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh Momma that's so sweet about Ryan!:heart:

    Julie - YAY four miles! You go GIRLS! :flowerforyou:

    Heather - I love the rain too! I love that you overcame that handy excuse and got moving - you have GOT this!:bigsmile:

    Jess - yeah, your body knows when it's fighting something and it will only give you so much for exercise. Good job working through it! :yawn: Take care of yourself and have a blast at the game and the concert.

    Only 3 lbs and a fun weekend? THAT IS A WIN! :drinker:

    Checking in for Tuesday:
    Calories: OVER :huh:
    Water: OK
    Exercise: 30 minutes of swimming!:smokin:

    Proud: I swam 30 minutes and most of that time was NOT spend hanging onto the side gasping for breath! I had a major setback at lunch - we went to Ruby Tuesdays and I got a cheese burger with blue cheese and it had two onion rings on it. I didn't eat the bun, but none the less when I got back to the office I found out the burger had 1200 CALORIES! WTH? So with a smoothie for lunch i was way way over already. I had a cup of fresh blueberries for dinner which was yummy and satisfying so that was a win but MAN 1200 calories?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    mstahl: that stinks when you think you've done well, and then find out that something you ate had waaay more calories than you thought ... and just wasn't worth it. bummer - but good job on the swimming!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    hello gals

    I am still alive !! I have been in such a funk for a long time now. gaining and loosing the same 10 lbs. (which is still 30-40 lbs more than the lowest ) :sad:

    But i am going to really try to get it done. I am going 3 days strong !! woohoo

    Check in today -
    Cals - Under
    Water - under
    Exercise - 55 min on arc trainer.
    Proud - That i am getting back on track, i have a setup a work out schedule with varied exercises.

    I promise i will be back more.

    HOpe everyone is doing great !!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning!! It's my "Friday" today because I'm taking tomorrow off for a nice looooong weekend. So I'm clearly in a super good mood! I'm also feeling great because I had a great Bikram class last night. 3 days of exercise in a row!

    Cals - Under by 380 w/exercise
    Water - 144 oz (sweating in a 105 degree room for 90 minutes will do that to your water consumption)
    Exercise - 90 min Bikram class
    Proud - Made good food decisions throughout the day, even though I knew I would burn a lot at Bikram.

    This is the last month of yoga in the park (also the first time in weeks I've been able to go), so I'm headed there after work today.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma -- Ryan tugs on my heart strings. What a sweetheart!

    Deb -- Hi! Glad you're back!

    lstpaul -- I love seeing you here every day!

    Melinda -- Yay for swimming! Awesome exercise! Boo to the burger. At least it had loads of protein instead of 1200 worth of sugary carbs (just call me the enabler)! :wink:

    Calories: 1542 net (1802 total)
    Exercise: None -- waaayyy too sore (breastfeeding is the reason my total is higher than my net :wink:).
    Water: I didn't track again but I think it was good.
    Proud: I've managed to limit myself to one serving of ice cream 2 days in a row. That's super difficult for me because I have quite a long history of binging on ice cream (as recently as a couple weeks ago).
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    lildeb: good to see you back!
    lilspy: congrats on limiting yourself on the ice cream
    elmox: have a great long weekend ... it seems like you are doing really well lately with exercise!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: GOOD! net 1492
    exercise: good - 45 minutes of step (I was late again :blushing: )
    water: not so great
    protein: pretty good, veggies: pretty good

    I peeked at the scale this morning and it is looking like I have had a good week ... I am hoping for a loss tomorrow for my 'official' weigh-in that will put me back to where I was in July.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Sherry: Has Ryan had a chance to talk to his sister on the phone? If not, maybe that would help him know she's not lost forever. He's just too adorable.

    Lauren: Have fun at yoga in the park. That sounds like so much fun.

    Jess: I know you've been having trouble figuring the calories you should need. Dailyburn has always been my go-to sight for that, but I was playing around on Polar's website (the HRM company) and they said I should be about 400-500 higher than even daily burn says! I'm not sure I could go with that one, but it would be totally awesome if they were right! I'm thinking theirs was the maintenance number rather than a weight loss number. Interesting how calculators all over the internet give such different numbers. Dailyburn gives me numbers right where my doctor recommended, so that's why I tend to trust that site.

    I'm bummed because one of the Groupon-type deals I get was for pole or burlesque dance classes and I would have signed up, except the classes start the month of September and won't fit into my crazy busy schedule. Sad! Hopefully they'll offer a discount the next time it rolls around...

    Today's is my Friday because my sister and I are headed to Kansas to visit relatives tomorrow morning. They called us last night to tell us they're taking us to the Ke$ha concert tomorrow night, boating on the lake Saturday and shopping/bumming around on Sunday. We'll drive back on Monday with everyone else out on the roads. It should be fun, though. They're the cousins who are coming to MN next year for Warrior Dash.

    Well, have a great day! I have to get everything done so I'm not behind when I get back to work on Tuesday!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    elmox: have a great long weekend ... it seems like you are doing really well lately with exercise!

    Just this week! I'm 3/3 so far - hoping to make it 4/4 today!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yesterday was finally a good day for calories - not as good as I wanted but I'll take it!

    Checking in:
    Calories - under exercise calories
    Water - good
    Exercise - Week 3 day 2 of the 5K101 plus 20 minutes of bike!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - wtg on some self control on the ice cream

    Momma - so sorry ryan is having a hard time with sissy gone.

    Hope everyone has a good long weekend !!

    We are finally supposed to start cool off and highs only in 90's maybe sunday, makes me soo excited :smile:

    So here we are thursday and i have exercised and under my cals every day woot!!! Still won't be down to my last MFP tomorrow, but baby steps. ON Monday i was up to like 280 and today i was sitting about 277 or so. My lowest mfp in the last month was at 274.

    We are going to be grilling out this weekend , but plan on getting to the gym at the min sat morning and monday, and maybe sunday too.
  • Hey everyone. I HAVE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unfortunately, I apparently also have about 4-5 extra pounds. I'm incredibly dehydrated, so am focusing on getting a lot of water into my system today and tomorrow to try and get back to normal. Some of those pounds are because I'm dehydrated and have been eating lots of sodium-rich foods, some of those are because #2 hasn't happened in like...a week (TMI, sorry), and some of those are because it's incredibly hard to eat a normal, healthy meal without a fridge or a heat source to cook the food.

    I'm working out with my trainer tonight, went for a run last night, and am getting back into focus this weekend. Next week is going to be a crazy week at work and I want to go into the week feeling empowered.

    Hope yall are doing well! I haven't been checking in much because I hate draining my phone's power and I don't like being online for personal stuff too much at the office.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm back!


    TOM and all (Yep... TOM 6 weeks after delivery. :grumble: My postpartum bleeding had just stopped last week and TOM decided to show up on Wednesday. Awesome.).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1422 net (1682 total)
    Exercise: None to speak of. I was still really sore from overdoing it on Tuesday and I've learned my lesson about pushing myself too hard.
    Water: Again, I didn't track this but I know it was fine.
    Proud: Day 5 of a calorie deficit!!

    Allison -- So glad you have power again! I lose my mind when the power is out for more than a couple of hours!

    Deb -- Wow, great job exercising every day! Enjoy your weekend! Just exercise and watch portions and you'll be fine. :smile:

    Lauren -- Ditto to you on exercising every day. Very impressive!

    Melinda -- You're already on week 3 of 5K101? That's really great!
  • Allison -- So glad you have power again! I lose my mind when the power is out for more than a couple of hours!

    Luckily the weather has been nice post-storm, so it's been okay to sleep with the windows open. And I'd stocked up on candles and bought a book light. That handy tidbit was courtesy of an aunt that survived Hurricane Andrew in Miami back in the 1990s. That was clutch. So I've read about 8 books this week, give or take a couple. I've also gone up to Richmond to a friend with power to take a hot shower (BLISS) and watch TV and enjoy electricity.

    So I've done okay, but I can't overstate how exciting it is to have lights on at night.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, seriously?
    The girl who had a baby 6 weeks ago is the only one who checked in (Allison is excused :wink:)? Please don't tell me I'm going to have to find another MFP group. :frown: I've been with this one for 2 YEARS! I'm way too set in my ways to have to deal with new people! :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am here :smile: , or at least working on it :smile: come on girls

    I am not down any this week,,but hope to be next.

    Julie = thanks :smile: i have been trying to really hit it hard this week. I went to the gym this morning and hit it hard. I did 94 min at burned 850 cals!! I felt great!!

    I am getting back into the working out this week , doing it every day. Working out everyday has made me feel more energectic.

    I started doing c25k, but think i am going to be on week 1 for a long long time. But figure it is better than nothing. I am trying to mix up my work out some.

    I did good today, i logged all my calories and under like 300 today, i didn't try to eat all my workout calories.

    I felt soo energectic that i have like totally cleaned the house.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    wow girls! Really? Are we going to let this thread die? :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I am back to checking in everyday. I have almost gained back the entire 44 I lost in 2009. I am almost back to my largest weight ever!!! I am 10 pounds away. So I will be here every morning for a quick hello and a check in. The rest of you best come back........................... I NEED you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Deb, great job!! I am joining in with you. My husband has a Christmas party in Dec. and I would like to look better than I did last year.